Thumbnail Blaster [review]
Get noticed on YouTube, get more traffic from YouTubeNEG:
Less valuable if you are a graphics design expertToday I am taking a look at a new software called Thumbnail Blaster Thumbnail Blaster is a new tool that is going to help people get more views on their YouTube videos, which can result in more traffic, more clicks, more sales, and of course more profit. Now you might be wondering why […]
Today I am taking a look at a new software called Thumbnail Blaster
Thumbnail Blaster is a new tool that is going to help people get more views on their YouTube videos, which can result in more traffic, more clicks, more sales, and of course more profit.
Now you might be wondering why I am even reviewing a software that is designed for YouTube when I personally own a video hosting platform (Vidyz). Well the answer is because the two things are for two totally different things. Vidyz and YouTube are like a Philips and flat head screwdriver. At their core they are basically the same thing, but they are used in very different situations. Vidyz is used for videos on your own site, where you don’t want distractions, or links to take people away from your own pages. YouTube and your YouTube channel are the opposite. You put videos on YouTube to get views in YouTube which can then lead (via links in the description) to free traffic back to your own site. See similar systems, but used for different things.
Now thats the key thing with YouTube and your channel is that you actually get views. You need to actually get people to watch your videos, because of course if no one is watching, no one is clicking, and your not really getting any benefit from your channel at all.
Before I explain what exactly what Thumbnail Blaster is (even though you might have guessed from its name) I want to share a statistic I found when researching this product. 70% of people who watch a video on YouTube click to watch another suggested video. Think about that. 70% of 1.3 billion is a lot of people clicking! Now its easy enough to put in a niche relevant title and description to get YouTube to suggest your video to people who are likely interested but the truth is that’s only 1/2 the battle. In fact that’s less than half the battle. Why do I say that? Because when suggesting a video YouTube only shows people the video thumbnail. Its the thumbnail that people see. Its the thumbnail that people have to click. Its the thumbnail that makes people decide if they should watch your video or not.
I remember when I was a kid and use to go to the video store with my parents. They had a section that also rented Nintendo gamesĀ and 99% of the times I would want the game that had the coolest cover art on the box. In fact even as an adult, in a bookstore, it was the cover art that made me pick up the book and decide to read check it out. The old saying is that you cant judge a book by its cover, and that may be true, but the simple fact is that most people do just that, in that the decide to look into things further by the design on the box. Its the same way with YouTube videos. People judge your video before they even watch it (in that the judge if its worth watching) by the thumbnail that they are shown. In fact they have to, because that’s really all they see of your video when YouTube suggests it to people.
So what does all of this mean? Well it means that you have to have a kick ass, eye catching, professional looking thumbnail for your video. If not its not going to interest people, they are not going to click on it, you are not going to get any views, you are not going to get free traffic, and life is going to suck. All because you had a bad thumbnail for your video and people judged it poorly even before they watched it.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that you are a expert graphic designer who has the artistic skill and technical ability to make the kind of thumbnail images that are guaranteed to grab peoples attention and get you those clicks you desperately need. Oh wait, whats that, you are like me and not very graphically inclined? Well then, Thumbnail blaster to the rescue.
Thumbnail Blaster as you have no doubt figured out is a software created to make it super easy for even the most artistically challenged or technical newbie create and deploy fantastic thumbnail images for their videos. However I would be selling Thumbnail Blaster short if I insinuated that it is a simple graphics software because the truth is, it is much more than that. First of all Thumbnail Blaster comes with loads of high quality, top shelf templates to make it super easy to make your thumbnails. Second the system can automatically change all the thumbnails in your existing videos saving you a lot of time and energy (I love software that automates a boring but required task). Finally Thumbnail BlasterĀ has additional tools like the AI Image Analyzer which will scan your thumbnail graphics and intelligently rate them on several metric to predict how YouTube and your potential audience is likely to react to it.
I first met the vendors of Thumbnail Blaster Vlad and Stoica at a marketing event in Dublin Ireland a year ago and something that they said (which I totally believe because it was said over more than a couple beers) was that they just want to create awesome software tools that solve real problems. It was a sentiment that I could totally relate to and one that I believe they have lived up to with Tumbnail Blaster
As a special thank you for anyone who picks up Thumbnail Blaster though my link, the vendors have allowed me to give away the following bonuses. They will be waiting for you right inside the members area!
Click here to get Thumbnail Blaster and all of these special bonuses!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett, Do you think these thumbnails would be beneficial for a service type business like a law office or a surveyor? Seems like everything is color blast and emojis.
If your goal is to get more views to your videos on YouTube (which Im guessing it is if you have a YouTube channel) then yes I believe they will help.