Video Ads Traffic [review]
Solid trainingNEG:
You will need an ad budget (not really a negative though)Today I’m doing a review of a new Facebook traffic training called Video Ads Traffic. (first watch my interview with creator Adam Payne below) I’m going to admit it. I decided to review this training for very selfish reasons. You see I’m a big advocate of using Facebook for traffic. I have used […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new Facebook traffic training called Video Ads Traffic.
(first watch my interview with creator Adam Payne below)
I’m going to admit it. I decided to review this training for very selfish reasons. You see I’m a big advocate of using Facebook for traffic. I have used fan pages in the past, I use groups now, and I use Facebook ads quite often. I also know that video ads on Facebook work quite well, better than most other ad types. Because of all of this I really wanted this course for myself, and honestly deciding to review it was an easy way to get it (yes, that’s one of the perks of being a respected product reviewer).
Now you can probably guess that Video Ads Traffic is about using video ads. Well specifically it is about using Facebook video ads. However the tactic here basically uses two ads for a promotion.
You first use a video ad, made up of a exciting, interesting, cute, or other type of video likely to grab people attention. What your look to do with this video is get as many views, comments, and shares as possible. This can be a video that you personally make or it can even be a video that you pull from some where else like YouTube. This is the ad you will use to build up a target audience of people who you will run your second (traffic ad to). It’s important to note that the audience you build from this first ad will be highly targeted since you will be using a video that is directly related to your niche. Almost no one likes, shares or otherwise engages with a video about a niche they have no interested in, this the audience you build from people taking these actions will be targeted to your niche.
The second ad is the ad that you will actually use to get traffic. You will target the people who engaged with your first video ad and direct them to your landing page, sales page, optin page, offer or where ever else you need them to go.
Of course this is a simplification. The detailed steps of this tactic are well explained in the training and of course I can’t give to much away about a paid training in a review of it. However you might be wondering why the two step process? Well one thing that people new to Facebook advertising quickly learn is that Facebooks greatest strength (the size of their user base) can also be an advertisers weakness. Because Facebook has such a large user base it is likely that there are a lot of people interested in just about any niche you can imagine. However that also means that there are a lot of people not interested in it. The first ad is a general ad that acts like a filter to make sure your future ‘money ads’ only show to people interested in your niche.
Whats really cool is because people will share the video ad with people they know who are also likely to be interested in it your video ad will be seen my viewers you did not have to pay for, and thus the targeted audience you are building will grow beyond what your normal ad budget would allow. This allows to get better results from a smaller budget.
Of course you will need some ad budget. This is a Facebook ads tutorial after all and you can’t run ads on a zero budget. Now I’m well aware that some people run for the hills when they hear the words ‘paid traffic’ but the truth is that paid traffic, when done correctly, is the most reliable and consistent form of traffic you can ever get. There is a reason why every single large online business uses paid traffic after all. If your thinking to yourself right now that you can’t afford paid ads then quite frankly its decision time. Your going to have to decide how dedicated you are to your online business. Are you dedicated enough to cut out your morning Starbucks run? To live without the sports package on your TV for a while? To cut down on the after work drinks with the guys? To stop buying the latest and greatest shiney object that some marketer mails you about? Well I hope so. If your thinking that you are dedicated enough for all of this, and possibly more, but you just dont have any money for ads and really have no fiscal ‘fat’ that you can trim, well then I will have to say that this just is not for you. (Ill also say that you might want to look into other things beyond starting an online business, such as getting a side job for a while).
The training itself is done in the usual screen cast presentation style. Its made up of 6 modules with a bonus case study. Each module has several videos in it.
When I interviewed Adam about Video Ads Traffic he mentioned that he has a background in education (something I did not know) and I believe it. I will be totally honest at the time of this writing I have not finished the entire course. However I have gone though a lot of it at this point and the training videos are clear, not full of time wasting fluff and are easy to follow. Adam does an excellent job of showing you what you need to know without boring you but without assuming you already have experience. This makes Video Ads Traffic quite good for both newbies and seasoned Facebook advertisers.
Normally I review products that I believe other people are going to be interested in. Sometimes I chose to review a product because I am interested in it and want it myself. That was the case with Video Ads Traffic. I wanted the training myself. While, as a established and respected product reviewer, I did not have to pay for it, I can honestly say that if I had I would have considered it money well spent.
Update: Use coupon code “5off” to get $5 off the list price.
BONUS: The vendors have provided some very cool bonuses to anyone who picks up Video Ads Traffic through my link. You will get instant access to the following right inside of the members area!
Click here to get Video Ads Traffic as well as instant access to all of these bonuses (right inside of the members area)!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
I got Adam’s STA before and it’s was great, I’ve learned few things about FB Video Ads. I’m sure that the new course is just as good if not better. Nice one Adam. all the best with the launch..sounds good.
Very interesting concept. However, I’m wondering if the results would differ depending on one’s location and of course other factors, but location being the main one.
Facebook seems to prefer to give “3rd tier countries” (as they put it) junk traffic. 🙁
Of course, I could be wrong 🙂
When you set up your initial video ad to build a retargeting group for your traffic ad, select top tier countries. Problem solved 🙂