Posts Tagged ‘examples’

Social Mobi Hotsites [review]

A couple of days ago I was hit up out of the blue on Skype from a contact I had not spoken to in about a year. The message invited me to look at a new software Social Mobi Hotsites and also included affiliate / review access wi...


Local Lead Alternator [REVIEW]

Today Im taking a look at Local Lead Alternator, a new training product offered by Ivana Bosnjak. So I first met Ivana a few months back through some mutual business acquaintances. In that time we have spoken quite a bit and ha...


FB Lander

Hey everyone: Today Im taking a look at FB Lander by Austin E Anthony. The concept behind this WordPress plugin is that it allows you to make landing pages for your Facebook ads that have several different offers on it. The ide...


Compliance Bar [review]

Every once in a while a product gets released that you actually need. I dont mean need in that its a cool new tool or something like but need in the case that you are actually required to have it (or at least have something tha...