Zero Bounce [review]

Posted March 1, 2015 by in






Total Score

3.5/ 5

Creator: Ankur Shukla
Type: Wordpress Plugin


Being able to lower your bounce rate is a huge value


For best results you need the pro version

Today I’m doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called Zero Bounce. Before I dive into the Zero Bounce review I want to quickly cover exactly what web masters are referring to when they talk about a sites ‘bounce rate’. A bounce is a site visitor that visits one page of your site and […]

by Brett Rutecky
Full Article

Today I’m doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called Zero Bounce.

Before I dive into the Zero Bounce review I want to quickly cover exactly what web masters are referring to when they talk about a sites ‘bounce rate’. A bounce is a site visitor that visits one page of your site and then leaves (bounces) to a new website. A common feature of a bounce, besides the fact that only ever visit one page on your site, is that a large portion of the visitors will bounce in under 30 seconds. Another common feature is that even a well made, easy to navigate, and informative site, will have a lot of their traffic be ‘bounce’ traffic.

Let me show you some of the stats from this very blog:


This graph shows the weekly traffic and the average bounce rate for this blog over the last several months. The dark blue line is the weekly traffic and the light blue line is the average bounce rate. The thing I want everyone to notice is that even though this blog has regularly increased in traffic the bounce rate has remained steady at just over 60%. That is each day 60% of my visitors come to my site, visit exactly one page and then leave. This is not a negative about my site as it is consistently increasing in popularity, its just a fact of the web, people are easily distracted.

Look at this numeric summery:

1There are two important things to notice here. First the bounce rate, as I said over 60% (and honestly thats not super high in web terms) also notice that the bounce rate is much higher than the % of new sessions. While I would not mind the regulars bouncing, because that means that they just come to my site, read the latest review, and then leave, the cold hard fact is that every week this blog gets hundreds of new readers and on average 60% leave after only viewing a single page, with many of them leaving in just a few seconds. This quite simply is wasted traffic and a lost opportunity for me.

While these stats from Google analytic might lead you to think that there is something wrong with my blog that simply is not the case. One of the perks of being a web developer is that I have worked on hundreds of sites, most of which I did not own. I have seen a lot of analytic data and most sites have much worse stats than this. Its a harsh truth of running a website, people are fast paced and easily distracted online, on average 60% or more of your traffic will ‘bounce’ away. Much of that traffic will never return.

It does not take much thought to understand why webmasters have been trying to lower their bounce rate since the beginning. When people bounce away, especially if they do it quickly, you loose the chance to capture a lead, get a sale, or send them to an affiliate link. Basically a ‘bounce’ is worth nothing from a marketing and monetization stand point.

Reducing your bounce rate is the goal of Zero Bounce and it does it in a very simple way. It detects when a user clicks the browsers back button, captures that action and lets you redirect the user to any URL you like instead. This gives you a second change to engage that traffic before they are gone and likely lost forever. With more than 1/2 of your traffic bouncing away its not hard to see how having a second chance at capturing that traffic can be invaluable.

What I would suggest people do is use this to redirect your bounces to a squeeze page that offers them something niche / site related to opt into your email list. That way you ‘capture’ that visitor instead of loosing them.

I do want to make one disclosure. Though I rarely test the OTO / upsell on a launch in the case of Zero Bounce I did. Why? Because it adds functionality that I feel is important to have. While the normal version will let you redirect visitors that click the back button the pro (upsell) version that I tested will let you customize this functionality a whole lot more.


You can set up Zero Bounce to only redirect users who come from a specific site such as Google, Facebook or Bing. You can redirect users based on if they are on a mobile device or a desktop. You can set it to redirect a user if they try to close the browser (or if they type in a URL manually)  and you even set it to redirect only a specific percentage of your users.

The plugin is smart enough that it does not mistakenly redirect people who are browsing around your site and click the back button to go to a different page on your site or click a link in your site. But I did notice that there was no way to set the plugin to redirect people only once every X number of days. For example, if people come to my blog, try to bounce, but I redirect them to a squeeze page. They optin and end up on my list. A week later I send them a review email which they read and then try to leave again. I would not want to redirect them to the squeeze page again since they are already on my list.

I mentioned this to Ankur and at my suggestion he quickly had this feature added to Zero Bounce. Very cool.

Another thing to note is that the screen shot above shows the general ‘global’ settings. You can overwrite these settings on a ‘per post’ or ‘per page’ basis if you like. The plugin will allow you to turn it on or off on a per post / page basis and you can also set a post / page specific redirect URL if you choose.


The software itself was very easy to use. However if you need assistance it does have several ways to get help built right into the plugin.


Besides the very prominent link to the online docs on the lower right, there are also links to a FAQ section, a form to contact support, and even an area to suggest new features (something very few plugins have).

So what do I think of Zero Bounce over all? In my testing it worked well. I had no errors or issues with it. It was easy to set up, only taking a minute or two from install to finish. As a guy who spent a lot of time working online with websites and development I know for sure that bounce rates are always high, I cant remember the last time I saw a site with a rate of under 50% and normally they are much higher than that. Do you really want to let 50, 60 or even 70% of your traffic to slip through your fingers? I sure don’t! The one thing I will say though is if you pick this up grab take the OTO for the PRO version, the extra functionality and customization options are well worth the investment.

UPDATE: Zero Bounce is now in version 2.0 , this updated version offers additional features that the original version did not which allow you to control the bounces of external sites in addition to your WordPress site that you have this plugin on.


This is a extremely powerful new feature that makes a great plugin even better!







BONUS: I got Ankur to let me give away reseller rights to his WP Optin Boxes plugin. With this reseller account you not only get the plugin, but he will put you on 100% commissions so you can sell it yourself, using his sales page, and keep the entire sales price. Watch the WP Optin Boxes sales video below.

I put an access link right inside of JVZoo so you can get instant access to this bonus: Click here to get Zero Bounce and my special bonus!A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Could you share what the cost of the Pro version is?

    Bob Newton

    You did not mention the price…

    Would you share it please?

    Bob Newton


    Brett, I’m a bit confused… I’ve read your post and watched the videos on the sales page – but there’s no mention of what happens if a reader happens to go thru several posts on my site and THEN hits the back button (they’ve read post 1, 2, then 3 and are on post 3 and want to go back to post 2 for example and hit the back button). Do they then get redirected and don’t see post 2 or is it only activated when they LEAVE my site with the back button going to the referring site? Are you answering that in the text below where I’m confused?

    You said “The plugin is smart enough that it does mistakenly redirect people who are browsing around your site and click the back button to go to a different page on your site or click a link in your site” == I’m confused by this too… If it is “smart” then it “mistakenly” redirects? is that supposed to be “DOESN’T mistakenly redirect…”?


    Hi Brett,

    Just purchased the Pro version, thank you for your review! Will be sending the receipt IDs shortly.




    Not promoting anyone else but, how is this plugin any different from the $9 plug in named ‘BounceKilla’ that’s been in the market for about a year now? Or is this the same plug in?

    Looking forward always to your insight.



      I cant say sorry, I have never heard of that plugin, a Google search returned nothing either. That alone says a good bit in my mind though. Something you will normally notice though is that low cost / free plugins tend to have less features, few if any updates, and poor support. Not saying this is the case with that, since I have never heard of it, but you tend to get what you pay for in software (at least in my experience you do)


        Thanks always for your inputs Brett and may you continue doing what you’re doing. Your guidance is highly appreciated. You’re the man!


    My question is about how often people are actually hitting that back button and whether or not they would be happy or how they would feel about my business if it kept redirecting them somewhere they don’t want to go. I have seen this in action before and it kind of pisses me off when I have to close my browser window altogether to get where I want to go because I am being redirected. I guess this is a little bit in the grey hat arena where you are playing a numbers game to improve bounce rate stats, but do you feel you are sacrificing the integrity of your brand by doing so? I would be curious to hear yours and others opinion, thanks!



      You made an incorrect assumption:
      “and whether or not they would be happy or how they would feel about my business if it kept redirecting them somewhere they don’t want to go”

      Your assuming that this will keep redirecting people over and over. This will redirect them once, and only once, giving you ‘one last chance’ to engage the visitor.
      I and many other product vendors have used this tactic on our sales pages, and I can say from experience, it works very well.

    Jean van den Boogaart

    Hi Brett, Does this only work when the visitor clicks the back-button? I think most people just exit without clicking the back-button…………………..


      Here is a excerpt from the review above:

      “You can set it to redirect a user if they try to close the browser (or if they type in a URL manually)”

      Hope that helps

        Jean van den Boogaart

        I pass on this one. I personally hate it when people force me to go somewhere I don’t want to go. If I want to close the page I want to close the page. If I want to go back to the previous page I want to go to the previous page. I think many people feel like this so I think it’s a poor concept and I don’t understand why you give it your thumbs up.


          I gave it my thumbs up because it works. What you or I think about redirecting personally does not matter. We wont be using it on ourselves. The simple fact is that this works.


    I installed it on a few sites and it appears that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Anyone else have the same experience.


      Zero Bounce has a feature so people are not constantly barraged with redirects, your likely cooked / flagged as being sent to the redirect, in which case it wont redirect you again. Make sure you clear your cookies and restart your browser between tests.


    Hi Brett,

    Also, the script seems to be bouncing people off even surfing around a site. What do you recommend the redirect link should be, can it be off to other site, say affiliate site for example or it must be within the site itself in order for the Google bounce rate not count for that particular visit?


    antalya escort

    Hey! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with SEO?
    I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m
    not seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share.

    Thank you!


      The only SEO plugin you need is one that allows you to add meta data to your blog posts (title, content, keywords) etc. Further than that you really only need to post good quality content.

    Attila Bodnar

    Hi Brett I have this plugin and Nobounce plugin too, but now I dont use them because I fear that Google can penalize my site. In example if your site get a manual review of Google its sure that you will lost your rankings , or you will sandboxed. What is your opinion?


      I wont pretend to know what Google will or will not do if they manually review, since anything I say would be a guess. I will say though, if Google takes the time to manually review your site, there have been complaints about it most likely, and you have bigger problems than a bounce plugin.

    Michael Davis


    You indicated in a post above that you would not be implementing such technology on your site/this site. I was wondering if you could expound on that more. I am seriously debating this one and was wondering if you could share more on this topic? Thanks!

    Michael Davis

    I read this above:

    “I gave it my thumbs up because it works. What you or I think about redirecting personally does not matter. We wont be using it on ourselves. The simple fact is that this works.”

    I guess I read it too fast when you said, “We wont be using it on ourselves”. I guess you mean you (we) won’t be using the redirect on ourselves when we are viewing the site? Sorry for the confusion.


    I was hoping you’d use this plugin on this site so I could experience it from the user’s side… Any chance you can turn it on here?


      lol .. you caught me in the worst thing that anyone working online can do .. thinking “Ill install it later” and then forgetting to do it. I have it on my test blog, and got tied up with work and forgot to put it on my main blog. So if you buy this, don’t be like me and forget to use it 🙂


    I do not like their marketing if you purchase their first version for $25 your hit with the OTO $37 so what good it the first $25 old one you just bought? Whats even worse if you read what they put in the upgrade sales page it says we listened to peoples feedback from the first version so here is the better version.


      I totally get what your saying: When I bought my computer, they asked me if I wanted to upgrade to more RAM and a bigger hard drive. I told them the same thing. What good was the computer they where selling me in the first place? Same thing when I had lunch at McDonalds, they asked me if I wanted to ‘super size’ my french fries, which obviously means that the regular fries I bought already where worthless.


        so I have to buy $27 version to get pro version works? Or I can skip $27 version and go directly buy Pro version at $37?


          Generally you will always have to buy the FE version as the price of the upgrade is set with the understanding that you already payed the FE amount. Ie. the PRO version is not $37, its $64, but to upgrade your charged $37 since you already paid $27 on the front end sale.


    Hi Brett
    I really appreciate your reviews. Thanks.
    Instead of a redirect on the first visit, is it
    possible to activate the plugin only on subsequent
    visit of our choice; 2nd or 3rd etc?
    It would be better for what I do.


    Just checking to see if these comments require approval to see if they are legit or not before I buy this


    Hi Brett, do i still can buy this plugin from you?

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