Free Jack Jacker WordPress plugin

Posted May 14, 2015 by Brett Rutecky in Uncategorized

One thing I always say is that I honestly want to help people make money online.

I created a new plugin that I believe is going to make it a lot more easy for people interested in niche, affiliate, and CPA marketing to get both traffic and clicks. Now when I wrote this I intended to sell it. However after giving it some thought I decided the best way to help people make money online is just to give it away for free.

Please watch the demo video below and if this looks like something that you would be interested in feel free to download it 100% for free as my gift to you.

Enter your email below to download 100% for free!


By signing up you are agreeing to our terms of service
and our privacy policy.


Yes I want to get email updates and notices (I understand I can unsubscribe at any time)


A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.


    Dean Hull

    You are awesome ! Not only are you a fantastic developer, but you also take care of your followers. Thank you very much Brett !


    Thank you for your generous gift! I have shared the link on one of my Twitter accounts.
    Thanks again,

    Gary Stenzel

    This is too cool!
    Thanks Brett!



    I never make comments. As a matter of fact, ever since I have been online I do not post public comments. However, this warrants one. I greatly appreciate your honesty, thorough reviews and answering everyone;s questions about software that you do not even own when you do reviews. But this? This takes the cake.

    Thank you.



      Ryan you nailed it. After reading your comment, I had nothing better to add or say to Brett other than thank him for his selflessness.



        I also applaud Brett for his selflessness. But as a marketer he is practicing what he preaches. The money is in the list. It would be interesting to see a case study of this promotion. I will bet that his e-mail list and blog following go up substantially. His good will and the level of trust has skyrocketed with his subscribers. All you have to do is read the post below. We all buy from people that we trust. That is a simple fact about the psychology of selling. Well done.


    Thanx Brett for this kindness.

    .. this WP-PG looks good for me to using….

    With greetings to YOU !



    This is really a very nice gift.

    Thank you so much!
    Donna 🙂

    John Young

    You really do give back and this is simple and I love the way you explained it, just like in your reviews…you’re the best.


    Awesome! Thanks Brett.

    Denis Hillman

    Awesome plugin Brett and thanks so much.


    Thanks Brett! This is very cool. I gave you a FB like and +1. Really appreciate this.


    Brett, thank you so much.
    Fantastic tool and the concept without framing is just awesome.
    Appreciate your generous gift. You got some great “stuff” for US marketers.


    Thank you so much Brett.

    I was trying to develop a similar strategy with other Jacker products, but this one is much easier. The meta tags thing in Facebook is just brilliant.


    Hi Brett,

    Looks like an awesome plug-in. Thanks man!!

    How about duplicated content. No risk to be penalized by Google?


      Honestly Ben SEO was not a consideration when making this plugin since the point is to post your jacked articles to Facebook and other social sites like I did in the tutorial video.


        So you think there is a risk to be penalized by Google for duplicated content?


          Honestly I dont know. There might be. Im not a SEO expert and I did not SEO research on this since it was not designed with SEO in mind at all.


            Google only penalizes duplicate content on the same domain, proof is the numerous thriving curation news sites like Huffington Post, which only use duplicate content!

    Mike Mc

    Thanks a lot. You have pure class!


    Does this work for posts as well?


    This is so useful! Thank you Brett!


    Hey Brett!
    As usual to the point, clean and effective!
    I am sure I am not the only one appreciating your work and your approach.


    Wow you truly care about your subscribers 🙂 thank you Brett

    Mike Mc

    Where can I give you a like or share?


    Awesome! Can’t wait to give it a go. Thank you so much.


    Thanks for always looking out for your subscribers, Brett! This was incredibly generous of you! Thank you!! 😉

    Elias Gonzalez

    Thanks Brett, so far one of the best and with better purpose functionality plugin I ever seen, honestly.

    Elias Gonzalez


    Hey Brett,

    Another awesome plugin!
    Yes it’s true, I never purchase any software, unless you have reviewed it!

    Thanks mate

    Darrell Miles

    Good Stuff Brett. I have tried other such plugins. This is a great update to the jackers. Best I’ve seen thus far. Keep up the good work! Luv the name…

    Samuel Bates

    Hey Brett!!!

    As awesome as this product is, you are more so! Thank you very much! I gave you a “Like” a “g+!, a Tweet and I shared you with some several Social Media. Thanks man!


    Thanks a lot Brett for the fantastic gift. I am not very good with a content writing, so this plugin will be much of help to me. I really appreciate your help with everything you are doing in my internet marketing endeavor.


    Great job as usual, Brett. Thanks for the free (and useful) plugin. Always enjoy your reviews. Likes, +’s and all that jazz for you!


    Great video – too bad you spelled “lose” weight wrong so many times, You wrote “loose” weight.

    You would use “loose” if you were writing, “My belt will become loose after I lose a lot of weight.”


      I got to tell you it really irks me when people have nothing better to do but criticize spelling or grammar. 1) It was a demo video not a doctoral thesis 2) I’m a professional programmer and internet marketer not a writer. If you think that my ability to spell has anything to do with my ability to write plugins or make money online you are very much mistaken.


        Hi Brett

        Well said, you gift some one a great bit of kit and all they can say is you spelt that wrong. Get a life




        The people who complain about spelling errors are the same
        ones that often are making less money than the person they
        are correcting…LOL Go figure !

        Brett thanks for all you do, I plan on following your example
        misspelling’s and all , just as long as I keep making money
        while helping people…

        James O'Kelley

        You tell em Brett LOL thanks for the plugin my friend’

        Professional Programmer LOL

        The post you jacked is screaming the correct spelling at you in the title. I was bored with the video, but I stuck with it to see if you would eventually see your screw up.

        If you’re going to steal content and try to profit from it, you could at least try to learn from it. In this way you might eventually acquire another option, rather than theft, for making a living.

        It speaks volumes that your plugin isn’t allowed in the WordPress repository – if this plugin was legit and met the WordPress requirements, you’d be in there. I’ve got several plugins in the repository and it’s not difficult – especially if you are a “PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER”. That really irks me.Also – it;s “I’ve got to tell you”. Plonker.


          My plugin is not allowed in the WordPress repository because A) I didn’t submit it (if you knew anything about marketing you would know why), and B)Its not GNU licensed. There is no ‘stealing’ of content here, and if you where a developer with any skill you would already know how this works and why its ok. Want to know what really irks me? People who talk about things they dont know and have nothing better to do that troll on blogs run by their betters. Really dude, get a life, or a hobby, or a girlfriend or something. I mean you actually watched a video that bored you so you could see if I made a mistake and then write a troll comment talking about that mistake? Like you actually have nothing better to do with your time. How sad you are 🙁 Im sorry for you.


            Love that reply!
            Can’t feel anything but sorry for people who are going around to find mistakes in others all day long!!
            Those same people, haven’t done a thing themselves in life.
            So sad for them!

          Joseph Schinzel

          Can’t you people understand or see that what Brett is giving is FREE and you should be using it rather than crying about trivial garbage here (i.e., misspelling, being put in some damn repository, etc.). Why in the hell did you make such comments in the first place. I was not going to say anything, but then when I got to 2 people blowing senseless steam out of their mouths, I could not contain myself any longer. I would say “Get a life”, but more like, “Get a business.” What the hell, I said it anyway. Sorry Brett, just had to get it out. I normally say nothing at all and leave people to their stupidity and call it a day. But this is absurd and I could not help myself. Use the plugin and make some money, drive some traffic, or just get the hell off the Internet and go to your JOB.


      Whou kares lol, awesome gift.

      Phillip Lopez

      Irrelevant, great plugin Brett.


    I just setup 3 “Jacks” in about 15 minutes…easy!

    Paul T.

    Hi Brett, this plug-in is a great piece of technology! All of the other jackers use iframes and most of the authority sites have iframe breakers which makes accessing the really good high authority content impossible. Thanks and keep up the good work! You are really thinking outside the iframe! 🙂 Keep the reviews coming!

    David Baer


    I just want to add to the chorus of fans here. I’ve bought a bunch of your stuff, and, while I haven’t used every tool as much as I had expected to when caught up in the excitement of the possibilities presented in the offer, I’m continuously impressed with the quality of what you create, and the ethics with which you run your business.

    – David


    Brett, thanks a lot for the plugin.
    Could you elaborate why it was designed for pages only?

    Wouldn’t it make sense in terms of SEO to use posts within well optimized silos?

    Phil Tozer

    Hi Brett
    Like others above, I do not often comment on these sorts of tools… I just USE them… ;))

    Even if I had paid for this I would want people to know I happily did, because I saw the value immediately after seeing your video. As Emmanuel says, it is to the point, clean and effective!

    The tool is also wonderful… the price exceptional… many thanks. Cheers Phil Tozer… :0)


    Very cool 🙂 Thank you!


    Thanks Brett

    Eric Patton

    Thanks Brett for your gift. You could have easily charged for this and people would have bought. I pray a special financial blessing upon you for sharing.


      Im sure I could have charged for it and made a few thousand but I wanted to give something back. I started my business with some really simple ideas: be honest and treat people fair. It must be working because I have not missed a supper yet 🙂


    Not very often do I leave comments BUT I have to say Brett , Great plugin ..! And your a Great Developer …! I THANK YOU ..! And as always I LOVE your work…!

    Gary Jenkins

    Great plugin, Brett.

    Thank you.


    Hi Brett,

    I understand you don’t want the bad examples on your website but can you please answer my questions about the examples I gave you?

    Thanks again Brett,

    I really appreciate this free gift but I want to work safe as you will understand I’m sure! 😉


      Ben I dont care about ‘bad examples’ because its a free plugin not something I’m charging for. Honestly even if it was not free I would still not care about ‘bad examples’. I did not approve your first comments because they where little more than links to your site. As for why the bar was not showing in your jacks. I cant say. This mixes the banner / bar code in with the code from the site. Since I cant know what site you will be jacking, how it is coded, or even if the jacked site is error free I cant guarantee it will work with every single website on the internet.


        Wow, that’s disappointing Brett. You know that is not true.

        The fact you give something for free doesn’t give you the right to lie.

        I made a Jack-jacker and it doesn’t work:

        Is this the way you run your business. By lying?


          Wow your some kind of person Ben. I give you something for free then you call me a liar and insult me. I guess the world needs all sorts of people. As I said I cant guarantee you that it will work with every site on the internet that you might try to ‘jack’. And not of course I did not test with every site on the internet, is that a lie, no so I dont know what your talking about. I have taken the liberty of removing you from my list, also please be aware that any specials or bonuses I offer on this site will not apply to you. I went out of my way to be nice to you and in return you spit on me.

            Michael Rytter

            HOLY CRAP! That guy, (BEN), was UNBELIEVABLE! And he doesn’t know what he just screwed himself out of!

            I am NOT a newbie by any stretch…been making a full time living online since 2001….I “know a lot” by most standards….but every time I read something Brett writes, or I use one of his products, I either LEARN something NEW…or…..I MAKE MORE MONEY…or BOTH!!!

            Sorry for the rant…but…it’s true!

            THANK YOU so much for all you do and have done for me and many others, Brett!

            Michael Rytter


    Simple. Fast. And it’s mobile responsive too!.

    This is [EPIC].

    Thanks a million Brett.


    Hey Brett…..just wanted to say thanks for the plugin!

    Really appreciate all your efforts.



    Thank you Brett, this is great. :-).


    Hi Brett, thank you for this free gift. I am just getting started and this has come at the perfect time! An idea to consider: I love the free version and I would welcome the opportunity to buy a paid upgrade if you wanted to develop it further with your designer to include design variations for the bar that shows (IE different button styles, bar designs even two calls to action links etc). Thanks again

    Roy Grogan

    WOW! What a GREAT plugin! Thanks Brett… I am sure others will have other super superlatives to thank you for giving us this great piece of marketing software.

    “After All… The Measure Of Life Is Not Its Duration!
    But Rather Ones Forward Donation Of Learning and Achievements That Will Assist Your Fellow Man To Achieve Their Dreams and Aspirations and Leave A Legacy For Future Generations”. rwgrogan

    Thanks once again Brett…. Roy


    Hi Brett

    You have done it again with this great tool and demo. Awesome!

    Thanks for this and looking after me as a subscriber

    All the best


    Leigh Wilson

    Thanks heaps, Brett. I see that you are rapidly becoming a very influential Internet marketers, a position that you truly deserve.

    Thanks for the great gift and all your honest and valuable reviews.




    Realy appreciates Brett, thanks a lot!


    Mate, that’s the coolest plugin ever!! Thank you so much (:

    Question: Will the Jacked content count towards my on-page SEO in the eyes of Google?


    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, it opens things up and running!


    Awesome tool/plug in. Thanks so much!

    Mike Henry

    Thanks Brett you are a true leader in the network marketing field. Thanks for this awesome plugin.


    Thanks Brett,

    I appreciate your kindness and help.


    Tjahjono Heru Laskar

    Cool and slick plugin Brett.. Thanks a lot for your kindness!


    Thank you for this free gift Brett looks realy good, much appreciated.

    David Webster


    You never cease to amaze. I think this plugin is brilliant!

    Thank you.

    Antonio Fernández

    Thanks Brett,

    I have shared in different social networks …

    Derek Weedon

    Hi Brett

    I get lots of free products sent to me, most are sat on my computer shelf and may never be used.
    Your freebie will definitely be used.

    Thanks, you’re a star.



    Thanks Brett! Much appreciated :))


    It doesn’t work for me, as after installation, it leaves this message:

    “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Scrape_URL() (previously declared in /home/content/45/8572745/html/wp-content/plugins/sm_insert/sm_insert.php:45) in /home/content/45/8572745/html/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/jack_jacker.php on line 70”

    Any idea what that means and what to do?


      Sounds like your using my SM Insert plugin. First thanks for being a SqueezeMatic customer 🙂 Second. No you will not be able to use this and the SM Insert plugin together on the same site. They share some of the same code libraries. One though you can do though is make a subdomain on your site, add WP to it and use that alone for your jacks.

    Roy Grogan

    Q. Brett… How many WP sites can this plugin be used on… by your clients?

    Thanks… Roy


      Hey Roy thanks for asking I appreciate it. Unfortunately I do have to limit number of sites people can use this on since I gave it away for free. There is a limit of 1 billion sites (including clients) that you can use this on .. ha ha 🙂


    Hi Brett,Thank you for this great gift.I usually read your reviews and you are a great example of how to market successfully and keep customers on your side.


    Wow, I just woke up to see all these awesome comments on your page..
    You want to help people make money online…..Well I guess you are not just talking about it.
    you are actually doing it…A man of his word.
    thank you Brett for passing on your awesome knowledge to us, for providing us with awesome tools and for all the free gifts and bonuses.
    This piece of software just tops it all up, really clever, simple and straightforward. I have actually paid for a desktop version of this but no way as simple as this. If I remember, it involved entering all the parameters, makes the page, which then you upload to your host etc…a bit messy…This is so quick and simple and I have so much use for it… Now for example, I can get all my FB fans (from my various pages) come to my site instead, where I’ll have the offers waiting for them…thanks again…To your success (well deserved)
    kami (London)


    Hi Brett this is one of the coolest plugins I’ve seen and I love the way it actually shows the authority site address in Facebook 🙂 kudos again if only every other marketer was like you we would an easier life


    Awesome share, Brett! Thanks so much for a valuable and generous gift. God bless you, indeed!



    Brett can you just buy domain and make pages with no content and have it work?
    If not just few lines of content?

    Please reply , I do not see you anywhere in the replys here.

    I will come back….Muaahahahaha


      Yes you can buy a domain for just this. Though as I said to others this is not designed for SEO traffic. Its designed to be used as I did in the demo video.

    Mike Grant

    Hi Brett,

    I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome plugin. I must say that I watched the video and I would have been happy to pay for this amazing software. I appreciate your kindness in making it free. Thanks again!

    Mike 🙂


    Great plugin. This will get my website up much quicker as Content and Facebook ads were my problem. Many thanks.

    Have a great day.

    Tom Montgomery

    Thanks Brett, I appreciate your help. I’m sure this will help – you are a really good guy and very different from all the people out there selling a great deal of BS.


    Thanks Bret for your generosity which is rare on the net!


    Thanks for this brilliant software and for the honest reviews Brett, you must have been a boy scout for sure!


    Great plug in but I’m concerned that it could cause penalties from google.
    Anyone know if it might? Any SEO experts out there?

    I like the idea of it, and appreciate the gift, but at the same time I’m concerned about possible negative side effects… so just asking.


      Google should not be a concern really because this is designed for active traffic, as I showed in the video. If your worried about your entire site then just put WP on a different site specifically for Jack Jacker.


        Some SEO experts would say that a quick sentence or two like Brett instructs at the beginning. Then again in context with the article at the end of the article. This can go a long way with the algorithm(subject to change at a moments notice). The Huffington Post may not do this because they have tremendous authority.

    David Stringer

    Hi Brett,

    Wow! What a fantastic gift to make for all of us. I’m sure we’ll find it invaluable and a true asset to our efforts to try and make money online.

    I concur with John above, that I would purchase an upgrade if ever you do one!

    Thank you so much.

    Roman Yarosh

    Thank you very much, Brett!


    Thanks Brett,

    For this cool plugins. As always you provide A+1 plugins and content.

    You rock as always.



    awesome… thanks


    WOW!…Great plugin Brett….Thanks

    Bill Landry

    I’m in AWE Brett! My mind is relimh with ideas for its use. Hope I can get the ideas into action quickly. Wow! Thanks


    Hey Brett
    Thankyou so much for this very generous gift.
    I always love your products and grab them whenever i can. This is just brilliant and i cannot wait to use it.


    Hi Brett,

    Many thanks for that super wp plugin. That slick trick that you achieved with the no Iframe and all the meta tags included i in your own page was something that I never even thought about previously
    Thanks again


    Hello Brett… i don’t have words to say thank you!!! This is for sure a very useful plugin!!! May i saw you an error that plugin gives??? I’m folowing step by step your instuctions and when i push the button “Create New Jack” i’m taking this error:

    Select a WordPress page:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jack_jacker_help() (previously declared in /home/busine55/public_html/se/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/help.php:4) in /home/busine55/public_html/se/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/help.php on line 23

    Can you please help on this???

    Thank you very much!!!


      Sounds like you have a conflict with another plugin on your site. Please disable your other plugins and see if you still get that issue. If you do send me a direct email and I will check out your site and try to help you.


    NICE! GREAT JOB, Brett. I work and see a lot of tools. There is so much good with this plug-in, page, and what you are doing I’m still trying to pick my jaw off the floor. Very impressive all the way around! Thank You.


    Hi Brett — please add me to the long list of grateful subscribers! Many thanks for your cool, and effective, plugin! I, too, wait for your reviews prior to making my decision to buy or not.

    Keep up the great work 🙂


    I did it and it worki PERFECT now!!! Thank you very much!!!


    Much appreciated, thanks Brett 🙂


    Thank you Brett for the great gift.

    Richard Rose

    Hi Brett,

    Thanks again for the tremendous value you offer to your subscribers every day…this one you definitely over delivered!

    I went ahead and shared on all three social media platforms. Hopefully you will gain a lot more subscribers with this offering.

    I always look forward to your posts…great job!

    Jim P

    Will this work like Site Scrape does where all links can be substituted with mine, or do I also need to load Site Scrape?
    Jim P


      This does not change the links in the site. FYI: You will not be able to use this and Site Scrape on the same WP site as they use the same code library’s.


    Hi Brett,
    Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent free plug-in and for “giving back”.
    I have a couple of your other products and must say they are of the highest quality.
    Thanks Again


    This is a brilliant product and |I fully agree with John about any upgrade you may develop…
    Thanks again,


    Thank you, thank you Brett…you’re a scholar and a gentleman :~)

    I’m also ready to send you money whenever you’re inclined
    to deliver your Pro version.



    Brett, I have said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a top notch marketer, this is why I stay on your list because you provide true value with your products, reviews, and bonus offers.

    You could have easily made this JVZOO product and charged for it, but in true fashion you gave this away to your subcribers, true class act.

    I am going to make good use of this, and I will share your blog on my twitter and Fb pages.



    Awesome little plug-in, Brett… thanks!
    I like what this does, can’t wait to try it out.

    Tweet sent, I’ll follow up with more later today.


    An effective and easy to use plug-in: two qualities that are difficult to get in one product. It really is a wonderful gesture to offer it for free and if the banner could be customized in some way to make it look prettier/stand out more then I for one would pay good cash for it.


    Just installed it on my 1 billionth website.

    Thanks for the great plugin Brett.


    Hi Brett,

    You are a master at creating apps that really work and help your followers to achieve their online marketing goals. This is an impressive app and I am grateful for your generosity.

    I use your FB PostLink, VideoAutoClick, ClickBackRewards and NotificationPro with great success and expect the JackJacker will be as effective. Thanks again for your generous gift.



    Just want to add my thanks for such a brilliant WP plugin. Making it a gift aswell is incredible. You are my go to reviewer before I purchase any IM tools or products.

    All the very best ☺

    Si Deals


    As they say in the Netherlands; you must not look a given horse in his mouth, but tried it on 2 wp-sites, but both give a blank page.
    Don’t have SiteScrape on them. De-activated some plugins, but looks totally dead.
    Nevertheless; great gesture!


    Why did I download this file then get ‘Windows can’t download this file’

    Robert Tyson

    thanks Brett! awesome plugin

    Mark Tandan

    I’ve followed Brett for a while now and have been completely impressed by his personal products. His product reviews are always 100% objective and that’s refreshing.

    But to release this plugin for free when he could easily have charged for it and made a killing? That speaks to the value this guy brings to the community.

    Have already tested it, seen that it works, and looking forward to seeing the potential this thing has for my own blogs.

    Thanks Brett – you are the man!


    Hey Brett, Thanks so much for another useful freebie! This is just what I need.

    And, if you ever code a premium paid version, you can count me in too!

    Dana Carpio


    I am simply blown away! Having a brand new website, I’m SO excited to begin using this plug-in! Your generosity is unparalleled, and I can’t thank you enough for offering such a wonderful tool for free!

    I look forward to learning more about your work and other tools you offer!

    Blessings to you,
    Dana Carpio

    Jerry Gilmore

    This is an awesome plugin Brett! Thanks so much, possibilities are endless.


    Thanks for the plugin Brett, it`s awesome. Have to admit you are a very smart cookie;-) No offence.

    Take care



    Thanks Brett, Great job!

    gil baller


    Thank you so much for another great plug-in. if you ever code a premium paid version,i”m in.

    My new internet marketing Motto, “LORD, GIVE ME THE DETERMINATION AND TENACITY

    OF A WEED”.



    Carl Earley

    Looks like a great plugin Brett. Thanks very much.


    Hi Brett, and thanks so much for the plugin. You’re amazing man !!.

    Just a little question:

    If a want to publicize the link into Facebook… do I require a https server? (for avoid FB warning messages)

    Ron Outlaw

    Thanks Brett,

    I see you mean what you say, when it come to giving things of value.
    The plug-in works beautifully.

    Zakariyya Spain

    Hi Brett. This is just fantastic and really you have proved beyond all doubt that you really mean what you say. Thanks for the tools you develop to make it easy for internet marketers to achieve their desired goal.


    Mike Milez

    Another amazing plugin Brett! I almost bought something like this recently and now I’m glad I didn’t.


    Thanks for the great plug-in!

    Dana Cassell

    Thanks for the plugin, Brett – and for your always prompt support.


    Many Thanks. You are very honest and care of people.


    Thanks Brett for your gift, but there’s this problem loading the plugin in one of my website:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Scrape_URL() (previously declared in /home/vdjrwjfa/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sm_insert/sm_insert.php:45) in /home/vdjrwjfa/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/jack_jacker.php on line 70
    Thanks very much.


      Its a conflict with the SM Insert plugin you are using. You will not be able to use both plugins on the same site as they share some of the same code library’s and functions. You can make a subdomain on your site, put WP on it and then use that for your jacks.


    Thank you, Thank you!


    Wow! The “Rocket Bar” launch today is charging for basically the same plugin!
    Thanks Brett


    Hi Brett! Nate here – FANTASTIC!! and much appreciated!


    This is awesome! Truly

    One recommendation that I thought of is where the plugin changes out all the links on the page for a user defined link. But does so in such a way that it masks the link with a bunch of different link variations. Sort of like shortened url links. But all point to the same user defined link/offer.


    Geoffrey Matthews

    Brett, thanks so much for releasing this plugin, what a gif!!! Especially as i notice today some other marketeers have copied your application and are selling it for $17+.

    kind regards


    Michael Bartsch

    Thank You Sir,
    Gave you a tweet too


    Thank you so much for this…very generous indeed!

    Brian W.

    Brett, as always, a great stand up guy with another awesome product. Can’t wait to put it to work on my weight loss site. I will give you the feedback of how it has worked and added to my traffic from Facebook. Also going to be huge since my YouTube channel, with the same name, is tied to the website as well. Great job, and thank you very much. Always grateful for your products and your honest reviews.

    Cheers my friend!


    Hi Brett!

    Thanks for this cool plugin (Jack Jacker Plugin) and I’m excited to use it on my own blog. But when I installed and tried it, it doesn’t work! Is there any requirements to make this plugin work? I noticed that the page permalink is different. I’m using a post name link while Jack Jacker is using a page ID link.

    By the way all URL starts at http://

    Please advice. Thank you.


      You server needs to have CURL (but most do). I would suggest you disable all of your other plugins to see if there is a conflict. Or even better make a subdomain on your site, install WordPress fresh there and use that for your jacks alone.

    Mohamed Fahmy

    I do believe that “Simplicity is Excellency!”. you did an Excellent Job Brett … {The simple & smart idea stands behind “Jack Jacker”, your simple & easy to understand demo, how fast & easy to use the Plug-in, and the simple & smart tip on how promote your link in FB and other social media}. Thank you Brett for your Free & Precious Gift …very generous indeed, as Lynda said !



    I uploaded the free Jack Jacker Plugin but it want open a window when I hit
    Create New Jack. It want do anything.



      Disable your other plugins to make sure there is not a conflict. For best results you should use this on a WP installation that has nothing else. For example on a subdomain of your site.


    This is brilliant, love that it doesn’t use iframes!

    Kayol Hope

    Thanks, seems like a great plugin however unable to use since it seems to conflict on my Genesis Framework theme by StudioPress. When I go to set up my cta options I get the following syntax error: Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by…


      Since this pulls in other pages (and their design) your theme is not important at all. So just make a subdomain on your site, throw WP on it, and use that for your jacks only.

    David F

    Thanks. Great plugin. Very easy to use. Just to be safe I also bought the rocket bar software which is not a plugin as I got early bird pricing on it, but have not tried it out yet.

    Other than one being free and a wp plugin and the other not being a wordpress plugin, I’m not sure how the two products are different except I think the paid product appears to inserts a bar that is not quite as attention grabbing as Brett’s plugin.

    I would be very curious as to what the favorite color combinations are for Brett’s plugin.

    Paul F

    This is stinkin’, freakin’, friggin’ awesome, Brett! Thanks for the gift. 🙂

    J.Michael Washington

    WOW! Fantastic Plug-in BRETT- this is so-o-o-o what I needed! You are my hero dude! Thanks A Million!


    Great plugin and its free and, i dont have to buy the paid ones now 😉 Just a suggestion if the CTA could be a popup or an inpage overlay pop-up.

    Dave McCarthy

    Can somebody please help me with Jack Jacker because for some reason (Probably self inflicted) I can’t get it to work.
    I have tried to load two campaigns and I believe I’m following the instructions correctly but when I click to view the page nothing comes up.
    I’ve copied and pasted the url’s in IE, Firefox and Chrome and all that comes up is a blank page.
    I experienced no problems uploading the plugin and it seems to work exactly as the training video suggests it should until it comes to view page.

    What I have done:

    1. I set the WP Page header and hit publish.
    2. I go to Jack Jacker and fill out the campaign – I have followed the video step by step after the first attempt failed.

    Has anybody else had a problem and if so how did you overcome it?



    Hey Brett I appreciate your boundless generosity, honesty & integrity…I have endless gratitude for all you do… Thanks Dude!

    Will tweet, like & +


    Hi Brett,

    Great plugin… it works perfectly with article pages. The problem i’m having though is to mask an affiliate link.

    When I set up a jack jacker using an affiliate link, the bar shows at the top but the CSS styling is completely lost on the page.

    I think it’s because of the redirect.

    Any ideas?


    Very cool, thank you. Love your honest product reviews.

    Preston Odenbrett

    Thank you for this gift, just what i was hoping for. However when I installed I can’t seem to jack anything- Here is the screenshot


      You did not install the plugin correctly. Please uninstall and reinstall. Use the WP uploader to upload the zip file, make sure you dont change the name of the zip file.

        Preston Odenbrett

        I did do the unistall and install and it works now, however when I post on my site this is what comes up

        Warning: file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/prestono/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/html_dom/simple_html_dom.php on line 75

        Do I need to talk to my hosting company or do I need to set up a subdomain?

        Thanks for your time, can’t wait to use this awesome tool

    Joseph Blazej

    Thank You Very Much Brett!
    Cheers :-),

    Preston Odenbrett

    Got a message into my ISP , Thanks Brett


    hey Brett I downloaded your free offer but now can’t access it. using an android phone-Samsung galaxy avant do you have any info for opening your download.thanks kay


      Well you should download to your computer not your phone. “cant access” is far to general of a description for me to give any kind of meaningful response.

    Anas Gultom

    nice… 🙂
    thx for the free offer…!!!


    Hey Brett! Another amazing gift from you. I appreciate it!


    Hello Brett… i need your advise here!!! Please check this image: this is when i posted it on facebook… as you can see at the bottom is not the url (the page that i jacked) but mine!!!

    Please advise!!!

    Thank you!


      The text up top, just delete it after Facebook pulls in the image preview (see the video above).
      The URL at the bottom. This is because the site your jacking does not have Facebook meta tags. There is nothing to be done about that.

    Ian RoeBuck

    Hi, worked great the first two times, but on the last jack I labeled Law of Wealth, when I put the web address for it {link removed} onto Facebook it id not bring up the picture for the website, at the bottom brought up

    {link removed}

    with top line larger than bottom, and after eraising the wp address in the comments no pic just comment and this. Tried another site same thing. Has Facebook caught on? Why is this not working this time on tgwo different site, when I did it twice on two other sites?


      There is nothing for Facebook to ‘catch on to’ since JackJacker is not doing anything black hat. Its a shame that the IM business has gotten such a bad name that people sometimes assume everything is dirty, black hat, or shady, and has to worry about other business’s (like Facebook) catching them. Be assured that I dont write black hat software. I follow the rules every time.

      Its likely that Facebooks URL scraper was being buggy. Facebook like any website has quarks and bugs of its own. Here is a tip: if Facebook does not scrape your URL’s data go to the Facebook lint tool, and enter the URL, keep hitting ‘fetch new scrape’ until it does. Once it does then post your link to Facebook.


    Hi Brett,

    Only just spotted this free plugin, reason was wondering why I hadn’t had any offers or reviews in my inbox for a quite a while so was wondering if you were ill or something.
    Anyhow Fantastic Free Gift – I had to try on one or two domains as I’m guessing there was a conflict with an existing plugin, some sites work very well and some not, that’s the nature of this type of product and I’ve used the other 3 “iframe” ones which I paid for, so don’t understand how people dare to complain as some have. Again it’s the nature of IM I guess, off line I’ve lost tens of $1000’s with waiting 8 additional weeks for planning consent to open a store due to someone overlooking the application – try and get compensation, no chance. I’ve bought and paid for products that simply don’t work (Not yours) and maybe after having had off line businesses I get things in perspective. I’ve bought so many of your products and they just work straight out – I’m almost embarrassed to ask for support which you always give as they are so reasonably priced and sometimes it’s me as I didn’t watch the tutorials, but like when I buy a new Phone or Car ( there used to be an expression — rtfm)

    Anyhow my message in brief is that the plugin rocks and is a great addition to the tools I have from you and your recommendations. I don’t buy all of them, simply because some I can use and some not, I already am guilty of not using everything I buy, but don’t compalin they dont’ work .. Still trying to figure why this was free, one of life’s mysteries lol.

    Thanks Again,


    p.s. Don’t listen to whingers, I had high street businesses in the UK where we gave a free offer ( as a hook of course) and they were actually the worst people to enter our stores, that’s why I don’t use Groupon as I heard too many horror stories locally 1st hand from clients and on-line.


      Hey Mark .. I moved my email list over to Aweber from Mailchimp a couple of weeks ago and lost a few hundred emails in the move. So you might want to resubscribe.


        Hi Brett,

        That explains why I’m not receiving your emails, wow, that’s annoying for you to lose subscribers like that. Why did you move? Only curious as a few people seem to be moving away from Aweber recently.
        Anyway main thing is that you’re ok, thought either you were not well or having some R&R with the new Bike 🙂
        Thanks for letting me know,

        Mark (KL)


          I had no choice. MailChimp canceled my account because I sent out an email with a JVZoo link in it. It was not an affiliate email, it was to my JV partners, but the canceled my account without any retort.

          My signup form up top in the header is linked to my new Aweber account if you want to resubscribe.


    Hi Bret

    I get this error when installing the plugin :
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Scrape_URL() (previously declared in /home1/luhur99/public_html/ in /home1/luhur99/public_html/ on line 70

    can you get me the solutions ?


    one of your products fans


    Hey Brett,

    Sorry for my last comment, I fat-fingered by accident and hit the enter key before I was done…ooops! Anyway, just wanted to say “Thank You” for the INCREDIBLE marketing tool, it looks amazing and my mind is spinning with all the great possibilities…you’re the BEST man, thanks again!!!




    brett s excuse me will not let me activate I get this Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Scrape_URL


    Hi Brett,

    Just a quick question, some of the other “Jacking” plugins suggest we write to the the web-site owners we are “Jacking” for permission to use the plugin to iframe their site, which I would bet nobody does and if they did they wouldn’t get a “yes, no problem” answer… What do you think? Personally not too concerned, I’ve never heard of anyone having issues and there must have been thousands sold and used. The best analogy I can think of is You Tube and the “copyright” issue.

    Just curious to hear your thoughts,



      I would not do that personally. I would not be concerned with it. Jack Jacker does not use IFRAMEs though, it uses HTTP requests. Basically the software asks the website host for the HTML data and the host gives it to us. Web masters can set their servers to reject these kinds of requests if they choose (though very few actually do)


        Hi Brett,

        Thanks for the clarification, it’s a great product, now i’m looking at new ways to use this as possibilities seem endless.

        Thanks again for the gift,



    Hi Brett,

    Thanks again for this amazing tool, I am having trouble getting it to work though. I have tried jacking numerous sites and every time I hit the “view” tab it simply takes me to an “about:blank” page with nothing there. I have double checked that I am using the full URL’s including http:// and have tried disabling all my active plugins with the same results. Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much!


      It sounds like a mod-rewite issue with your host.
      Go into WordPress, Select Pages, and view WordPress page you are using for your Jack .. when you view the page directly does your Jacked Page show?


        Yes it does! Okay, I’m cool with that route. Thanks so much for your help and generosity in providing us with this incredible tool at no cost…you are the man and I am forever grateful!

        Have a Great Evening!


    Hey Brett,

    I know you are not a lawyer so I’m not asking for legal advice from you on this, BUT I was wondering if you could explain your understanding of how this is legal?

    As far as I understood even Iframes are in “grey” copyright area, because they are displaying another sites content on their own. It seems that this does the same, but just in a different way of embedding it ….via http.

    Are you saying that calling and displaying the content via an http call, is the same as calling the website into your browser to render it – therefore that is how it may be legal?

    Just wondering….



    How does it look on Google? Would Google crawl the content or it will just detect it as duplicate content?
    Do you have a demo URL?


    Hey this plugin looks amazing and i am very excited to give it a try, however I have installed it onto WordPress and when I click the plugin the Jack Jacker logo doesn’t show, so I am unable to click the new jack button. Please help me figure this out. Thanks


      Sounds like you did not install it correctly. Please use the WP install function to add it and make sure you dont rename the .zip file.


        Hey! Why do you dont accept my comment?
        Please tell me how to resolve the issue with your plugin.
        Its not working when I click add new jack!
        Nothing happends. On localhost it works fine but on a hosted wp site it doesn’t. I have disabled and deleted the other plugins.


          Its most likely a conflict with another plugin. Disabling your other plugins does not mean they did not change the WP configuration. As I have said multiple times to people now, you should use Jack Jacker on a domain (or subdomain) that is just for Jack Jacker.

    Charles D

    I watched the video and this looks like a very nice plugin. I will download and install it now. I’ve been looking for something like this and I think this is the one.


    Hello and congratulations for this awesome piece of software.
    Please tell me how to resolve the issue with your plugin.
    Nothing happends when I click add new jack!
    On localhost it works fine but on a hosted wordpress site it doesn’t. I have disabled and deleted the other plugins.

    Big thanks!


      Sounds like a conflict with a different plugin. For best results you should use JJ on a site with nothing else on it, such as a subdomain or a domain specifically for JJ.


        Thanks for the response.
        Actually the site is a fresh new one. I just signed up to OpenShift and after installing wordpress and deleting the default plugins I installed Jack Jacker. I tried to install and unnistall it several times without success..
        Could you please take a look if I give you temporaru login credentials?


    Ron Rahman

    Hi, I have tried the free version of jackjacker and also the gold version of it.
    None worked for me, after clicking the create new jack button and filling everything, i click save now but nothing happens. I tried on a subdomain aswell as one of my money site, but same thing. Please help me, thanks!


    Why is it that when I create a jacked link, then immediately create a second one. After viewing either the urls and names seem to get mixed up?


    Thanks so much…I’ll be using this to drive traffic to a charity website!


    You my friend are a flipping legend. Why you did it free … I dont know, but Thank You!

    I have not used it yet but i can see the potential, and i will not forget your work!

    Thanks again!


    Thanks for the Plugin But it seems not working, tried the free version, seems to work at first and when i saved changes it gives me internal error! any help thanks


      Its likely either an error with your server settings or its a conflict with your other plugins. As I have said in many other comments, you should be using JJ on a site that has nothing else on it and is only for JJ. For example a subdomain on your site that you put WP on and only use JJ for.

    Gary B

    Hi, I notice that a number of affiliate sellers are offering Jack Jacker free as a bonus to whatever they are selling … how does that work, do you just allow it to be give away or is there some type of agreement I would need with you to do the same thing?

    Gary B


    Just wanted to comment after getting the free version. In my opinion, it is worthless. The idea that a call to action banner will get people to leave that page is outdated and doesn’t work. Why would anyone click on that banner when all the information you want is on that page. Anyone will click thru on any link on the page and once they do that you have lost them. We are given the free version for the sole purpose of getting us to buy the gold version.

    The only value I see in the gold version is the ability to put in a pop up that at least gives you a chance of getting traffic. The option to replace every link on the page is what could cause you a problem. You have now taken someone else’s work and used it to promote your program.

    The biggest problem with the Gold version is that any page you jack will never show up in the SERP. There is no source code so nothing for search engines to find.

    The plugin isn’t worth much but it doesn’t really do much either. Just my opinion. Prove me wrong.


      Thanks for your opinion. As for ‘proving you wrong’ I dont have to prove anything to you, Im not here to prove anything to you. Im sorry that you feel that way.


    thankyou Brett! You’re the Man!


    Brett this looks like a great product, but your download link is broken. Could you please fix the link? I can’t wait to check this out.

    Charles Brown
    {link to commenters website removed}


    Hi Brett,

    I am having some trouble with the plugin. When I jack a webpage and fill in the details, then click view, I get a blank page. I tried disabling other plugins but unsuccessful. When I try to go directly to the page I shows nothing as well. Please help!


      Instead of clicking ‘view’ in JackJacker, on the left hand side of the admin area, click ‘Pages’. Click to view the page your using with JackJacker. Does that work?


    Hi Brett,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve tried what you recommended but I only get a blank page with the ad bar.


    I followed the directions and all I get is a blank tab screen when I click view


    Hi Brett!

    I already love this plugin! You could easily charge an insane amount of money for this. The fact that you’re making this free really demonstrates your generosity, selflessness and solidarity towards us other IM-folks!

    The things we can do with this plugin simply are trmendous and I already got my head spinning!


    – David


    Hi Brett
    Thanks for the fantastic plug in, as a newbie to affiliate marketing I found your instructional video and plug in very easy to follow and implement, however, as Amazon is the only site I’m affiliated to when I enter the product code it just goes to the jacked sites next page. I’m probably missing something basic so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Best Regards Mike

    Carsten T

    Got both the free version and the gold version. Nothing happens when I click Create New Jack. All plugins have been removed, my hosting provider has php 5.4 and uses cURL. So something else is wrong… Not eve the Jack Jacker Logo is showing… So a little bit of help would be nice, because the idea is very good indeed


    Hi Brett,

    having a few awkward moments – so I’ve been reading feedback – the world has got some characters!

    I’ve installed it on a site “with nothing else on it”, and it’s works perfect except the page is blank, the jack banner was there yay! which when clicked works – but it can’t find the page.

    When you say, “Try going directly to the page your using with JackJacker.” how do I actually try that? I copied the url inside jj and pasted in back into my browser and it resolved ok.

    Just checked, my server has CURL.

    Sorry to bother, but I’m busting to get this happening – any clues? thanks for your awesomeness


    Hi Brett.

    Thank you for your free plugin.
    I’m sure it’s going to help my website a lot.


    Hi Brett, this plugin is super cool. I have a huge smile on my face. Thank you for being you!


    Hi,Brett ! You are amazing! Your gift makes me feel humble! I have a lot to think about!


    Muchas gracias por el regalo Brett y sobre todo por pensar siempre en lo que vamos un paso mas atras 🙂

    Un abrazo

    Marta Marugain


    Hi Brett,


    Thanks for the great plugin. Can’t wait to try it out.
    Think it will be great on my Sugar Control Diet Fan Page in Facebook.
    Will make posting so much easier.



    Hi Brett,

    I’ve tried the free plugin and need to purchase the gold version, however when installed and created a new jack the banner shows up at the bottom of the jacked page not the top, please let me know I if have any idea on how to fix this,

    Thanks & regards

    Gerald Mora

    Not sure why you deleted my question. I’m just wondering about if someone can help me with this. The banner is being displayed at the bottom of the jacked pages in one of my wordpress sites where I installed the plugin. Is this the way it should be or this can be fixed to show the banner at the top,



      I did not delete your question. It does take time for me to approve it.

      Its probably an error with the page your jacking, try some other pages, if you still have an issue use the contact form to send me a link to your jacked site and I will take a look

        Gerald Mora

        Hi Brett,

        I apologize for being so eager. Your plugin really rocks. If someone else has issues with the plugin I’d recommend updating the OS, I was testing it in a pc and came across windows was a bit old. I’ll be more than happy the purchase your gold plugin


    The plugin isn’t working for me. Made sure the urls are right. When I click to view it goes to about.blank.

    What do you think is wrong.


    Katrina Haney

    Hi Brett, I am really eager to use this jacker for content, but I do have a question. And I’m a pretty new newbie so apologies if this is a silly question. I have been studying everything I can get my hands on about building authority, and I’ve been reading that if you just copy content from someone else, that google knows that and it can actually hurt you. Does this plugin somehow get around that?

    In any case, this is an awesome thing for you to be giving away and I’m glad I found it.



      The question tells me that you are miss understanding what JJ is for. It is not for Google, its not for making you an authority and its not something you should put an a site that you intend to make an authority site. Check out the video to see how you would use this, I give a real example and explain it in there.

        Katrina Haney

        Thank you for your quick reply. I do understand what it’s for, and I did watch the video, very closely. I do have some ideas about how I can use this in my unique situation. I was just wondering if I did that would I hurt my chances of becoming an authority. Would google see it as copied content. I guess you answered that question. I just have to weigh the usefulness against the possible downside.


    Just awesome! thanks for sharing

    CW Johnson

    Brett, I love your site and the software you create. But I have one question. How do you stop people from selling the plugins that you give away?


      I dont honestly .. and frankly I cant. Piracy and theft is a part of the software business unfortunately. What I do is rely on everyone’s honor as a good person 🙂 Its not the best method but its the only realistic one.


    On the one hand this is wonderfully cool and very cool and it’s great of you to offer such amazing capabilities for free.
    On the other hand… while not a lawyer, I’ve spent not a little time understanding copyright law as it relates to the Internet. My spidey-sense tells me this would be a problem.
    This (for me at least) confirms my concerns.

    Use at y’all’s own risk.

    Thanks, though, for the kind gesture Brett.


      JackJacker is a web browser (written in PHP) it uses HTTP protocol to ask the sites server for the data, the sites server responds with the site data, and than it displays it. JackJacker does not copy anything (though every web browser in the world DOES actually copy the site in the form of a cache). If a web browser is not against copyright laws and it does copy the data, then I think its fair to say that a script that functions exactly like a browser but does not copy the data is also not against copyright laws.

      The problem your having is A) Your not a legal expert as you said and B) You dont know how JJ works so your making assumptions. Thanks for taking the time to post though.


    I agree with James, sorry Brett. I’m not a lawyer either, but I don’t need to be a legal expert to know the difference between ethical and unethical methods.

    As James so eloquently put it… “Use at y’all’s own risk.”

    All the best,


      Well there is a difference between ‘ethical’ and ‘legal’. They are not related in any way. And dont be sorry, you are 100% allowed to have your own opinion. Also if you dont feel that a tool like this is ‘ethical’ thats fine as well. Just dont use it. Thanks for the comment and for your feedback 🙂


    I am now a follower of everything you do. Thanks for this and everything else that I’ve bought from you so far.

    John Reed (JohnOYork)

    Hi Brett – thanks indeed for this natty software.
    Can’t wait to try this out!


    Hello Brett,
    Thanks for your awesome free plugin.
    I have some issues:
    1. The Bar doesn’t showed in iPhone within Facebook navigation.
    2. In Jack settings, after I created a jack, click on the VIEW, it leads to a new window in blank (about:blank), there is nothing in the page.
    3. I tried with another WP by other web host. After I created a Jack, click on SAVE, it’s stuck, nothing happen, not save the Jack; I click on the top right “X”, it’s the same, stuck there… I need to refresh the browser…
    What have I missed?
    Please help.


      1) Im not sure what you mean by this, this is not a Facebook software.
      2) Its likely your mod-rewrite settings, go directly to the WordPress page you are using for your Jack. Also I suggest that people use JJ on a site that has nothing else for it and is only for JJ .. for example a subdomain.


    Great Plugin. Thanks Brett!

    June Abestano

    Thanks Brett!

    Works Great but not on when using Canvass theme. Not sure which script that has the conflict.



    Thank you Brett, this is cool!
    is there any install explanation also for newbe ones without any experience.
    Thank you


      You can head over to Google and search for “How to install a WordPress tutorial” there are about a billion tutorials, which is why I did not feel the need to make yet another one.


    Hi Brett, first of all thank you for this plugin but I got problem when install it.. It seem I cannot make it work, the button hidden and not clickable. I have the screenshoot here

    Do you have any idea how to work around this problem? my wordpress installed without any other plugin,

    ps:sorry for my english 🙂


      It looks like you did not install it correctly. You need to use the WP plugin uploader and also you need to make sure you dont change the name of the .zip file (this was said numerous times in the comments here)


    You must just be the best out there … at this point I can see through the BS of most Internet marketers pretending to give something for free that doesn’t have that big of a value.
    Can’t say the same thing for you … your content is gold and I’ll remain a faithful follower.


    I just found your site.. This is awesome! Thanks you so much for the free jack jacker plugin and cool training on how to use it!


    I have problem with this plugin when I install. Can you help me resolve this ?
    You can see my error here:
    Thank you very much.


    This is really a very nice gift.

    Thank you very much!

    Lyudmila 🙂


    Wow! This is so so great! Thank you!

    I discovered your site today and I’m amazed of the quality contents you have. Here you have a new fan 🙂


    Hello Brett,
    thanks for your work.

    Is it possible that the plugin does not work with the last version of WP ?
    In fact when I click on the button “Create New Jack” nothing hapens…


    Darin Davis

    i Was Wondering How Long until Traffic Came to your page After Using Jack Jacker

    Joseph Cettina

    Thanks For the Great App!!


    Cool plugin !

    Quick question though. Can I add retargeting pixel in the jacked post ?


    Hello Brett,
    just want to ask u what software that you use to generate pop-up code?
    I’m means in a Gold Version.


      There are several of them, given that Im about to release a new system that includes a pop up builder it would prefer not to recommend someone elses platform though 🙂


    Hello Brett, awesome job with this plug-in.. I have a question, Im trying to use your plugin along with like jacker ninja plugin, but whenever someone goes into a page that has been jaked my jack jacker it wont show the module box that should pop up (from like jacker ninja) is there a way that I can make both of them work at the same time? it would be crazy to gain fb likes using those 2 at the same time.

    Incase you dont know the ninja like jacker Ill leave u the link here

    Incase you need a key to test it, get in touch with me ill let you use mine, thanks Brett and awesome job!


    Couldn’t get this to work. Tried a whole bunch of different combinations and still wouldn’t work.


    Looks like a great tool! Matter of fact there is a product being SOLD now called,Visibility, that appears to do the same thing as your FREE tool. I wonder if he is copying your technique?!

    Mr Luan

    My erro

    Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/ohaytin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jack_jacker/html_dom/simple_html_dom.php on line 75

    help me !

    Jacobus Lavooij

    Hi Brett, nice stuff. Have a question though. Will there be a conflict of interest with the graphics providers? Your example for instance of has graphics. What if they are bought from let’s say Getty images. Would that cause a problem since this is now on your website? I know you say there is no copyright infringement, but what about the graphics? I know Getty and the like are pretty darn ruthless when it comes to this and I was just wondering if this can be a problem. For the rest, love your website and your straightforwardness.


    Hello mr. Brett,
    Thank you for this great plugin !
    However, I can’t get it to work because the “create new jack”-bar is for a part hidden behind the other text. Also the photo of Jack Jacker is not shown.
    I have deleted the plugin and installed it again, the problem stays the same.

    Can you help me pls ?



    Thanks for the plugin Brett. May I ask a question please?
    – Is it possible to add your own content to the jacked page as in content curation? This will help in eliminating any Google penalties as you would be adding your own unique content. Any thoughts on this?
    Thank you


    I was sent this link to your website by a friend from WF regarding your wordpress plugin Jack-Jacker and after viewing your video turtorial on the plugin I can’t wait to try it out This plugin will help enormously Looks too too easy Now Thanks

    This was cool could not stop laughing

    “I got to tell you it really irks me when people have nothing better to do but criticize spelling or grammar. 1) It was a demo video not a doctoral thesis 2) I’m a professional programmer and internet marketer not a writer. If you think that my ability to spell has anything to do with my ability to write plugins or make money online you are very much mistaken.”

    Thank You


    Hi Brett,

    Can we make that the top bar show only when user scrolls down or shows only after few seconds?

    Look forward to your feedback.



    This plugin looks excellent. However, I’ve encounted a problem.

    When I created a page using the plugin, in Chrome when I visit the page it displays a red screen with the message ‘Deceptive site ahead’. This message only appears when I visit the article using the plugin, not when I visit the article url separately. If you require, I can take a screenshot of the message.

    This seems to be a problem because many internet users use Chrome. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this error message from occurring?


    Hi Brett,

    this plugin concept is excellent and I appreciate your awesome tutorial on how it is used. Can’t wait to use it.

    Thank You



    Hi Brett, sorry to trouble. I have installed the plugin and followed your instructions but when I click on view, I get a blank page with ‘server error 500’. Do you have any idea what I’m doing wrong??

    Thanks in advance for any help offered 🙂



      I dont think your doing anything wrong. This sounds like an issue with your hosting company, make sure your host has at least PHP 5.3 and also an up to date version of CURL. PS) Your troubling me, dont think that 🙂


    Have you tried to use the > Add Posts to Pages Plugin ?

    Phil Berkun

    I just did my annual exit from email lists that aren’t valuable to me anymore.
    I made it a point to be sure to STAY on your list, Brett.
    This valuable free WP plugin is only one of many reasons why.
    Your product reviews are must reading for me, and I follow you on social media, as well.
    So I’m very happy to have this chance to plug you and this plugin on FB, Twitter, and G+.
    Many thanks to you for all you do.

    Dave Smith

    Put my email, see your video, joined to the facebook group… Still waiting for the link to download the plugin.


    Cool jacker,
    if possible to do half page and half can put ads code


    Hi Brett,

    could you tell me please where I can buy Jack Jacker Gold Edition? I need Jack Page Links tool. Can not find link for this product.

    Thank you!


      Its not for sale from me. I only give it away as a bonus.


        What do I have to do for getting it as a bonus? I have found this plugin for sale on other site but not sure is it legal or somebody try sell yours (free, bonus) plugin and not sure about version.What if I will buy free edition?

        Thank you!


          Well I was just giving it away this weekend, along with 3 other software products (all 4 with reseller rights) as a bonus to Mario’s Mobile Lead Flow. You might want to make sure your on my email list so you dont miss out on things like this.


    Thank You
    wich more success to you ^_^


    Thanks so much for your help. I can’t express enough how much this has helped me. It gave me insight on what might be the problem with other plugins that are not working and the techs behind them can’t figure out why. I guess you really know what your doing.

    Clyde Skeete

    Greetings ! Brett,

    Love working with the profitcanvas it was a fine choice. Ease of use and multiple applications is great. Hey! thanks for your acceptance into the group. Today is a happy moment when I added Jack jacker and profitcanvas to my wordpress site. It opens a new future.


    i have downloaded and installed this free jack jacker but it is NOT working. it doesnt allow me to click “create a new jack” am I doing something wrong? do I need to purchase something in order for it to work on wp?


      There is not much detail there other than NOT working, which can mean anything so its hard to give an exact answer. But the most common problems are 1) A plugin conflict, which is why I strongly suggest that you use JJ on a site that is just for JJ or 2) You changed the name of the plugins zip file before installing (it must be unchanged)


    Hi Brett
    I am using the JJ plugin on a new site I created for testing , it has some basic plugins WordFence, WP Statistics, and Pretty Link. The issue that I am having is – The jacked page does not show up , I can input all the data as requested from create new jack tab, from there nothing shows up on the page that I would like to use it on .


    Where can I download this plugin? Already joined your FB group


    Hi Brett,
    I just tested the plugin, it works but when i share in FB it show as my domain instead of the authority domain as shown in video, does you got the same problem or it is just me? I was hoping it can show as the authority domain in order to get click for sharing content from authority site.


      If the site you are jacking does not have proper Facebook OG tags the share is not going to be ideal. Keep in mind, when you jack a site you get all the good / and bad things of the way the site is created.

    Jean-Marie JOYEUX

    Good Afternoon Brett,

    Just want to tell you that I finally begin to use the Jack Jaker plug in and this is an awesome product.



    where do i optin for the free jack jacker?


    There are gifts and there are GIFTS. Thank you for your GIFT Brett


    awesome brett. Thanks alot. How do i get the upgraded version?


    Brett – I downloaded Jack Jacker and installed it on my WordPress 4.4.2 sit. The plugin isn’t working. Has it been tested with the latest version of WordPress? Plugin freezes and I have to close my browser. Any ideas? Was really looking forward to using it. Thanks,


      Yes it works with the latest version of WP. Likely its a plugin conflict, as I have said at least a dozen times in these comments: You should use JJ on a site that has nothing on it but JJ.



    Good Stuff, Thank You,


    The Jack Jacker link is not sending me the plugin. I just get an invite to the FB page.


    Brett, thanks for this free plugin. I have tried to follow all your suggestions. I just created a new subdomain and installed Jack Jacker and Pretty Links as the only plugins. When I try to jack a page it only shows the jack bar on top and then the rest of the page is white. I have read through all your support comments in this thread. Does not work if I go directly from the WP page; I have tried at least 10 different URL’s to jack; I checked with my hosting company and my site has at least PHP 5.2 and cURL. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

    Jon Elkin

    I wanted to post an update in case this helps anyone else having issues. I got a free website hosting account (x10Hosting), installed WordPress 4.5, installed Jack Jacker and then it worked fine as it is supposed to and jacked the page without any issue. So apparently it is an issue with my paid hosting, however, this free hosting version works well for me since my goal is to drive traffic to the affiliate offer for a sale and not to promote my main website. Thanks for the free plugin!


    I must say brett this is really a great plugin you’ve created and i will have alot of use for it.

    Ignacio anguiano

    Plugin not working


    Looks fantastic. Thank you for the Freebie section. It’s a really nice gesture. And your reviews are great! Thx.

    Simon Michaelson

    This really looks fantastic but how do I add a jacked article to a blog post?


    Hey Brett,

    Could you please tell me how to get a copy of your free jack jacker plugin?


    Hi Brett,
    This gift is awesome to go along with your Affiliate Trax which I picked up too.

    Thanks Brett


    Hi Brett, love the Jack Jacker plugin. Quick question please, I might be showing a little “over-caution” here, but, is it best, to no-follow [obvious] and no-index jacked pages? Would there be any negatives with a jacked page being open to a Google bot to crawl? Thanks for any feedback offered. Thank you for this excellent plugin.

    Dave Smith

    Hi Brett. I have a question for you about Jack Jacker…..
    Do you “have” to create a “page” on your WP site for every article you create?
    Or can I create a “blog” post and it will still do the same thing to bring people to my website?

    Thanks in advance, because I see myself creating about 30-50 “pages”, and I wouldn’t know where to put them……But, I blog all the time…….

    Thanks again!

    Penha Mullett

    Wow Brett! I dont believe that plugin is a gift! Thanks so much! Amazing!

    Michael Wolk

    Hey, Brett,

    Thanks for caring about helping others make money online. Learning a lot I hope someday I can do the same.



    Loving the idea of the plugin, but having an issue with implementing it. I have followed the demo in the video, but when I click view I am taken to a blank browser page @ about:blank. Using Google Chrome. Can you offer any suggestion as to what I may be doing wrong.

    Thank you.


      This has been addressed dozens of times in the comments, though at this point there are so many comments I dont expect anyone to read them all. Go directly to the WP page your using with your Jack instead of clicking the VIEW button.


    Hi Brett,

    Sorry for no-doubt asking a question, that’s likely been asked a zillion times before, but should this be working with Youtube videos? I’ve tried a couple of times, but I get a playback error msg, “try again later”, but other Youtube videos are working fine?

    Likely a silly question, but thanks for feedback offered.


    Hi Brett,

    What’s that WP plugin you either created or reviewed that places a BAR at the bottom of the page saying something like ” 94 people are viewing this page, last sale was 55 seconds ago ” with a Get It Now button next to it?


    Keith Weinstock

    Dear Brett,
    Thanks for all the great software, especially the instant video site. With that software I purchased you gave great free software to use.

    I love Jack the Jacker and have tried to use it to no avail. I have deleted and reloaded up to my WP site but I cannot display the site I am trying to Jack? The bar at the top appears along with the text, but not the site?

    What do you recommend I do? I really would like to use this software since it gives great content and authority value.

    Best Regards,


    Keith Weinstock

    Dear Brett,,

    I posted without reading the numerous comments, but now have seen many replies to my question!! I am sorry and will not make it a habit of putting the cart before the horse! Thank you for your unlimited patience!!

    Mahalo and Arigato!


    Brett just found you you are a legend my friend
    For struggling newbie like myself or for the seasoned pro this stuff rocks . Any adult knows
    You never stop learning even if you are a pro you’ve got to move with the times . In scotland we have a saying (maybe others countries as well ) ‘ A know all that knows F..k All , it appears theirs a few of them on here . If your not willing to learn from others then why even come here?
    I haven’t even got the download yet but I can see the potential and can’t wait to get started with it .

    Ps I can’t spell either but who gives a flying f..k

    Hope you allow this post! But it really angers me when people that are trying to help ( for free, yes free i.e. no cost i.e not scamming people out of money i.e. doing all the work and giving it away ) get abuse from from people that are probably the ones who share nothing .


    Hi Brett,

    Love the idea of this plugina dn I am really looking forward to use it. I have just installed it but it does not pull the content into my page.
    The CTA on the top works but the page below remains blank.


    Brett, I followed the video, but I get an error once I click view. I guess it’s searching page id’s that are not showing – ?page_id=11839
    Once I remove that, the website is displayed again.

    Your thoughts on what could be wrong.

    Elwin Soler

    Greetings Brett Rutecki. I watched the Gold version, the version I’m interested in gold.


    If you are also using blogger can I use one like this or import this somehow?


    Does jack jacker support free hosting? such as


    I just tried to join your fb group to download the plugin and was declined access, then blocked! Can I get a little help here? Profile name is Jonny Cage