Posts Tagged ‘favor’

Free Training: How to double your affiliate sales!

So you set up your squeeze page. You have driven traffic to it. Your finally starting to build a list and your ready to start sending out some affiliate offers and start making some money for all the effort you have put in. Lif...


P1 Video Magnet [review]

When I first came across P1 Video Magnet I thought it was just a Word Press theme. Not that it would be a bad thing if it was just a theme since its great looking and being sold at a cost that is less than what other themes are...


OptinGate [review]

I knew about OptinGate for a while now and frankly I was not planning on reviewing it because I felt that it might compete with some of my own products. However I had so many people ask me to look at it that I really could not ...


YouTube Jammer [review]

Today Im looking at YouTube Jammer, a new training product that promises to teach you how “a clueless newbie went from banging his head on the wall to banking an easy $2000 per month”. This training is delivered via...


BlogDefender [REVIEW]

Wordpress is one of the most popular platforms in the world. An estimated 60 million sites use WordPress. What started as a simple blogging platform is now one of the most preferred ways to quickly set up a website. Users love ...

How to and why you should set up a custom Facebook audience

 Ok so by now we all know (or should know) that Facebook ads when done properly are about the lowest cost ad venue to be found anywhere. The key words in there though are ‘when done properly’. So the question that ...

FB Magic Bar [review]

Hey guys! Today I was asked to take a look at a new WordPress plugin that is about to be released by Chris Jenkins called FB Magic Bar. One thing that all of you know, and that I told him before I agreed to review the plug in i...

How NOT to do a WSO

WSO Crash and Burn: Warrior Special Offers, on the Warrior Forum (commonly called WSO’s) are a great way to build a email list, generate sales, and drive traffic to your product or website. However they need to be done th...