How Bretts agency access works.
How Bretts “agency access” system works:
One thing people often ask me is “if you had to start all over again, from scratch, with nothing, what would you do?”. Now they are asking what I would do, but what they really want to know is what they should do in order to be successful in the internet marketing business. The answer I give is always the same, “I would create and sell my own digital product”. Why do I always give that answer? Because selling your own digital product is the #1 thing you should be doing. Its what I did when I first got started. Its what allowed me to make millions of dollars online. Its what every single successful marketer does, and it is what everyone just getting started should be doing.
I honestly could never understand why so many people just getting started refuse to accept this one simple fact. If you want to make money (online or offline) you have to sell something. Why else would people give you money? I mean really, even the term ‘Internet Marketing’ is inclusive of selling. After all what is ‘marketing’, its selling. The only thing I can thing of is that tons of vendors with their ‘push button riches’ bullshit sales people have people chasing some pipe dream of ‘you can make money from thin air without anything’ ..well for anyone caught in that fantisy trap, you should ask yourself, ‘What are those people saying that nonsense really doing?’. Yep they are selling people something.
Now I’m not saying people should be selling BS crap products, but really if you want to make money online you should be selling a decent, useful, working product, training or tool to people. As I said this is what I and every single successful person in this space I know does (think that’s just a coincidence .. its not). When you sell your own product you get paid to build your buyers email list. Every sale is not only money in your pocket, its a new lead that you can sell future things to or that you can use to do affiliate marketing (think its also a coincidence that the top vendors are the top affiliates).
There are some problems though. Problems that I realized people have long ago and that my agency access is designed to solve. You see I realized that for a lot of people creating a digital product is not so easy. First you need a product idea. Then you need the tech skill to turn that idea into a software (or you need thousands of dollars to pay someone). Then you need a server, you need to test the software, you need to updated it ongoing. All of this is just the product. In order to actually sell it you need a sales page (with good sales copy). You need a sales video. Then you need to do support. Its a lot of work that requires a lot of skills or a lot of money to pay people with the skills to do it for you. I realized that even for the people who understand that they need to sell something the technical skill and / or financial investment required might make creating and releasing their own digital product unrealistic.
Because of this I created my “Agency Access” system. Agency Access is my proprietary system that lets people sell my software ‘as their own’. Now it is not a white label. They dont get to rebrand the software. Instead they are selling my software under their own name on JVZoo. This is important because agency users get to set their own price (I normally have minimums though to prevent pricing wars). They get to attract their own affiliates to promote for them. They get to keep the buyers email list and make money from each sale. All with everything done for them. I have created the software, the members area, the sales page, the sales video, I even do the updates and support ongoing for them.
Below is a video that shows the setup process for my Profit Canvas agency. While this video is for Profit Canvas specifically, the process is exactly the same for every software that I offer agency access to:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett you always make quality products and as a Member of IM Insider I’m blown away getting this free with my membership – wow man! I think as far as costs of membership goes you have provided so much value with your software I am WAY in front for a LONG time yet and I’m sure it will continue. CTA Bots is an awesome addition to my arsenal of USEFUL tools, cheers – David
Thank you for the kind words!