Online Marketing Mastery [review and interview]
High quality, training in all aspects if IMNEG:
You need to take action!Today I’m doing a review of Online Marketing Mastery by Mario Brown One of the hardest kinds of products for me to review is training. With a software product I can test it, I can show you how it works, I can report any technical bugs I find, but with training I really cant do […]
Today I’m doing a review of Online Marketing Mastery by Mario Brown
One of the hardest kinds of products for me to review is training. With a software product I can test it, I can show you how it works, I can report any technical bugs I find, but with training I really cant do that kind of stuff. Sure I can tell you if the training is good, I can tell if the information is worth learning, and if its video training I can talk about the quality of the videos, but its hard to really get into detail without giving away the training. Its like trying to do a book report without giving away the story. So for this review I decided to ask Mario to do a live chat with me and tell is not only about his training but also a bit of his story and how he got started online.
So what is Online Marketing Mastery? Well its a video recording of a live marketing event. There where 22 videos total in my review access with each video ranging in length from about 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes . The videos are very high quality and are recorded from the audience so it is as if you are sitting in the audience watching the love presentation. Mario does the majority of the presentations himself but there are also very good presentations by other top experts such as Frank Kern, Mike Filsaime and and several others. I personalty really enjoyed the presentation by Frank (which I show in the screenshot below). I initially watched it with the intent of scanning though it for highlights but I ended up watching it completly from start to finish. Even more I actually found myself taking notes as I was watching the training (something I really did not expect).
While the over all theme of the presentation is of course making money online, specifically with internet marketing, the training is quite comprehensive covering this such as product launching, membership sites, crafting the offer, building your list. What I really liked is that its not the same old stuff that everyone spews. We have all heard the so called ‘list building training’ other people put out.Normally it would go something like this:
“Oh want to build a list, well here is how you do it
a) get some PLR
b) build a squeeze page
c) drive traffic to the squeeze page”
The problem is that so much is left out. Things like, how to design a squeeze page that actually converts, how to compel people to actually enter their email, how to use psychological tactics to increase your profits, how to get people to your squeeze page with the mindset that they are ready to take action before they even get there. These are the kinds of things that Online Marketing Mastery explains. Its not some $7 rehashed info product telling you stuff you already know. Its a top tier training that explains how to make the things you probably already know actually work. Best of all its thought by some of the best in the business.
So who do I think this training is going to be good for? Well given that its comprehensive and good quality you might think I’m going to say it will be good for everyone. But that’s not the case. This training is not for a procrastinator or for a hobbyist or for someone who wants to ‘dabble’ in internet marketing. If your not ready to commit yourself and go all in then this probably is not for you. If you prefer to pop around from one $7 product to another looking for the instant cash button (tip: it does not exist) then this is not for you. This is real training for someone running or starting a real business.
One thing that Mario and I spoke about in our interview is the need to take action. I really want people be able to make money online. I want people to know what its like to wake up in the morning and realize that you made double what most people make in a day of working while you where sleeping. But more importantly I want people to be able to have the freedom that comes from having a successful business. Both the financial and the time freedom. If there was one thing I could tell people, one tip, the one thing I have identified as the major issue that people have, its a lack of action taking. So many people just dont take action and honestly I don’t understand why. There is a waterfall of money just raining down online and all you have to do is reach out and grab it. Sure you wont get rich over night but with a little effort your piece of that waterfall will get bigger. You have to just do it.
I think that people get scared or nervous and thats one thing that prevents them from taking action. Mario speaks about this in the Online Marketing Mastery course and he spoke about it a little in the interview I did with him. His solution is “Massive Imperfect Action”, the idea that you ‘do it’ not worrying about if your great the first time, but you do it anyway, and get better and better as you go (and earn more and more money as you go).
It occurred to me after I was done talking to Mario that what Im doing in the review is a perfect example of what he was talking about. I want to start throwing some interviews in with my product reviews. Well if you watched the video you can see I am far from ‘refined’ at doing interviews. I rambled while I was talking, I got off focus a few times, and lets face it, Im in serous need of a better camera and mic. But that does not matter. What matters is I took action. I did an interview, and though this one was not great, I will get better and better at them.
So to close up my one condition on approving Online Marketing Mastery is that you actually take action on it. Even if its a bad attempt, even if what you do is not perfect, just do it. If your not going to take action, if your not ready to commit yourself, if your not ready to build a actual business then I thank you for reading this review but Online Marketing Mastery is not for you. However if you are ready to get started, to commit yourself and to take action to building our business (or improving it) then I strongly suggest you click the link below to learn more.
If you do decide to pick this up make sure you use my special discount coupon. Mario was only going to release a discount through a webinar he is doing but I twisted his arm and convinced him to give me a coupon for all of my readers. Use coupon code “OFF10” at check out to get 10% off the normal price (first 3 hours only).
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Great review, Brett! Picked this up earlier and it is loaded with great, actionable content. Worth every cent and a lot more.
Hi Brett,
I have seen a lot of those 10 off discounts in emails for various products recently, it seems to be the latest fad in IM and I believe it is slightly misleading especially as many affiliates suggest that they are offering a special and exclusive bonus when the reality is that the product creator offers this so-called discount offer to all affiliates. Would you agree with me that this is nothing more than a gimmick and in the interests of full disclosure, you should say something like “Here is the 10off coupon code but don’t be fooled by this as all affiliates can promote this offer and it’s nothing but a cheap promotional stunt designed to entice the gullible newbie to purchase”
Comments like that would certainly ensure your reputation as the most honest man in online marketing would be further strengthened.
I dont know if ALL affiliates get ALL coupon codes on ALL products. I can only speak for myself and what I get from the vendors. I do know for a fact that top affiliates can often use their weight to negotiate better deals for their subscribers. I know this as an affiliate where I put a bit of pressure on the vendors to give me something special for my list and I know it from when I launch my own products and top affiliates put the pressure on me.
You seem to assume that everyone gets a discount code, why this is the case some times Im sure, from a vendors perspective not all affiliates are the same. Think of this: You have a guy that can send you 20 sales .. cool glad to have him, then you have another guy who can send you 400 sales who comes to you and says sure Ill promote but only if I get a special deal for my list. This is also where some of those coupon codes come from.
As for your comment of “but don’t be fooled by this as all affiliates can promote this offer and it’s nothing but a cheap promotional stunt designed to entice the gullible newbie to purchase” .. that is riddled with uncalled for negativity. First of all coupon codes are not ‘cheap’ in any way. They cost vendors thousands of dollars in revenue. Second of all a good affiliate can successfully promote a product without a coupon code. Third of all if your buying products just because there is a coupon code then you need to totally rethink your decision making process. While I cant speak for other affiliates for ME coupon codes are about providing value to my subs and getting the best deal possible. Its for sure not about tricking newbies. It might surprise you to learn this, but not everyone in the IM space is a jackass.
Yeah, Brett. If you get a coupon for 10% on a certain breakfast cereal at the supermarket, you probably are glad to save a few pennies, and don’t think much more about it. You don’t feel anyone is trying to “entice the gullible newbie to purchase”. They might be trying to make the price more attractive to you, so maybe you’re more likely to buy. Most people are good with that, and glad to use the coupon if they want the cereal, and don’t if they don’t want the cereal, and don’t put a lot of emotional energy into it.
Thanks for your review.
Yeah Mario I bought all the information from Mario OTO1 AND OTO2
good information with webinars..thanks a lot for your reviews…Im a big fan to you.
Hi brett,
As always thanks for the great review.
I just purchased.