The Super Product [review]
Great conceptNEG:
Audio in the training video sounds 'distant'Today Im doing a review of a new video training called ‘The Super Product’. So what exactly is The Super Product? Well as you might have guessed by its name: The Super Product is a new training course that focuses on my number one favorite topic in the internet marketing space. Creating and selling your […]
Today Im doing a review of a new video training called ‘The Super Product’.
So what exactly is The Super Product? Well as you might have guessed by its name: The Super Product is a new training course that focuses on my number one favorite topic in the internet marketing space. Creating and selling your own digital product.
I hope my now I don’t have to explain to everyone how selling your own digital product is one of the best things you can do but Ill do a recap. First of all when you sell your own digital product you obviously make money. But more important than that is that you build up the most valuable asset you will ever have. Your buyers email list.
So many marketers like to tell stories about how they where tens of thousands of dollars in debt or they where homeless or whatever and they struggled to get their start. Well lets be honest, they tell these stories because they sound nice. Well I’m an honest guy and my story is much different. I was not in debt, I was not homeless, I just wanted to quit my freelance job and I wanted to make more money. You know what else? I did not struggle for years either. I was literately profitable from the beginning (though to be fair I only made a few hundred dollars my first few months).
Why is all of this relevant to this review and why am I telling you about how I got started? Well its because of the reason I was successful so fast. I was profitable from the beginning because I did the #1 thing from the beginning. You guessed it, I created and sold my own product.
Now I had an advantage because I was a software developer. So I created a software for my first product. But a lot of people are not software developers, cant afford to hire one, and don’t have the experience or success to create a training product. What about those people? What can they do? Well that’s where Alex’s Super Product training comes into play. In this training he is teaching you how to create your very own, quality info product, full of good content without needing to actually be an expert? How is this possible? Well I don’t want to give away to much of the training, but the short version is that he explains how to interview successful marketers and compile these interviews into a training product. Basically you don’t have to provide expert content, because the people you are interviewing are providing it for you.
The training itself comes with two main modules. Module one is the video training. Its about an hour and twenty minutes log and in it Alex explains this strategy in detail. He also explains how to approach experts and how to convince them to let you interview them (hint: you don’t have to pay them or anything) The second module is not actually training. This module is the download section that gives you all the templates you will need. There are email templates for emailing experts. There is a checklist for when your creating your interview product. There is a complete interview template that gives you a guideline on how to run your interview (if you wanted you could actually just read the template for your interview).
I watched the training video and went over the downloads. They are quite good. The one issue I did have though was with the video training. Not that the content or anything was bad. But the audio was not the best. When Alex is speaking in the video it sounds like he is very far away and I found that I had to turn my computer speakers volume up fairly high in order to hear him. Once I did he was clear, it was just that he sounded really ‘distant’ at normal volume. This is not the end of the world but it was a minor annoyance.
Over all I think this is a great little course that comes with some really cool downloadable tools to help you get started. I like the fact that people can follow this training and be able to create their own product for free and without needing to provide the actual content themselves. Also I have seen marketers do this and make money from these kinds of ‘interview products’ so I know for sure that they work.
As I have said many times selling your own digital product is the #1 thing you should be doing. The Super Product is going to empower you to create your own product without needing any money, without needing to be a developer and without needing to provide expert content yourself. What else can I say but:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
wow..thank you so much for another great bonus…
I’m in….
thanks for the review, I’m sure that “The Super Product” Training by Alex will benefit most of us here…
Thanks Brett! A buying decision that requires no thinking…
Agree with you there Roy,,I didn’t even think, just went down to Brett’s approved button then scrolled down the sales page and clicked buy….done in 3 minutes flat..
How are this Super New product training differ from Blackbox sales machine by Alex Jeffrey??
Super Product is about making a specific kind of digital product where you interview people. Honestly though, and I hope Im not being egotistical, but I think my bonus is worth more than the cost of the Super Product.
WOW, Loved the bonus Brett!
Thank you very much Brett.
Good clear consise review and a steal at that price. I’m in.
Hey Brett,
I absolutely agree that your bonus is worth more than the cost of the main offer!
2 Questions:
1-How do we get access to your bonus?
2-When I try to download the main offer from JVZoo, all I get is an empty file…
You get access to the bonus by sending me your receipt ID.
For the training, I dont think you should have to download anything. I just sent Alex a message though and let him know some people are having problems. I will also ask him to come over here and help if he can.
Hi there Brett
Great Bonus offer of the Gold edition including the resale rights
What I am a little confused is I was also reading John Leonards offer which mentions and includes a blurb about both of you in some kind of a joint promotion but the Video on his sales page only has an intro but no details
Care to comment?
John and I teamed up on this launch .. honestly he jumped the gun a little .. tomorrow I will be adding his bonus to mine and giving it away as an ‘extra’ to everyone who has bought or will buy through my link.. he will also do the same with my bonus and his buyers .. he got a little over excited though and mentioned it to early 🙂
Hi Brett
Many thanks for clearing up the confusion
Thanks again for an amazing offer.
Awesome bonus! You always create high quality and useful tools. I sent you my receipt and I appreciate it.
Very annoying – the download filename is just the transaction ID – with no extension (tried in both CHROME and IE)
What is the filetype? Zip? What does it need to be renamed to?
I have no idea what your talking about. What download file name? This is a training product.
Hi Michael,
Please check your inbox. You should have been delivered access to the product (check your junk folder as well).
If you can’t find the email from us – please open a support ticket here – https://marketingwithyou.zendesk.com/home
Many Thanks
The file for the main product is a file that has your JV Zoo payment processing number. The download is 0 size so it just isn’t going to work. Alex needs to fix this somewhere within his JV Zoo settings. I am sure he knows about it by now and just give it a few hours and I am sure he will get it set up correctly. By the way, I did purchase this again just to get your bonus, Brett – it sounded that good to me, too! Will be sending my receipt in a few.
I let them know about it, Alex’s JV manager Ian responded, see the comment right above yours.
Awesome Brett,
As always!
Thanks again Brett for the outstanding Bonuses.
Hi Brett! Where do I send the receipt? I jumped on this right AFTER I read your review..Been a fan for a while, so thanks!!
You can reply to the email I sent you (if your on my list). Or you can use the contact link in this sites nav. bar.
Your bonuses are always top-notch, Brett! Thank you very much for this one.
Hi, Brett!
I purchased the SuperProduct using Your link, but did not get any bonuses from You.
How to get Your cool bonus, Clickbar?
Send me your receipt ID from JVZoo and I will forward you access. You can use the contact form in this sites nav.
Thank you Brett,
You Rock! Cheers :-),
Your welcome 🙂
I agree that your bonus alone is worth the money, and I do like Alex’s ideas and products. I just have one question. I have no idea as to how many of these products will be sold but I assume thousands. And the “product” is interviewing the top Internet Marketers and putting the results together, making a product.. There are only so many TOP internet marketers. So they are going to be inundated with people asking for interviews? Don’t you think eventually they will have to say… enough, I’ve done 500 interviews already and the phone just keeps ringing…. what am I missing here?
Ill be 100% honest when I answer this question like I always try to be. Here is whats going to happen. 3000 people will buy this training, 300 people will actually go trough it. 30 people will even try to take action, 5 people will actually put in the effort and follow through to completion. The key is to make sure you one of those 5 people.
This concept is very similar to something Seth Larrabee did years ago… and you are correct, Brett, VERY few people will take action. But as Sue points out, this is a model that anyone can follow in any niche. I’ve done dozens of interviews with winemakers, for example, and have created both video and Kindle products from those courses.
Mike, although this “product” is created by interviewing the top IM experts, products can also be created by interviewing experts in other niches, such as dog training, or weight loss, etc. . . . In other words, it is not limited to the IM industry.
Excellent point Sue.
A quick question on reselling white label products Brett – is this an effective business practice? I ask simply because let’s say the top affiliates and marketers have promoted a product to the ends of the earth and squeezed the IM purchaser market dry then is there really an audience for the white labellers to go after as all of the typical buyers will have bought already.
And even if we rename and rebrand it then those few who do actually buy may be annoyed to realise that they have already bought this product when it was originally released.
Are the concerns I am raising here valid?
No your concern is not valid because it makes one erroneous assumption:
“say the top affiliates and marketers have promoted a product to the ends of the earth and squeezed the IM purchaser market dry”
Most launches and promotions from top marketers do 1500-4000 sales, 4000 is actually considered ‘big’. This is the combined effort of multiple marketers doing the promo. The average is probably around 2000-2500 sales. There are a LOT more buyers in the world than 2500 people. Since most ‘top marketers’ use the launch business model and the launch business model is super inefficient you don’t really have to worry about the ‘market’ being squeezed dry.
As for the agency bonus Im giving to people who buy The Super Product through my link, that has never even been launched.
Thanks for the reply Brett – can you expand on what you mean when you say the launch model used by top marketers is super inefficient?
Its a bit off topic. However as I said. top vendors doing a launch consider 4000 sales combined efforts of many marketers to be a great success. Honestly that really bad and shows the inefficiency of the launch model. On a launch like this hundreds of thousands of emails will get sent out to hundreds of thousands of people and only a 10% or so will actually purchase, that means 90% dont, which in my mind is super inefficient.
Sending my receipt now Brett. Bought mainly for the bonuses. Very Cool.
Hi Brett,
Just purchased Super Product. How do I get your bonuses?
Thanks so much!
Send me your JVZoo receipt ID. You can use the CONTACT link in this sites nav.
I like your approach to selling. Giving, honest, knowledgeable reviews of digital products. I will definitely come back for more info. My question is, do you only do/review/promote current launches or is there an area that has “the best of the best” products?
I only review new products that are launching. Its very hard to get review copies of a product after it has launched.
Hi brett.Great i purchased the super product through your link here yesterday,and i dont know how to access and send my receipt to you before the expiration of the your bonus.please how can i get the bonus software you promised.Thanks.
You can use the contact form in the nav of this website or email ruteckyb@yahoo.com
Hi Brett
Is it all over or can i still get the bonus ?
I only just seen the video on you tube
I like honest I want to follow u
i just subscribed with you
Sorry the bonus offer has expired.