Social Connect [review]

Posted January 23, 2016 by in






Total Score

4/ 5

Creator: Sam Bakker / Karthik Ramani
Type: Web software


A better way to do comments.


Cant edit comments

Today I’m doing a review of the new Social Connect cloud based software. So what is Social Connect? In short its a comment system and while at first that might not seem to impressive (at least to me it didnt) as tested it I started to realize that it does actually provide a lot of advantages […]

by Brett Rutecky
Full Article

Today I’m doing a review of the new Social Connect cloud based software.

So what is Social Connect? In short its a comment system and while at first that might not seem to impressive (at least to me it didnt) as tested it I started to realize that it does actually provide a lot of advantages to people who use it.

Web masters use comments all over the place, because they are a great way to not only get feedback but also to engage with your site visitors. Comments are built into WordPress. They are on websites. They are on sales pages and even on promotional pages such as bonus pages or review pages (so prospective buyers can ask questions). However there are a few issues with the way many people choose to integrate comments. Most of these issues are caused by the fact that people tend to use some sort of generic commenting system, for example the Facebook comments widget.

Some example of these deficiencies are the inability to build your email list from the people who comment. Another is the lack of social features, such as notifications that get sent out via automated emails when someone else replies or likes one of their comments. This lacking in traditional comment systems really hurts engagement as these notices are likely to bring the original commenter back to your site / page. The lacking of automated moderation is a big issue as well. I can tell you first hand, just from running this blog, that there are frankly some weird people online that post some really strange things in comments. Some of it is spam posts and some of it is just down right nasty. Moderating those comments takes up a considerable percentage of my time.

Social Connect is a comment system that you can add to your blog, website, sales page, review page (anywhere you can paste in the Social Connect code). It does this by being a self contained, full featured comment system.

With Social Connect you can optionally require people to sign up in order post a comment. You can allow people to sign up manually by entering their information or it also supports log in with Facebook and log in with Twitter. Requiring people to signup gives multiple advantages. The most obvious is that you can build your email list from people who comment. The second less obvouse is that this is a deterrent to trolls who would spam your site, especially if you use the log in with Facebook as people tend to be less likely to act crazy if they are not anonymous.

Once people signup to comment they can make comments, add images (great for support pages), and post links if you choose to allow it in your settings. They can also reply to other peoples comments as well as like / dislike peoples comments. If you like you can also set up the system to send out automatic notices to people who trigger specific actions.


Of these instant notification options probably my favorite is the one that goes out when someone tags you in a post. Tagging is a big deal on Facebook. Im sure we have all gotten emails from Facebook telling us that someone tagged us. When people do they normally very quickly head over to Facebook to see what the tag was all about. This is the same concept here. Only people getting tagged will be going back to your site or page. Getting people to return to your site is always a good thing.

As I said moderation of comments can be a big and sometimes time consuming task. Lets be honest there are some .. errr .. interesting .. people in the world, add to that the feeling if disconnect that people often have when they are typing online as opposed to speaking in persona and you will find that some comments can be quite colorful. I have seen comments on my blog that have made me blush, and believe me I have been though a lot in my life, there is not much that surprises me.

While Social Connect has manual moderation as you would expect so you as the admin can delete any comments you feel are not appropriate it also has an automated moderation system.


With this automated moderation you can enter a list of words that will cause Social Connect to automatically reject the comment that contains them (or hold it for approval). You can also automatically reject or hold for approval an comment that has links in or images. An obvouse use for this is to automatically reject comments that have profanities, but you can also use it to filter out spam automatically by having it reject comments with words like : ‘viagra’, ‘credit report’, ‘weight loss’ etc. This automated moderation alone makes using Social Connect worth it. Note: This the automated moderation appears to be a part of the OTO. While I wish it was offered on the FE, the fact that its a part of the OTO does not make me not like Social Connect. I understand that more work was required to add the automated moderation, and more work deserves more compensation.

When I first tested I noticed one or two very slight bugs in the display. I sent the vendor screen recording videos pointing them out and they where quickly corrected. However after testing I did notice three other minor things, that while are not bugs, could improve the system.

The first thing I noticed is that the social log in buttons only show on the sign up page, not on the registration page. I think it makes sense to have them on both pages if they are enabled.(Update: the vendors have read this review and the social logins are now on both pages) 

Second I wish that people who make comments where able to edit their comments later. As it currently is they can only delete them, not edit them.

Finally I noticed that the system will show the number of people who are ‘online’. It gets this number from the people who are logged in.  What this means is that if people just leave the page, without logging out, the system will still show them as being online. In a way this might be a good thing since it makes it look like your comment box is always active, however I wish there was some kind of automatic inactivity timeout that logs people off and removes them from the list of people online automatically.

Neither of these things are bugs though, they are more like suggestions for improvement. Overall I think Social Connect is a very good system with a lot of options and functionality. While it may not have the ‘hype appeal’ of some push button get rich quick products (that are often nonsense) it is in fact what a good software should be. Its a functional tool and frankly its just a better, more engaging way to use comments, while also building your email list.








You will get instant access to a huge bonus pack provided by the vendor. Below are some of them:


But frankly there are just to many bonuses in the vendor pack to list here. Just send your receipt ID to to claim all your bonuses.

Click here to get Social Connect and all the bonuses!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Gutted – just bought this before I saw your review! Note to self ALWAYS check Bretts blog before buying! Would have loved your unique plug in!

    Quick question I thought I could import the leads into my autoresponder using the software – am I wrong – or is it only with FE you can’t?



    Hello Brett!

    Just to be sure I’m clear, Social Connect Pro will collect emails that are sent to your Autoresponder, while your bonus plugin will collect emails that are a part of the database belonging to the WordPress built-in commenting system, correct?

    Also, when you register your name/email for Social Connect Pro, will it send out a verification email that must be responded to in order to “complete” the registration and allow login? ‘Or, is login immediately allowed (leaving any verification or “double-optin” to the list Autoresponder settings)?



      Yes Social Connect will send the emails of people who signup to comment using that system to your Auto Responder. My Comment Magic plugin allows you to download and access the emails from the normal WP comments, (they are complimentary products)/ When people register for Social Connect, you can have the system send out a ‘welcome’ email if you choose.

        JD Houston

        Hey Brett,
        I really appreciate accuracy and thoroughness of your reviews. Good to have a smart guy like you on our side who tells it like it is. I actually discovered you from buying 3 of your products on one sale.
        So anyway here’s the point of my message…

        I use the GVO autoresponder system, it works just fine and I’ve bee using it for years. Does Social Connect have a generic space where web forms (other than the big name brands) can be used with their product? Thanks


    WP plugin not included, and it’s $47 extra if you want WP version. A bit disappointed.


      Well I did say that in my review video, that the WP plugin was not required. Though honestly, you really don’t need the WP plugin anyway, as I show you how to use the embed code to add the comments into the a WP post very easily (I show this also in the review video)


        bought via your link, Brett, but I’ve found it not so user-friendly to embed into WP, by using their FE OTO iframe preset tool, any suggestions?

        In fact, come to think of it, I think your commenting tool here is more intuitive than “social connect”, what’s the script you are using here =)


          The comments on my own blog, are the normal WP comments, and I use my WP plugin, which Im giving away as a bonus, to collect the emails. As for using Social Connect on WP. Watch the review video, near the end I show you how to embed Social Connect into a WP post using their embed code. Its very easy.

    Mike Holthuysen

    As you can guess my inbox is flooded with “Social Connect”.
    Guess who’s link I went to first. – hint:
    Thanks for your solid reviews


    Hello Brett,

    From viewing the OTO page, it appears that you *do not* get the Gamification settings or Slur Words filtering on the regular product. (According to the Membership Welcome page, there is a 1 hour delay in getting the license through JVZOO, so I must wait before I can view my dashboard.)

    I hope this interpretation is wrong, as the Slur Words filtering is a valuable feature!


      Honestly the Gamification is not really exciting to me personally. I mean it could probably be useful to some people, and it’s cool that they added that as it never hurts to have more features, but really I don’t find it exciting at all, and I would probably never use it personally. As for the slur words, as I said in the review video, I think they slipped me an OTO version, I normally ask for a FE version, but this time I think they might have given me the OTO version by mistake. Because of this I have to try to figure out what is included in the FE and what is a part of the OTO.

      Thank you for pointing out that the slur filter is not a part of the FE. I wish that the slur words where included in the FE version as well, however I do understand the need for the vendors to have OTO’s and to need to have a value in the OTO. Really, after PayPal, JVZoo, and affiliates vendors make almost nothing from a FE sale. The slur words is a fair OTO though, it took extra programming to make it and it adds additional functionality that is valuable but that is also optional (the core of Social Connect is to collect leads). So I think its fair that they made it a part of the OTO, especially knowing that they are probably making about $3 from each FE sale after costs. Either way though, thank you again for clarifying that it is not a part of the FE, since I did not actually buy this, I did not go through the funnel to see what was part of the FE and what was part of the OTO. (the jv page showed affiliates the funnel prices, but did not list what features where included on each level)


    Is there a provision in the FE product for using any autoresponder aside from those that appear in the sales page? In other words, is the choice of autoresponder limited or unlimited?


      Well for automatic autoresponder integration, it is limited to the ones listed. Its really not possible to write an integration with every single autoresponder, there are hundreds of them, you can however export your subscribers and import them into any other autoresponder.

    Bill Dampier

    To be blunt, after looking this over. I would get much more value from your new plugin than from the product. It solves a problem I don’t have, but the plugin solves a problem I do have. Any chance you’ll put it up as a standalone?

    p.s. thanks again for the review. Far and away the most valuable reviews on the web.


      Yep thats why I am giving away the plugin. So you have the best of both worlds, the plugin for WordPress, Social Connect for non WordPress sites. Now I could sell the plugin, but the price would probably be the same as Social Connect anyway, so by giving it away as a bonus, you get the plugin AND Social Connect .. maximum value is always a good thing 🙂


    Thanks Brett. I normally don’t buy OTO’s for a product that has value for my business, but in this instance I find the FE without the filter incomplete for my needs. I agree with you on gamification…in my view it’s really no different than what many online forums do and in my experience doesn’t increase engagement or sales especially if you plan to use it on a review site. Also the OTO monetization features I like because I know from experience that many commenters (especially repeat commenters on blogs) tend to trust the ads presented, so monetization feature with existing traffic couldn’t hurt. By the way, I believe the copy demonstrated in the review was not just Pro but Pro Developer. Good product overall, but I wish they used a better descriptor than referring to it as a chat product. SocialConnect has nothing to do with chat/live chat…it’s a complete misnomer for what the product actually does.


      Yea I don’t know why they call it a ‘chat’ .. it seems like ‘comments’ to me .. which is how I keep referring to it. It may seem like semantics to some, but I agree, its better to call this a ‘comment’ system than a chat system.


        The other thing I just realized. How would socialconnect guard against comment spam? The moderation feature in the OTO provides the option to require approval by the moderator, but not sure if there’s a feature to help guard against spam or other automated bot…like captcha, human-proof response (like your blog), or other feature to deter having to potentially moderate spam comments.


          As I said in the review:

          1) People have to log in, there are not many bots out there that can click a re gesture link, enter an email, username, password and confirm the password, unless they are custom written to attack a specific site. Frankly if your site is big enough that your getting hacks to custom write bots to attack you, you need a dedicated IT admin.

          2) With the automated moderation upgrade you can automatically filter out spam words, links etc.


    Hi Brett, I love your reviews. Does one have to put the code manually on every post and page?


    Forgot to mention I’m referring to WP sites


    Great review! Question. When we set up a “chat”. What name shows as the owner or moderator? Our personal names or the name of our Page or web site? Thanks


      Im not sure what you mean by ‘shows up as the owner / moderator’, you brand it as you like .. I’ll go ahead and add my test comment box (yes I still refuse to call this a chat .. lol) to this review though so you can check it out. (I will have the automatic notices turned off though since its just a test)


    Hi Brett, Did I miss your link to Social Connect? And, how much is the FE product? Thanks


      My link would be the big green button that says “Approved: Click here to learn more”, or the text link that says “Click here to get social connect an all the bonuses” which is under the list of bonuses and before the demo of Social Connect I added.


    so is there any way to get the app code into a FB or Twitter post and/or page?


    Brett, so is there any way to get the app code into a FB or Twitter post and/or page?


    Though social connect is a good product no doubt. But I have some crucial points to know. And these points are based on combined pro offerings:

    1. Can it tackle big comments pages like to say 1000 comments in a page?
    2. How is the hosting limit. Yes the offering is unlimited. But is that means I can run it in my 50 websites with 5000 comments pages?
    3. Is it Fully CDN and cache compatible for fast loading?
    4. Is it a AJAX based comment plugin?
    5. Lazy load comments on scrolling compatibility?
    6. Can users edit their comment?
    7. Long comment text breaking function (“Read more” button)?
    8. Can users post gif and videos as well?
    9. Comments can be seen in the footer only ? Or any option to see at the top as well?
    10. Currently it is facebook / twitter. But any scope of future integration like pinterest, linkedin, google plus?


      1-2) Relates to their hosting and capacity, while I cant know this info personally, I can say my own experience with their software. A while back I reviewed their pop up software, and they let me keep my review access, I sent over 100,000 hits to it over a 30 day period without an isue.
      3-4) Cant know without looking at the code
      5) I dont know what your talking about, but there is a demo here for you to test.
      6) As I clearly say in the review your responding to they cant
      7) You can test this to try it out in the demo I included
      8) No videos
      9) They can be anywhere you put the embed code
      10) I cant intelligently say what someone else will do in the future, Im just reviewing this, I dont own it.


        Thank you Brett for the detailing. Yes I missed the no 6 point. And related to the no 5 point one such reference is in {link removed}.
        In other words, Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. As social connect offers images/ gifs so it could take sometime to load. If lazy loading (could be done via custom coding or dedicated plugin) is in work then it would reduce the time.
        Anyway it seems Social Connect does not have this feature. But Social connect is an impressive buy no doubt.


    the huge problem with webbased software is that , users create an email list to the vendor on autopilot , literally , it’s like a fishing software.

    probably tha’s the downside from webbased software , and many people don’t like that.

    i think that’s why internet marketing is almost about to die.

    i really prefer to buy a plugin than a webbased software.

    if you really know how to prevent it , please explain it here brett

    brett , if you know how to prevent it , can you explain the way ?

    i guess there is not way to prevent it , the only way to prevent it is just don’t buying it.

    i’m right or not?????? , anyway , give me a solid answer about it .


      Sounds to me like your making an negative assumption which you cant possibly know. Your assuming vendors of SaaS are ‘fishing’ .. ie trying to steal your leads. That like saying that restaurants are just in business so that the waitresses can steal your credit card information when you give it to them to pay. Does it happen? Sure, there are dishonest people everywhere in every industry. Is it fair to automatically assume someone is dishonest for no reason other then your a negative person with a bad outlook? Not at all, its kind of silly actually.

    Jean-David Roth

    I understand the value of this software. The question I am asking myself, though is :
    As this is a plugin, cloud based, is there a risk that the leads I collect using it also go somewhere else, i.e., to the vendor of the Social Connect product?

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