FB Commission Formula [review]
Solid training that teaches one of my favorite traffic sourcesNEG:
None, so long as you take action on the trainingFB Commission Formula (7 day commission formula) training review and bonus by Brett Rutecky
Today Im looking at a new training called FB Commission Formula also called 7 Day Commission Formula
I kind of think Mario couldn’t decide on what to call this training product. In some material he is calling it “FB Commission Formula” in others he is calling it “7 Day Commission Formula”. However personally I don’t really care about the name of the product. Im much more concerned with is it a quality training that is really going to help people make money online?
To answer that we first have to understand exactly what this training is about and what it teaches. This training is designed to teach people how to use Facebook ads to send targeted traffic to a bonus page for an affiliate product to then earn a affiliate commission. In short the concept is you a) Create a bonus or review page, b) Use Facebook ads to send targeted traffic the bonus page, c) People click the affiliate link you have at the bottom of the bonus page, if they buy you get a commission.
So when reviewing a training there is actually two things to consider. The first is the concept of the training. The second is the execution of the training.
As far as concept goes for FB Commission Formula: it is excellent. Why do I say that? Because I do this myself. I use Facebook ads to send traffic to my blog (review pages) and after people read the review some of them click my affiliate link and make a purchase. In fact here is some stats from one of my campaigns.
For this campaign I spent just $10 on ads, got 65 clicks to my review, of those 65 people 30 of them clicked my affiliate link and 4 of them purchased. Now that may not seem like a lot of sales but something you have to understand is that affiliate products pay out huge commissions for IM products. These commissions are much higher than anything else you can get online and are normally 50% or higher. Because of this I was getting $13.96 on average per sale. So those 4 sales earned me $55.84 gross for a net profit of $45.84 cents.
Now $45 might not sound like a lot but from a business perspective that is amazing. Why? Because I only invested $10 to start with. Where else can you invest $10 and get a 450% ROI on that $10 a day later? No where, but you can doing this! Also lets not look down at $45 per day. That’s $1350 per month or $16200 per year. For a lot of people an extra $1350 a month could make a huge difference in their quality of life.
The biggest issue I had with this particular campaign is that I did not spend enough money on the ad. Had I invested more in the ad spent, with this killer RIO, I could have earned a lot more money. In fact ads that I run now have a much bigger budget and while I don’t always get a 400%+ ROI, I always get a double digit return and very often double my money or more.
What makes this work is as I said the fact that when done correctly you can get targeted clicks from Facebook for such a low price. In this example you can see I got 65 clicks for $10. That’s just over 15 cents per click. Couple that with the fact that IM products pay out such huge commissions and there is a ton of room for profit.
So as far as concept goes I have to say its great. I know this works because I do it. But what about the execution of the training?
The training is divided up into 5 modules with a couple of individual videos per module. In the training Mario explains step my step what you need to do to make this work. He covers the basic concepts and tactics, explains how to select a good IM product to promote, shows you how to make your bonus / review page, and finishes up with teaching you how to create winning ads in Facebook that are properly targeted. The videos are high quality and to the point. Mario is obviously not a newbie when it comes to making training videos. He is very good at it. Also I personally liked that the videos where not long winded and boring. They cover everything you need to know but they get to the point without a ton of fluff.
So what do I think of the FB Commission Formula? Well approving this was a total no brainier. Why? Because its quality training, but more importantly because it is training that teaches you how to do something that I know for sure works, because I do it. Also its going to be very newbie friendly because you don’t need a list. One of the biggest problems people have when trying to make money in the IM space is that they don’t have a list. But with this tactic you don’t need a list at all so one of the biggest problems people have is removed.
If your looking to get started making money online FB Commission Formula (7 Day Commission Formula) is going to be a great investment. If you use Facebook ads the correct way you can 100% for sure make money with them. The key though is that you have to use them the correct way and Mario teaches you the correct way.
Mario has given me some great bonuses for anyone who buys through my link. You will get instant access to them right inside of the training members area.
You will get instant access to all of these bonuses as well as training that teaches a method that I know 100% for sure works (because I do it) when you pick up FB Commission Formula through my link.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Looks good , Does he have some OTO , if so any words about it ?
Im sure there is an OTO, but honestly I dont review OTO’s. This is for two reasons.
1) I just dont have time given that I thoroughly test the products I review.
2) I strongly believe that people should make a purchase decision based on if they think the product is a good value. Not on what they may or may not be offered after they purchase (something that is irrelevant until you make your initial purchase)
Make sense , but some times without OTO some products might not be very useful . But in this case , i am pretty sure it is not the case
If I reviewed a product that required an OTO to be useful it would have a big red REJECTED stamp under the review 🙂
Sorry for asking, but is an IM porduct?
IM = internet marketing, what your reading about right now is an IM product.
Hey bud. Is this just for product launches or can I use it for both physical and cpa offers?
You can but affiliate in the IM space are going to be the best because they pay the best commissions.
Thanks Brett for another timely review.
There were two OTOs. One for $27 for additional DFY ads and case studies and a second for the white label product that I passed on (I believe the price was $67).
Thanks Brett, just got it…
Keep up the great reviews.
PS: I hate when they have OTOs, feels like you only get part of the recipe and without the OTO your not going to succeed.
OTO’s are ok and also frankly in IM they are required. After network fees, processing fees, affiliate commissions and affiliate prizes the vendors would not make any money if they did not have OTO’s. They are in business they need to earn something as well (or else why would they make products). The thing about an OTO though is that it has to give more. Charging more for more is not a bad thing. But when a product needs an OTO, well then that is no good.
“After network fees, processing fees, affiliate commissions and affiliate prizes the vendors would not make any money if they did not have OTO’s.”
This is not strictly true Brett, there are some vendors who don’t offer OTOs at all nor do they offer affiliate prizes and 100%affiliate commissions as this vendor is doing
There is more than one way to skin a cat
Well obviously I was talking about making money from the launch and not back end / follow up promotions.
From the depths of despair (RankSpy) to the glorious mountain top –
FB Commission Formula.
What a roller-coaster ride IM is.
Another Great Review and the personal touch (your fb results) was the icing on the cake.
4 Thumbs UP!
(2 for the Product and 2 for your Review)
Brett thx for awesome review . just buying it now.
Hi Brett, I bought the product through your link, not for the main product, but rather because I wanted the WordPress plugin FB PIXEL INSERT with white label rights.
However I don’t see this plugin in the members training area.
How can I get my hands on the plugin?
Thanks very much!
As per the review:
“Mario has given me some great bonuses for anyone who buys through my link. You will get instant access to them right inside of the training members area.”
…so access your training purchase log into the members area and look for the bonus section.
PS: While Im particularly glad that you where interested in that bonus (I wrote it) please don’t ignore the training. Its very good info.
Hi Brett
Apparently this course has come out in the right time and your great review helped me decide to pick it up. I want to grow my audience as an affiliate marketer and learning paid traffic generation methods are what I’m trying to master at these days. I have also bought a high ticket course on paid traffic.
Although other marketers keep asking me to put out products after products and grow my buyers list quickly but I can’t get along with creating products on the topics that I don’t have any actual experience on. Also not bad to say your video on coming up with soft ware ideas dropped some thoughts in my mind. I’m thinking about create a partnering opportunity request for a software developer who is familiar with IM world and has an outstanding idea for solving an IM related issue. But the problem is I have no idea where I should publish this request to get the most exposure…
Thanks again for the great review
Most marketers are not developers. Though I happen to be both, Im the exception to the rule. You should consider hiring someone on Elance or one of the other freelance sites to create your software for you. It costs nothing to post the job at least and get some price estimates and feedback from the developers.
Thanks Brett for the response. In fact I think most of soft wares (even simple WP plugins) need to have a secure support after being released in the market. So I guess is better to keep the developer around as our launch partner. In this way I feel more secure for diving into a software launch. However we have to share a huge portion of profit with him/her but I think it’s quite worth it…
Now the problem is that I can’t set up a Job request in Odesk for a “partner” developer, since he’s going to get his commission by JVZoo…
No freelancer is going to work on a ‘commission’ basis. Pay the freelancer a flat rate to develop your software.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for your review, I also purchased from your link.
Like Joeri I was very interested in the FB PIXEL INSERT. I have logged into the members area and checked out the bonus section. Unfortunately, I also cannot see that particular plugin there.
When you log into the members training area you should see a section on the lower right for bonuses. It should be there. However given that I actually wrote that plugin I can make it more easy for you. I just emailed you a link to download it from my server.
Hİ Brett thanks so much for the great review I was skeptical when I heared about the product so I rushed to your website to find out weather you have reviewed the product and I found exactly what I was looking for..I just purchased the product throught your link..
Brett, I got this through your link based on your review (I cleared my cookies first) and I, too, can’t find FB PIXEL INSERT in the bonus section of the membership area.
I actually did not get this because of the bonuses, but since they are available, I see no reason to be left out of one. I guess it’s the fear of loss tugging at my lizard brain. 🙂
btw – I love your work.
Thanks, Michael
I just spoke to Mario. They forgot to add the plugin to the bonus section. Oopps 🙂 They are adding it now. Also I sent you an email with a download link from my server.
Hi Brett,
Can you mail the download link for the FB PIXEL INSERT plugin to me too, so that I don’t need to wait until they add it to the bonus section?
Thanks very much 🙂
Sure thing, just use the contact form to send me your receipt ID and Ill send it to you. (it might be in there already though)
Hi Brett – Can you confirm to me S/Matic is still Free as a bonus If I order in the next few minutes through your link. I have also emailed you with this question…Thanks man. Keep up the “Good work”
Sorry no its not. I was giving it as a bonus until midnight on the 7th EST time.
OK thanks anyway, I missed a great deal then as I only picked up the email an hour ago. Congrats to all that got it.
Hi Brett,
I just bought the product through your link Can you mail the download link for the FB PIXEL INSERT plugin to me too,
Thanks very much 🙂
The plugin bonus should be in the members area now.
Yes, indeed, now it is there.
Thanks Brett.
Hi Brett,
Great review as usual! I just purchased using your link, but for some reason I can’t access the product. After checking out, I was redirected straight to my purchases, but it’s not there. I also never received the email that you usually get from JVZoo. I did receive my PP receipt for payment.
Do you have a support email for them? Thanks in advance!
There should be a support email in your receipt email from JVZoo. Also I sent Mario and Alex both a Skype just now with your email address telling them you did not get your account info.
Got it now Brett…thanks!
Just caching up with all the emails…
thanks for the review Brett, just got it…indeed very professional website.
can’t wait to dig in..
all the best
Hi Brett, your reviews are just amazing! A really fresh wind in this industry!
Another thing, i love your honest and straight-to-the-point way to do reviews!
Keep this great work up! I love your Blog !