WP Commission Machine [Review]
A super easy way to sell physical productsNEG:
One site is not going to make you rich, need multiple sites for full time incomeToday I am doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called WP Commission Machine. Though I have had review access to WP Commission machine for a while and did testing on it several days ago I was distracted by other things and ended up not writing a review of it. Well today after […]
Today I am doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called WP Commission Machine.
Though I have had review access to WP Commission machine for a while and did testing on it several days ago I was distracted by other things and ended up not writing a review of it. Well today after getting around half a dozen emails from people asking me what I thought of WP Commission Machine I decided to write a full review of this new WordPress plugin.
So the first and most obvouse question is what exactly is it? Simply put its an physical product affiliate plugin. That is, it is a plugin that lets you sell physical products as an affiliate. The plugin integrates with Amazon, AliExpress, and Ebay and lets you quickly build a niche store to sell the physical products on those sites from your own site / store.
In order to use the plugin you first need to set it up with your affiliate information for each service you want to use.
Setting up the service is quick and easy. You get the information required from your affiliate account with the platform you are going to register with. All three of these services allow you to be an affiliate at no cost, pay between 4 and 10% commissions on average, and you can integrate WP Commission Machine with any or all of these services.
Once your set up its complete and you have your affiliate networks integrated you can then begin to search for products that will automatically get added to your store. You do this by keyword search and its very easy and fast. In fact within a few minutes you can have a full store, with hundreds of products in it, from multiple sources.
The plugin will then automatically create a page on your WordPress site for each product that you add. Further each of the details pages will have additional auto generated content such as a product description (good for SEO), a place for customers to do reviews, and other additional content if available.
It will also create categories such as ‘new arrivals’ and ‘most popular’ automatically and populate then with the appropriate products. When a site visitor clicks to purchase one of the products either from the overview or the details page (which is also automatically created) they will be cooked to your affiliate link, directed to the appropriate network, and if they complete the purchase you will get the sales commission. In this way you have access to millions of physical products that you can sell without ever needing to buy, store, or ship a single thing.
So what do I think of WP Commission machine over all?
If you want to sell physical products and do not want the hassle of having to actually buy them first, store them, or ship them then being an affiliate for a service that sells physical products might be the ideal thing for you. With WP Commission machine you can quickly build huge stores with hundreds of products from the three biggest suppliers in the business and sell as an affiliate. This is very hands off and lets you do e-Com without all the tough stuff of actually selling things yourself. I really like that this integrates with all of the ‘big three’ (Amazon, AliExpress, Ebay). While I have seen other plugins (and themes) like this. Normally the plugins I have come across only integrate with one vendor. I think this might be the first time I have seen one that integrates with all three at once.
I do however want to point out two things because I feel they are important and because I want to always be totally honest.
The first thing is that the store I showed you in the example above, while good for an example, would not be very good for making money. Why? Because it is to general and not in a targeted niche. The products in the store are video games and while there are lots of people who buy video games, there is also a lot of competition, and even though the pages that WP Commission machine creates are SEO friendly its likely that this store would get much organic traffic just because of all the competition.
A better thing to have done would have just been to sell niche video games in this store. For example a store that sells old NES video game cartrages would do well. There is a definate market for them as people collect them. However because its much more targeted of a niche it would be easier to get organic traffic.
The second thing that I want to point out is that unless you get lucky with your niche its unlikely that your going to make a full time income off of one site. With sites like this the winning strategy is to have many of them, in multiple niches, and generate a small amount of income from each one that adds up to a substantial income. Fortunatlly WP Commission machine makes it very fast and easy to create these stores, but you will need a multi site license upgrade to take full advantage of this plugin.
With these two things in mind I think WP Commission machine is a solid investment. You can set up your niche e-com sites very fast with this and once set up they are largely ‘set and forget’. While as I said you probably wont get rich from a single site, by having a number of sites in different niches it is possible to earn a fair amount of money with almost no work once the initial set up is competed.
BONUS: The vendors of WP Commission Machine have allowed me to give away this huge bonus pack to anyone who picks it up though me.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hello Brett
There are similar plugins around. I got promos about iiStore.
What are the advantages of WP Commision Machine?
Do you have any idea?
I heard Google hates that kind of site and get sandboxed
In the past, I had 6 differents Amazon stores and all stores have been sandboxed by Google.
Google does not ‘hate’ anything, and I am speaking as a person who constantly ranks on page one of Google. What Google wants is good content (which is why the description aspect of WP Commission machine is valuable). As you said, and as I said as well, there are for sure other plugins like this, but as I also said, most that I have seen only allow you to sell from one vendor (such as Amazon), this one allows the top three (Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress), that is a big advantage especially if you take my advise and build niche stores.
Hi Brett, does this plugin add videos to te description page to engage the visitor?
No I do not believe so. Because it grts the products listed from sites that normally so not have videos.
How can you tell if a site has been ” Sand Boxed “?
I have read if you have a site that gives a visitor to many choices they most likely won’t make one at all and move on.
I have also read that Google in its last update said that affiliate sites like Amazon products were duplicate content and would be downgraded .
Does anyone find these to be true?
It is believable to me that Google wants to get rid of as many Amazon affiliate sites as possible because after all they are in direct competition to Googles affiliate sales.
Google also has started a FREE delivery service for products thru some of the companies they are affiliate’s for.as reported in the business section.
Will a ” No Follow” plugin help with stopping the Bot’s from finding your link?
“I have read if you have a site that gives a visitor to many choices they most likely won’t make one at all and move on.”
If this where true than marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay, CodeCanyon, JVZoo, and this very blog, would never get any sales. The good thing about the internet is that there is a lot of info, the bad thing is anyone can write it, even those that have no idea what they are talking about.
“I have also read that Google in its last update said that affiliate sites like Amazon products were duplicate content and would be downgraded .”
See the last part of the first answer đŸ™‚
Hi Brett
Thanks for the awesome reviews. Nowadays I only buy products after you review them, Revamply is my latest, by the way awesome product.
I would like to know regarding WP commission: Since it grabs products arbitrarily from the big three based upon my keywords, can I delete products I don’t like or modify descriptions?
Is there room to write my own reviews on the products the software populate on my site?
You can! And I should have mentioned that because its an important thing. Sorry for forgetting to say that in the review (thats what happens when you stay up all night to test / review products you forget things) .. lol
Thanks a lot man
Hi Brett,
What about updates, i mean, what if a product runs out of stock? Or what is a product is no longer available? Will it notify our visitors?
Since the people eventually go to the network (Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress) to make the actual purchase this kind of thing is automatically handled by them.
Hey Brett – know you usually don’t look at OTOs, but the OTO 1 for this product claims that it has Automatic Sync – future price or description/image changes are updated automatically. I don’t know if that includes automatically deleting the post if it’s no longer available, though.
I will ask Ankur to pop in and answer for you.
Yes Rod if the product is no longer available like for Ebay where the listing has expired, the auto sync will remove that product from your affiliate site automatically.
with this plugin can make dropshipping store?
Yes since your being an affiliate for the sites like Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress which handle shipping etc.
Thanks Brett! Buying it now đŸ˜€
Great review as normal Bret. Do you know if you can stop the plugin from grabbing Amazon reviews. My understanding is that your Amazon associates affiliate account can be banned if you use their reviews on your website.
I am also wondering if grabbing the descriptions will leave you with a site that is almost all duplicate content. However, this is not a huge worry because I can see from the video that the descriptions can be edited.
Yes you can.
How do you drive enough traffic to make a sale? Setting up a store is easy but getting traffic to them is not. According to the sales page its abset it and forget it, which I find it hard to believe. I fell for the hype with Instaniche and have yet to have any of the 5 stores I cteated yet to rank. That was over 6 weeks ago. If you can give us a complete training or strategy to follow that will guarantee my site to get ranked I will be more than glad to purchase through your link.
5 stores is not a lot.
6 weeks is not a long time.
You can use FB ads though to jump start things.
PS) I dont guarantee anything, I cant even guarantee you that the sun will rise tomorrow.
I am interested that WP commission machine and I have already an affiliate with Amazon and Ebay except Ali express because Ali express did not approve my registration and what is the reason they rejected me.Shall I use that program also to my existing affiliates with amazon and ebay only.
Thank you,
I dont know the reason AliExpress rejected you, but you can just use this to build sites with Amazon / Ebay products.
Does this plugin allow one to display prices in a particular choice currency for instance in euro € and not in the default $?
Yes it does!
If I purchase that plugin then can I promote my website on Google adwords or bing ads?
Yes, why wouldnt you be able to? (though for ads I prefer Facebook myself)
Thank you! I ask one question! If I upload all duplicate contents products my website but SEO works to increase Google rank possible? But Google hates duplicate content
how does SEO yoast work? How solve?
You can edit the content to make it a bit unique if your worried. But really dup content is not the end of the world. Though it is a penalty its not a ‘strike out’ in Googles eyes.
Hi Brett!
I am new with this stuf. I bought this product already. I have a question?
How in the world you get API Key, Secret Key-Amazon and Developer ID, Aplication ID-Ebay, same for Alibaba???? I’ve got lost there. It might look easy and simple from some point of view, but from mine is not …..
I can not do it.
The “easy 2 minutes” instalation are already second day still without these keys, Id-s. They speak technical language I don’t uderstand.
What I was able to see is that they are not ” just become an affiliate ID-s”…these are different.
Can you give me some insight, please?
WP Commission Machine has a support desk to ask these questions. You should direct them there since they are best suited to help you.
Hi Brett,
I just found another internet marketer giving away your Cliks It with full re seller rights for purchasing WP Commission Machine thru his link. Do you think you can make the same offer?
No, no one has the right to give reseller rights to any of my software. Please use the contact form to message me a link to where he is doing that.
HI Brett,
I have affiliate IDs for US,INDIA,UK can i add all of them to WP commission machine to get commission from these 3 affiliate IDs?
And if a customer visit my website from UK does he see UK based currency?
Yes I believe that is how it works.
Hey Brett,
1) Does this work similarly to Azon Authority where the user clicks an “add to cart” button on your site and then, when they’re done, get transferred to the appropriate site to checkout with their cart already populated? Or is it just a bunch of affiliate links on the page?
2) Can you give us the URL of a demo site? None of the videos I’ve seen give us a “what the user sees” view…it’s all backend or super fast scrolling.
3) How many sites and how much time per week do you think it’d take to make a significant income?
4) Can this plugin just be used as a page in WordPress? Like, if I had a blog and just wanted a “Shop” tab at the top for visitors to click that would link to this? Would it work seamlessly with my theme?
Thanks so much!
1) No they go to Amazon when they click the product as I say in the review.
2) No but you can clearly see screenshot of a demo site in my review
3) No one can answer this
4) No, what you should do is create a sub directory on your domain, put WordPress in the sub directory with this plugin and have your store there
Great! Thanks!
So i’ve got a couple of eBay stores that I’m looking to add to my newly created WP site and I’ve got wooCommerce all set up. My question is, will this software automatically update on my WP site when something sells and/or when items are added?
Im sorry Im not sure I understand the question.
Hey Mr. Rutecky,
I’d like to thank you for this honest review and actually double-thank you for answering the questions in comments because most of them where questions i had myself too, Really saved a ton of time researching.
So, my question!
It states it’s compatible with tons of ecommerce themes. Is it so? Do you happen to know if there are any known compatibillity isseues or features in themes that cause the plugin to malfunction? I am obviously searching for a theme myself at the moment but can’t purchase one just by luck :p
Thanks a lot for your time and effort
My WP Commission Machine just stopped importing products. I have tried other products that are not of the type I am importing and I cannot import anything. Any ideas?
My idea is to contact their support. You will probably get better assistance than you will by posting a comment on a blog run by someone who does not even own this product and merely reviewed it đŸ™‚
Looks like a great plugin!
However, I still have a few questions. From one of the promotional videos, at the end, I have noticed that if a customer presses “Buy now” (simply buy this product) it directs them to that exact store from where the information was taken (i.e. amazon, ebay or ali).
My question would be – is it possible to set up a plugin to make it behave like everything is happening on my site? I.e. shopping cart, checkout on the same site?
If yes, I would really like to see some example website and probably would buy the plugin straight away.
Kind regards,
No it does not work that way, people get sent to the site your promoting for (you are an affiliate not a vendor).