BlogaShop Review
Give Google what it wants and get what you want!NEG:
No schedulingWant to know how to really get free traffic from SEO (in a way that actually works)? SEO (search engine optimization) traffic is kind of like the golden fleece of the online world. Everyone wants free traffic from Google but few people understand exactly how to get it. Because of this there are endless […]
Want to know how to really get free traffic from SEO (in a way that actually works)?
SEO (search engine optimization) traffic is kind of like the golden fleece of the online world. Everyone wants free traffic from Google but few people understand exactly how to get it. Because of this there are endless “SEO plugins” out there that largely make little to no difference. I have told people over and over the thing that actually works if you want to get free traffic from SEO ,and I will say it once again in a minute but first I want to qualify myself and show everyone that I actually know what I’m talking about.
Have a look at the graphic above. This is from my own Google Analytics for this very blog. Pay special attention to that pie chart. The blue slice is direct visitors, this is from people who know about me and come to my site looking for something. This is also from my email list. This is, as expected, my greatest source of sit traffic.
However notice the green slice which is a very close second. This is my organic SEO traffic. Its not only 100% free traffic from Google, its also a major part of my business. I get more SEO traffic for free from Google than I do from all the back-links (referral traffic) to my site (and there are thousands) and all of the social networks combined.
So how do I do it?
Well I dont use any crazy SEO plugin. In fact I dont have any SEO plugins at all on my site. I do it by giving Google what it wants. I post quality TEXT articles to my site regularly. Its really that simple. I give Google what it wants (good, consistent, index-able content) and it gives me what I want (thousands of free site visitors). Not a bad deal actually.
There is one thing of course:
Writing articles is a real pain in the back side. Especially content articles that are for value and for traffic. First you have to think of what to write about. Then you have to write the article. Then you have to edit the article. Sometimes I cant think of subjects to write about. Sometimes I don’t want to sit at my computer all night writing and editing an article. It can be a pain, and honestly because its a pain people often look for a way to get SEO traffic (in the form of some crazy plugin) without needing to post articles to their site regularly.
Well I can tell you for sure, you DO need to post text articles (text is best for SEO) to your site if you want SEO traffic. No crazy plugin will ever change that.
Fortunately though you don’t actually need to write the articles yourself. In fact, I recently reviewed a WordPress plugin that will give you all the articles you could ever want, in just about any niche you can think of, at the press of a few buttons, for free!
I almost did not look at BlogaShop because it focuses on Shopify in the promotional material. In truth I have lost interest in Shopify so I just about skipped it. However I came to understand that BlogaShop can also find and post articles to any WordPress site as well, not just a Shopify blog. When I realized that I got excited.
To start using BlogaShop you install the plugin on your WordPress site. Though there are tutorials built into the plugin its pretty straight forward and easy to use:
First you select the main category you want articles for from a drop down. This will then show you a bunch of sub categories that you can check. Finally you enter in the specific keywords you are searching for. This three step process is required to get you content specific articles because BlogaShop has so many articles in its repository. There are literally tens of thousands on top of tens of thousands.
Once you press search BlogaShop will do its magic and return all the articles it finds (and it finds a lot of them, in some of my tests it found as many as 80 pages of articles, with 10 articles per page):
From here you can check the articles you are interested in and click “save”.
Next head over to the saved posts section and click “convert to post” to turn a saved post into a WordPress post.
You will be then taken to the WordPress post editor where you can add graphics, tweak the post text if you like, and publish your article live to your blog. You can also push your article to a Shopify blog if you like. But as I said, In not to interested in Shopify anymore. I’m interested in giving Google what it wants to get traffic to a website (though if you are interested in Shopify this will work the same).
BlogaShop does have some more advanced features such as the ability to integrate with some of the more popular content spinners so your articles will be more unique. It is unfortunately missing one thing as well though. I did not see any way to directly schedule the posts to get published. However this should not be a big problem because it has the save feature. What I would suggest people do is search for relevant posts and save them. Then every other day or so log into your site, and push one of the posts live. Sure this is not fully automated but it will only take about 2 minutes of your time a couple of days a week, and lets me honest, if you cant spend 2 minutes every couple of days to get free SEO traffic then your probably not that serous in the first place and should likely do something else.
Something that I have said over and over is that good software is a tool, and good tools make your life easier. If you want to get free SEO traffic you need to post regular content to your site. Its really that simple. I’m telling you that as a guy who gets thousands of visitors from SEO every week. You need to give Google what it wants and no crazy plugin is going to change that. BlogaShop will let you quickly and easily post good, index-able content to your site, its fast, its robust, its easy to use .. in short, its a good tool!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Are you spinning these articles? If not isn’t it duplicate content? I didn’t think Google likes that.
As I say in the review, you can integrate with spinners.
Side note: Duplicate content IS a measure for Google .. it is NOT nearly as important as people think it is.
Hi Brett. Another great review. Thank you. I find that all your reviews are very fair, and has creates for me the loyalty to purchase from you for the products that are of interest to me. Fair is fair right? You provide a real review, and if I am interested, I then buy from you. Not to mention the value with your special bonus you include.
Question for you on BlogaShop. If I understand it correctly, it pulls published blogs/articles based on the input parameters and then allows you to post them on your blog; Shopify or otherwise. One thing isn’t clear to me.
Does BlogaShop actually create a new blog for you from the articles you click off so that it is truly new content, or does it provide you with the exact article(s) and if you don’t change it, you are posting in reality someone else’s content on your site? I know you know the difference between the two!!
Thanks in advance.
It integrates with spinners if you want the posts to be unique.
thanks for a good review and your tips on SEO. Just a couple of question.
You do not make any backlinks to your blog. Are you ranking on the first page for a competitive term just with content?
Also, doesn’t google prefer unique unspun content? So how will this plugin help to get unique articles, unless the are spun extremely well that Copyscape says they are 100% unique.
Your thoughts?
Google is not Copyscape, and frankly Google does not care about Copyscape. CopyScape is for people who buy articles one off to make sure they are not getting plagiarized work. As for ‘competitive keywords’ well that depends on what you consider competitive. But I do rank for what I try to rank for and I do get the traffic that I want as you can see, all from articles. Side note: If you post articles that people like, you will get back links naturally.
If it’s pulling these articles from blogs, websites, etc around the web, what about copyright issues? Spinning articles so often lessens the writing quality or the original is still apparent.
They are free (PLR) articles. Come on now .. do you think I would really approve something that steals peoples work. You must be a new reader 🙂 Spinning is not perfect for sure, and all spinners are not the same. You want to do minimal spinning if you decide to do it at all. Just change a few word to synonyms. As for the original article being ‘apparent’ .. that does not matter at all if you think about it a little 🙂
You know what I thought ….. these articles I can translate and then add it to my blog, what do you think?
This is a VERY good idea.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for awesome review! I would imagine you own a copy of this plugin. So my question is, would I find any articles on Finance and Real Estate/Construction? Or it is only for folks who are involved in Digital Marketing and/or selling physical products? I would like to buy it, but if it doesn’t have what I need, it will be useless for me.
Thanks so much for taking time answering my question, I truly appreciate it.
Well of course I own a copy of the plugin. How else would I have tested it to write my review (let alone get the screenshots) .. 🙂
Honestly there are far to many articles for me to say if there is X kind in there .. there are tens of thousands of them. Given the quantity available I find it hard to believe that there are not some in just about anything you can think of though.
Thanks for the review, appreciated as always. Can this plugin be used on multiple wordpress/shopify websites or can I only upload it to 1 site?
The FE license is for 1 site (and if desired 1 Shopify Store).
Buyer Beware!! Yes, the license is for one site only. If you want to use it on multiple sites it will cost you $97!!
Now don’t get me wrong. I did download the plugin and it looks great. But to my way of thinking, $97 is way too much to charge for a multiple site icense and is way out of my price range. Especially when I have seen many other plugins that only charge jest a few extra dollars for multiple site licenses.
This is the only thing that I was disappointed with.
Buyer Beware? It clearly states that its a single site license .. so beware of something that is clearly stated? Come on Dave, quit being melodramatic. As for a multi site license, head over to CodeCanyon and see what they charge for a multi site license. Most of the time you cant even buy one, you have to buy a new full priced license for every site. Honestly, and Im not trying to be rude, but its just the truth: some people in this space are just spoiled and think they should get everything for free.
Perfect — just want I needed —I have already prepared my first 5 spun articles to post — so easy to use! If you think about it AI is writing the articles and Google AI is reading the posts and ranking the site higher as it deems it more important that your competitor who has less NEW content on their site from a SEO point of view — AND all without much human intervention except suggesting a topic! WOW — we have come a long way in the web industry — no more late nights sweating over the computer keyboard writing content for my blogs AND no more paying content writers (( I wonder do they spin like this ha )) anyways — Brett you have picked a perfect plugin today for my business to grow — thank you!!
Hello Brett, thanks for the review on this plugin. Seems like a good tool and with a little work to rework a promising article a definite time-saver too. Thanks again, Brett!
Hi Brett,
Just to say thanks for the bonus, I’ve been using a similar plugin on one of my sites and the bounce rate is now down to less than 35% and 1st page for broad search terms as a result. Now I can use your plug in for other sites and clients sites with the generous offer you give.
The built in Spinner Bros alone makes the Blogashop Plugin worth having, will save hours.