FB Ad Engine [REVIEW]

Posted March 25, 2014 by Brett Rutecky in Reviews

Full review of Facebook Ad Engine in video:

Today Im taking a look at FB Ad Engine a new software released by Martin Crumlish.

I first met Martin a while back when I was freelance programming and he hired me to do a project for him. Because of this I know first hand that Martin is not afraid to spend the time and money required to produce top quality work. Still when he asked me to look at his FB Ad Engine I gave him the obligatory warning that I was going to be 100% honest and up front. I also warned him that just because I knew him prior to doing reviews I would not hold back. His review would be the same as every other one. He agreed and sent me access to the software.

At this point just about everyone has an understanding of the massive benefits that Facebook ads has to offer. Because of its huge stockpile of data on its users it allows you to target your ads like never before. Because of the incredible number of page views Facebook shows each day it can afford to place your ads at an unprecedentedly low cost. Laser targeting coupled with super low costs. It really is a no-brainer.

One of the most exciting opportunities with Facebook ads is the Newsfeed / Timeline ad option. With this you can place huge ads that show right in potential customers time lines. People cant help but see them and since you have targeted your ads only to people likely to be interested in your product or service the CTR is very good, while maintaining the low CPC that Facebook has always delivered.

Unfortunately with this opportunity comes a new problem. In order to take advantage of these ads you need to have 6 ad graphics created. Facebook will then rotate the ad graphics and slowly phase out the ones that do not perform well. This increases the number of clicks you get and is an awesome thing, but the problem still remains, you need six 600X315 ad graphics, and where are you going to get them from.

What most people do is head over to Elance  or oDesk and look to hire a designer. They think they are going to get these graphics made for a couple of bucks. Perhaps $50 or so right? Wrong! To test this out I posted a live project on Elance to see what kinds of bids I would get for the job of making the 6 graphics required to do one Facebook ad campaign properly. Here is a typical example of the kinds of bids I got:


Thats $180 for the graphics needed for a single ad campaign, with a 1 week time frame! Also I should note that this seller only had 26 jobs completed on Elance and only had a 4.6 (out of 5) rating. The more experienced sellers with better feedbacks wanted much more. Normally in the $225-$250 range. For most of us spending a couple hundred dollars on graphics before we even start paying for our ads is a little to much. But we need good graphics! Your ad is a representation of your product. A poor quality ad will make your product look equally poor quality.

Martins FB Ad Engine hopes to breach this gap and allow anyone, regardless of skill to quickly create quality ads for themselves. I figured that since I have absolutely no design skill at all I was a good person to test this.

Fortunately for me and for design handicapped people like myself FB Ad Engine comes with tons of pre made templates.


After selecting a template I was able to quickly get started customizing it. Changing the template to be the way I wanted was quite easy with the drag and drop interface but what really impressed me was the options. There are just so many options its unreal. There are tons of backgrounds included. An entire library of graphics are included for free. Even the fonts if your doing text. There must be two dozen of them. Everything you can think of is easily changed. Thats the big key right there “easily changed” and that’s what I really like about this software. The interface is easy to use. Everything is intuitive and making adjustments is simple as point , select, click, done. Fast and easy with little learning curve.

Within about 3 minutes I created my first ad graphic. This means that a total of 6 graphics might take me 20 minutes or so. So basically 20 minutes of my time and this software will let me create the graphics that would have cost me a couple hundred dollars to get created by a freelance designer. This software is a huge value quite simply because of the money it will save you.

In my opinion Martin has built a winner. I will be using it not only for Facebook ads but for my other graphics needs as well, and you should be to.

 A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    FB Ad Engine is one of my fav tools! It has saved me a ton of time. Money well spent (for a change) 🙂


    Does this only create add size? Can you adjust the border size?


      Good question Dan. This is a very robust system. You can set the ad size to be what ever you want. This is one of the things that makes it good for more than just Facebook ads. You can use to build any kind of graphic you need of any size.


    Is this a web based or software installed product? And beside facebook ad, can we upload gif graphic to make for banner elsewhere, beside the ability to adjust the size. Thanks for the review.


      Its web based software Vince, you log into it via a members portal. For sure you can make all kinds of graphics / ads etc for this. There is no reason to limite yourself to just Facebook ads.


    This price ($97) is yearly? lifetime?



    thanks brett

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