Posts Tagged ‘time’

Master Funnel Creation! [REVIEW]

Today Im doing a review of a WSO  (Warrior Special Offer) free product called Master Funnel Creation. Now you might be wondering why I would want to do a review on a free product? Well there are a couple of reasons. First thes...

SpeedAzon [REVIEW]

Today Im looking at a new WordPress theme called SpeedAzon offered by Keith and Bronwyn Stringer. I first met Keith and Bronwyn about 2 years ago when I was still freelancing. We had done a couple of really interesting projects...

Simple List Building Formula Review

Simple List Building Formula [REVIEW]

Today Im reviewing a training product by Randy Chinn called Simple List Building Formula. Simple list building formula is a comprehensive video training program that is designed to take you through the steps of building an e-ma...

Social Trap [REVIEW]

Hey everyone today I’m doing what is possibly the hardest review I have ever done. The thing that makes it had is that I have a real and true moral conflict. You see the product Im reviewing is by Mehdi Tihani. I have wor...


Social Trap

Hey everyone today I’m doing what is possibly the hardest review I have ever done. The thing that makes it had is that I have a real and true moral conflict. You see the product Im reviewing is by Mehdi Tihani. I have wor...

FB Ad Engine [REVIEW]

Full review of Facebook Ad Engine in video: Today Im taking a look at FB Ad Engine a new software released by Martin Crumlish. I first met Martin a while back when I was freelance programming and he hired me to do a project for...

Are you taking advantage of Facebook ads?

We all know about ads. Pay per click, pay per impression. But what many people still fail to realize is that Facebook ads is one of the most lucrative platform you are going to find. Why? Well there are several reasons. However...

Mobile Smart Link [review]

Hey everyone! Normally I only do one article a day however I came across this new product which was just awarded product of the day by JVZoo and I just had to do a quick review. First off let me make one thing clear. Being awar...

Timer Bar [review]

Hey everyone! Today I got a message on Facebook from Thomas Witek who wanted me to  take a look at his newest WordPress plugin “Timer Bar”  Ok so first off if you dont know Thomas he has been producing WP plugins ...

How to and why you should set up a custom Facebook audience

 Ok so by now we all know (or should know) that Facebook ads when done properly are about the lowest cost ad venue to be found anywhere. The key words in there though are ‘when done properly’. So the question that ...