PayTrix [interview, review, bonus]
Solid training, from people actually qualified to give itNEG:
Not for someone who is not committedToday I want to talk about a new affiliate marketing training called Paytrix: To start with, watch my interview with creator Jono Armstrong Affiliate marketing is one of the most attractive ways to make money online. With affiliate marketing you do not need a product. You do not need to do support. There […]
Today I want to talk about a new affiliate marketing training called Paytrix:
To start with, watch my interview with creator Jono Armstrong
Affiliate marketing is one of the most attractive ways to make money online. With affiliate marketing you do not need a product. You do not need to do support. There are no software updates or tech issues. There are no PayPal issues. With affiliate marketing you just send people to an offer and if they buy you get a percentage of the sales price. Its nice and clean and compared to other ways of making money its often frankly a lot less work.
I have been in the internet marketing space for quite a while at this point and I have reviewed hundreds and hundreds of products. Truth be told normally when someone messages me, telling me that they have some kind of ‘guaranteed affiliate system’ I generally don’t get to excited and I rarely give it much interest. However there was one very specific number that made me interested in learning more about Paytrix. That number is 28,739. This is the dollar amount of sales two of the creators of Paytrix (Jono and Rich) sent to my last launch in only three days. When someone sends you nearly $10,000 a day in sales as an affiliate and then tells you they have a training that teaches exactly how they got to the point of being able to do that you listen up (if you are smart). So I asked Jono if he could do an interview with me so I could learn more.
While interviewing him I was surprised to learn that he has only been in the internet marketing space for 15 months, and already he is able to do promotions that generate him $1500 a day in profit. I know for a fact that he can do this, because I paid him thousands of dollars personally when he acted as an affiliate for me. He explained that he is able to do this because he follows a well thought out, step by step plan of action that he has been repeating and refining since day one. Honestly getting to the point where you can do 4 figures per day in only 15 months is quite good and I only know of a few other people (honestly I only know one, and that is me) who came up so fast.
The PayTrix training starts with Jono teaching the basics. The roots of being an affiliate. He teaches how to build a list using squeeze pages and various paid (Bing) and free traffic sources. He then continues on to explain how to pick a good product to promote and how to do an effective promotion. After the basics Richard takes over and covers some advanced tactics for maximizing your profits in your promotions. These tactics allow them to increase there income by as much as 75% on each promotion and honestly have me rethinking how I do my own affiliate promotions.
While I do not want to get into to much detail about the training because I dont want to ‘give it away’ in this review I will instead say that their tactics are well tested, well proven, and I know for sure that they are qualified to be teaching affiliate marketing given that I have personally paid them a ton of money in affiliate commissions. I will also say that unlike many training products I have seen there really is nothing left out of this one. They dont hold back and instead provide a complete action plan. Of course you will need to actually take action for this to work for you, however if you do take action and put in a reasonable effort I have no doubt that using their system you can do well.
The cost of this training is quite low, something like $15 and because of that I was a little concerned as to what the upgrades would be. Often you see people offering a low initial price product only to try to gouge them later with a high priced upsell. Because of this, even though I do not normally review OTO’s I asked them to let me know what they are in this case. Here they are:
OTO1 – DFY Templates – $27
10 done for you bonus pages complete with back end offers where the customer will get 100% of any income. They get full reseller rights included for all upsell offers.
OTO 2 – Bonus Page Software – $37
Full SAAS platform software to automate the process of creating the bonus pages with built in back end offers. Eleven offers built in with one new offer added per month. (This will normally sell at $37 PER MONTH, but for the launch period, its available for a one off fee instead)
OTO 3 – Software Affiliate Power Pack – $47
Three different SAAS platforms of software that help them generate more traffic to help with affiliate campaigns.
Now I want to be clear, I did not test these OTO’s however from what I can see they are reasonable offers and what I would consider “good oto’s”. By this I mean they are things that are totally optional. They are things that offer additional value and that are sold at a fair price and are not designed to simply gouge the customer for as much money as possible.
As for Paytrix itself, well this one is easy. One of the biggest problems with starting an online business that people have is that they are always being hounded by self proclaimed experts who have some get rich quick method for them to buy. Well Paytix is not a get rich quick method. It will not make you a millionaire over night and you are going to have to put in effort. What it is instead is a proven system created and used by people I personally know 100% for sure can ‘walk the walk’ when it comes to making money as an affiliate marketer. As I said, this one was easy:
Bonus: As ever I want my followers and subscribers to get the best value possible, and with that in mind I negotiated some special bonuses from the Paytrix team. You will get all of the normal bonuses on the sales page, but if you pick up Paytrix though me you will also get the following special software bonuses WITH RESELLER RIGHTS!
Video Enigma is a one stop website video engine that lets you build automated traffic direct from Youtube. You can auto set comments, schedules, multi user subscription, categories and reports and much more.
The one stop content creation and posting engine for the three top networks. Create, edit and schedule rich media content for the ultimate engagement with your audience.
I have added access access instructions to these bonuses to JVZoo so you can get them right away after picking up Paytrix though my link.
Click here to get Paytrix and these special bonuses!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
As a customer of your products Brett, and a customer of Jona’s, I must say I was pleasantly surprised to watch this interview of him. I will be buying the Paytrix product through your link as I trust in your reviews. To watch how impressed you were with his volume of business sent your way, and to hear how sincere you were about Jona in regards to the length of time he has been doing affiliate marketing, has lit a flame under my struggling butt to really get moving in this industry. WOW, 15 months and he has accomplished so much!! Thank you Brett for this interview. Maybe someday Jona and his team, and You will compile a product that we all could use. That would be a welcome endeavor!
Have a greater than average day!
I, unfortunately, have purchased Paytrix already but I have to agree with your concluding remarks. Both Jono & Richard are the real deal and give 100% to their product. Definitely, a lot of work involved but they basically give you all of their experience. Whoever thinks that affiliate marketing is easy is dead wrong and in order for you to succeed it is critical that you stick with mentors that have proven themselves and honestly give you all the tools and experience necessary to succeed! I give my stamp of approval for you, Jono & Richard!
Brett, thanks for the interview. I bought PayTrix after watching this. Jono said he was able to get $1 to $1.50 per lead via BingAds in the interview with you, but in the training video, he was paying $1.80/click. Newbies who go into BingAds expecting to pay $0.50 a click is going to be disappointed, just a heads-up.
Per click and per lead are very different.