eCom Subscription Pro [review]
Solid trainingNEG:
Members area could be improvedTonight Im writing a review of a new training called eCom Subscription Pro This is a very unique product in the IM business, at least it is for me. I don’t believe I have ever seen one like it in fact. So after I went through about 1/3rd of the training I asked the vendor […]
Tonight Im writing a review of a new training called eCom Subscription Pro
This is a very unique product in the IM business, at least it is for me. I don’t believe I have ever seen one like it in fact. So after I went through about 1/3rd of the training I asked the vendor Jon Bowtell to have a live chat with me about it. You can check out or conversation and my video review below.
Click here to get eCom Subscription Pro!
Several months ago eCom products took the world by storm. When I say eCom products what I really mean is selling physical products on Shopify. Ever wonder why? Well he is basically what happened. The shorted version.
It all started when I guy was making some really good money online selling physical products on Shopify. Well one way or another this guy met up with a marketer in the IM world and they decided to sell a training that teaches how he does it and they sell a bunch of copies and make a bunch of money. Well this is all well and good and would normally be a happy ending (except in the IM world). At this point everyone is a winner. The guy got some side cash, the customers got to learn how a real Shopify store is run, the marketer put some coin in his pocket for making it all happen. Everyone basically is a winner and everything is right and well in the world.
But then it happened. What always happens. Other marketers see that a bunch of money was made with a Shopify product and suddenly there are 500 other Shopify products teaching basically the same stuff, with very little new, and the obligatory screenshots that show gross sales not net profit. I have seen this happen many times. It happened with T-Spring, it happened with Fiverr, and it happened with eCom. One guy starts it and then every copy cat marketer decided to try to jump in with their own product to cash in on the new ‘trend’.
So honestly when I first heard about eCom Subscription Pro I was not to excited at first. Really I kind of judged it before I even looked at it. I thought to myself : Oh yay another eCom (aka Shopify) product .. just what the world needs. (not)
But the word ‘subscription’ made me curious so I decided to check it out and frankly now that I have I’m really glad that I did.
First of all, let me get it out of the way. This is not a Shopify training. This is not about setting up a web store. Its about selling a small number of products. Perhaps even just one or two of them as a subscription. Yes you sell physical products on a subscription. Consumable products. Products that people are going to need over and over.
The first thing that popped into my head when I started watching the training was ‘Dollar Shave Club’. These guys are following the exact model that eCom Subscription Pro teaches. They sell a very limited variety of small, easy to ship consumable products (disposable razors) that people are going to need over and over.
This is not a new concept either. Its a very well proven concept. Shave Club is just one example. There are actually many examples. Cigar of the month, DVDs, Music, Book of the month, hygiene products, supplements, if you really think about it, you can probably come up with others. People have been selling small, easy to ship, consumable products on a subscription model for years.
There are a lot of advantages to selling a consumable product on a subscription model. First of all you don’t need a big store with tons of different products. Since what your selling is consumable and people are on a subscription getting it monthly you really only need one product. Also it lends itself better to long term revenue.
Think of it this way. If I have a jewelry Shopify store and I get a customer to buy a ring. That customer will never buy that ring again because she already has it. So the only way I can get more sales is to either add a new product that hopefully the customer will like (but there is no guarantee she will) or to find a new customer. What this means that my store is always struggling to either expand its inventory or expand its customer reach. Since each sale is a once and done income, the moment you stop expanding either reach or inventory your in trouble.
Now look at the subscription model. You have a small light wight product. It does not really matter what it is, it could be razors, supplements or just about anything. But its consumable. This means that unlike the ring it the first example the customer will need it again. So you don’t need to constantly expand your inventory or reach to get more sales. People are in a subscription model to replenish the consumable product you know they want since the bought it the first time. Sure your still going to want more customers like any other business but since each customer is an asset that brings in sales over and over you don’t need new customers. In short a customer goes from being a one time cash infusion as with a jewelry store into a monthly income for your business.
It does not take much to see how the subscription model not only simplifies things by limiting the need for a huge invintory but also makes really good financial sense.
eCom Subscription Pro teaches you how to set up a business to do this yourself. It covers everything you will need. From getting started, to finding a consumable product and sourcing it, and even explains how to get target traffic at a low and easily profitable cost.
Now in the interest in being totally transparent I need to point out a few things about the members area I didn’t care for.
First was my pet peeve of the training videos having a little logo intro on each one of them. I still cant figure out why some people make us watch them over and over in their training videos. I dont need you to keep telling me the name of the product. I didn’t forget.
Second is the way the titled the training. The videos why very clear and easy to follow are broken up into modules. Each module is listed by number, so its module one, module two etc. This makes no sense. They should have some intelligent and easily identifiable names so that way if I want to revisit a section its more easy to find the module I need to go back to. In eCom Subscription Pro its even worse because they titled the video by number. So its module 1, then video 1, video 2 ,video 3 etc.
Now the vendor says you should watch them in order and this makes sense. But he neglected to anticipate that people might want to revisit and re-watch specific parts of the training. By having them titled and grouped this way its going to be hard to remember which video you need to watch if you need to go over something a second time. I frankly think this was big oversight on Jon’s part.
Despite these things though I really liked this training. Jon is a very good teacher. The videos are clean and crisp from a technical aspect and I found him very easy to follow. He explains everything you need in detail without rambling on, getting boring, or filling up with fluff.
So what do I think of eCom Subscription Pro over all? Well I love the concept. I love the fact that its not a new concept, its a proven concept that companies have used for years. I also really like that with tech today anyone can get into it fairly easily. Anyone can build a site, source products low cost from China, and use Jon’s traffic methods and be in business. That is in fact what Jon is teaching. He is teaching, in detail, how to build an actual business. Because of this I’m going to say, if your looking to build a real business you might want to take some time to consider eCom Subscription Pro.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Every time I see a new product being released that I might be interested in, I come to your site to see if you have reviewed it, and if not… I usually don’t buy it. Thanks for what you do & keep up the good work.
Thank you for this informative review. Having gone through several
Shopify products myself, you hit the nail on the head. We don’t need another
one and your review shows this to be different yet proven to work.
Hi Bret,
Can this be done from overseas?. I guess it will be difficult to buy from the supplier,pack and ship it.Or maybe this consumable items we use dropshipper?
It does not really matter where you are located, the internet is everywhere and post is international, anyone can buy products from supplier direct websites. You can use a drop shipper for sure if you like but me personally I would just do it myself at first.
Hey Brett,
Don’t want to sound negative or anything but, when you say that you are not happy with so many ecommerce related products being released with similar content in the market, why is it that I see over 3 products approved by you in the past 4 to 5 months in the ecommerce niche itself, even when they have almost same type of information?
I’d love to discuss about this with you
P.S: I am an avid reader of your blog and bought over 20 products you’ve endorsed over the past few months, but these days, I can see a lot of hypocrisy even in your reviews and blogs
I approved the products because they where good products. But at some point people have to say: Ok thats enough Shopify training, we got that covered now, we really dont need anymore. For me, we have reached that point.
Hey Brett, thanks for the review.
I have deleted every email promoting this product, and as you mentioned, I’m just so sick of e-com promotions at the moment, but, as usual, I open all your emails, and yes this is different in a sense that it is about a business model and not about teaching you how to build your e-commerce store. Absolutely right, there is nothing like a business model built around re-occurring payments from the same customers..
Hi Brett, thanks for your review and recommendation about this different, fresh eCom course.
What are the OTO’s`?
Hey Brett…
Don’t you offer a Membership building software that would work perfectly with eCom Subscription Pro? … or IOWs” a subscription website funnel?
For selling a physical product you really only need a single sales page (unless you want to have a membership site as an upsell to offer in addition to the physical product)
OK, but don’t we also need a Landing Page? OR>.. didn’t you recently offer a popup or an email collection plugin that would work with a sales page or website?
Not sure what your referring to.
I purchased the product based on your endorsement and bonus offer but cannot find an email address that doesn’t bounce back to send the receipt…perhaps I am overlooking the obvious. In any case, would you please provide an email address in the response to send over.
ruteckyb@yahoo.com , or you can use the CONTACT ME link in this website.
thanks for this great review brett. just purchased through you (Y)
Hi Brett,
Very cool review and the bonus – agency access to one of your digital products. I bought the eCom Subscription Pro via your link on Saturday the 6th and I sent you the receipt, excited to see it!
Hello Brett,
Thanks for the review on this product which led me, using your Link, to purchase the product including the OTO (Software on Funnels & CRM- Customer Relations Management) .
I’ve always been interested getting into online sell of physical products & the concept of “Subscription” makes it even more interesting.
Will see how & if I can integrate your “Profit Canvass” (which I also bought from you) with this “eCom Subscription Pro” product (Digital & Physical products)
Actually I didn’t notice the Bonus you included in this product until I was reading response from the others here. So I checked it out again & notice it was at the tail end of the review after the “Approved” logo.
Thank you too for the Bonus which looks interesting & of good value. Appreciate if you can advise how we can access your Bonus. Do we need to send copy of the receipt to your email: ruteckyb@yahoo.com?. Big thanks.
Yep send your receipts to that email.
Brett is that price $24 the lead magnet and are there a bunch of up sells inside ?
Im quite sure there are upsells, a FE price would not be a lead magnet though, it would be a trip wire. “Lead Magnet = freebie for an optin” .. “Trip wire = low cost product” .. but actually its not really a trip wire either , they are normally really low cost products, $7 – $9.
Hi Brett,
Purchased it. I can say without your review, I have never checked the sales page. I also bought Funnel Creator Studio PRO. Like it very much when I was seeing the demo (even I have tons of page builders). But I’m dis-pointed with the settings. It integrates Strip as payment and only Aweber as the autoresponder. Strip is not available in my country, why not PayPal?!
Your talking about the OTO I think, I dont test OTO’s
Yes, I’m talking the OTO. I already sent ticket to the support, wish I can settle the payment. Received your bonus. Thanks a lot!
Hello Brett,
Sorry to ask… are you possible to exchange this bonus to FB LinkPost WordPress plugin that you give to Youzign? Only you feel comfortable 🙂
Well the bonus period is over. So Im not offering a bonus for this anymore.
Regarding use of Stripe for recurring payments, I received from Jon the product creator:
The reason we use stripe is because Paypal do not allow for one click upsells and do not really integrate well with recurring billing.
Whereas Stripe are perfectly set up for this.
There are proxy services where you can set up Stripe from a country not inside their current availability countries.
I am finding my way its tedious hope to see light soon .
Hi Brett,
Tried purchasing but failed as I was checking out from Paypal this was the reply:
This page is currently unavailable, please try again later.
i thought it was some issues on my paypal account
but i manage to purchase a product from JVzoo and it was successful.
Please kindly advise as there is only an hour left.
really looking forward for the training and your bonus.
Finally made it phew ..
Ok send me the bonuses thanks Brett.
Yes….. manage to purchase it. Will send you the receipt.
Thanks Brett keep up the Great work.
Regards IPAQ
Seems to me that a lot of CPA offers are products similar to the products he is selling.
Would’t this be a good product for offering CPA offers?
Im not sure what you mean by “Offering CPA offers” .. if you mean by making money promoting them then no. If you mean by being a vendor and running a CPA offer that other people can promote, then yes this is covered as a way to get traffic to your reoccurring physical product that you sell.
You might want to add that there are 6 upsells, from $27 to $197, so people can know they are getting the bare bones upfront, and it will cost MUCH more to get what they need. The vendors tell you with the first Upsell that only 5% of buyers make money without the upsells
The vendors are marketers and a marketers job is to sell things and make people want to buy. Looks like they did a good job of making you think you need to buy the upsells. Be assured if the upsells where where required I would not have approved this product.