Posts Tagged ‘nonsense’

The Passive Print System [review]

Today Im looking at the Passive Print System by Adam Nolan Up until a yesterday I had never heard of ‘The Passive Print System”. You see last night I was sitting at my desk working at writing code for my next softwa...


Video Marketing Publisher [review]

Today at a readers request Im reviewing Video Marketing Publisher. When I first went to the sales page, since it had not yet opened for sale there was a squeeze page that had an opt in form and a video of a discussion between p...


Traffic Elixir [review]

So I was not going to do any more reviews this week. But in my last email I said if anyone wants me to look at something just let me know. Well about twenty or so people asked me to check out Traffic Elixir which is launching t...


Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates [review]

Today I’m taking a look at Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates by Anwesh Rath. Normally this is not something I would look into since the entire product is just HTML templates but I was specifically requested to do so by one ...


FanBoom [REVIEW]

Hello everyone today Im taking a look at Fan BOOM So when you first check out the Fan Boom sales video it claims that its going to give you an explosion of cash and leads. It also claims that its a ‘cash and lead magnet&#...


ZoSocial [review]

Today Im doing a full review of the ZoSocial Facebook app platform. While many of use refuse to believe it fan pages and apps on Facebook fan pages have been loosing there effectiveness steadily for a while now. Even your most ...

How to find social media clients.

Several people who use my Tab Engine Facebook app service have asked how they can find more social media clients. Because of this I decided to do a general article on ways to find and acquire social media customers. Even if you...

FB Magic Bar [review]

Hey guys! Today I was asked to take a look at a new WordPress plugin that is about to be released by Chris Jenkins called FB Magic Bar. One thing that all of you know, and that I told him before I agreed to review the plug in i...