Fresh Store Builder v6
Very good for quickly building Amazon niche storesNEG:
People in some locations cant be Amazon associatesToday I’m doing a review of the new Fresh Store Builder (v6) software. So what exactly is Fresh Store Builder? Well its a software that you install on your own website that will let you build your own web store. It works just like any web store, where users can browse products, select quantities, add […]
Today I’m doing a review of the new Fresh Store Builder (v6) software.
So what exactly is Fresh Store Builder? Well its a software that you install on your own website that will let you build your own web store. It works just like any web store, where users can browse products, select quantities, add to a shopping cart etc. Only when they go to check out they are redirected to Amazon check out, and you as an Amazon affiliate get a commission on all the items they purchased.
The thing that makes this appealing is that Amazon is a merchant that sells just about everything (I actually found a after market replacement foot peg for a 1979 motorcycle my son and I are restoring on Amazon). What this means is that you can build highly targeted niche web stores that will be much more easy to rank for and get organic traffic to. In fact if you get the unlimited license (more on the license options later) you can build a whole network of highly targeted niche stores. Also because you are selling physical products but dont need any inventory you can create sites with hundreds of products on them in your niche. This means more web pages for Google to index and more chances of getting a sale.
Being that Fresh Store Builder is a software that you host on your own site you obviously have to download it from the members area and then install it on your site. This had me a little concerned. I was worried that it might be difficult to install or confusing for people. I knew at a minimum people would have to be able to use FTP and be able to create a MYSQL database. Fortunately though these fears where unwarranted. Once I got my review access to the Fresh Store members area the first thing I noticed is that there are some very good video (and text) tutorials that explain how to install the software on your host. In fact I dont think I’m exaggerating in saying that Fresh Store Bulder v6 has one of the best tutorial / training sections I have ever seen.
One thing I did notice is that this software uses ION Cube to encode its source code. A while back when I first got into IM I really hated the idea of people selling products that did not have open code. However since then my perceptions have changed. I have seen my own products get stolen, bought and instantly refunded and then end up on black hat sites with hundreds of people downloading them for free. Because of this I can understand that why Carey would want to encode his software. There are just to many people out there who would steal it if he didn’t. I do want to point out though that ION Cube is going to require you to have PHP 5.3 or greater on your hosting server. This really should not be a problem though as the current PHP version is 5.5 and just about any reputable host is going to have upgraded already or will at least let you select the higher version from your cPanel.
Though I did not need the tutorials personally I watched them just to make they where clear and would be helpful to the non technical person. After getting the software installed I logged into Fresh Store for the first time and was greeted with this:
Fresh Store Builder (v6) comes with a very easy to follow set up wizard that will quickly walk you through the steps of getting your store skinned, linked to Amazon, and full of product. It really does not get much more easy than this.
This is actually a good time to talk about what Fresh Store is not. As an experienced developer I tend to be very picky when testing other peoples software products and honestly a lot of them deserve to be picked on. A lot of software products, especially those in the IM niche are quickly hacked together by outsourced developers. They are poorly tested. Never updated and eventually (after the launch) will just be forgotten and fade away. This is not the case with Fresh Store Builder. This software is a product that has been sold, updated, and has been in production for a number of years. I do not believe in any way that its going to vanish, be forgotten, or will not be improved on.
When testing the software I noticed that it is extremely powerful in its customization and options yet at the same time quite easy to use and understand.
I did not notice any bugs or errors. Everything seemed to function well and as designed. As I said, this is not some fly by night product that someone cooked up in a weekend. Its a professional quality platform that has been in production for quite a while now. Here is a look at an actual live store made with Fresh Store Builder:
So what is different in v6? Well their are a lot of general improvements and updates. Quite frankly there are to many to list and explain. But the one I like best of all is the on exit list building feature. This one will show a pop up with an optin for that you can use for list building.
Fresh Store Builder can be purchased with one of three different licenses. I want to cover each one for you and explain the pros and cons of each. Each license has the same functionality but differs in the number of stores you can build and what you can do with the stores. I actually questioned Carey about this personally because I wanted to make sure I give the correct information. Let me explain:
Lite version: Allows you to build up to 3 stores with Fresh Store Builder. Ill be honest, I dont like this license at all. One of the keys to making money with Amazon is having multiple sites each bringing you in a modest amount of income. Though no individual site is bringing in a ton of money, when combined they can add up to a nice bit of cash each month. This also gives you diversity and a level of protection because all of your income is not coming from one source. Because of this it does not make sense to buy a license that is limited to only 3 stores.
Personal version: Allows you to build as many stores as you want for your own personal use. By personal use I mean that you own the site and the stores. This is going to be a much better solution for people wanting to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing because you are not limiting yourself. You can build multiple stores in multiple niches and enjoy the combined income from each site as well as get the income protection of not having ‘all your eggs in one basket’. What you cant do with the personal version is sell the sites (and by default the Fresh Store software on the site).
Developers version: This is going to be for the people who want to go beyond just making money as an Amazon affiliate. With the developers version you can put the Fresh Store Builder software on other peoples sites and charge them for it or sell the site. This opens up a huge number of possibilities. You can create stores to sell on Flippa or other networks. You can start your own store building service. These are just a few things off the top of my head. Their are a lot of possibilities.
Something I do want to point out is that anyone in the USA needs to be aware of if you go with the personal license. Amazon does not allow people in some states to be Amazon associates. Here is an excerpt from their FAQ section:
“If you’re in the following states, AR, CO, MO, ME, or RI, due to tax legislation, we’re unable to operate the associates program in your state. “
If you live in one of these states in the USA then the Lite and Personal versions are not going to be any good for you since you can’t be an Amazon associate. You can however still get the developers version and make money by creating stores for other people outside of your state.
So what do I think of Fresh Store Builder?
Well first of all I really like the idea of building a network of niche stores that you can use to get you a nice combined income. While Amazon commissions tend to be a bit low, they do have so many products that you can create highly targeted niche stores. Though each individual store is not going to make you a lot of money, they are to a large degree ‘set and forget’ so by building a number of stores in different niches you can get a nice combined income.
Second, for the more entrepreneur minded person I think the developers license is a great investment. Your basically getting your own software (though to be clear its not white label) to sell at about 1/50th of what it would cost to get developed yourself. Anyone looking to make money beyond Amazon commissions should really consider it.
Finally I like the fact that this software is a product that has been around for a while, that is being updates and improved and is not some product that was hacked together just to make a quick buck. Instead its a professional quality platform.
As you probably guessed by now I really like Fresh Store Builder. I think this is an excellent investment for anyone looking to make money online.
Hey Brett where are your bonuses? There are none with this product. Now I know what your thinking “come on you cheapo give us some bonuses”. Well sorry I’m not doing that for this one and I will tell you why. Fresh Store Builder is a solid product with a good concept. I’m not going to throw in a bunch of low quality PLR ‘bonuses’, that are just going to distract you from the main product in order to hype you into buying. I often say that I want to help people make money online and that is the honest truth so believe me I’m doing you a favor by not giving you distractions. I firmly believe that Fresh Store Builder is a good investment so instead of giving you a bunch of PLR I’m instead going to urge you to grab your copy and take action to start building your stores without letting other things distract you.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hi Brett,
I would just like to know one thing.
The 90 day cookie – does it only apply if the client comes back to my website and finishes his order or does it trigger when the client goes straight back to Amazon and purchases from there?
Not sure if I am being clear on my question 🙂
Basically, is the cookie valid for 90 days if the client goes straight back to Amazon after visiting my website?
This is what Amazon says hope it helps:
“In most cases, you earn advertising fees for visitors that come to an Amazon site and place any qualifying items in a customer’s Shopping Cart within 24 hours of their arrival at most Amazon sites.com or 30-days for MyHabit.com. However, this 24-hour window for most Amazon sites and 30-day window for MyHabit.com will end before it expires once the customer submits his order or reenters Amazon.com through a Link that is not your Special Link. Once the window is closed, you will not earn advertising fees on any subsequent purchases. However, if the customer then returns to Amazon.com through one of your Special Links, this opens a new 24-hour window for most Amazon sites or 30-day window for MyHabit.com.
It is of course possible that a customer may arrive at an Amazon site (including MyHabit.com) via your Special Link, add an item to his Shopping Cart, and then leave Amazon.com or MyHabit.com without placing an order. As long as the item was added to the customer’s Shopping Cart during this 24-hour window for Amazon.com or 30-days for MyHabit.com, you will still earn an advertising fee if the order is placed before the Shopping Cart expires (usually after 90 days). The advertising fee will not be credited to your Associates account until the customer has purchased the item, accepted delivery, and remitted full payment to Amazon.com.”
Okay – Thanks!!
So it is nothing special to Fresh Store Builder as far as the 90 day cookie is concerned as this will apply to any Amazon affiliate website where the customer places an item in the shopping cart but does not complete the order. As long as they did that within 24 hrs from my link then it will hold for 90 days.
I really like Fresh Store Builder. When is the special price ending?
I believe its going to be tiered pricing that gradually increases to the normal price. So the sooner you get it the best price you will get.
Excellent – thanks
How do customers find my stores? If they are in Amazon and search for an item, it would not give them my store?? If they are doing an organic search for an item, and my store is well ranked, they’ll click on my store rather than Amazon???
Am I to drive the traffic to my stores?
The idea is to build very niche related stores. For example you would not build a store called “health equipment’ because that is to super general. You build niche related stores, very targeted, and get organic traffic to your store. Though of course taking action to increase your traffic is not going to be a bad thing. In fact a tactic I would use is to build several niche stores and let them rank organically. Then if you want to drive traffic to increase your sales, you can focus on the ones that have gotten the best results and ranked the best initially.
I own last year’s version. After you do the basic setup, the instructions prompt you to post at least a few related articles and videos. You should provide quality reviews or information with some strategically placed buyer oriented keywords. That’s what draws the traffic.
Great tip Steven, thank you!
Are there upsells / OTOs
Yes there are Paul, though honestly I have not tested them. As any of my long term readers will tell you I dont test OTO’s for two reasons: A) Because I spend so much time testing the FE of products I review I just dont have time and B) Because I dont think they should be a consideration at all. If you think the front end offer is a good value buy it, if not dont, what you are offered later should not matter.
Live in Missouri is there any type of work around for nexus tax rule?
Hi Brett:
Their order page says “Order today and get unlimited stores for only $97*”. This would seem to be the personal version. Where is the option for the developer version?
The be safe you will have to ask them for licensing clarification. I would not want to tell you the wrong thing.
All I can say is wow to this review…fresh store builder is something else…you better know what you’re doing….WOW is all i can say….