Posts Tagged ‘hype’
Social Trap
Hey everyone today I’m doing what is possibly the hardest review I have ever done. The thing that makes it had is that I have a real and true moral conflict. You see the product Im reviewing is by Mehdi Tihani. I have wor...
Mobile Smart Link [review]
Hey everyone! Normally I only do one article a day however I came across this new product which was just awarded product of the day by JVZoo and I just had to do a quick review. First off let me make one thing clear. Being awar...
Watch out for the video review scam!
Ok so here is something that I noticed people doing that honestly has to be one of the lamest things I have ever seen in the IM industry. I first noticed Mark Baskin doing it. Since then I have also noticed several copycats try...
FB Magic Bar [review]
Hey guys! Today I was asked to take a look at a new WordPress plugin that is about to be released by Chris Jenkins called FB Magic Bar. One thing that all of you know, and that I told him before I agreed to review the plug in i...
Recently I was given review access to a new YouTube marketing software offered for sale by Alexander Sebastian. He told me he wanted an ‘honest and brutal review’. So with a little bit of reserve I agreed , took my ...
TubeTackr [review]
Recently I was given review access to a new YouTube marketing software offered for sale by Alexander Sebastian. He told me he wanted an ‘honest and brutal review’. So with a little bit of reserve I agreed , took m...