Affiliate Cash Craze [review]
If you follow the steps outlined you will make moneyNEG:
I really wish I didn't have to watch the video intro each timeToday Im looking at a new training course called Affiliate Cash Craze by Marc Rosenkrans. So what is Affiliate Cash Craze exactly? Well as you probably already guessed its a training course that is designed to take the total novice step by step from the beginning, with nothing, to the end goal of being profitable […]
Today Im looking at a new training course called Affiliate Cash Craze by Marc Rosenkrans.
So what is Affiliate Cash Craze exactly? Well as you probably already guessed its a training course that is designed to take the total novice step by step from the beginning, with nothing, to the end goal of being profitable as an affiliate marketer. It focuses on being an affiliate for digital products. Which by the way is probably the most profitable type of affiliate marketer there is.
Now a lot of you know that I advocate product creation. However its a simple fact that product creation is not for everyone. Creating and launching a product is a lot of work and many people just dont have the time or the desire to go through all of that. For these people affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. Its actually not that hard (if you know the steps). Its also totally scalable, you can do it as much or as little as you want.
I consider myself fairly experienced with affiliate marketing. While I make no secrete that I make some money off of this blog via affiliate commissions (which compensates me for the hours I spend reviewing products) I also do more traditional email (and other) affiliate marketing, which is where most of my affiliate income comes from. I know 100% for a fact that there is money to be made with affiliate marketing. For example here is a look at my commissions from the last two days.
Now am I getting rich with the income I get as an affiliate? Not really. But a couple hundred a day adds up to a few thousand a month, which is a nice ‘second’ income to have. So given that I am already a successful affiliate marketer I felt that I was in a good position to review this training and make a recommendation on if it teaches solid practices. Because of this I accepted a review copy and started going over the training videos.
The training are in video format divided into 28 separate videos which each video covering a very specific step to making money as an affiliate. It is delivered via an Optimize Press membership site. Now normally I really dont like OP membership sites however this one is done very well. The interface is clean and crisp with easy to follow navigation. I also liked that each video has links to things that are discussed in the video itself. For example on the video talking about autoresponders there are links to popular autoresponders right there for you. These are action steps intended to get you going right away with the instructions in the video. Its a nice feature that to many training products leave out.
There where two minor things that I did not like though. The first is that the modules are given generic names such as “module 1′. It would have been nice to see the modules have descriptive names. This would have allowed for more easy navigation for people who already have some experience. The second thing I didn’t care for is the fact that each video has the into on it. Sure its only like 4 seconds long, and while its a really cool intro I got sick of watching it after the 4th or 5th video. That one though to be fair is just me being picky, also honestly I probably dont like it because of my years as a programmer which has ‘DRY’ (Dont Repeat Yourself) as a core value. So I understand that watching the intro each time might not be a pet peeve for others as it is for me.
Ok so about the training. Well I’m very pleased to say that its quite good. It really does cover everything. In the how to get traffic section it does talk a fair amount about solo ads. Now I will admit that I have never been a big fan of solo ads, however I know a couple of very successful affiliate marketers (who make me look like a small fry) and who I totally trust who have told be that they have done well with them. Also this is not the only traffic method explained, so given those two things I really did not mind seeing solo ad training in there.
I know how to make money as an affiliate. I do make money as an affiliate and Im going to say this about Affiliate Cash Craze. Its great training that will teach you what you need to do to start making money online as an affiliate yourself. You see there really is no secret magic trick to this business. If you follow the steps outlined in this training you will make money. Its really that simple. In fact I suggest that people who buy this training watch one video a day and take the action steps outlined in that video. Doing this you can be making money as an affiliate in as little as 28 days (or sooner if you do more than one video a day).
The full price of this training is $47 however right now there is a prelaunch special for $20 off so it is available for just $27. But I wanted to get a really sweet deal so I negotiated a further $10 discount for my readers. To get it just enter the coupon code ” brettsdiscount” on the checkout page and the price will instantly change to $17. I spent a lot of time on Skype talking to Marc and getting you this special discount price because I really want to help people make money and I know that you can if you just following the steps this training gives you.
Every day I get messages from new people asking me how they can start making some income online. Well here it is outlined for you. Its a great training product for anyone new to this business to get started on a solid foundation. Click below to pick up your copy and dont forget to use my special discount code ” brettsdiscount” at checkout to get a further $10 off the prelaunch price.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hey Brett,
Just had to drop by and say that first of all I’m deeply honored that you chose to review my training course…having been a follower of you and this site for a while now, I knew that of all places this would be the spot to get an honest to goodness, no frills review!
It was a pleasure chatting with you and I truly appreciate all your help too, glad we could work out a special deal for my fellow ‘Brett Rutecky Fan Club’ members!
I entered the coupon code in my purchase and it shows invalid. Can anyone help?
Sorry my coupon code / discount was only for the prelaunch, which has ended. Ill see if I can get one for the full launch. Honestly though, at $17 ($27-$10 for my discount it was a good price).. At $47 its a little overpriced, even if I can get another $10 discount, that would be $37 which is still a bit over priced.
Hey James and Brett!
Sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier…
Brett, since you’ve helped me so much along the way getting this out there, I’ve created a couple coupons for your other subscribers for the full launch (and even the OTO).
Affiliate Cash Craze $18 off coupon: BRETT
FB Traffic Storm OTO $18 off coupon: BRETTOTO
And of course I do highly respect your opinion Brett and know you deal mostly with software products, but I’m sure you can agree that the Affiliate Cash Craze training (although not your typical $7 WSO), covers at least 10x what the typical WSO does…
Again, thanks for taking the time to review the course and help me out along the way Brett, you’ve got a loyal follower right here!
Very nice of you Marc, thanks!