Moto Theme V3 [Review]
A powerful and flexible WordPress theme that might be the only one you ever need.NEG:
Requires a PHP version greater than 5.5 (but 5.5 is very old anyway so no big deal)Today I am taking a look at a new WordPress theme called Moto Theme (version 3). Its no secret that I am a big fan of using a blog in my internet marketing business. In fact that’s pretty obvious given that you are reading my blog right now. Since I decided to devote myself full […]
Today I am taking a look at a new WordPress theme called Moto Theme (version 3).
Its no secret that I am a big fan of using a blog in my internet marketing business. In fact that’s pretty obvious given that you are reading my blog right now. Since I decided to devote myself full time to my online business, way back in Feb. 2014 (4 1/2 years is forever in internet time) my website has been a core of my business. In fact almost everything I do is centered around this very site you are looking at right now in one way or another.
Because of this I often teach my followers and those that wish to duplicate my 7 figure per year business success that they to should have their own website. Also given its ease of use, customization, reliability, and wide spread support I suggest people strongly consider using WordPress for their site. But this suggestion inevitably leads to one super common question: “What theme should I use?”.
Honestly this is a question that is so common, and often so frustrating to answer, that my business partner Mike and I have a running joke for almost two years now where every once in a while (and often in private messages when we do live webinars) one of us will ask the other “Hey what theme should I use on my site?”. Well finally, after two years it looks like the joke is about to come to an end because I now have a answer to give everyone with this question that I feel very comfortable giving. That answer is: “Use Moto Theme”?
The question of course is why? Well I have two word to answer that question. Power and flexibility!
Wordpress is nothing without a good theme (the one that comes with it is not so great so forget that one), and if you are going to invest in a theme you need one that offers the most flexibility and options possible. Why? Because you don’t want to have to buy a different theme for every site you create over the course of your online business. What you really want is one, high quality theme, that is flexible and powerful enough that it is going to suit any needs you have now and likely will have in the future.
MotoTheme fits perfectly. It allows anyone to quickly create great looking websites and yet at the same time has powerful options so that allow your sites to grow as your business grows. Just look at some of the features of MotoTheme.
75 Premade site templates (right there its like getting 75 different themes in one .. sweet!)
Built in drag and drop page builder (honestly, while not as easy to use as some systems, because its inside WordPress, its very functional and allows nice customization without to much difficulty)
Once click website creation (great for those who just want a site fast and easy without much work)
The ability to create professional quality landing pages
The ability to create ecom sites
The ability to create video sites
The ability to create affiliate stores
… and lots more.
Really there is very little I can say bad about MotoTheme 3 and frankly investing in it should be a no brainer. If your running, or even just building, and online business you will, 100% for sure need a website, and probably multiple websites before long. WordPress is the platform of choice for easy site creation and you are going to need a theme to use WordPress. A single decent WordPress theme will normally cost between $45 and $60, for just a single theme. However with MotoTheme 3 you get so many options and flexibility that it just might be the one and only theme you ever need. Honestly this one was easy because even though I got a copy of it for free in order to review it I can honestly say that if I had not gotten a free copy I would have invested in it myself. I really do not think I can give any product a better endorsement than to say its worth my money, and because that MotoTheme 3 is:
Bonus: If you pick up MotoTheme you will also get these very cool bonuses as well. But do not wait, the special launch pricing and these bonuses will be gone before you know it!
These bonuses will be right inside of the MotoTheme v3 members area, but also because I like to over deliver you will also get my premium Content Lock plugin (with giveaway and reseller rights) as an extra special bonus. This bonus will be inside of JVZoo waiting for you so you can get access to it right away. Click below to learn more about Content Lock
Click here to get MotoTheme 3 and all of the special bonuses listed above!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
5.5 is not out. Did you mean WP 4.5 in your review?
I meant PHP 5.5 .. thanks for catching that error, it has been corrected.