MSG Leads [review]
Collect real emails every time, very easy to useNEG:
Very fewToday I’m doing a review of a new list building software called MSG Leads. When I first heard about MSG Leads I thought it was going to be one of those Facebook messenger integration software’s that has come out over the last couple months. Thankfully it was not (I have had my fill of […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new list building software called MSG Leads.
When I first heard about MSG Leads I thought it was going to be one of those Facebook messenger integration software’s that has come out over the last couple months. Thankfully it was not (I have had my fill of those). Instead MSG Leads is actually based on a idea that has been around for a while now: Using log in with Facebook / Facebook apps to build your email list.
In case you have not heard of build an email list with Facebook it works like this: Your site visitor authorizes a Facebook app, and gives the app permission to provide it their email address and is then redirected to some sort of thank you page (normally you would send them to a free gift for opting in). You get their email address, they get a freebie for opting in, very similar to a standard squeeze page, only its using log in with Facebook.
But why use Facebook and not just a squeeze page? Well there are a couple of reasons:
First of all people do not have to type in their email address, they just have to press a button. While this may seem like a small difference it will have an impact. People are lazy and don’t want to type in their email. Also people might make a mistake when typing in their email. The easier you make it for people, the more likely they are to take action. It does not get much easier than ‘push a button’.
Second of all, and perhaps more importantly, is that when you use log in with Facebook over a squeeze page where people type in their email, you get a real confirmed email address every single time. I’m sure just about everyone reading this has gone to a page offering something for free in exchange for opting in and has typed in a fake email address. Well that is not possible with a system like MSG Leads. With MSG Leads you get peoples real email address that has been confirmed by Facebook every single time. They could not give a fake address even if they wanted to.
As I said, I have seen this kind of software before but MSG Leads goes above and beyond what most other products of this type do as far as its functionality.
It integrates with several different autoresponder platforms automatically and also has an option to enter in your own autoresponder form code if you happen to use one that it does not integrate with. It also has decent stat / tracking and allows you to download your leads as a CSV file at any time. Beyond that you can also create multiple campaigns each with its on individual list and integration’s if you like (a good feature if your working with clients or are in multiple niches).
For the actual optin you have several options as well:
You can make a simple text link (good for posting to your fan page, in a chat, or in a group). You can also make a pop up if you like, a chat box, a HTML button, or a newsfeed post. There are a lot of possibilities. All have the same goal though, to get people to click in order to optin automatically via log in with Facebook, providing you with their name and Email address, and then redirecting them to get a free gift from you in exchange for the optin.
Of course for this to work your going to need a Facebook app. You actually have two choices here. You can make your own Facebook app (which is easy, and free) or if you want to be lazy (its ok if you are lazy, so am I sometimes) you can use the default Facebook app that is built into MSG Leads.
For my testing I posted a simple text link in a status to my Facebook group and used the default MSG Leads Facebook app. At the time of this writing I got 61 optins. For full disclosure 40 of those optins where already on my email list, 21 where not. But I have a pretty big email list, which is why so many where already on my list. Still it has only been 2 hours and I already have 20 new leads. Not to shabby by any means.
Now when I was testing there was a pretty big bug initially due to a last minute update that they pushed through. I say it was pretty big because it actually broke the software and made it not work. Fortunately though I’m not only a marketer I am also a software developer so I was able to identify the bug when I was testing. Now I could have just blown it off and dismissed MSG Leads because there was a bug in it, however I strongly felt this is a very good tool so instead I contacted the vendor and helped him correct the bug.
After helping them out I am pleased to say that MSG Leads is working very well. In fact I’m still getting optins from my test (I got another one since I wrote my results a few paragraphs up).
So what do I think of MSG Leads over all? Well its not a new concept. Using log in with Facebook to collect emails has been around for years. However that’s not a bad thing because it is a good concept and MSG Leads is one of the best integration’s of that concept I have seen yet. This is a very well done software that is going to be great for anyone who wants to build a email list, and we should all want to do that!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hi Brett,
Is this compatible with Mailit?
Yes it is, you can enter your HTML form code from MailIt. You can also export your leads and import them into MailIt.
What happens to those people that click the link who are already on your email list. Do they end up being on your email list twice (this is important because Aweber monthly fees are based on the total amount of your subscribers, plus no one likes to get two duplicate emails.
No Aweber will not put the same person on your list twice. (neither will any of the other autorsponders)
Hi, I’m not clear on how this works. What does your text link look like as a Facebook post? Also, when you say, “You can also make a pop up if you like, a chat box, a HTML button” do you mean on your own website and not on Facebook?
The text link looks just like that, a text link 🙂 So you make a normal post, with a link in it (and for best results a graphic) .. the popups , buttons etc are for your site.
Hi Brett,
re: your bonus plug-n, does it work with other plug-ins or do you recommend that it is installed alone?
How can I answer that? I dont know what ‘other plugin’ you are talking about and I of course do not have personal knowledge of every plugin in the world.
hi Brett,
I am interested but, is there any OTO´s??
Im sure there are OTO’s .. and I am also 100% sure they have NO bearing at all. Either the offer your presented with is a value for the money to you, or it is not. Anything later means nothing.
Hey Brett
Thank you for the recommendation. I just picked up this software and got the amazing bonus! Appreciate it.
Hi Brett,
In fact the “base” version allows you to create only links for the subscription.
To have the other features is the oto.
Also, people may decide not to give the email (and they must go to the landing page anyway).
Despite this I think it is a good tool (sorry I do not speak English).
Thanks for the info about the OTO.
I dont believe people will go to the landing page without authing the required permissions (unless the Facebook API has changed)
So is an up-sell required to make this work as advertised?
No what you see on the sales page is what you get 🙂 Though some have reported that for the popup functionality etc you need an upgrade (I was not aware of this when I tested)
Thanks to you for the great news you offer, in general.
I’ve done a lot of tests and, without leaving the email, you’re still on the landing page
Are you sure you did not approve the app once? If you did, Facebook will remember that and not require you to approve it and give your email a second time for the same app.
Just grabbed my copy of this. Works like a charm (so relieving!) Didn’t need to create a FB app to do the custom URL since I used Brett’s Link Master plugin. Worked like magic together.
I also used Brett’s FB Link Post along with it to publish an image that will automatically add people to my list. Super cool!
Thanks for the review, Brett!
I love it when people use tools together in smart ways like that! 🙂
I have a question Brett is MSG leads Facebook compliant?
Yes it is.
Great Review.. But the offer seems to be closed
Yes the launch and my bonus has expired unfortunately. Sorry you missed it 🙁
I am miffed, JV Zoo does not have my purchase for MSG leads. I have had this happen before and I had to contact the vendor for access. Which I did, but the link I accessed does not have
your bonus. Your bonus closed me for the sale…can you help? I can copy my transactions from Paypal. Please let me know if I need to use the “contact me” on your site instead of here.
Thank you.
Send your receipt ID to my support desk please. support@oursupportdesk.zendesk.com
Why would you think they stopped selling this? Don