SpeedAffil [review]

Posted August 13, 2014 by in






Total Score

4/ 5

Creator: Keith Stringer
Type: WordPress Theme


Quickly create digital product affiliate sites


Pages are kind of ugly, but thats by design. The goal is to be clean, SEO friendly, and fast loading

Today Im taking a look at a new WordPress theme called SpeedAffil by Keith Stringer. So what exactly is SpeedAffil? Well its a WordPress theme that is designed to let you quickly create basic, SEO optimized and fast loading affiliate websites. But not just any affiliate website. These sites are focused on making sites that […]

by Brett Rutecky
Full Article

Today Im taking a look at a new WordPress theme called SpeedAffil by Keith Stringer.

So what exactly is SpeedAffil? Well its a WordPress theme that is designed to let you quickly create basic, SEO optimized and fast loading affiliate websites. But not just any affiliate website. These sites are focused on making sites that promote a single digital product, such as ones from JVZoo or Warrior Plus.


So why would you want to set up an entire website to promote a single digital product? Seems like a lot of work right? Well not really with this theme its actually quite simple and fast. The admin is well written and easy to use. Sure the sites it generates are not the most attractive but then again that’s not the point. The point is to generate specific pages that rank well in search engines for keywords related to the product your affiliating for, and then get people to click your link so you can get a sales commission if they buy.

So then the question becomes can you make money as an affiliate for digital products? The answer is: big time. Think about this, Amazon pays a 3-4% commission to affiliates when you send them a sale. Adwords pays a few cents per click on an ad, digital product vendors pay at a minimum 50% commission and  often pay 70% or more. Thats just the front end product. Most vendors are going to have a sales funnel and you get paid on those upsells as well. Quite frankly being an affiliate for digital products is about the most profitable thing you can do online (next to actually creating  your own products)

What I like about this theme and the concept is that you can set them up so quickly and create many niche sites with ease. Lets do a little simple math. Throwing aside the upsell income we will just focus on the front end sale for simplicity. Lets say you put up a niche site that is designed to get people to click your affiliate link to buy a $20 product that pays 70% commission. Lets say that site gets a very modest 500 hits per month (this is very low and conservative).  Now lets say that just 1% of  the people who visit your site turn into customers. This means that you making 5 sales a month at $20 each and earning $140 in profit. Ok that’s not a ton of money. But keep in mind. This is ‘set it and forget it’. You did nothing. What if you had 5 sites like this? What if you had 10 or 20 or 50? Very quickly you can start making some really nice income that once you set up becomes largely passive.

But what about competition? Well thats really not a problem. There are hundreds of thousands of digital products in every niche you can think of. Also there are more being created every day. Lots more. The ‘pool’ is so huge that I dont believe competition will ever be a major factor.

I have known Keith and his wife Bronwyn for quite a while. I use to freelance for them a few years ago. In the time I have known then they have shown me three things. They are experts at using WordPress and at designing themes. They are experts at SEO. They know a lot about niche site building. This product is the perfect one for them to make because it is right along the lines of their skill set and experience. I guess thats what it came out so well.

So whats my final opinion on SpeedAffil? Its a great product and a great value. By quickly putting up SEO friendly affiliate sites you can cash in on the high commissions that digital sellers give there affiliates. Since its so fast and easy, very quickly you can have your own little niche site affiliate ’empire’. This is actually what I strongly suggest that if your going to take advantage of this product you buy the ‘unlimited’ license.

So whats my final word? This one is a winner.  Click below to start building your affiliate empire!







 A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Thanks for this review, Brett. Does the theme work for only 1 product? That’s what I saw on the demo, surely I’m missing something here.



      Yes Lisa, it does only work with 1 product. However that’s not a deficiency that’s the point. This is niche marketing. You make sites that are designed to do one thing, create easy to rank, targeted pages. The tactic is that you dont have one big site (such as my blog for example) you have many small sites each ranked for specific keywords related to the product. Its much more easy to rank for specific terms than to rank in general. Also all your ‘eggs’ are not in one basket. If you loose ranking on or have a site that does not do well, you have lots of others to pick up the slack.


    Brett, I’m fairly new to your blog reviews and like them a lot. This is an incredibly generous offer your making here but I wonder if you have actually used this theme yourself for any products you promote? If so, how well did it work for you? Other marketers are trying to sell me themes that build “silos” suggesting that Google only likes sites with lots of good relevant content on them. I’m concerned that this one-off pages aren’t much more than sophisticated landing pages. Which ain’t necessarily a bad thing I suppose. But you still would have to drive traffic to them, right?


      I tested the theme but no I did not try to sell a product for it. It would take time for it to get ranked etc via Google. Also to be honest I would not need to do product marketing like this, simply because I have a well indexed blog that gets tens of thousands of hits a month. Most people dont have this and dont have all the time it took me to build my blog up to that level.

      You really dont ‘drive traffic’ other than perhaps post a couple of links on forums etc. The point of these is not to have one site that gets lots of traffic, its to have many niche, product specific sites that each get a bit of traffic, but the combined effect is a large amount.


    Thank you! – This is an awesome Gift! I plan to but it to good use…..


    Wow! Crazy price for a great product. Thanks guys… appreciate it Brett.

    Rob Green

    £3 for this with your neat discount – its a no-brainer – thanks Brett!


    This offer is really incredible, can’t imagine how the price was cut by more than half after using the code but I have these questions. First, can this be used on sub domains and second, will it still rank as promised like a separate domain? I’m asking this because of a lot of SEO ranking stories. Thanks a lot.


      Nugget .. here is how it was cut in half. Im an affiliate for this product. Normally affiliates get a 50-70% cut of the sales price for promoting a product. The commission for this one is actually 60% However for my readers I told the sellers that I would give up my affiliate commission if they would instead give my readers a discount. So basically your discount is the money I would have been paid. Since Im giving up my own payment the seller agreed.


    Hey Brett,
    Great blog you have here. I was actually thinking about getting this theme, but I was wondering, is there a way to put an email capture box on there somewhere? Not sure if they thought about this, but it would be great to be able to capture email addresses too. Thanks Brett, keep up the good work!


    My 60% off discount has ended. However you can still get this killer theme for an amazing price, less than most of us spend on lunch!



    What’s your view of their 15 video SEO training OTO/ upgrade?

    Also, I don’t see anything on:

    selecting a niche and a niche product

    What do you recommend on these topics for a one page niche site like Speed Afill creates?

    Your thoughts?



    How does it rank without any more back links other than a couple of video embeds and 3 content links. Does not seem like a lot of links for ranking. There is no social links and when I cheded the page source of the sample site, it has no title tags?


    Hi Brett

    Thanks for requesting that I drop by and clarify a couple of things for your readers.
    I also quickly scanned the messages and noticed a couple of other things that I will also respond on.
    1) Can you use sub-domains to create more sites?
    A) Yes but I prefer to use sub-directories or folders as Google has been targeting sub-domains lately
    2) Why isn’t there a Page Title tag on the page for SEO purposes?
    A) The Title information is created when you set up the normal basic WP settings – it just doesn’t show on the sites as the purpose of the site is to remove as much of the distractions as possible and get the potential customer to click your link.
    3) Why no niche education in the OTO’s
    A) I responded to George on the support desk on this last night – but here goes – I tend to stay away from the IM niche and target ordinary things that people look for that have affiliate programs.
    4) Email capture on the theme
    A) You can add the code into the content boxes if you wish using html – however please note that the theme was designed to have minimal distractions and an optin box may be seen as a distraction – a better option might be to add a slide out plugin that triggers when they are about to “leave the site.

    Hope that helps



      Hi Keith,

      Can this be used for Offline, like ranking for{edited}? Will it work (have you tried it) for that?

      Also, do you need more backlinks than just those in the template?


      Queensland, Aust


        The idea of this is to make niche sites for affiliate products. I guess you could use it for some kind of offline site (your link is broken by the way). But its designed for affiliate products. As for the backlinks question, you seem to be a little confused as to what ‘backlinks’ a backlink is a link from another site to your site, ergo no link in your site is a backlink.


    My strategy is simple, provide quality content and you’ll make both Google and your customers happy! One page sites with scraped content from article sites and other sources is simply not the foundation for a sound and long term business. The better approach IMHO is to use Sq. Matic to build attractive landing pages and then drive traffic to them. I just started using Sq. Matic and I’m already making my FIRST affiliate sales! With all due respect, the sites that this product generates will be short-lived.


      Im going to have to disagree with you here. While what your doing could for sure work the tactic for SpeedAfil is solid. I have known the Stringers for quite a while and they are very well versed in niche sites. Also while you are making your 1st affiliate sale they are making well over their 500th, in the JVZoo network alone. (I know first hand how many affiliate sales they have in that network). Building a page and driving traffic to that page is a good tactic. But so is building many mini sites for lots of different niches. Just because one tactic works does not mean the the other is not viable. Of course you should choose the tactic that best fits your style, budget and resources.


    Hi Brett

    Just chimed in to respond to a couple of questions posed.

    John – You could use Speedaffil for a specific product of an offline business – the purpose of the exercise though would be to effectively drive customers to the main site so the application is really no different than setting up for an affiliate sale.

    Joey – Both approaches work – what you have to do is figure what the “purpose” of the page is so that everything that you do around it and with it is congruent. Once you have that in order the sales flow begins on either Speedaffil or your approach with Squeezematic.
    How do I know that?
    Well I use both of them – but for totally different purposes.

    Hope that helps.




    Thanks for the great review Brett. I had seen this and was thinking about buying but I was hoping to see a review from you first. The reason is because I know that you post honest reviews and don’t just tell people what they want to hear. Also, I am a SqueezeMatic owner and I have to say that it’s the absolute best website builder I have come across. And the low price is awesome! Great job!


    Is it also required of old customers of speedaffil to make a new purchase on this one?


    I got ur email of a special deal on speedaffill because it has been updated of which I already bought the first time it was released, so am asking to know if already existing customers of speedsffill are required to make another purchase? Is the updated not effected on the existing theme that was released earlier?

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