Training Articles

LetsMail Demo

Listen up because in this video i’m, going to show you how thousands of people are wasting their money by buying a specific type of product that is inherently flawed and practically guaranteed not to work after a short pe...

How Bretts agency access works.

How Bretts “agency access” system works: One thing people often ask me is “if you had to start all over again, from scratch, with nothing, what would you do?”. Now they are asking what I would do, but wh...

My experience with the W+ affiliate network

Today I wanted to share some of my experience with the W+ affiliate network. Most people know that I am a pretty successful affiliate in the IM / MMO space. I have done a few million dollars in sales. I have won awards. My stor...

How my videos where killing my marketing.

In this article I want to explain how my videos where stealing my traffic, costing me money, and killing my marketing. Well that’s a bit misleading actually. It really was not my videos, it was more the video hosting I wa...

Changes to my business in 2019

Today I wanted to write a little about some major changes I will be making in my business in 2019   Before I jump into the things I will be doing differently I want to talk about the state of my business as of the end of 2...

A day in the life of an internet marketer!

I thought it would be cool to share what a typical day is like for someone in the internet marketing business. A lot of times you hear people in the internet marketing business talk about all the BIG MONEY that they are making....

Don’t let ‘little voices’ screw you over

Recently I was in Dublin, Ireland for an internet marketing conference with some of my colleges.  While there where many great speakers at the event one of the ones that most stuck out and stayed in my mind was actually a pers...

My thoughts on Local Profits 360

My thoughts on the new Local Profits 360 system:   I want to make it clear right from the start that this is not my typical review. While I was asked to review this new system I did not get review access to it. Instead thi...

Need to make money fast? This is what you should do!

Need to make money fast? This is what you should do!   When I first decided to go full time in the IM business I committed myself to being honest. Honest in my reviews and honest in my training. Now this does not mean that...

You can do it: I believe in you

Time for some motivation: Don’t let the idea of ‘this is a bunch of work hold you back. Chances are you are going to have to work anyway and it just makes sense to do the thing that pays the most, that builds assets...