Adsviser 2.0 [review]
Spy on other peoples ad campaigns to optimize your ownNEG:
Some small GUI bugs (nothing terrible) that existed at testing but should be fixed by the time it goes live.Tonight I’m writing my full review of Adsviser 2.0 So what is Adsviser exactly? Well its a software that advises you about your ads. Specifically your Facebook and Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) ads. The question that first comes to mind is why exactly do people need this anyway? Well in order to […]
Tonight I’m writing my full review of Adsviser 2.0
So what is Adsviser exactly? Well its a software that advises you about your ads. Specifically your Facebook and Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) ads. The question that first comes to mind is why exactly do people need this anyway? Well in order to answer this question you first need to understand how the normal ad process for Facebook ads works.
Just about everyone by now knows that Facebook ads are a gold mine. With Facebook ads you can get highly targeted traffic, often for a very low cost. However in order to get the best results, the most clicks, and the lowest cost per click your ads need to be well optimized. The normal way of doing this is to initially start with several ads, perhaps 10-12 of them. You let them all run at the same time and see which ones get the best results. You then remove the ones that do not perform well and funnel their budget into the ones that are. You then repeat the process. Watch and see which of these new ones get the best results, removing the non performers and funneling their budget into the remaining. After a few cycles of this what you end up with is a small number of optimized ads.
This works well and will get you an optimized ad however you might have already thought of the big issue with this method. It is terribly inefficient. In fact its doubly inefficient. Let me explain:
As I said in order for this way of optimizing ads to work you need to start with a large number of ads. Normally 10-12 but sometimes more. In fact the more the better. So what this means is you have to spend the time and effort to make a whole bunch of ads to start with. Each ad needs its own graphic (or video if its a video ad). It’s own headline and its own ad text. So grab a coffee because this is going to take a while. After you have your ads all created you need to of course run them all. You need to put an ad budget into each one so you can see how it performs. Now here is the kicker. You know that most of them wont perform well. In fact you expect most of them to not perform well. But you have to put an even budget into them all because you don’t know which ones will be the ones that don’t perform and which ones will be the ones that do. Your only option is to pay for them all and see. So while your out grabbing that coffee grab your wallet as well because this is going to get expensive.
This is why I say the normal way of optimizing ads to get the best conversions, clicks, and results is super inefficient. You end up making a bunch of ads, many of which you know wont do well and then you have to spend a bunch of money promoting all of the ads just to see which ones are the good ones. Anyone who has ever run a Facebook ad campaign has said to themselves “There has to be a better way”.
That’s where Adsviser 2.0 steps in. It is a web based spying tool that allows you to look into other peoples ad campaigns and see exactly what they are using for their ads. Their graphics (or video) their exact copy, the number of likes it gets, the number of shares it gets, and perhaps more importantly very detailed insider information about their ad campaign. This detailed information is the kind of stuff that you would not expect to get unless you where actually looking at their ad account. In fact I was surprised when I realized the info it provides, I was even more surprised when I confirmed with the vendors that Adsviser uses the public API and is fully compliant with their TOS.
The idea of course is that by spying on ads that other people are running you can see ahead of time what works. What gets peoples attention, what gets the best clicks and the best response without having to invest a whole lot of time and money creating a ton of ads and running them blindly like normal. In short you can fast track your way to optimization by building on the experience and spying on the data of other people already running ads in your niche. Sure you still might have to make 2-3 ads and test those then just pick the one that is the best, but this is a whole lot better, cheaper, and more efficient than starting with a dozen (or more) and filtering down to the best one after days and days of trial and error (and likely hundreds of dollars spent). Let me explain exactly how it works:
To start you enter your search criteria. You search by keyword or phrase and can apply filters such as engagement level, country, ad placement, gender (of the target audience), and call to action button. After you run your search Adsvisor will display the ads it found based on your criteria.
You can then click on any of the ads to get a detailed breakdown of how the ad is performing. Below is a graphic of me spying on an ad run my Anik Singal (which is performing much better than I would have though if I did not have this tool)
In it I can see his ad creative. The over all mount of money he has spent on this campaign. The over all ad rank. Its placement. The country, gender and age of the people this ad is targeting. The number of days its been running and its performance for each day. All of this is super valuable information that is going to let me create better ads for my campaigns without having to do the trial and error myself. I’m basically snagging other peoples split testing / hard work to make my ads be better. Its also very insightful. There where ads that I did not think would be doing well which are, and ads that I thought must be doing well which are not. This insight is causing me to rethink what I thought I knew honestly. Also it is important to note that in order to check the validity of the data presented I actually searched for one of my own ads and compared the report in Adviser 2.0 to my own reporting in Facebook ad manager, and the data is quite accurate.
So what do I think of this over all? Well you probably guessed I love it. Facebook ads really can be a gold mine, however you simply must have optimized ads in order to get the best results. So many people run one ad, blindly, and then if they don’t great results the conclude that Facebook ads don’t work. Well nothing can be further from the truth. If you optimize your ads you can get highly targeted traffic for a very low cost per click. The kind of cost per click where it’s almost impossible not to make a profit. Now you have two ways of doing your research to optimize your ads. You can do it the long way. Make a ton of ads yourself, dump a bunch of money into them, and find the good ones by trial and error. Or you can use Adsvisor and spy on other peoples campaigns and use their hard work, effort, and ad spend to give you the insight you need to make great ads from the start. Seems like a fairly simple choice to me, and I can tell you that as a person who runs a fair amount of Facebook ads I personally will be using Adsviser moving forward. Because of that its easy for me to say:
UPDATE: Im not sure how long it will last, but if you decide to pick this up try coupon code: 4low at checkout for $4 off the listed price.
Bonus: Abhi has provided be with a hugely massive bonus pack for anyone who picks up Adsvisor though my link.
Click here to get Adsvisor 2.0 as well as all of these bonuses. They are right in the members area so you can get instant access to them!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Thanks Brett I appreciate the review. Hate to buy anything, but you are right this will come in really handy and will hopefully save me some time and money on ads. Keep it up. Anymore if you don’t review it – I don’t look at it!
Investing in tools is good .. every business needs tools. Just don’t get caught in those get rick quick while you sleep on the beach scam products 🙂
Hi Brett I would like to buy the adsviser 2 software through your link. Logging into my PayPal account I see a different name other than yours there. I want you to get the credit. Should I go ahead and pay?
Thats because Im an affiliate not the vendor 🙂 So long as you click my link before you buy Ill get the credit. Appreciate you asking.
Just purchased based on your review, thanks Brett. Hopefully this tool will minimise time and money invested for speedier and more profitable campaigns.
Hey Brett, usually i just read comments on your blog without doing comments myself, purchased this product thru your link as many others, however after purchase get really annoyed, firstly with tons of up-sells ~(well i know it’s normal in online marketing, so what ever), secondly when finally get to the JVZOO page and click on access the product it takes to thank you landing page informing that email with access details will come true in 10 minutes while asking to register for webinar, just checked my email this moment and instead of 10 minutes later it came 21 minute later. it might seems not big deal, however within 10 minutes means not more then 10, and thirdly about the bonuses, don’t see them anywhere.. (even won’t be needing them, but again it’s not what was expected).. hopefully software will do better.. .. I do this comment not to make some one feel bad, but just to bring to attention for other product creators that reads your blog. If you do say something on sales page, thank you page, promise for your affiliates.. well keep it to highest standards..
If you dont want to see upsells then close the window, and type “jvzoo.com” in your browser. Pretty simple if you think about it.
So somehow its there fault that an email took 21 minutes to come through to you instead of 10 minutes? As if they own all the hundreds of servers and relays involved in an email getting delivered and are responsible for the work load that they all have. Really bro .. your making yourself sound like a big jerk right now. The bonuses are clearly provided in the members area as I said, you would notice them if you spent less time commenting that email is not fast enough for you and assuming that the creators of this product are somehow responsible of the inner workings and speed of the entire global email delivery network.
FYI: I do not make this comment to make you feel bad, I do it to let you know that your expectations are very unreasonable and your complaining without putting any thought in first.
And just an add-on on the previous comment, 1 hour later the website: http://v2.adsviser.com where suppose to login for a software still not responding and shows a message: This site can’t be reached.. v2.adsviser.com took too long to respond. its insane.. for years haven’t been so annoyed with anything I bought Online.. so please vendors, first do test if everything works fine, before put up for a sale..
Seems to be working fine.
Hey Brett,
Thanks for the review. I love FB ads and I think for us with small lists or no list at all, FB Ads are more or less the only way to get traffic to our offers..Well in my case anyway…. I’ve already purchased Adsviser version 1 and I do find it helpful to spy on the competition and copy successful caimpaigns..
Hi Brett, I bought this through your link, but have an issue with access to the bonuses. Can’t see them in JVZoo, which is where I usually find them. Am I missing a step?
“They are right in the members area so you can get instant access to them!”
.. if that was unclear, they are in the members area for Advisor 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Brett. I purchased through your link but couldn’t see how to access the bonuses you mentioned. I couldn’t access it through jvzoo or the member’s site of adsvisor 2. Let me know how if you have any idea.
Please message Abi’s support, he will get you fixed up. Send him a link to my review and tell him you want the original bonuses.