Viral Autobots [review]
Great for finding post contentNEG:
Have to manually post to groupsToday I have gotten a lot of emails from people asking me to review the new Viral Autobots software. So early this afternoon I contacted the vendor for review access and spent the last several hours testing it out. First let me explain what this software is. Its a tool to help you find good […]
Today I have gotten a lot of emails from people asking me to review the new Viral Autobots software. So early this afternoon I contacted the vendor for review access and spent the last several hours testing it out.
First let me explain what this software is. Its a tool to help you find good content for posting to your fan pages (or groups) that is likely to attract peoples attention, and get engagement such as likes and shares.
This is important for multiple reasons. Obviously because if you have a ‘viral’ post more people will see it, and consequently will see any link you have in the post text. But also because of a little thing that Facebook calls ‘affinity’. One of the major factors that Facebook uses to determine if your post shows in peoples timeline is ‘affinity’. Facebook logically assumes that if someone likes, comments, or shares your posts, they must be interested in your posts. So if a person does these things they become more likely to see your future posts as well. Ie. you are building up your relationship (‘affinity’) with them. Also Facebook assumes that if a post is getting interaction such as likes, other people will want to see that post. In essence the more people that engage with your post, the more people will see your post, and then those people are more likely to see your future posts. This is what ‘going viral’ is.
The question becomes, how do we ‘go viral’? Well what most people do is create a post, graphic, or video, cross their fingers and hope for the best. Viral Autobots takes a different approach though. It lets you access content on other fan pages in the same niche as yours, see what has gotten a great response from people, download it and then post it to your page. This way your not gamboling, your edging the odds in your favor because you are using content that you already know that people will respond to.
Let me show you how it works:
Step 1: Use the page finder tool to search for popular fan pages in any niche. In this example I’m searching the ‘golf’ niche. Normally you would search a niche that is related to yours.
Step 2: Click the discover button next to any fan page to see a lost of its popular posts. You can filter by the number of likes the post got and also by video or image posts.
Step 3: Click Download to save the image or video to your local machine so you can post it yourself later through Facebook, or click post to post it to your fan page right away through the app.
This system will integrate with Facebook and pull in the fan pages that you are and admin of. You can then select the fan page you want to post, edit the text message, and either post now or you can schedule the post. Its also important to note that your not just sharing the post, the system is actually downloading the video / image and then reposting it for you. This is an important distinction because if you where just sharing it, there would be a link back to the original fan page which you dont want.
Viral Autobots only pulls in your fan pages, however if you want to post it to a group or to your own timeline, you can click the download button instead of the post button, and download the image or video to your local machine and then go onto your group and reupload it yourself.
There are also two additional features that are worth noting. First is the Twitter Trends feature. This will allow you to select any location on a Google map and it will then show you things people are tweeting about in that local area.
The second is the YouTube Trends feature which will show you topics and videos that are currently popular on YouTube in the country that you select.
Once you find things that are trending you can then go to step 1 and use these topics to search for pages that are related to these trends and continue with the process of finding quality content that is proven to get engagement.
So what do I think of Viral Autobots over all?
In my testing it worked very well. I had no problems or errors. I did go into testing this ‘blind’ without much information on what this actually did before I began testing so I had to watch the tutorial videos. Fortunately they where clear and easy to follow and within a few minutes I was using this. Its really easy. Most of the testing I did was trying to ‘break’ the software, which I was unable to do.
As for the concept, its also good. Facebook can be a huge resource if used correctly. Now more than ever its important to post content that people are going to engage with. This is because when people engage with your content not only will more people see that content, but those same people are then more likely to see your future content (because of ‘affinity’). One thing I have said over and over is that good software is a tool, and good tools are things that make your life easier. Viral Autobots makes it fast and easy to find good quality content that you can post in any niche. It is a good tool and because of that rating this one is easy:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
I have dealt with Luke and he’s one of the biggest arrogant assholes you will ever meet. If you have a problem with ANY of his products, he will try to make all his support replies a joke towards you. If he would give me one of his products for free, I’d post it on a blackhat site just to fuck him.
This is not a very mature thing to say. Im sorry if you did not like the way Luke communicates, but I review products not people.
Wow. Great response Brett. (smile)
You obviously have those reputation management skills down pat. But I just wanted to say I liked your review. I purchased this product earlier today and also took it for a test run and find your assessment of this product to be very accurate.
Hi calvin,
do you use this product currently? How do you find this? I actually interest on this one, but need more review. Please share your experience, thank you indeed brother.
Hi Brett, requesting you to remove above comment as his intention to harm your honest review, nothing else. We don’t want to see these type of false (nasty language) comments here.
Thanks a lot for another great review.
Yea its a bad comment for sure, immature and the guy just said that he is a thief and a scammer. I did not delete it for one reason:
A lot of times I’m critical of the products I review, which can be seen as being critical of the vendors. However life is not all peaches and cream for the vendors. That guys attitude and the way he said he is willing to cheat and steal from the vendor for no other reason than he finds the vendors way of speaking offensive is a good example of some of the stuff vendors have to deal with. (some stuff is much worse than this actually)
Thanks Brett, i agree totally, nice point you have made & if there is an issue that hasn’t been resolved with anyone for whatever reason i will always get it fixed. if there is a negative comment in one of my groups i will respond and fix rather then delete as many do, negativity is normal, not everyone will be happy but if you can change a negative into a positive it builds a lot more trust, but then sometimes there are malicious posts like the one above which i think say more the person posting it then the person it’s being posted about.
Tried to buy the product today. However the buy now button didn’t work with Pay Pal. Anyway to reach them
Works fine for me, it has to be something on your end.
Brett Rutecky it’s the same as Luke Maguire when selling his products.
I dont know what this means, sorry.
Hello to you all guys!
I am a bit late to this conversation but upon visiting http://brettrutecky.com to learn and get ideas on how Bret does things [no bribes excepted here reviews]: I note some bitter and rather undeserving comments about Bret and Luke.
Though, Bret and Luke have responded, I just had to add my two bob worth to the fray.
[Yes, I am a very green 1957 model, trying IM and Yes, I have wasted so much time and cash [hurts like hell to be broke] chasing the magic bullet that would redeem me of IM insanity treadmill.]
First, I have purchased product from Bret and Luke. I have also made a refund request on a purchase from Bret and Brat has honoured this refund request [Thank you!].
Both of these two guys I find are more than reasonable business people if one communicates they issues sincerely and timely.
Bret, is a bit on a harsh side because he want take much and recognizes quickly if you are trying to serve him with some plated “Mushroom Food”. I guess Bret has been around the traps for so much longer.
We all should be grateful to these guys as they have in my “humble greene opinion” produced some of the amazing functionality and value tools to help us out to make some cash online. However, they job has never been a responsibility to learn and implement what’s requires for us on our end.
Agreed with you frank! Plus, with his other product, a bunch of us couldnt get his download to work and he tried for months to get it fixed and gave us a cheap runaround….never even have used it as I got tired of his workaround crap excuse!
Though I can only review the software, and not the support people will get, I will say this: If you have problems like that with anything you buy through my link, be sure to tell me. Im not afraid to push vendors to get their buts in gear.
Brett, appreciate it. I should look up his crappy comments and horrible solutions to the software problem
Hey Frank, sorry for whatever reason you have had a bad support time with us or myself. I’m here to give my time to those who want it and are ready to learn & if a product isn’t for you that you have purchased from me that is totally cool and i’m sure i would have refunded you.
I’d suggest changing the negative energy here to something more positive, no one will get anywhere negative energy or to maliciously try to effect someone else, and if you are still a customer I’d be more then happy to see what went wrong and rectify it. If anyone would like to personally meet me or ask any questions about this product anyway i am reachable at {link removed} and if you want to resolve whatever this personal issue is Frank please message me there also, negative vibes are not good 🙂
So this aids you in posting to your facebook pages? Is this something that you can do in lieu of ads?
Its not really a replacement for ads. Its more about getting something to post in the first place.
I paid $27 for the training 🙁 wish you reviewed this sooner but glad you did. Makes me feel better about my purchase.
Hi Brett,
This sounds good but only if it’s legally OK to download someone else’s content from their page and then post it back onto Facebook. Is that the case?
Richard, I am not a lawyer, in fact I know very little about the law. Any statement I made on legalities would be totally guesswork. I can only do what I did, which is to review the software, and leave it to the potential buyer to decide what they are comfortable with. My understanding is that since you are downloading it from Facebook and posting it back to Facebook, you are not doing anything wrong, since this is little more than re-posting it to a site that already has a license from the origional owner to display it (Facebook), however if you downloaded and then put it on your website, that could be a problem. This of course is just my understanding, as I said I am not a legal expert, Im a software developer / reviewer.
Brett any OTO with this. I hate them
Im quite sure there are OTO’s. Not sure why you would hate them though.
I don’t hate OTS’s except when you have to buy the upgrade to actually get the product that is described on the original sales page. What I usually do is google the product name plus jv page and most of the time I can find out what the OTO’s are before I buy. If the OTO is done for you templates or something like that then I don’t mind them.
Oh yeah….and thanks to you Brett for the review….I bought it plus the first OTO.
Oh I see .. be assured Richard, if I review a product that requires an OTO to get any value I will be the first one to call it out. Check out this review, which everyone promoted, but I called BS on:
Thanks, Brett for your reply.
Keep up the good work 😉
Is it really within FB TOS and is your bonus the same as in OTO2?
Facebooks TOS has nothing against this that I am aware of. I dont know what OTO2 is, I do not review OTO’s sorry. But I do not believe that Luke would give his OTO away as a bonus, so I’m sure that the training he is allowing me to give away is different.
Hello Brett, is that “Socialite Pro” priced at about $67 that are the bonus?
Yes the Socialite training is the bonus.
Ok Im In. 🙂
Hello Brett. Thanks for the honest. I can’t find a link to buy the Viral autobot through you on your site. Pls can you provide one. Thanks
You dont see the green ‘stamp’ that says “Approved: Click here to learn more”
You have taught us to look over the sales copy and make sure we know what is in the sales copy. If you look at the sales page, there is a 14 day money back guarantee that is very prominently displayed just following the listing of the bonuses. Then in the P.S. at the bottom of the page, it lists only a 10 day refund guarantee.
When I see a 14 or a 10 day return guarantee, I figure it is because the selling person figures they will get in sell a bunch and then get out of the market real quick to avoid any returns. Needless to say, when I see someone only offering half as much time for a return as I see almost everyone else, I get a bit skeptical about the sales process.
Given what Frank spoke about above, it is starting to form a picture of how this sales process works for Luke. There have been several times when the software has been OK, but you have rejected it because the sales copy was misleading and you felt if the sales copy was misleading, how can you trust the software and the developer of the software.
Would not this be a case of the sales copy putting the purchase in question? I know I am not comfortable purchasing a piece of software that feels they can only offer half as long for a return as the industry norm, and then to find in another place that the return period is even shorter than the first, it definitely makes me think that there is something up. I don’t think it can be due to just missing it when the page was written, I think it was deliberate and was done knowing what was being written.
Although you have approved this product, I am rejecting it for what they have said in their sales page. You have taught us well, and I intend to use that teaching right now.
So because of what is most likely a typo in the sales copy (saying 14 one time and then 10 another) that must mean the software is no good? I dont believe I thought you that. The checkout page does clearly says “This product has a 14 days return policy and will be handled by the product vendor.“. As for the short refund period, that is not an indication of a bad product. What it most likely is an indication of is the fact that a lot of people buy things with the intent of refunding. I can say this from my own experience. Refund abuse is huge in this business. Its most likely that Luke is trying to get people to buy only if they actually want it and avoid some of the refund abuse. FYI: 14 days is enough to test this software and be sure you want to keep using it.
Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was a typo. Given the nature of the software, trying to collect likes and shares from Facebook, I do not think the average purchases could truly determine if the software preforms as stated. If we look at it in the reverse, say someone is having a bit of trouble trying to get the software to work because they are relative new to Facebook posting. The very short refund period would make the refund “abuse” even worse. In that they would most likely have to make a decision to refund before they could figure out the process. The main point I am trying to make is that I am not comfortable with only a 14 day return period when it has to do with a software that requires other folks to take action for it to be successful.
It may be a very good product, I am just skeptical of the very short refund period for adequately checking out the program. I know for me, 14 days would not be enough time for me to adequately evaluate the usefulness of the product. Because it takes other folks to respond to your posts, it is as much about which posts are available and which ones you pick as it is in the software. Knowing if you can fit all these things together will definitely take me more than 14 days. I feel I would know much better if I had what it takes if there were a 30 day refund period. Just my thoughts on something I feel could be important to folks in the long run.
if you are uncomfortable then don’t buy it. Really though 14 days is more than enough, as a FB post only has a lifespan of a few days. I will also say this, as a vendor I know all about the refund abuse. I have had people email me for refunds telling me in advance that they know they are in the refund period because they marked their calendar right after they bought so they would know when to ask for the refund. Refund abuse is a huge issue in this business for vendors, costing tens of thousands of dollars every launch. Really in all honesty there should be NO refund period for most digital products, though with a SaaS its a little more easy to give a refund period.
Ah! does it say this, thank you SO much for picking this up and i will change it right now. it’s 100% 14 days, same as in JV Zoo, designer has made an error and i will personally follow this up right now. thank you for that.
Hi Brett,
I was excited about this untill I saw the sales video. As you know he demonstrates three page, one with no like one with 13K like but not being used and the last one with over 800K
He then boasts that the new page had over 2K views, however if you look carefully the post was boosted!, So of course he will get a lot of engagement!
As for the other two, they have big followings so I would expect those even though one had not been used to get the engagement.
Thererefore I have to doubt the claims of the seller of this software.
Perhaps you can take it up with him.
Well I did not watch the sales video. I did not even look at it. Why? Because I review software, not sales pitches. As for him boosting the post. Boosting is by no means at all a guaranteed way to get engagement. It just means people will see the post. You still need to have something people like when they see. As for ‘taking it up with him’. There is no need to do that since as you said he clearly shows what he did in the video so there is no deception. (FYI: I still did not watch the sales video, Im just going by what you said)
Hey there! we actually boosted it for a case study video after, but you will see in the training videos that at this time of post it wasn’t actually running, when a boost goes into action you will see a display mark right underneath the post with how much it’s been boosted by vs organic reach. As it hadn’t been approved and sent out yet this was purely organic and you will see this in training. In saying that though we do talk about how to boost posts (only if you want to) to really supercharge the updates… i’m talking 0.0001 cent engagements, check out my facebook page {link removed} you will see we spent $8 australian on the 12th and within 4 days we have a reach of over 2 million organic and 45k paid ($8 paid!) now it is just snowballing.
Hi Brett,
If my facebook account is blocked for some reason, could I use Viral Autobots software in mulitple Facebook Accounts?
I dont think you can use this in multiple accounts as that would be in essence multiple copies. If you got FB account blocked you need to ask yourself why? Also you need to ask yourself if its a good idea to continue to break the rules by making a new fake account.
I’ve watched your video and the whole sales page viral autobots video presentation and I still don’t understand how downloading a very popular post/video from another FB fan page and uploading it into your own “dead in the water” fan page (as Luke called one of his very own test fan page) can produce that many views and likes in a matter of days.
Even more, how do you make money with those posts?
I like the concept a lot, don’t get me wrong, but I just can rationalize the huge spike on popularity on a brand new fan page or an old one with no activity as shown on Luke’s videos.
Too good to be true or am I missing something here? Need your input, please.
You will likely have to boost the post on a ‘dead in the water’ page. Though you can also ‘seed’ the post from your fan page by resharing it yourself to your timeline or to relevant Facebook groups. To kind of ‘get the ball rolling’.
As for how to monetize a fan page .. thats why I asked Luke to give away the training as a bonus. So you have a tool and a training.
Hi Brett,
Nice review. I’m hoping you can answer this before this discount deadline expires, so what I wanted to know is : when you did some test posts, does this software leave a “software signature” on every post?? in other words: beneath every post does it read: posted by viral autobots??? or does it show posted by whatever page name the customer is using??
You will see that message as the page admin, non admins will not see it (I have confirmed this)
Thank you for your honest review. Even thought you approved the software, after reading your review I’m glad I didn’t buy it.
I think it’s a problem downloading the images to re-upload them later. Most of the stuff on Facebook is just linked to from someone else’s site already so the original photographer probably didn’t give permission for the photo to be downloaded and uploaded countless times in most cases.
I’m comfortable sharing a link to a website on Facebook and if Facebook scrapes the page and displays someone else’s photos, that’s on them. If I’m downloading and re-uploading someone else’s photos, that’s on me and I don’t have the kind of legal resources that Facebook does if someone wants to bust me for copyright violations.
Well you are making an assumption on copyrights, but you are correct to not buy if its something your not comfortable with. This is why I do my reviews, not to ‘talk you into buying’ .. but instead to help you make a informed decision. Im glad I could help 🙂
Hey Brett,
Any way you can offer Jack Jacker Gold as a bonus on this one?
Sorry no.
Hey Brett,
Next time you talk to the developer of this app, can you forward him this question I posted in the comments section of the sales page? I have a feeling he may not want to answer on the page.
“CW Johnson · NKU
I have a question. For the nurse fan page in the “60 sec challenge” video, you said it hasn’t been updated in months. Yet at 4:20 in the demo, it clearly shows 365 ‘likes’ this week and 317,174 reach this week. Can you please explain this?? Thanks”
I can actually answer that myself. People will continue to like your page even of you dont update it, they will find your page organically, or they will find it through other peoples shares etc. I have pages that I use only for boosting posts and some for testing that I never share, and these pages get likes and views on their own. .. I think that answers your question, honestly Im not sure what video your talking about, but thats how a page can get engorgement without being updated. This is especially true for a larger page.
Hi Brett,
As always, thanks for the review. I’ve gotten tons of emails about this product and they all claim that all of the traffic will be free using Viral Autobots.
So I’m a bit confused about how is the traffic free? I have a Fan Page with a few likes and comments. So just how posting someone else’s content to your page get you free traffic? Because if the vendor is not going to get me what is being advertised which is free traffic, then it seems more like a posting tool to me. And if I still have to pay for advertising, what purpose is the software really serving other than posting for me?
Not being cynical, just trying to understand. Thanks in advance!!
You have a page with a few likes, so if you post something that people will enjoy, then those people will likely, like the post, or even share the post, which will lead to more people seeing the post .. and on and on .. that is what ‘viral’ is. You can also help get this started by sharing it yourself to your timeline and to relevant groups.
HI Brett,
I did not see the affiliate link to download from your review page.
You dont see the green stamp that says “APPROVED: Click here to learn more”?
Hi Brett,
Is the software working on other languages than english (french in my case for example) ?
I don’t see why your language would matter. Though the software itself (GUI) is in English.
I was talking about the keyword you enter in the Page Finder, if I could enter non english keyword.
Oh I see .. well let me test that 🙂
Ok.. well I dont speak French, but I entered “cuisine saine” in the page finder and it returned several pages that I believe are French pages:
Saveurs croisées
Grâce aux ateliers de santé gourmande, découvrez comment améliorer son bien être et sa vitalité grâce à une assiette colorée, savoureuse et joyeuse
The idea of finding videos & images to post on your page is good, this tool seems to do the work.
What Luke (the software creator) doesn’t tell you is that if your fan page does not have enough activity, you have no choice but to purchase advertising, something he tells you won’t need by the way. That statement is on the sales page, right at the top next to his photo.
Yes, you could promote the page among your friends and a couple of groups, that’ll give you a trickle of additional likes but really, is that how you plan to promote every single new fan page you create in a professional way? I don’t think so.
So, spending on FB ads is the way to go with this method, really. Something he says you don’t need to. But as you mentioned on a previous message here, this guy Luke needed to boost his post in order to make it seem like it was gaining popularity.
The software seems interesting and valuable. But lying about not advertising needed or telling half-truths on the sales page in order to grab my money is not something I’ll go for. Not ethical. He’s not getting it.
What Luke (the software creator) doesn’t tell you is that if your fan page does not have enough activity, you have no choice but to purchase advertising, something he tells you won’t need by the way. That statement is on the sales page, right at the top next to his photo.
Thats a bit of a flawed assumption. Why cant YOU share your post on your timeline, on relevant groups, etc (which is free) in order to get the first few hundred people seeing it?
this is true 🙂 We also share FREE ways to get it going, from sharing on your other pages, how to get free shout outs along with ‘like exchange’ services which are 100% free to gain momentum on the post and page itself. Boosting is just another way which we explain also 🙂
The methodology appears sound and straightforward. Pretty darn easy to implement too.
There have been a few other products recently that seem to be the same basic idea. Social Kickstart and Sociocaster I believe were two such examples. I don’t recall if you reviewed these…..
I can’t possibly review all of the launches, though I try to get as many of the ‘big ones’ in.
Hey Brett,
I purchased through your link and forwarded the purchase email to ruteckyb@yahoo.com, but I haven’t heard back on the bonus training yet. Does it usually take a few days?
No I respond to them very fast. In fact its more likely that you did not get my response than it is that I did not answer. Shoot it over again.
hey brett.
i know you cannot give legal advice, as you are not a lawyer…but from your experience as a Facebook marketer, do you see any issues with the whole download > upload thing?? from a FB point of view, of course, you are just reposting content that’s already on their website…but more in a general sense, sharing other people’s content…is this not the whole concept of social media sharing?? whether we share our own content of other peoples work???
i mean, this happens in the millions all over the WWW every single day…so do you think one could get into trouble using this tool?? honestly.
If I personally felt there was an issue I would not suggest people invest in a product that facilitates this now would I?
i meant to write…
*…whether we share our own content OR other peoples work??? *
Ia the $44 option for multiple fan pages I create?
I dont believe there is a limit on the fan pages.
Hi Brett,
I think it is very similar to sociocaster but sociocaster has many features. how do you think because I have not bought one of them and want to decide to buy it.
Im sorry Recsam, I have not used “Sociocaster’.. not sure if I even heard of it honestly.
I cant see the link on your site for purchase of the Viral Autobot product. Help please!
You dont see the big green stamp that says “Approved: Click here to learn more”?
You don’t have to publish this post but just as an FYI as of today, Dec 17th, FB appears to have disabled the app and all posts made with it have disappeared. I have been using it and it was working quite well up until now. Many people of the support forum are complaining about the same thing but the support team has not responded at all. Just thought you might want to know. Feel free to delete this message.
The app has NOT been deleted (it has been put in developer mode), what it looks like is that Facebook is making the vendors go through their more strict verification process for their Facebook developers account because of the sudden surge in app users. They are working on making FB happy with the verification steps. As for them not answering, I would expect they are giving top priority to working with Facebook over answering customers about it right now. This is not their fault, its Facebook being over careful, and they should have it corrected shortly. No need to get worked up (at this point at least).
Not sure if the “deleted” reference was in response to my post because I deliberately said disabled (which is true, even if it is temporary), rather than banned or deleted. I was certainly not blaming the vendor either. I could develop my own FB app within the TOS that FB has and then have FB change the TOS and suddenly my app violates the TOS and is disabled. I wouldn’t blame myself for that happening so I wouldn’t blame a vendor either. However, as far as the lack of response from support, even though fixing the issue should the the main priority, making a quick post/sticky on the main page of the support forum would go a long way to calm customers down, knowing that they are aware of the issue and working on a fix. Unfortunately, given the lack of support that many IM products have, it is easy to jump to conclusions if there is no response at all to a critical issue such as the product not working at all for any and all customers. In any event, I am happy that they are working on fixing the issue.
And if I want to be a bit facetious I would say that if they have time to tell you (Brett) about what the issue is, the also have time to write a quick support announcement on the support forum or send a mass email to all customers about the issue…I can almost guarantee that such a message would have eliminated at least one refund request, making the hourly wage to write such a message pretty high.
if they have time to tell you (Brett) about what the issue is, the also have time to write a quick support announcement on the support forum or send a mass email to all customers about the issue
If I want to be a bit facetious I would say that some people always find a reason to complain no matter what.
Complaining and pointing out something that could be better is not the same thing, to me at least. Either way, complaining is a waste of time. Doing something to get an answer or a solution is productive.
The fact is that I found out from your comment what the issue was 2 hours before I found out from the vendor through an email. Even though that was not my initial intention, that is what happened and we are all happy. So thank you very much.
Your right I misread your message, you did say disabled not deleted, thanks for catching that.
I have just signed up to this program but am unable to log into facebook because it says that
this app isnt ready yet. I have spent 104 dollars on all of the viralautobot tools.
I wait for your reply.
They are updating their Facebook developers account. Should be fine shortly.
Everything is working and up now fine 🙂 One of those FB things where they approve your app, but then they paused the dev account due to wanting more information. if anyone needs any support at all i will handle anyone from Bretts page personally just message me at http://www.facebook.com/lukemaguire89 🙂 If any issues ever arise we will always fix them, this is a long term, evergreen product so don’t worry, we got you looked after 🙂
dont buy this buggy product! the outsouced support did not answer my questions in over a week.
the oto link cloaker has viralautobots branding all over it not your own and i demanded a full
refund for viralautobots and link cloaker i keep getting emails saying sorry we messed up
please contact us if you still want to refund but i cant because they shut off my support
account. they blocked my jvzoo product download and have not refunded me.
i escalated my refund claim with paypal. overhyped and under delivered product.
they get rid of peoples heavily screened comments and suggestions to make them look
better than they really are. you have to manually post and do a lot of work -thumbs down.
You filed a PayPal complaint then complain that they block your download after you file a dispute against them? So you expect you should be able to keep your access after you file a dispute? Interesting. FYI: Once you file a dispute they CANT refund you. Because now PayPal is holding your money from them until the dispute is over.
I dont review the OTO’s so I dont know anything about the link cloaker
I also dont review support, however your responding to a comment made by the product owner, who gives his personal Facebook profile out in public and says contact me if directly if you need any help. That sounds like pretty good support to me, and it sure does not look like outsourced support.
Judging by the way your acting, which is very aggressive, and seems to be negative for no reason other than being negative, I can see why they might not allow your comments
Your complaining because for now, you have to manually make your posts? As if putting in any effort is beyond you? I believe the auto post is something the are updating and they are having manual posts while they do the update. It will be much better when they get that update done however the main point if this though is the ability to get content. Here is a tip, if you want to do well your going to have to be willing to put in some effort.
Hi Brett thanks for what you don online man. I trust your reviews, and you in general because of your reviews.
I purchased this product (and all upsells) and I also lost many of my posts when FB slapped them into Dev mode.
There are just some bugs (or issues) you can’t work out before a launch. Especially if your product/app/software relies on another entity (FaceBook). I was initially negative about the fact that my page(s) posts had disappeared, but I’ve seen (over the last 36 hours) that Luke and his team are making a serious effort to rectify the situation.
All of this was out of Luke’s control. He’s been going hard to keep everyone happy and I for one am happy with the level of support that’s been offered. Sometimes people have to sleep, maybe that’s why a guy didn’t get a response for an hour or so. Jeez! Lighten up, give them a second to breath, regroup, and focus on reacting to the situation.
For all we know they were in a meeting at that time to discuss how to best serve their customers. I try not to make assumptions or jump to conclusions about what I don’t know.
Thanks again Brett, and Luke 🙂
Hi Brett,
I wrote the support team two times and opened a ticket with my wish of a refund. I wrote after 8 days (they offered 14 days refund).
The only thing they did was closing my ticket (no answer, no refund after more than 1 week). I can send you the screenshots of the ticket support system, if you need/like.
Can you please help me to get that refund for both orders asap. I purchased through your link.
Viral Autobots
the Add-On (LinkCloaker).
Since the schedule and direct posting option is not available, I am not interested in this tool anymore.
Ill send Luke a message, though I think your quitting a little to soon personally. Scheduling and posting is not important, since those things can be done inside of Facebook. The important thing with this is being able to find content, but it is of course your choice.
Hey brett with your bonus is that oto2 you are giving
No its different I believe. (I did not even look at the OTO’s since I dont review them).
so what is it you are giving as a bonus then what training
I think its fairly clear what the bonus training is about if you read the end of the review and watch the video that explains what the bonus is.
I have this tool and the training and oto’s. There where some issues with the posting but thats not where the value lies with the software. I have been delighted with the way it works. There is a dynamic FB group there too with a lot of people who are able to help. Luke keeps everyone informed. I watched to see how he handled things with the FB hiccup and he’s bent over backwards to help people. He’s given away free stuff by way of apology and is often in the group, I believe he has the best interests of people in mind and is one who sees how looking after customers is beneficial; all pleasing things to see. Thanks for the review Brett; recently come across your site and have bookmarked it.
Thanks, Luke and Brett. I bought based on Brett’s review. I also appreciate the balanced reviews from current customers.
I requested refund within 24 hours ( nearly 2 weeks back) and have not heard a thing since. Sent a mail today which bounced and have open paypal dispute. Don’t purchase from this clown.
Wow you really put in a ton of effort didn’t you? Asking for a refund in less than 24 hours and all. Not sure why you waited for 2 weeks after your nearly instant refund request to message him again, nor am I sure why you did not contact the product vendor directly, or ask what ever affiliate you purchased from for help. You need to be aware that email is not 100% reliable.
I have bought this product, i like it, but i requested refund for some reason. I send request January 2nd, 2016 then get confirm January 3th, 2016 if request for refund is approved, and i get refund on my paypal account at January 4, 2016.
I appreciate with this vendor, Why? because in the same day i send request refund for another product (different vendor), but until now they are not respond my request.
You bought it and like it but requested a refund anyway, and this makes you like the vendor because another product you refunded the same day has not yet been refunded? Sounds like refunding is something you do fairly often, even when you like the product.
I don’t think this product is legal, you cannot steal someone else content (pictures or scripts)
and publish as YOUr’s I believe you break all copyright: even in the case that when you publish on FB your content is given to FB I don’t believe it’s legal to reproduce that content as your. I’m living outside US but I think the copyright law is still valid and almost the same in US also. Supposing that you copy something from Apple or Coca-Cola are you sure that you can publish on FB as your content? don’t believe so. I know there was the right ( and I think still is) to “quote” (citation) someone text or picture but you must publish with the author name.
Different if you extrapolate and inspired by, you make Your similar text and Your picture.
While its great to give your feedback, you need to be careful. I don’t advise people on legalities because I’m not a lawyer.
Have they fixed the hiccups?
With all the time you guys had trying this product, is it really working?
Are you getting the viral effect to your pages?
hi Brett,
I’ve tried to purchase the viral autobot through their website and get as far as the paypal portol and then it fails. Do you know of another link to make this purchase? Thanks for your help.
Sounds like you might be banned from purchasing.