The Simple Affiliate [review]
Very solid trainingNEG:
Members area is a little clutteredToday I’m doing a review of the new training “The Simple Affiliate” I did an interview with Bill where we talked a bit about his history, about the product, and about what you can learn and expect with the Simple Affiliate. But something happened with the audio. Bill kept fading in and out. One second […]
Today I’m doing a review of the new training “The Simple Affiliate”
I did an interview with Bill where we talked a bit about his history, about the product, and about what you can learn and expect with the Simple Affiliate. But something happened with the audio. Bill kept fading in and out. One second he was loud and clear, the next he sound like he was a mile away. So I scrapped the interview and instead did a video to show what you get in the members area. You can watch that above.
Now I have known Bill for a while now and I have spoken to him a few times. Right off the bat I want to say two things that are important. First of all, Bill really does make full time income online. Second of all he is smart guy. He knows his stuff.
I know what your thinking. Well that’s great for Bill. But what about me?
The reason those two things are important is because Bill actually made this training himself. A lot of times marketers will promote training videos or products made by other people. But with the Simple Affiliate it is Bill who is personally training you.
The main training is made of 8 videos that are on average between 20 and 30 minutes long. While that may seem a bit long for each video the content delivered is quite good. There is no fluff, no wasted time, just a lot of good quality content. Bill does the videos presentation style, with him speaking as he is showing you how to do things or showing you a graphic that illustrates what he is talking about. From a tech perspective the video quality is also good. The videos are clear, the audo is crisp, and Bill is also a competent teacher who does not stutter, repeat himself, or do any of the other annoying things that I have seen people do (like cough in the microphone).
In addition to the 8 main training videos Bill also has a series he calls “tech and tools”. Where he teaches basics like getting a domain and hosting, using Facebook and other things a total newbie might need. While this is great if your really ‘green’ for most people it is the main 8 video series that is going to be the most value, and as I said the content in there is very good for anyone looking to make money in the internet marketing business.
Besides the video training there is one other thing that really impressed me that Bill gives with the Simple Affiliate training. Its something that he told me about in the interview that I had to scrap. Inside of the member’s area he has a support link and he not only allows people to contact him if they have any questions, he actually encourages people to do so. If after going through the training, there is something that you did not fully understand or something you need clarification on, Bill wants you to contact him and he will be glad to help you. This is very cool and its something that is not common at all for a product priced in the $7-$9 range. Honestly I think this is quite a value. Think about it. I can buy a book at a book store to teach me just about anything. However if I have a question about something in the book I can’t contact the author and ask him to clarify. But with Bills training that is exactly what you get. Very cool.
So what do I think of Simple Affiliate over all? While I did think the members area was kind of cluttered as it has everything on one page, I also think the training is quite good. I think there is a lot of value here for not a lot of money especially when you consider that you can contact Bill if you have any questions about the training. This is going to be a good investment for anyone just getting started in the internet marketing business or anyone who has had some success but has not really gotten to the point where they are making full time income from it.
Note: My special bonus offer has expired, however the “Simple Affiliate” training is still an excellent resource that is very well worth investing in.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Gonna pick this up just out of curiosity and ’cause you like it and ’cause I used to be a “Surrey Boy” just like Bill (LOL!)
Hi Brett
What if I have already your Brett’s Circle. Would you exchange it for another?
Sorry no. But this training is worth the purchase price without the bonus honestly.
But Ive also heard you cough numerous times into the microphone?
Never in a paid training video. Probably yes in a live training video on Facebook (which I cant edit out since its live) or possibly when someone else was interviewing me (and they did not edit it out)
Hi Brett,
for WarriorPlus how do we know that we have purchased from your link? Any affiliateID to recognise? On JVZoo i know where to comfirm it, but not on Warriorplus. Thanks! :))
Not sure .. just click my approved button then buy right away, that should ensure you purchased though my link, since you clicked my link 🙂
bought this yesterday from your link, request for bonuses sent to your yahoo. all oto’s bought, thanks mate!!!
Hi Brett,
I´ve bought it, but can´t see your bonus BrettsCircle.com, just the Jack Jaker plugin.
How do I get acces to the BrettsCircle.com?
Please read and follow the instructions that are right here on this page.
Sorry Brett, but I´ve read the page two times and can´t see the instructions you mean.
I sended yerterday a mail through your page with the purchase dates, are this the instructions?
Well the bonus has expired now, it expired Sunday. Your original message was before that, and right under the text that said what the bonus was .. it also said to send your receipt ID (or ID’s) to ruteckyb@yahoo.com to claim your bonus. I dont see how you could have read what the bonus was .. and not have seen the instructions as well.
Hi Brett,
Just purchased The Simple Affiliate plus OTO 1 and 2.
Sent my Warrior Plus receipt ID’s to ruteckyb@yahoo.com
Received this automatic response –
“Thanks for contacting me. Please note that this email is no longer monitored for technical support.”?
Are you picking up the purchase receipts manually to send thru the bonus access details?
Im checking them and responding. I just woke up (you bought when I was sleeping) 🙂 .. you will be getting a response from me shortly no need to resend.
I purchased The Simple Affiliate plus OTO 1 and 2
Sent my Warrior Plus receipt ID’s to ruteckyb@yahoo.com
I responded for the bonuses you offered on Saturday Sep 3, which was before your deadline of Sunday.
So far I have received no response from you. Can you give me an update on what the status is of my request
Every email I got was responded to. Two or three bounced back. Please resend and make sure your sending from a valid email address I can respond to.
I will resend