Local Lead Alternator [REVIEW]
Quality training in a solid business conceptNEG:
Ideal for people who are not yet making a living onlineToday Im taking a look at Local Lead Alternator, a new training product offered by Ivana Bosnjak. So I first met Ivana a few months back through some mutual business acquaintances. In that time we have spoken quite a bit and have worked together on a couple of projects. What I really like about Ivana […]
Today Im taking a look at Local Lead Alternator, a new training product offered by Ivana Bosnjak.
So I first met Ivana a few months back through some mutual business acquaintances. In that time we have spoken quite a bit and have worked together on a couple of projects. What I really like about Ivana is that she is not one of those ‘fake guru’s’. I happen to know her story and how she got into the IM business and while I wont get to much into the details I will say that she has had to work her way up from nothing. In short she has paid her dues and learned how to be successful the hard way. Now that she has become successful she offers different training products to hopefully save new people some of the aggravation that she had to go through herself when she was just learning. Training is a great product type for Ivana, she has a genuine desire to help people. Honestly she really is just a nice person.
Because of all of these things I agreed to take a look at her newest training Local Lead Alternator. So what is this? In short its a training program, which comes in video and PDF format, that will teach anyone how to leverage the internet to generate business leads for local professionals. You make money by charging the local business’s for each lead you generate.
The concept of this is very solid as professional services such as, roofers, plumbers, dentists, used car dealers, movers, painters, commercial building cleaning, real estate agents, lawyers, and tons of others, have been paying for leads for a long time. In fact they have been paying for leads since before the internet even existed. Now that we have the web, lead generation has exploded and anyone can get in on it.
There are scores of examples of successful lead generation services. Expedia.com, hotels.com, trulia.com, are all high end lead generation services. While its unlikely that the ‘average joe’ is going to compete with these huge players in the lead generation business on a national level there is no reason why the ‘average joe’ can’t make some serous money with the local market. This is because high end professional services are willing to pay big money per lead. They regularly pay prices that range from $20-$40 per lead that you send them.
Ivana’s training is top notch. It really covers everything you need to know. Each aspect of this business is in its own section and comes with a well made video, written instructions, and often PDF or other relevant downloads. Being an all inclusive training it takes you step by step through the very process she used to make money with this business model herself. Nothing is left uncovered and there is no secret or key element that is left out. It really is a step by step blue print to success in the online lead generation business.
If finishes up with some cool bonuses that include a cast study of how she personally used her own system to turn $7.53 into $800 in income. Personally I just love that fact that her training is not just theory. its a real system that she uses herself to make money.
So who is this training going to be good for? Its ideal for anyone who still is not making steady income online. If your already making full time income doing a different thing then you might not want to start on a whole new business model. However if you have not yet found your ‘groove’ and are still looking for your particular way to make decent money online then I would strongly suggest that you consider Local Lead Alternator. Click the link below to learn more:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Great review and seems like a winner product. I got it right away from the review. Just a Thought: Might want to include any OTO info in the reviews for more buying info and decision making. Thanks. Brian
I bought the product based on your review and recommendation but its unfortunate that since i bought it i have not received anything neither an email from the vendor. When I click on the access product link in jvzoo, I am rather taken to this empty page http://localleadalternator.com/congrats-local-lead-alternator-membership-approved/ This is frustrating
Ken, I assure you Ivana is on the up and up. That thank you page says the access info should have been emailed to you. Also you should be able to access it via JVZoo. Did you email her support? If not let me know and Ill send here a Facebook IM and see whats going on. Either way dont be upset. Ivana is a respectable person ,but bugs do happen sometimes, I will make sure you get your purchase.
Soughted it after email