Every once in a while a product gets released that you actually need. I dont mean need in that its a cool new tool or something like but need in the case that you are actually required to have it (or at least have something that does what it does). For anyone doing any type of product selling or internet marketing compliance bar is exactly that, something you simply need to have.
Compliance Bar is a powerful WordPress Plugin that solves a fundamental problem for anyone wanting to sell anything online (including products, services, affiliates, CPA, BizOp). You see the FTC is becoming increasingly strict on their rules and websites with any type of selling, marketing, or income claims are now required to have specific notices and disclaimers on them. Examples of some of the pages required are Privacy Policy, Earnings Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions and FTC Notice (depending on the type if site you have).
While anyone can create these pages themselves and add them somewhere in the footer (provided you can edit the template) the big problem is that most of us are not legal professionals. We could go through all of this effort only to find that the pages we made do not have the meet the required legal standards and we are still not compliant. Compliance bar however automatically creates the required pages with a few clicks and uses forms and templates that where designed and approved by a legal professional. This way you know your compliant and covered.
Here are some of the features included with Compliance Bar:
- Create unlimited popups that restrict visitors to content until they agree to your terms. Great for sites that require visitors to be over a certain age for example. Acceptance (IP address) is then recorded in the backend should you require it at a later date
- EU Cookie Compliance advises visitors of site cookie policy and restores IP address on acceptance for future records. (this is not a big issue for US based sites, but many EU countries require notification that a site uses cookies)
- Compliance Bar is optimized for mobile and tablets with separate settings to cater for this traffic.
- Fully flexible icons and aesthetics to fit any website
- Display links for those who don’t wish to use icons
- 23 Compliance Pages templates for almost every business including Medical, Amazon, XXX, Affiliates, Adsense and Legal.
What I really like about compliance bar is that it solves a very real problem. Its not some trick or gimmick like most IM products. This is a real solution that solves a real problem. But what makes it earn my stamp of approval is that it comes with the legal templates that ensure you are covered. This to me is the thing that makes it worth having. It would be such a shame to spend tons of time writing up your own privacy policy or earnings disclaimer only to find that what you wrote is not legally acceptable.
The plug in itself is very clean and well written. Its easy to use and though it has some inline help there is no general help page. There are tutorial and training videos but they are all accessed through the download site. I wish personally prefer to have an in WordPress help page that has the tutorial videos right there. Not sure why other product creators have not started doing this. Its much more convenient than asking users to go to a membership site just to watch a video. Its also very easy to do so there is no reason not to have it. Fortunately as I said Compliance Bar is easy enough to understand that I didnt have any real problem using it. I actually did not need to training videos.

For anyone with any kind of sales, affiliate, training, ad supported, or even (and perhaps especially) data collecting site (squeeze pages) compliance bar solves a very real need and is a must have. Click the link below to learn more about this plug in.
*** As a special bonus I’m going to give away a FREE COPY of my List Magnet WP pop up plugin. This is the same plugin that I use own my own site. Simply email me your receipt ID after purchase to get your free bonus!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
About the Author
Brett Rutecky
Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.
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