SqueezeMatic WordPress Plugin

Posted August 13, 2014 by Brett Rutecky in Uncategorized

Click below to download the new SqueezeMatic WordPress Plugin.
With this plug in you can quickly add your SqueezeMatic pages to any WordPress site.
*Note: Version 1.8 has been released. If you dont have this version
please delete your current plugin from your site then download and install
the newest version. Your settings and pages will not be effected.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.


    Craige McNeil

    Thank you Brett! Great add-on to an already great page builder. Thank you for your great work.


    Genius Brett! I can’t tell you how much I like this feature! Huge time saver and money saver. I was going to buy Lead Pages and now I don’t. Thanks!


    Awesome! It works great Brett, thank you!! Question: If I’m using a page tracking software like Prosper202, where would I embed the tracking code?


    Any plans on making squeezematic mobile responsive?


      Its impossible to make a drag and drop builder mobile responsive because responsive design requires CSS that is specific to the design. We cant do this since we have no idea what people will build. This really is not much of a problem though. Responsive is a buzz word. about 85% of the web is not mobile response. People dont have much of a problem pinching and zooming. Especially now that phones come with huge and high rez screens.

        Robert Rotth

        I think a better alternative is the option to create adaptive web pages (meaning the option to separately create pages for mobiles) and when viewed from a mobile, the mobile page is displayed instead of the PC one.

    Michael Rytter

    Unlike the majority of developers, you keep improving your products long after they launch and the initial burst of revenue has diminished! Thank you!


    RIGHT ON Brett!! This is an awesome bonus!! Thank you so much for this!!! You totally freakin’ ROCK!!
    MJ ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Awesome Brett, great to see such a freebee after launching a product!


    Hi Brett,

    What can I say as they say in your country “You the man” do you know I have Leadpages and you know what that costs, but for the price Squeezematic is exceptional and the WP Plugin is the icing on the cake.

    Thank you so much

    Sam in the UK ๐Ÿ™‚



    You are ONE of a kind! Thanks for a helpful solution.

    brian sloan

    Great plugin, Brett. You always go the second and third mile to make your products better. Thanks for the commitment to excellence!


    Thanks! So easy and quick ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks Brett. To echo previous posters, you keep adding and giving rather than sucking and leaving like any other so-called marketers. You are an oasis in the desert of scammers and rogues.

    Mike Winston



    Are we allowed to give this plug-in to our agency clients?

    Thanks Brett

    Tim O'Dea

    Beautiful! ‘Simply’ Amazing!!


    Hey Brett,
    this is just awsome what you’ve created for ur with SM
    I like it very much, this is so simple and but so thrilling to play around with all the
    possibilites create more and more hot squeezpages

    Thank you for your great Job:)
    Andrea – Homejobstudio Germany



    This is super awesome. I’m glad to be member of SM as you keep support your customer to the best you can.


    Chris James

    Thanks for this…I am one thousands who use GVO eresponder and was pleased when I tested with sqm. It worked just fine…Thanks


    Hi Brett,
    Sorry about my previous message. I realized that it had a lot of grammar mistakes. So here is the corrected post (please erase the previous one).

    Hi Brett,
    Thanks for this amazing software. As someone who has 0 skills in website creation, this is a time and money saver. I was also one who was having some challenges with new feature of uploading the Squeezematic site through the new SM WP Plugin. But itโ€™s pretty much working now, THANK YOU.

    The only thing that I noticed now is that it works by inputing the SM Page ID and when I view the page from WP. The only thing that still doesnโ€™t work for me is the option to view my created page from the SM Insert Area in WP. However, Itโ€™s not a big deal for me because I can still view the page by clicking on it just like every other WP page.

    Thanks again for a great product.



    Thanks so much! This is AWESOME!!


    This plugin will fix any iframe problems of your page being cut off at the bottom. Thanks Brett!


    HI Brett, Really appreciate this plugin. Is there anyway for an html popup on click? or can these pages loaded into wp use wp optin box type plugins?


    Just used the plugin for first time, Brett, and didn’t even have to contact you for help ๐Ÿ™‚ – It is that easy with your tutorial. Thanks for what you do.


    Hey Brett, this is awesome man. I really like using squeezmatic. Ive always used graphics artists to do sales pages etc. Now i can do it myself with no technical experience. It’s fun also!
    Thanks for creating an awesome product!



    How easy is it to create a 3 video launch page with Squeezematic? Any suggestions on which template to use to get started? Also great work on the plug-in.


      Im sorry but there is no way I can answer this. As for how easy it is. Well its no more difficult than making any other page. Though Im not sure I understand what you mean by a ‘launch page’. As for what template to start with? Well I have no idea. I dont know your logo color scheme or style. I dont know what you like as far as aesthetics. I have no idea what your product is. Really you can start with any template.


    Whow. Well done!

    Gary Gordon

    This is outstanding!! Great add-on. Thank you very much for your continued support and development of SqueezeMatic.

    Gary Gordon

    Mary Cate

    Wow, Brett! I am just noticing this. Squeezematic is an amazing value compared to all other purchases I have made in the last year, and support was there when I needed it, which I rarly have since. It was so inexpensive, I nearly undervalued its power. With this plugin I will be able to put it to much wider use. The time saved will increase my profit on client sites nicely without charging them more.


    awesome thanks for your help and very fast reply


    Brett, is the download button down?


    Super, Thank you Brett


    I put the code 2211 but this not work !! This code is invalid ?

    Peter Cutforth

    Hi Brett, are there any plans to make these pages responsive at all?


      No, the pages will resize to fit a mobile device, they will not respond. Dont take this the wrong way but: Do you know what responsive means (many people actually dont, though that word is thrown around a lot)?


    Brett, it’s not working. I have wordpress 4.4. Don’t even show the images neither the button to open the dialog box to connect the SM code with the page we want to replace.
    The profit canvas doesn’t work as well, although I can acces the Dialog box to insert the code, but then when I do ok there’s is no page. So when I click the link it goes to a blank page.
    I think both plugins use similar code but none of them is working to me:(


    Hi Brett, can you tell me how many licence keys you get? can it be used across different sites? am not agency, just trying to see the use over lead pages.



    hello brett, i have some problem here..jackjacker and this plugin cant be activated both, i need to deactivate the jack jacker before i can activate sm. here is the error message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Scrape

    John Lach

    reading these comments has given me much insight, Thanks for the gifts too…

    Joe M

    Great Stuff Brett,
    All Of Your Products Simply Amazing, and filled with tremendous VALUE!
    Thank You!

    Taiwo Dare

    Hello Brett,
    Is there a way to use the SM_insert plugin to load directly on my domain without linking to a page? Because when I use the plugin and load my site it showed the normal WP theme until I click on the page before it load the actual landing page.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Taiwo Dare

    Hello Brett,

    SM insert plugin is not working properly on my website. Its showing a kind of broken image or link, I couldn’t click on the “create new” button, the create new link is not even showing, just broken – like an image that failed to finish loading… What do I do please?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ryan Montgomery

    Brett I can’t seem to put the new squeeze page on my wordpress site? Just goes to untitled with blank page can you help me brother?

    Gregory Allen

    I downloaded the SMInsert but I dont have an account to create a page. Can I still get an account to setup a page?


    Neil Craig

    Hi Brett,

    As at February 2020 your Squeezematic plugin doesnโ€™t appear to be working/available. Has it been withdrawn?

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks


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