Fancy Forms WordPress Plugin

Posted October 18, 2014 by Brett Rutecky in Uncategorized

Several members have asked for an easy way to add a Fancy Forms Pop Up to every page on their blog without having to edit each individual post. To assist with this I have written a WordPress plugin that will quickly allow you to do just this.

Please be sure to follow the steps outlined below:

1) Download and install the plugin.

2) From your Fancy Forms dashboard click the ‘Code’ button

3) Select 2 Step Optin

4) Select No Button

5) Copy the code and add that to the Fancy Forms plugin

6) From your Fancy Forms dashboard click the ‘Code’ button

7) Select ‘Option Auto Open Code’ and select your pop up interval

8) Copy that code and add it to the Fancy Forms plugin IN ADDITION to the code you added in step 5

You will now have your pop up on every site. Note that the plugin automatically sets a cookie so that the pop up will only show for site visitors once every 24 hours. This is so they are not nagged by the pop up as they browse your site.

Click the link below to download this free plugin!






If you are not yet a Fancy Forms member click here to check it out

A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Awesome Brett, thanks!


    Brett, thank You. Best Regards!

    Krzysztof Nowak

    MEGA!thanx 😀


    Cheers brett 🙂

    Teo in Brazil

    You are on the TOP almost unbeatable IM’s when it comes to honesty, service and even awesome products!
    Love Squeeze Matic and loving Fancy Forms

    keep up the good job!

    Eze John

    just bought it today.
    lets see if am going to love this 🙂


    Yeehaar, Brett!


    Hey Brett, I like the idea of FancyForms, but it doesn’t seem to be available any more. Is it gone for good?

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