Fruitphul [Review]
Good for people who are taking action, working a system, and want to refine their productivityNEG:
Not so useful for newbies, people just getting started, or those that are not taking action alreadyTonight Im writing my full review of a new system called Fruitphul. (first watch my interview with creator Ben Murray below) I first became interested in Fruitphul because the affiliate page for it was calling it a productivity platform one that will help people to take action. I know for sure that this is something […]
Tonight Im writing my full review of a new system called Fruitphul.
(first watch my interview with creator Ben Murray below)
I first became interested in Fruitphul because the affiliate page for it was calling it a productivity platform one that will help people to take action. I know for sure that this is something that people have trouble with sometimes and I also know for sure that taking action is super important. Because of this I was interested in learning more about Fruitphul so I asked Ben to jump on a live call and have a chat with me about this new system.
If you watch my entire interview with Ben you might notice that I kind of end it abruptly and I will be totally honest as to why: Its because I was not to impressed with this system. Its not that I think its a bad system at all just that I think its something that is not really going to solve the problems that most people in the IM space are having, at least not most people just getting started (if your established then this might be good for you).
The whole concept of Fruitphul is centered around working more efficiently and more productively. The training is productivity training. I don’t want to call it mindset training, but it for sure more about working smarter, not teaching you how to work. That is it does not teach you how to do any specific task, just how to do the task you already do better and faster. Of course you can see the problem with this though. If your a newbie and are not already taking action, if you dont already have a business, if you dont already know the steps that you need to take, this is not going to give you them. You have to already know what you need to do to reach the goal you want. All this does is teach you how to accomplish the steps you have already more efficiently.
This is something that I asked Ben about twice in my interview. In fact I specifically asked him “what about someone who says ‘I dont have a business and I made zero’ will this help them”, he said it would, but then did not give a very specific answer as to how, I felt he was kind of side stepping the question, even if he was not doing that intentionally though I for sure did not find his answer satisfying.
The software in my opinion seemed to be little more than a glorified to do list coupled with a calendar. It has a lot of functions and a lot of settings. It has bells a whistles such as assigning a ‘leverage score’ to each of the things you put on your to do list, allowing you to time how long it takes you to complete a task, and making things color coded, however when it comes down to it, when you get to its core, to me, in my mind, its just a fancy to do list and a calendar. Honestly I don’t get it. I use a clipboard with tablet paper on to write down the things I need to do, then I cross them off when I do them. This works perfectly fine for me and I run a 7 figure per year online business as well as a offline business. I really dont see the need to learn to use some fancy web app and I dont see how spending time learning to use it, or using it in general is going to make me more productive. I might be missing it, I might be not understanding it, but honestly I just am not excited about this.
Normally at this point I would be saying that Fruitphul is not worth buying. Again, not because it is a bad product. I do believe that there is a need for productivity training for some people. People who are top executives of corporations for example (who would have their assistants actually use the app for them). But for a medium sized business its probably less needed. For the total newbie just getting started, I honestly dont see the need for this at all. What good is a system that is designed to make your work more productive when your not doing any profitable work yet anyway. Newbies need to learn what to do, not how to do what they dont know yet more efficiently.
However there is one thing specifically about this launch (and not the actual Fruitphul system) that I feel makes it worth considering investing in, and that is the bonuses that the vendor is providing (during the launch period only).
I have told people over and over that they need their own products because it is 100% true. In fact its 110% true (if there is such a thing). If you do not have your own product to sell, for lead magnets, for bonuses etc then you are going to find it exceedingly difficult to make money in the IM space (or any online space for that matter). This is where the bonuses for Fruitphul come into play. The vendor is providing several done for you software and training products that you can have full white label rights to.
You can click here to see them all, with descriptions, there are to many for me to list in this review
I asked Ben what exactly people are able to do with these bonuses, I wanted to be sure because I have heard of some of them and know them to be high quality. His answer was short and exactly what I wanted to hear :
This in my mind is where the real value in Fruitphul comes into play (at least for the newbie). The price of Fruitphul is $37 if you get in at the early bird period. What this means is that your getting 8 done for you products that you can sell, that you can give away as lead magnets, that you can rebrand, that you can use as bonuses for $37, or about $4.62 each. That is for sure a very good value. In fact its a good enough value that even if you dont want or need Fruitphul it might be worth picking up just to get the white label bonuses. Also its enough value to make me mark this product as:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hah! Just bought – only for the bonuses! Nice!
Loved it Brett! And you and your whole approach!
Just bought for bonuses, thanks Brett 🙂
Does not mention bonuses on the sales page and i have looked twice. So do not know what they are.
Well given that I link to the bonuses in my review you really have no excuse to not know what they are do you 😛
ooops, just seen the link on this page.