CPA Monopoly [review]
Get low cost clicks from a top search engineNEG:
Focuses on CPA monitization, but could be used for other kinds of offers.Today Im reviewing the new CPA Monopoly training: So before I get into this product to much I want to quickly go over exactly what CPA is just so I can be sure we are all on the same page. CPA stands for Cost Per Action. Its where a website, online vendor, or service provider […]
Today Im reviewing the new CPA Monopoly training:
So before I get into this product to much I want to quickly go over exactly what CPA is just so I can be sure we are all on the same page. CPA stands for Cost Per Action. Its where a website, online vendor, or service provider pays you a specific amount of money for sending them traffic that takes a desired action. This action can be anything from signing up for a free trial, to filling out a contact form and all in between. The important thing to keep in mind though is that you send the traffic, and if that traffic takes the desired action, you get paid.
This kind of marketing really appeals to people, especially to the new person, because there is very little work involved and if done properly you can make a nice income. You dont need a sales page, a bonus page, a product, a website or much of anything else. You sole job is to send targeted traffic to the CPA offer. If you can do this, and do it without spending much money, you will make a profit.
There are a lot of training products that will teach you how to get started with CPA marketing, they cover signing up to the CPA networks, selecting an offer etc and quite honestly at first I was not to excited my CPA Monopoly. However when I really started looking into it I noticed that there is something very unique about this training that really makes it stand out among the others.
As I said the key to CPA marketing is sending traffic at as low a cost as possible. Normally CPA training programs teach you to use some obscure or niche specific website to send traffic. However CPA Monopoly actually uses a very popular and high end site to get traffic at an extremely low cost. Sure it teaches you how to select an offer and all that other stuff. But the thing that got me excited is that it also teaches you how to use Bing, one of the most popular search engines in the world, to got traffic from as low as 2-3 cents per click. That’s amazing and something that I have never seen in any other CPA training program. When your getting traffic this low its not going to be difficult to make a really nice profit.
Now the product vendor had all kinds of screenshots and ‘income proofs’ to show me, but that was not good enough for me. I wanted to see actual live proof, so we did a Skype video chat where I asked him to show me personally his income and his Bing results. Honestly the thing I was most interested in was the Bing results. Why? Because I know that if CPA Monopoly can really show you how to get traffic this low its almost impossible to not make money.
I did not record my video chat with the Yair because I would have been showing his personal account info, but I did take a screen shot of one of his Bing accounts. Above is a part of it. As you can see he spent $31,72 to get over 990 clicks! That’s 3 cents per click. Also its important to note that this is not the only great result he had and it was not a single result from months ago. He is doing this right now. In fact that campaign that I’m showing was from the 15th of this month.
I watched the CPA Monopoly training videos myself. I actually did it for two reasons. First because I needed to know if they where good quality or not and second, frankly, because I wanted to know how in the world they are getting clicks that low cost. The videos are very well done, they are high quality, easy to follow, and most importantly they are not boring. I personally dont like when training videos are so long winded that you get sick of watching them 1/2 way though. These are right to the point, give you the info you need, no messing about. The members site was a bit clunky to navigate around (its a WordPress membership site), but it was not terrible and the important part, the training videos where top shelf.
So what do I think of CPA Monopoly? Personally the thing I found most appealing about it is learning how to get the low cost traffic. While they are using it for CPA offers, you can also use it for list building if you like or even promoting affiliate products. If your just getting started CPA offers are going to be the most easy to break into and because of that its the kind of monitization they teach, but no matter how you plan on making money from the traffic, learning how to get clicks this cheap is well worth the asking price of CPA Monopoly (which is less than what I paid for a sandwich at SubWay this afternoon).
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Awesome review, Brett. Thanks. We sell services to businesses. Do you think this traffic source could be used to get B2B traffic too? Or is it more suited to B2C?
For B2B its going to be a bit harder to get clicks this low because your target audience will be smaller, so Bing is going to want more per click to make it worth it to them to show your ad.
Hey Brett: I’m trying to access the link you sent on the email. It takes me to the CPA Monopoly offer page, but an InstaBuilder pop up keeps coming over and over, blocking the CPA sales page view.
Check it out for yourself!
They had sever issues for about 1 hour, I think its corrected now.
Hi Mr.Brett,
I am a staying home dad with lots of responsibilities.
And because I trust you, and I really want to make money online to support my family
I will buy The CPA Monopoly
hoping I will see good results and it will change my family’s life
Thanks & God Bless
The #1 thing you must do Mohamed, is TAKE ACTION. Dont plan on doing things, tomorrow, or next week, or when you have more time. Take action now! Doing that is the #1 first step.
Hi Brett,
Got this training and will see how it goes. Appreciate your reviews!
Hey Mr Brett, how are you doing?
thanks for the review. As you said there are many products out there about CPA training. since you have reviewed this one and you have seen the proof, I will give it a shot. Nothing to lose I guess at this price. I’ve never tried CPA, so, may be this is the time to do it.
Whatever you are cooking at the moment, I wish you all the best with it, I’m sure it will be another superb product. Good luck.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for the great review! I was wondering if there were any OTO’s? If so, do you know what they are and how much they are?
I’m dabbling in CPA right now and this seems to be the course to take it to another level.
I will definitely be purchasing later today.
Thanks in advance!
There are OTO’s, I know one is a case study stile training. I think its like $15 or so. Not sure about others.
seriously – you’re recommending a sale with a never ending (really!) cycle of OTOs, UpSells and DownSeills?
I review front end products. The funnel, offer etc, has no bearing on the quality of the product and as such does not influence my opinion on the product Im reviewing in any way.
It happend during the 1 hour crashed and fixed, sorry about that. We never ment to do it, it was just a bug.
Would it be hard to do their results
After watching the training Im optimistic its very clear and easy to follow.
Do I have to do the whole dating or weight loss offers
No there are CPA offers for just about anything you can think of.
So can I do offers with money or gaming
As I said there are CPA offers for just about everything, keep in mind Bing has to approve your ad though,.
Ok cool. Thanks very much for your review. How much would you need to invest to see a good profit
‘Good’ is a subjective term, to me as a business man ‘good profit’ means a worth while ROI (return on investment) which means % return from the amount of money invested. Thus if I invested $20 and made back $40 that would be a 100% ROI which in business terms is fantastic. Keep in mind, your not going to invest $5 and make $500 over night, you need to invest $5, make $8, reinvest the $8 make $15, renivest the $15, make $27 etc…all of these are very good RIO’s because they are returning a high % of your investment. You basically build yourself up by reinvesting your earnings though.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for your invaluable insight into this product. It’s always useful to get the lowdown on something from a trusted source such as yourself.
I picket it up BTW (plus the OTO!)
PS I’m still working with your excellent VAC product. I have about 4 re-targeting offers “out there” and plan on launching more over the next couple of weeks.
Hey Brett I saw your email on simple cpa siphon. How does this product compare with that one
They are different. Though they both focus on making money with CPA ads (or affiliate marketing). They explain two very different traffic sources. This explains how to get low cost traffic from Bing, for a couple cents a click (very cool), CPA Siphon explains how to get free traffic from YouTube (also cool) Both are worth investing in. Especially considering the super low cost. Also I recommended both because why would you not want 2 solid traffic sources. In this business its simple math: more traffic = more money.
While there IS good information in CPA Monopoly, none of it can be acted upon until you you get accepted into a CPA network. As the sales page specifically promises that step by step instructions on getting into CPA networks are part of module 4, I purchased it.
After viewing the entire course content, including Module 4 twice, and not finding the promised CPA acceptance information, I repeatedly requested from multiple email adress’ tied to CPA Monopoly to be provided the promised (but missing) information. After several days he asked me specifically what I wanted from him. I told him I wanted the information he promised in the sales letter or for him to honor his “no questions asked” refund guarantee.
A week later,
No Information
No refund.
Zero Stars
Well your close.. Module 3 is about getting accepted into and using the CPA networks not module 4. I dont think its their fault that you got 3 and 4 mixed up.
Further its ‘good information’ yet you want a refund because your question was not answered fast enough, even though Q/A or support was not promised ever. This is a training, when I bought text books in college the authors didnt let me call them with questions. Especially if those questions where because I got the chapters mixed up.
Im a big advocate for the buyers but I also have to be fair to the sellers as well. It sounds to me like you 1) did not take any action on your own and 2) you are looking for any reason to get a refund on what in your own words was ‘good information’.