Video Store Pro [review]
Today Im doing a review of the new Video Store Pro software. Ok so what exactly is Video Store Pro and how can it help you? First let me explain the store part. Video Store Pro as you have probably guessed is a software that lets you build web stores. Its could based and it […]
Today Im doing a review of the new Video Store Pro software.
Ok so what exactly is Video Store Pro and how can it help you? First let me explain the store part.
Video Store Pro as you have probably guessed is a software that lets you build web stores. Its could based and it runs on their servers. When speaking to Stuart Frank the developer I asked him why he went with cloud based instead of just a WordPress plugin or something people can download. His answer was exactly what I wanted to hear. He said the reason is that it makes it more easy to do support and more easy to update the software. These are the exact reasons why most of my own software is cloud based. It allows the providers to give better service to the customers.
The software itself is a full featured web store that allows you to sell digital products. By full featured I mean there is more than just a PayPal buy button under a product description. It has a fully functional shopping cart that people can add products to. It has coupon codes so you can do special offers and promotions. It allows for multiple price points on your digital products so you can sell different license levels. There is in depth tracking, a tax option if you live in an area that taxes digital goods, auto responder integration so you can add your customers to your mail list and a lot more. As I said it is a full features shopping cart with all of the ‘bells and whistles’ that you would expect.
In fact there was only one thing that I thought could have been improved on as far as its functionality and that is the Payment Gateways. There is only one option: “PayPal Standard”. While for most people this is not going to be a problem at all, I still would have liked Video Store Pro to have at least one alternative option for accepting payments. Stripe for example would have been nice.
Though Video Store Pro is cloud based software it is built on top of WordPress. At first I thought this was kind of a ‘short cut’ but then I realized that doing it this way actually makes using the software more easy for the users. For anyone who has used WordPress using Video Store Pro is going to be a snap. Adding a product is as easy as creating a post. Updating a setting is as easy as using a plugin. While Video Store Pro has built in tutorials I really did not need to even watch them. The software is easy enough to use, and familiar enough that I was able to jump right into it without a problem.
The stores themselves are totally customizable.
You can edit just about every design aspect of the store. From selecting your own color scheme, to uploading your own graphics, to customizing your landing page and product display. Its very flexible and is going to allow you to make your store look and feel exactly the way you prefer.
Ok so what about the video part in the name Video Store Pro? Well let me explain that.
As I said this software is designed to allow you to create a store and sells digital products. The creators of Video Store Pro realized that in order to have a store you need more than just a website and a really cool shopping cart. You actually need to have a digital product to sell. So what they did is provided you with some. Well they actually provided 30 of them. The products they provide are designed to help people cash in on the ongoing video craze. What they are is 30 video templates that people can purchase, edit with Power Point and quickly create custom videos for themselves or their clients. Video is hot right now (and is only going to get hotter) by selling video templates your giving your customers value by saving them time and helping to quickly create high quality videos and you also generating income for yourself.
Now selling video templates is cool and the fact that they are including 30 of them with the Video Store Pro software is also cool but the first thing that I thought of was this: Why sell just the templates? You see Video Store Pro as I said is a full featured shopping cart that sells digital products. You can sell virtually any kind of digital product. So why just sell the templates. If you have any graphics packs, WordPress plugins, PLR etc anything that you have sitting on your hard drive that you have the right to resell (for example the plugins etc that I often give away as bonuses) why not sell them as well in your store? Video Store Pro allows you to categorize the products in your store so I say while you should for sure sell the video templates they provide, hey they are free and good quality so why not, but you should not just limit yourself to them. Sell any digital product you have reseller rights to as well and if you get more add them to your store.
Ok so what do I think of Video Store Pro? Well honestly approving this one is a no brainer.
The software worked very well for me in my tests. It was quite easy to use and I did not find any bugs or anything. I did have one request for Stuart which was for him to increase the server settings to allow for larger file uploads. He accepted this request and updated the server to allow you to sell digital products up to 50MB in size (asked for 30MB so he over delivered on my request). This is large enough to cover just about any digital product when zipped and besides that one thing that was a more of a request then a bug I had no other issues at all.
As for the concept that again is a no brainer. Why? Because I make my living selling digital products. Selling digital products bought the computer Im typing on. The desk the computer is on and the house everything is inside of. Do I think selling digital products is a good thing? For sure I do. Why? Because its such a high profit product to sell. Digital products cost nothing to produce. Unlike a restaurant where you have food costs or a manufacturer where you have material costs it costs nothing to give someone a copy of your digital product. This means the margins are nearly 100%. Also since its a web store your open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
One thing I say over and over is that you need to be selling if you want to make money online. If your not selling something your not a business. Its really that simple. Video Store Pro is a complete solution to selling digital products. You get the software, you get 30 digital products to sell, and you get hosting. They don’t even charge a monthly fee (and really they should in all fairness). Also as I said if you have PLR or other kinds of digital products that you have reseller rights to sitting on your hard drive collecting virtual dust, this is going to give you a way to start making money with them finally as well.
My final verdict as you probably guessed:
BONUS: When you pick up Video Store Pro though my link you will also get access to these killer bonuses!
These are just some of the bonuses you get when you pickup Video Profit Store. There are just to many to list. Click the link below to get started building your own store right now and claim your bonuses.
Click here now!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Nowadays, 50MB seems a bit small for video products. What do you think?
As I said in the review I asked for them to increase it to 30MB, they over delivered. When you consider that you can ZIP your files 50MB is likely to be enough for most downloads.
Just want to clarify whether 50MB is for all downloads altogether, or one particular zip file for a product?
No its 50MB for one particular file. There is not total limit at all that Im aware of.
As always, thank you for your review. Any chance you can get them to add “STRIPE”, so we have a backup if Paypal messes with us?
Well as I said in the review I wished they had Stripe. I did not ask them to add it though since asking for a major addition 24 hours before the launch is not practical. However I do believe that if customers request it they will consider adding it. Stuart is a good developer (and as a developer myself I don’t say that lightly at all)
Seems they have added it in their latest sales page.
Possible to affiliate program with the store? Or use JVZoo to sell those products to increase traffic?
No this store is designed for you to sell your products its not really designed for affiliates. What I would suggest people do though is give ONE product away for free on a page post in exchange for an optin then use Facebook ads to send traffic to that one product. This helps you build your list and gets people to your site. If you look in the ‘freebies’ section of this blog you can see I do that exact same thing with my Jack Jacker plugin.
Hi Brett
I was thinking about the coupon angle and affiliates through JVZoo, Zaxaa or whatever affiliate platform.
What if you created a coupon, $47, $67, $97,for lifetime access, annual access, etc., to your store, you could recruit affiliates to sell the coupon. Or would that be wise?, Would there be a control issue?
Well this is a store where people buy things, you would not charge people to access your store. That would be like charging people to go into WalMart. What your describing is more of a membership site than a store.
If they are hosting everything on their Website and not charging a monthly fee then how long will it be before they go under? This is my problem with many products like these. I will not continue to have fees, but they will. So at some point they have to figure a way to adjust or close down. If there was a monthly fee then I’d be confident that it was a service that would continue strong down the road. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks.
That would make perfect sense except you are only aware of 1/2 of the business model. You need to understand that a lot of vendors (like myself) do a 2 part model. First you create the product, then you do a ‘launch’ on it for a one time price. This quite frankly is to get earn revenue and a return on the cost of developing the product. In essence the ‘launch’ brings you quickly in the black, (or at least even). Then after the launch you continue to sell at a monthly fee and make your ongoing profit (which also covers your monthly costs). FYI: Most vendors doing this will prepay their hosting fees for a year or two in advance is well.
I have used this model many times myself for SaaS. It works well for everyone, the people in the launch get a product without a monthly fee, I quickly get to go from being in the red to being in the black, and continuing on I can sell the new customers at a lower monthly since I already have made a ROI. A good example of this is my SqueezeMatic software, 18 months ago I launched it at a one time price of $27. Notice now (and for the last 17 months) its selling at $19 a month.
Hey Bret I saw on a sales page that Stripe is included too.
As usual thanx for your review…..
Was just listening to Sam on prelaunch webby and he says PayPal only, sorry……..
Well thats also what I said in the review video and the review text 🙂 As I said though its not terrible, it is the one thing I did not particularly like (options are always better than no options)
We’ll aim to get Stripe added within the next few days. Its not a big job, just need a little bit of time to test it before pushing the update live
I dont believe that is correct.
Purchased through your link, Brett… (thanks)
but see no obvious way to access your bonuses.
Can you help?
I added the access instructions to JVZoo, if your not seeing them in there use the contact link in this blogs nav bar to send me an email and I will forward them to you directly.
Hey Brett,
I was definitely on the fence until I saw your review, in fact I saw the site first then typed in brettrutecky.com to see if you had a review for it. Bought it through your link. Thanks for having our backs Brett.
Mike Winston
Im glad I could help Mike. While I cant review all the launches, I try to get as many of them in as I can.
I Brett , I just purchase this product but there are no Video Shop Pro to download. I contact the vendor to resolve this issue thru paypal but no answer. The vendor deactivate my link from JVOO and still did not refunded my money., I ask to vendor to resolve this issue but seem no answer
Just a FYI vendors cant deactivate your link through JVZoo without giving you a refund. You say you ‘contacted them through PayPal’ .. Im not sure what that means. Are you saying you filed a dispute on PayPal. I hope not.
Hi Mike
Just replied to your email. Get back to me on that and we’ll get you sorted
Since this is WordPress-based, I’m assuming that we can use any WP plugins with this store. Is this the case?
Honestly I have not tried but I would expect so. Ill ask Stuart to come in and confirm.
Hi Ken
VideoStorePro is a closed system.
Having picked up nearly a 1000 users in less than 24 hours I’m sure you can appreciate the support issues we’d face if we allowed everyone to upload their own plugins to the store too, especially ones which we hadn’t vetted for compatabiliity/code quality (so many poorly coded plugins out there!)
That said, if you do have a particular plugin request then let us know on the support desk. If its something that would be of benefit to all users we can give it a try on our test site and see how it works. We’ll also typically attempt to contact the plugin owner, check they’re supporting it long term and do some general due diligence, but we’ve done this in the past when adding additional plugins on some of our other products as a result of user feedback.
Just drop us a support ticket with the details
OK, Stuart, thank you for the reply.
Thanks Brett – Good review.
All looks good but wont be buying…WHY?
Its SAAS via (WP based) so Big no no for me as I’m not putting my trade through his servers.
Can you imagine risking 5/6 figure a month through a website gateway/server you dont own or have control over?
I can see the Dev is on here (BTW – Beautiful looking website & functionality) Maybe he’ll chip in to my concerns?
Also What about shop security and backup?
If it could be hosted by myself I’d buy in a second.
Of course Shopify has proven track record but so is the cost. On a comparison of self hosted Ecom this is interesting to read.
Unless you have your own web servers (physically in your office) and your own payment gateway your always putting your business in the hands of someone else. Relying on other company’s is just a fact of like when your working online. You say about hosting it yourself. Well your not really doing that if your relying on a hosting company and there is not a hosting company in existence that has never had a outage.
Hi Brett
I picked up the store and the pro upgrade via your link
I tried to bounce the receipt to you to claim your white labels but the emails have bounced.
Can you send me a location where I can post my receipts
Kevin Rochow
Hi, thanks for the review … a few questions though… it indicates that the 30 free templates can be edited with Power Point – can you edit with any Power Point version or do you need a particular version.
Selling Explaindio videos/templates, what Explaindio files would we need to upload and do the purchasers need Explaindio to edit them?
Also, as a Hypnotist I record and sell mp3 hypnosis sessions – can I upload mp3 audio files for resale on there own?
1) I believe the any of the newer versions of PowerPoint will be fine. Any is a strong word because PowerPoint is an old software. Im quite sure the version that was first released in 1987 wont work for example 🙂
2) Yes if you sell an Explaindio template they will of course need Explaindio to edit it.
3) As I said you can sell ANY digital product (including your videos)
Diar Brett,
I wish videostorepro, could sell other networks such as Amazon, Ebay etc.
Its designed for people to sell their products. Not for affiliate marketing.
Dear Brett,
I just bought your LinkMaster last night! Thank you for creating this great plugin!
I am considering to buy VideoStorePro through your link. I did a search for their OTOs and understood they actually have three OTOs throughout their funnel.
1st) PRO features.
2nd) White Label Rights for four software.
3rd) 120mins Webinar Workshop by Sam Bakker
However upon further searching on JVZoo, apparently the 2nd OTO (which i was extremely keen in) was no longer on sale. Any idea what the reason it could be based on your awareness in the IM industry? Thank you.
I dont test OTO’s so I was not really informed about that product. But one reason a product may no longer be for sale on JVZoo is because after the initial launch the vendor has decided to sell it through no affiliate channels. Affiliates are an expensive way to sell something, normally costing 50% or more of the sales price.
Thank you for your response Brett. Much appreciated. :))
Hello Brett
I bought this product, including the upsell, last November. Are these still in business. I tried to get to the download page and nothing happens. Are those guy still in business? Since I got his from you, I came here to try to understand, maybe you are aware of something?
Thank you (hope you will see this)
My suggestion to you would be to send them a support request via the support email that was provided to you in your receipt email.