Social Traffic Alchemy [review]
A blue print to getting low cost trafficNEG:
Wish modules had better titlesToday I’m doing a review of the new Social Traffic Alchemy training. So what exactly is Social Traffic Alchemy? It’s a video training course that teaches you how to get those low cost clicks from Facebook ads. While I obviously cant give away the training I can explain why so many people can’t seem to […]
Today I’m doing a review of the new Social Traffic Alchemy training.
So what exactly is Social Traffic Alchemy? It’s a video training course that teaches you how to get those low cost clicks from Facebook ads. While I obviously cant give away the training I can explain why so many people can’t seem to get those 2-3 cent clicks from their Facebook ads and I can explain what you need to do to fix it.
First let’s take a look at how most people will run their ads. Normally when people are going to create their ad they are trying to get clicks to a website, sales page or a squeeze page. In order to do this effectively it is essential that you target your audience as much as possible. This way you are only showing your ad to people interested in your niche. This will result in a lower cost per click, more clicks for your ad spend, and a higher relevancy score.
Now in order to target who sees their ad most people are going to use the Facebook ad interest tool.
Above I’m creating an ad to send traffic to this blog which targets people specifically interested in my niche. as you can see Facebook says my ad is well defined and it looks like I’m good to go. I can run this ad knowing that only people interested in my niche will see my ad. Actually not really. You see the problem is how Facebook decides if a person is interested in a particular subject. I mean they don’t run a survey asking people ‘are you interested in this, and that, and those things’. What Facebook does is use the actions people take on Facebook in order to determine if a person is interested in a particular subject.
The problem is that Facebook is way to liberal on deciding that I like something. For example, I have almost no interest in Football. But lets say a Football website posts a funny picture. It pops up on my timeline randomly and I like it because its funny, also I might like the page that made the post since even though I don’t really like Football I do like to laugh and this page sometimes posts funny pictures. Well boom: Facebook now says I like Football. Its logical because I liked a football page, but it does not account for the fact that I might like something for reasons other than its main purpose. As in this case, I liked the page because I like funny pics , not because I necessarily like Football specifically.
What this means is that when I target my ad by interest I’m not necessarily really targeting my ad well. A lot of people who might not actually be interested in my niche will still see my ad. This leads to lower conversions, higher cost per click, lower relevancy score, and in short I get less for my money. In fact below are results from an actual ad I ran where I used the Facebook interest targeting to target my audience.
The results where depressing. Over 5000 people where presented with my ad yet only 8 people clicked it. That’s a 0.08% conversion rate. Yea that’s right 8 hundredths of one percent. This resulted in a terrible relevancy score (3) and a high cost per click $1.25 on average. For the $10 I spent on the ad only 8 people clicked and went to my site. Its going to be pretty hard make money with results like that.
This is the point where a lot of people decide Facebook ads don’t work or that Facebook ads are just to expensive and they quit. They quit because they don’t know the ‘secret’ to Facebook ads. The thing you have to do is use a custom audience. An audience that you know for sure is interested in your niche. This will ensure that you only show your ad to people interested in what your advertising. Below are my results when running an ad to a custom audience that I know is interested in my niche.
The difference is nothing short of dramatic. In this ad I’m getting a 16.89% conversion rate (as opposed to 0.08%) and I’m paying an average of 2 cents per click (as opposed to $1.25). Now that’s the kind of results you want. When you get targeted traffic for 2 cents per click its almost impossible to not make money. The traffic is so cheap that any moderately converting offer is going to be profitable.
The question then becomes how do you build a custom audience in your niche? Well one way is to use retargeting and advertise to people who have already visited your website. But for many people that’s kind of a catch 22. They want to use the ads to get traffic, but in order to run effective ad campaigns they need traffic to their website.
This is where Social Traffic Alchemy comes in. With Social Traffic Alchemy you can build a custom audience in just about any niche using free videos from YouTube and without needing retargeting or even a website.
When the vendors of Social Traffic Alchemy first told me this I though it was a bit of a hyped up claim. So I not only asked for review access I also asked for a personal demonstration live on Skype.
I was quickly impressed. What these guys are doing is easy, clever, will work in most any niche, and best of all will produce results. People will be able to build a custom audience and then get those super low (and profitable) cost per clicks on their Facebook ads.
As for the training itself. It is all inclusive starting with a basic overview, moves to explaining how to build your custom audience, and then teaches you how to monetize this custom audience once you have built it. The one minor gripe I had was that the training is broken into modules but the modules don’t have good names. They are named ‘module 1’, ‘module 2’, ‘module 3’ … etc… I wish the modules had names that described what the videos in it where teaching as this would have made it more easy to find videos again that you want to revisit.
So what do I think of this training over all? Well besides that one minor gripe about the modules I think Social Traffic Academy is frankly something everyone who wants to make money online needs. When your getting super low cost yet targeted traffic its very easy to make money off your ads. The way to do it with Facebook is to have a custom audience and this is going to teach you how to build a custom audience is just about any niche. I get to see a lot of products, some are good, some are bad, most are somewhere in the middle. Very rarely do I come across a product that actually gets me personally excited. This is one of those times.
No longer for sale
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hey Brett…great review as always. Now, just to get it straight is this method more about building a custom audience and then figuring out how to monetize it cause in watching their promo vids they show all kinds of proof on traffic yet show nothing on whether that traffic actually converts. Hopefully we will be building traffic that actually buys something…that is of course presenting them with ads that get the job done right.
By definition a well defined custom audience is going to convert better because the people in that audience are for sure interested in you niche. This covers just about everything, building the custom audience and then monetizing it.
Hey Brett,
Just wanted to let you know that the creators of Social Traffic Alchemy updated their drop down modules. They now identify what training you will be opening. Also, buyers can get an additional $2.00 discount at checkout if they share on facebook. I declined the 2 OTO’s….training looks good on it’s own
Awesome Gary, though I cant say it for sure, I like to think my review helped the decision to make this change 🙂
It definitely did Brett 🙂 Dropped you a PM with a Thank You for pointing it out, fixed it as soon as I saw your review.
Hey Brett,
Received several emails about this from other folks but because I enjoy your reviews so much I came here to see if you had a link. Just purchased even though you did not have an additional bonus personally. basically purchased from you to support your efforts in real, honest reviews.
I very much appreciate that Stan.
I have purchased STA via Brett as well. We should be grateful for his valuable work for us.
Thanks for another heads up and great review Brett once again…
By the way…Loving your soon to be released Profit Canvas product!
Wishing you all my best…
Thanks Larry! I appreciate the kind words 🙂
Same as Larry… always a great write up.. good or bad.. saves a lot of time trying to read between the lines of the promo fluff..Buying from you for same reason. Cheers Steve
Thanks for the great reviews all the time Brett. I just purchased through you just to let you know I appreciate your honest reviews.
Thanks Brett, I can always count on you to give an honest, reliable and thorough review of a product that will allow me to make a sound decision on whether I’ll purchase or not!
My only question/concern would be regarding saturation, as I’m sure there will be many folks interested in a lot of the same niches, and perhaps even using the same YouTube videos in building their custom audience. Let me know your views on this, and whether this may be an issue in the future.
Overall, this product does appear to be top notch!
Facebook has over a billion users which equates to millions of people in any niche, so even if hundreds of people where targeting the same niche that would still be tens of thousands of unique people per person. Simply put, you cant saturate the world.
Got it, thanks Brett, I too like anything that can help me with my FB ADs…I could have bought through Adam’s Link, he’s an FB friend, but I though I will support your Honest Reviews Campaigns instead,,,have a great weekend..
I appreciate that Kami.
Thanks for the review Bret… can’t wait to look at the training. I did have a problem buying this though. First the Facebook share thing for $2 off doesn’t work – it just hangs, then going through the upsell path everything ended at the traing downsell with no link at the bottom to move forward. I thought no problem I’ll just go to my downloads in JVZoo to get it but its’ not there so I guess something broke so I’ll be looking to see how to get support on this. This is a first for anything like that happening to me.
Problem solved – I’m only in to Module 5 but from what I’ve seen this training is awesome – Thanks Bret!
I think JVZoo is having some issues right now.
Hello Brett
Is a possibility to combine your product SociVids with Social Traffic Alchemy?
I already have SociVids. Do you have a guide how to combine it or do I need this product additonally?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards
That would be almost like giving you their training for free, which of course is something I cant do.
I enjoyed your review- top stuff as usual.
Sounds like a good product.
I imagine there will be OTO’s Are they needed to get the benefits of the training?
I did not review the OTO’s, I normally dont. If they where required to get value I would not approve the product.
Hi Brett,
Thank you for your usual impressive review. I bought thru your link last night. As Fred said, the $2 discount did not work, so I decided not to bother with it.
I am still thinking about OTO1 which has a Full DFY option at $67 (10 Niche) and Lite Option at $37 (5 Niche) for the next few hours. Obviously I can understand they cannot review what the niches on their sales page but it can be frustrating to find out later that one already has the niches or it does not work well in the local market of one’s country of residence. Hope Greg Kononenko is listening in 🙂
– Jon
Hi Brett
Thank you for doing another great review, however still here is something confusing about this technique, Apparently all the results are shared on their sales page is from niches other than IM niche.
I would love to use Facebook ads for sending leads to a IM related lead magnet that I have set up. My goal is to convert those leads into prospects after giving away some profound value through my step by step lead magnet. It’s been so long I have been looking for a solution to build an automated sales funnel fueled by Facebook ads.
So, my question is, for the purpose that I have, Do you recommend me to buy this course? Does it work for IM niche?
Thank you in advance
It will work in the IM niche though it will be harder because good videos (that are not hyped up nonesense) in the IM niche are a bit tougher to find. However if you are in the IM niche then you can feel free to use any of MY training videos from YouTube to build you custom audience. That should solve the issue of it being hard to find quality IM related videos.
Thanks, You are such an awesome person in the community. I really appreciate your permission for using your videos. But it brings up another question, Is the congruency if video with my lead magnet important ?
for example if my lead magnet is a Udemy training, Can I pick one of your videos about FB ads?
Thanks Brett for answering my questions, You care about your audience and I love this attitude…
What is important is that the video and the product are in the same niche.
Thanks so much, I have never seen any other marketer cares about his costumers as much as you do…
Awesome man
Hi Brett
Great review as always, never heard you to be so exited, can see why! because it works!
I posted a video from the OTO and within 24 hours here are my results $5 ad.
1127 people reached
621 Video Views
$0.01 Cost per Result
53.86%Result Rate
Just one thing , when he sets up the customised audience he saves it, which is fine, yet when he places the ad he copies and pastes the demographics and interests, would it be easier to paste in the custom audience he had just saved?
Thank you.
Yea there are very few that get me excited. This one did and you can see why. As for setting up the ad, its probably best to ask them for clarification, I just discovered this tactic myself when I spoke to Adam and asked for a demo so I would not want to tell you the wrong thing.
Thanks for your “no holds barred” approach to reviews. I purchased this and intend to use it to drive traffic to the pages that I am going to create with your profit canvas course. I once heard it said that it is an honor to receive a frank reply. I once perceived you as kind of harsh from some brief interactions that I had with you with one of your courses. I was wrong in my perception. You give frank, honest answers with the intention of helping me to take action which is what we need to do to succeed with any course. Thank you for providing good courses
with even better support. Looking forward to being a success story here…
I am very blunt and totally honest. Sometimes that makes me harsh. But even so, I still try to be a ‘nice guy’ and I really want to help people as much as I can.
Buying now through your link, including the first OTO. Thanks for your straightforwards words. That helped.
Hi, do you have some info, why is no more available?
Where could I buy it?
Hi, I’ve tried to buy through your link but it doesn’t work. Does the training is still aviable?
Thanks Kris
Looks like they have it turned off in JVZoo now.
I have this product, sadly too late for your link Brett lol. It works. I copied their training videos, used one of their ‘Done For You’ case studies and got the engagement, views and shares, as predicted. As a bonus I got the page likes too and my relevancy score in FB was always 10 throughout the time I ran the campaign. Very pleased with the purchase.