Comment Maximiser [review]
Can help with product salesNEG:
Best for people with multiple fan pagesToday Im doing a review of a new desktop software called Comment Maximiser Comment Maximiser is a Adobe Air software that lets you manage the Facebook comments on your fan page from one central location. From the start it lets you view statistics on your fan pages. While this is cool its hardly worthy of […]
Today Im doing a review of a new desktop
software called Comment Maximiser
Comment Maximiser is a Adobe Air software that lets you manage the Facebook comments on your fan page from one central location. From the start it lets you view statistics on your fan pages. While this is cool its hardly worthy of a software itself. The power of this product comes from its ability to let you reply to any or all of the comments your posts have at once. It even has a build in comment ‘spintax’ so that one comment reply can be made to look unique to each person that it automatically replies to.
So why is it important to reply to comments? Well if you have used Facebook you probably already know. Every time someone reply’s to a comment you have made you get a notification saying that there has been a reply. Most people will click this notification because they want to see the reply and end up back in the original post. This has a benefit for multiple reasons. First it keeps the conversation going. It keeps people posting and keeps people getting more and more notifications. Second it can cause an increase in edge rank for the post because when people interact with the post Facebook naturally assumes the post is something people like and is worth showing to more people. Finally if the post is any kind of a marketing or sales post it get the people back to the post which increases the chance that they will make a purchase, optin, or take whatever other action the post was designed to entice.
When I first installed my review copy of Comment Maximizer I was greeted by a very pleasant surprise. You can actually see it in the graphic below.
Jai, the developer of this software actually went through the time, effort and expense (its not free) to become a verified Adobe Air developer. This is really cool. Its also something that I have never seen any other developer in the IM space do. Most of the time when you get an Adobe Air software by a marketing developer you will see that the software is unverified. I suspect that its because the vendors dont want to pay the fee or go through the effort. However Jai is verified. What this shows me is that Jai is not some fly by night guy. He is a true professional and is willing to go through the work and cost to prove it.
Since I started reviewing products, in particularly software, I have met a lot of developers and vendors. I have also come across a lot of products that where not up to my standards. Now something that people might not know though is that about 90% of the time (sometimes there is no time) I tell the vendor what I did not like about a product before I publish my review. Often I offer to help them make it better if they are willing to accept that help. About 1/2 of the time the responses I get are not so great. I have been called every dirty name you can think of. I have been threatened (both in business and personally). I have been cursed at and I have been cut down. It seems that lots of marketers have big egos and cant take criticism (even when its constructive).
However smart product vendors have capitalized on the fact that I’m extremely detailed when I test their products. They ask me to review their product and point out every flaw I can find to them. Their only request, that I tell them first so they can fix any problems I find before the product goes live. In essence these people are using me as an unpaid, professional beta tester. Something I’m glad to do because quality products help everyone where bad products are just well .. bad business.
This product was the latter. When Jai first approached me to test his software he asked that I point out any flaws I found. In testing, though it was not horrible, there where a few things that I felt could be enhanced or improved. Also I found a couple of bugs that would need to be fixed. Well I’m pleased to say that after about 1/2 a dozen Skype conversations and one or two live calls Jai got it all sorted and working up to my standards.
For anyone who is managing multiple fan pages, who wants to increase engagement (everyone should want this) or who is using fan pages to generate any kind of income or leads Im going to say this is a cool little tool to have. Its launching at a price of between $17 and $27 (depending on the license) for the first day of the launch. At this price Id say its a great investment. However the price does increase and by the final day it will be $47, which is a bit less attractive. Im not sure I would by this at $47 but I for sure would at $17-$27 so I will say that if your going to pick this up make sure you grab it on the first day.
I have been getting lots of emails from people asking me to review the OTO’s on products:
Normally I dont review OTO’s however my readers have been asking for it an I want to keep them happy so I asked Jai to send me a review copy of the OTO. Its another Adobe software called “Social Maximiser”.
While the Social Mazimiser upsell software has a bunch of different functions the thing that got me instantly excited about it is the content sources. This software will automatically pull content from dozens of every updating sources. With this you will never always have fresh content to post to your fan pages.
Posting fresh, quality, and interactive content to your fan pages is the key to having a good page. Without quality content you will get no shares, no likes, and no engagement. Its an old saying, but its very true for Facebook: content is king. Unfortunately finding good content to post can be a labor intensive task, especially if you have multiple fan pages. This honestly is why I let most of my own fan pages die off. I did not want to spend the time finding content. However with this OTO software you can have fresh content at your finger tips.
The price of the OTO is $67 and I think its well worth it simply for the time savings you are going to get. My time and my life is valuable to me and I’m sure yours is as well. There are a lot of things I would prefer to do each day then spend a couple of hours finding content. The OTO software will let anyone using Facebook marketing save that time.
So what is my final thought on this launch. The front end software is a good investment at the initial $17-$27 price point however it becomes less attractive at the $47 ending price, so grab it early. The OTO software is a good investment for anyone who would prefer to do something other than spend hours each day looking for content to post. Honestly even if your not interested in the front end product the OTO is good enough that it might be worth buying the lowest license on the front end just so you can buy the OTO. When combined together both of these software’s are going to give a huge time savings and a big advantage to anyone interested in making money with Facebook fan pages.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Thanks for review. As I was reading the both softwares looked very familiar, they looked a lot like software I had seen before..
Both Comment Maximizer and Social Maximizer have been released previously. I own both and just checked to make sure. Both are great products, and with your help have become even better.
Thanks for your help in making a great product even better…
I bought Comment Maximiser and it seems like a very good software for people who have pages that get lots of comments. In fact I’d say it’s a necessity if you have a page – as I do – that gets lots of comments.
I don’t know about social maximiser but I have Jai’s (Jay Venka) Qilio which allows you to find content and make meme’s for FB and schedule them and track their impact etc and it’s very good. Not sure what the difference is between this and social maximiser. Also Jay responds to tech support in a professional manner, not like the people who sold me QuoteMaster for FB who I can’t get to even respond to my support ticket and it’s now been 4 days.
Its unfortunate that you did not visit my site earlier. I actually did a review of Quote Master and I suggested that people not buy it.
I could have saved you from wasting your money on that one.