Genius PayDays [review]
Super easy to get startedNEG:
Cant directly change the price of the productsAt much request Im doing a review of the new Genius PayDays platform. Genius Paydays is a something that several people have asked me if I was going to review and I have been testing it over the last few days. Ill explain in a few minutes why it took me several days to test […]
At much request Im doing a review of the new Genius PayDays platform.
Genius Paydays is a something that several people have asked me if I was going to review and I have been testing it over the last few days. Ill explain in a few minutes why it took me several days to test it but first I want to explain exactly what it is.
First I want to say something once more that I have said many times (because its true). The best thing you can do if you want to make money online is have your own product to sell. When you have your own product you stop being a consumer and start being a vendor. Not only that buy you also get paid to build your buyers email list.
The problem is that a lot of people dont have the resources to create their own digital product. So they turn to products that they can buy reseller rights to. I personally know some pretty big marketers that do this in fact.
There are a lot of places where you can buy PLR / MRR products with reseller rights. Normally when you buy these products you are given a zip file with the products itself and also an included sales page. But thats all. You need to have hosting for the sales page, you need to know how to edit the sales page to put in your payment button. You need your own check out page, and you need to be able to use FTP to put all of this on your hosting. In short even after you buy many products with reseller rights you often find that there is still a lot of technical work that needs to be done.
Genius Paydays aims to solve this problem buy not only providing you with digital products you can resell, but by also being a complete selling platform. For every one of the 100 products they provide you get a premade / hosted for you sales page. You also get brand-able checkout and easy payment / autoresponder integration. In fact you can start selling these products in just a few minutes after buying. All you need to do is enter your PayPal email address (there are other payment options if you dont use PayPal), upload your checkout logo, and link up your autoresponder (the last two are not required but something I strongly recommend) and your in business. It really is that easy (see my video review above for a demo). You can latterly be in business in 5 minutes.
When I first started testing Genius Paydays there where several problems with it. The countdown timers didn’t work, the coupons where broken, you could not brand the checkout pages with your own logo, there where PHP errors on screen. After a couple of days of pointing things out to the vendors they have corrected all the issues I have found.
I will be honest though. I still think there is room for improvement. For example you cant change the price of these products. The only way to sell them for a lower price is to put a coupon code on the sales page so people can get a discount. While this is in essence a way to lower the price, I don’t think its the best way. I think the price should be editable.Further I noticed that when you enter a coupon code on the checkout page it does not change the price that is displayed on the page. Pressing the “Pay Now” button does charge the correct discounted price, but I really think that there should be an “Apply Coupon” button that changes the price that is displayed before people click “Pay Now”
Also I noticed that the sales pages are on the Genius Payday domain and have really ugly URL’s. I wish they had an unbranded domain with better looking URL’s. This is something that can be easily corrected though with my free JackJacker plugin which you can download in the ‘Freebies’ section of this blog.
When tested this, I not only pointed out errors I found, I also pointed out things I thought could be improved on. For example the ability to brand the checkout pages with your own logo did not exist until I suggested it. I have sent these suggestions to the vendor as well, just today, and I hope that they are as receptive to these as they where to the others I made.
Despite the fact that I think there are some things that can be improved on I really like the concept of Genius Payday. I like that it not only gives you a bunch of products you can sell to make money and build your list, but that it is also a complete platform that provides you with everything needed to sell these products completely done for you. I firmly believe that selling your own digital product is something everyone who wants to succeed must do and it really does not get much more easy than ‘everything you need done for you’.
Bonus: Dwayne is giving affiliates a couple of bonuses to include in their promotions. These are things that everyone will get no matter who you buy through. However I have something very special for anyone who buys through me.
When I got started online I found a way to make money without affiliates, without a website, without traffic of my own. Though I have moved on to ‘bigger things’ this allowed me to make a few thousand dollars a month and though most people don’t know it, this is actually how many top marketers got started.
A while back I wrote a complete guide that explains how it works (dont worry I had an editor edit what I wrote) but for some reason I never released it. I just got distracted by other things I guess. Well as my special bonus you will get FREE access to this guide that explains step by step how I was able to make a few thousand a month even though I had no list, no traffic, and no affiliates. Just send your receipt ID to ruteckyb@yahoo.com to claim this bonus.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett, Once again you nailed it. Price on sales page is annoying. It would also have been nice to be able to edit the ebooks and brand them. other than that it delivers what is promised. Wish there was a way to get a heads up on the products that you will be reviewing. That way we could wait to buy or not buy (based on your review) from you:-)
I always try to have a product review out by the time it is released. Sometimes Im a little late. But normally if Im going to do a review of a product it wont be any more than an hour or two later than the launch.
Hi Brett thanks for your review. The creator of Genious Pay Days Dwayne Golden just launch a new product called Genius Pro Suite before I buy it I would like to know if you are going to review it, because I would like to here your opinion from this product and if you aprove it buy it through your link thanks Jorge
Thanks again Brett, for the great video review, I think personally it’s a great product and I just got it before I saw your email..sorry > I wish I got it through your link.
I’m not bothered with the fact that you can’t change the price, as you could do it using the coupon system. The way I would personally use it is to actually give 100% discount coupons in order to build a list. I also like the bonus link feature, because you can always give high-value bonus to compensate for the highly priced ebook.
Thank you, Brett for suggesting all those improvements.
The one thing I really would like to see is the ability to upload your own products, then again, if you already have Genius Marketing Pro (like I do), they made it possible to connect GPD with GMP and there you can build your funnel and include your own products.. Thank you Brett
Its ok if you didnt buy through my link Kami, the important thing is that you got a fair value for your money 🙂 .. I personally would consider a 90 or 95% discount code over 100% for list building. A buyers list is more valuable than a ‘freebie’ list.
Another option is to do one product 100% discounted as a lead magnet, then later to that list pitch one of the others as 90% discounted. This is called a ‘trip wire’ and is done to segment the people on your list who are willing to pull out a credit card.
This is the update I got when I signed to my account:
Congratulations On Your Genius Pay Days Purchase!
We are excited to inform you that while you are getting set up and started that we are working to provide you a more pleasurable experience.
Over the next 24 hours we are enhancing the following and will keep you updated.
-We’re working on enhancing the functionality of the countdown clocks and timers
-Uploading the final phase of more products into the system categories
-Adding how to videos on pages and more into the training area
-Upload and categorization of additonal products to bring your total number above the 100 previously announced
One of the cool things about Dwayne is that his main business is being a software developer. He has coders who work full time for him. So like me he can easily add updates and improvements to his systems. Also as he has shown me several times, he is not afraid to do just that, improve and update. This is refreshing given that a lot of vendors tend to forget about a product once the launch is over.
The concept is good but I think it lacks flexibility, ie being able to edit the sales page and the price. Also it would be nice to be able to upload your own products and generally put your own stamp on the system. I would have bought it if this was the case.
People want to have their own originality/brand etc on their products.
These days people want proper value for money and I’m not saying the price is too much, it’s actually ok (launch price) if the editing issue was more powerful.
Another thing today that doesn’t help, some guys are really overpricing stuff and getting very silly matching their ego’s to pricing. This does not do any good for anyone in the IM world. Maybe a few of the bigger decent names should echo this and bring back a bit of sensibility.
Well if your going to upload your own product, you would have to add your own sales page as well, in which case why would you even need a system like this? I mean if you have your own product / sales page just use JVZoo or a different affiliate network. The point of this is for people who dont have a product / sales page.
Not sure what you mean by putting your own ‘stamp’ on the system, but as I said, you can brand the checkout pages, and the sales pages will also automatically show your own name on them.
Finally I dont think this is over priced. In fact I dont think most things are over priced. As a guy who writes software and is also a marketer I can tell you a LOT of work goes into making these things .. hundreds of man hours in fact. Either way though, you should always make a personal judgement of value based on the benefits of the product, if you dont fell the value matches the price, let the vendor know by not buying 🙂
Fair comments and points taken, yeh! we can use jvzoo and suchlike but its always nice to have alternative selling platforms and I have no doubt this may be so with a few updates.
By stamp I mean brand. I said it was fair value at launch price.
Overpricing is common elsewhere and perhaps its unfair of me to mention that here at it is not directly relevant here at this time.
While I personally realise the work that goes into producing digital goods, the upside is the unlimited number of times you can sell while it is still usable and not outmoded.
I didn’t buy this for the reasons outlined, nothing personal to you or the vendor. I have bought other products from yourself which I value and also from this vendor which I also value.
I fully appreciate your reviews which is why I’m here now and in no way detract from any parties.I like fairness and honesty even to the point of bluntness, and I wish good fortune to all who abide by these principles. Thanks for taking the time and effort to review this product.
Not buying something is never personal my friend 🙂 My ultimate intent is not to convince or talk people into making a purchase. Its to give you as much information as possible so you can make an informed purchase decision. In the end everyone should make a decision on their needs an their perceived value. Personally I really like this one, I think it will be a great asset for a newbie or a non tech person. If you feel its not for you then the only decision you can make is of course to pass on it.
You mention two products you have to change the url. (I have your link Changer, what was the other product?)
Oh you mean where I said the URL of the sales page has their company name in it, and is kind of long and ugly? You can fix that with my free Jack Jacker plugin (its in the freebies section) of this blog. With that you can pull the sales page into your own domain.
I assume what Les MacRio means by putting your own stamp on the system refers to the fact that the product appears to be simply generating a clone that everyone else will be using.
Yes, you can change the logo etc., but that’s not enabling the buyer to personalise the end product to any huge degree, that omission is thereby limiting the ‘stamp’ of individuality that a buyer could otherwise create.
Personally, I’d be happier with a product where there was a template option, colour changes, the ability to add my own products and (as you suggested) an editable product page where I’d get rid of the horrendous over priced $27 tag for something more realistic, all of which would help provide a more individual look and assist the purchaser to move away from the cloned look.
There’s many excellent sites around such as Unselfish Marketer, which as you’re aware, already supply ready made (but editable) sales pages and a ton of PLR material, can’t see it being impossible to have a system created whereby a sales page and a new product can’t be uploaded.
Yes, these changes are going to cost money to implement, so a basic version could be offered and at least one upsell (to a ‘pro’ version) with more bells and whistles (as described) being added.
Personally I wouldn’t buy this unless I could definitely stamp my own individuality on the site it creates, That said I can fully understand its initial attraction, but the product’s shortcomings (in my eyes) outweigh the benefits.
I would also like to have seen software being offered for sale, or the ability to add my own PLR versions from the likes of Unselfish Marketer.
I don’t like ebooks as a lot of them are junk, ok there are some diamonds around, but you have to search for them, a lot of software is junk too, but human nature seems to place a higher perceived value on the latter as opposed to the former.
I also agree that the url it creates is awful, however that can be corrected with other software, although it’s a shame that oversight should have occurred in the first place.
I’ve more or less agreed with all your reviews to date because you say it as it is, on this occasion however I still see too many flaws, which for me at least, have a more off-putting effect.
Then dont use the sales pages they provide. Download the products, get the sales page HTML, edit it as you want, and upload it to your own hosting. Is that what you where thinking of?
Thanks Brett for another great review. I have all of the other components of Dwayne Golden’s “Genius” suite of programs including all of the upsells thru to white label licenses – Genius Marketing Pro, Genius Trainer Pro, Webinar Pro.
They are brilliant programs for people who don’t want to learn HTML and in essence have to become a neanderthal programmer or pay for one – you don’t have to think much to get things up and running. GMP allows you to “import” a funnel, export a funnel, migrate it to affiliates, check stats, add-in autoresponder and a lot more, map out to your own domain / server or they will host.
Dwayne’s team includes Alex Costan and the likes – they “get it” as far as making online marketing as a business as “newbie friendly” and usable as possible and constantly strive to update their programs based on user feedback. You don’t have to think much but a little bit of it can go a long way – like how to manually combine the suite of Genius programs Dwayne has for whatever purpose you have. For me – great features + great benefits + speed (low maintenance) + low cost = EXCELLENT $$$$ Value.
Any word regarding the $27 price / coupon issue?
… I agree w / U that when a buyer enters the coupon code, the listed price should instantly reflect the discount.
It would also be nice to have, perhaps, a popup notating the coupon code and maybe that popup could be on the side following the buyer up and down the page (rather than fixed to the top-right of the page) for better visibility…just a thought.
Also, the ebook imagery could be better and I’m not a fan of mostly black & white sales pages. Well-chosen colors sell better than black & white.
However, the program itself is a quick way to have products to sell without much effort
It would help if the system allowed for the upload / addition of a logo to the sales pages, at least, in order to have visual familiarity to us, the sellers.
Being that this product is only $47, I will buy it even though it could use a few basic improvements, which I will pass on to the vendor once I gain access to the product, as I suspect that they will make improvements as time goes on, which would enhance it’s appeal and value.
I believe the early bird price is over. As for uploading a logo.. not really sure how that would help any. This is basically like the ‘agency access’ I give for my products (everything is done for you), and I dont let people upload a logo to the sales page I make for them, yet people have still managed to sell several thousand copies of my stuff as agents. As I show in the review video the sales pages are automatically branded with your name. Really you cant have ‘done for you’ and ‘100% flexibility’ the two things are just not compatible concepts.
Hi Brett,
I am one of your followers and always read and appreciate your honest reviews. I have also purchased a few of your products and products through your links since in my eyes you are the trusted source, which is a rarity nowadays.
That being said I would like to ask you, would you consider simply selling your bonus without me buying the Genius Payday?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Honestly Im not really set up to sell it.
Hello Brett
I have studied this offer.
There is a problem with the coupon system.
I think getting on risk with Paypal. After getting too much refunds claims, Paypal could
ban my account.
What do you think about this risk?
Thanks a lot.
PayPal does not ban people for refunds (and Im saying that as a person who has put 7 figures through PayPal, so I know a bit about how they work). Also why do you assume you would even get refunds or a lot of them?
Is it possible to upload my own books instead use that 100 they provide? I want to sell mine!!
Well that kind of goes against the whole point of this system. If you have your own product, and your own sales page, then just use JVZoo. This is for people who DONT have products / sales pages.
Hi Brett, Thanks for doing this review. I was looking at picking this up, but your review killed that plan. I have been buying PLR and MRR for the last 7 years, but piecing it together has been the stopping point. Maybe some day I’ll figure it out. At this point I really don’t care. One thing that I find irritating are the autoresponder options. I have a lifetime account with Rapid Response Bot. I did see several options under the autoresponder option, but I am being forced to pay for a monthly fee which I do not want. The very reason why I picked up Rapid Response Bot. Why pay for it when you do not have to? Seeing that this was all Ebooks helped kill this also and that’s fine.
Its not practical to integrate with every autoresponder, there are hundreds of them. These guys do integrate with the more popular ones.
You do know that Mailchimp has a ‘free forever’ plan right?
As for your logic of: I have been buying MRR for 7 years .. but you never pieced it together, Im not sure I understand the logic of your thinking that a system which did all the ‘piecing together’ (hosting, integrating the sales page, autoresponder syncing, checkout and delivery) for you is a bad thing. I would think it would be the answer to the problems you have been having for the last 7 years since they just did everything for you that you couldn’t do yourself this whole time. Perhaps I didnt do a good job of explaining what this is?
Brett, This sounds alot like Genius Marketing Pro. Do they work together or does Genius Paydays replace GMP? I know you have reviewed both and there sounds like a lot of overlap. If I just get Genius Paydays will I be missing out on some key functions?
Thanks for your reviews and answering questions on them.
They are nothing alike other than they are both sold under the ‘genius’ brand.
Hi Brett
has the company changed the ability to change price and the coupon processing applying the discount before the Pay Now button?
i usually wait for release date to purchase a product. I would rather give the sale to you.
We appreciate you
I bought the item but i had to request for refund….. why do i have to be on a queue for refund for days. They havent responded to me, when i send them mail.
24 hours is the normal standard response time for any support request online. In a launch you need to expect a little longer given the huge surge of new customers. Also you need to realize that email is not 100% reliable.