IM Newbie [review]
Great for the total newbieNEG:
Will largely be a review if your not a total newbieToday I’m doing a review of a new training called IM Newbie I became interested in this training because of a common problem that I am increasingly aware of. Product vendors, myself included, tend to assume that people know some things that total newbies often don’t. These things are the very basics, the core […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new training called IM Newbie
I became interested in this training because of a common problem that I am increasingly aware of. Product vendors, myself included, tend to assume that people know some things that total newbies often don’t. These things are the very basics, the core components and the foundation of internet marketing. Often when established marketers create a training they tend to incorrectly assume that people will understand and have a grasp of these things. While many do, for those that don’t this can be a huge problem. Think about it: you would not take Advanced Calculus without taking Calculus 101 firstĀ and learning the core concepts and basics first would you? Nope.
Because of this for a while now I have been looking for a good solid training that a total newbie can use to get a grasp on the very basics. I understand the importance here because without a solid foundation to build your business on people are never going to be able to move forward. Instead they will spend their time confused and frustrated.
The goal of the IM Newbie training is to do just that. Give people a solid foundation to build their business on. The ideal outcome of it would be for a total newbie to have a grasp of the basics and be on their way to making their first $1000 in as little as 30 days.
The training itself is presented in both video and PDF format, it is well done, easy to follow, and has very actionable content. If you follow the tutorials and the steps I for sure believe that you can make money doing what it teaches. Will you make $1000 in 30 days? You might, you might not. But you should at least be profitable and you should have a very good start to building your business. The key here though is that you actually have to go through the training and take action on what you learn. Always remember that knowledge is power, however you have to choose to execute that power through action.
While I did not read the PDF’s (because as a software developer I stare at text all day long and thus tend to shy away from reading) I did watch many of the training videos. They are done screen-cast style with Kevin showing you his screen as he speaks. They are short, to the point, and not full of fluff. Most are around 5-7 minutes long with the occasional 15+ minute video and the occasional shorter one as well. Over all I found them well done, clear and easy to follow.
You might have noticed that this is a much shorter review than many of my others and honestly that’s because this one is very easy to review and to make a judgement on. Every day I get support tickets, comments and posts to my Facebook group from people who are trying to start an online business but don’t seem to have a grasp of the very basics. If you are one of these people, if you are a total newbie to the IM business than IM Newbies by Kevan Fahey is something you might want to seriously consider investing in.
BONUS: The second most popular question I get from people who are just getting started is regarding SEO and ranking on the search engines. Well as a special bonus I’m going to give free access to my personal mini ranking course that teaches the tactics I use to rank this blog on Google consistently and get thousands of free visitors per month.
Click here to pick up IM Newbie and get my free ranking training as my special bonus. I have added access right inside of JVZoo so you can get it immediately. A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.