How to make money with VideoAutoClick

Posted January 6, 2015 by Brett Rutecky in Training Articles

In this video I want to explain how I make money with the Video Auto Click software. This is the exact process I can do and it is repeatable by anyone who wants to put in a little bit of effort. The basic steps are:

1) Find IM products that you can ‘review’

2) Request to promote the products and ask for a review copy

3) Make a review video of the product

4) Use VAC to post your review and your affiliate link to Facebook groups etc.

5) Repeat

Check out the video for a detailed explanation of each of these steps!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Thank you for taking away my uncertainty, bit confused when I first purchased now all I have to do is put your training into action

    Keith Flaherty

    Is there a way to do this locally?


    Can I promote the post with VAC by facebook ads?


    You’re the Man! Great job.
    I love this software, service and your attention to my success.

    Thank You,


    First, thanks for the instructional video above. It was very clear and to the point as to what to do. So basically your are posting to each of the 7 or 8 groups once per day during the entire launch. What about posting reviews for Jvzoo products that have been around for awhile i.e. ones already well past their launch date? Have you tried that and with what success?


      In my experience posting reviews about new launches is best for these two reasons.
      1) Lots of other affiliates are promoting the product, so there is a lot of buzz about it, this buzz makes people interested in real reviews which gets them to click your video.
      2) Old products that did well have been sold a lot, this lowers your potential customer base.

    Sam Bates

    It is very clear to me how you use VAC to make money. What is NOT clear to me is how to get the pixel inserted into the the page you referenced.

    I know how to retrieve the Pixel code, what is not clear to me is Where to take this pixel.

    This info would be very much appreciated. In fact

    Thank you,


    Jaison Kerr

    Hi Brett can you email me at the above address, I have messaged support but had no reply

    Cheers Jaison


      Im sorry you did not get a response, be assured I go out of my way to answer all customers as fast as I can. Did you use the contact form in VideoAutoClick (accessed by clicking the HELP button on the right of your members area). That is the best way to get support as those messages go right to my phone. Sometimes direct emails end up in spam, which is why its always best to use the contact form I provide in all of my products.


    Hey Brett,

    I just wanted to ask about the upstream sale following the sale of VAC. What is the upstream product you’ll end up selling? Do affiliates earn commission on the upstream product as well as the $9.95 on the sale of VAC?


      The OTO for this product was the right to resell VAC, and yes affiliates earned a commission for it. I say ‘was’ because my promo ends today and will likely be over by the time you read this.


    Hi Brett,

    Is there a way to post to multiple groups at the same time?

    I subscribed to more than 40 groups and it would be faster by posting all these groups simultaneously.



      No, and by the way thats a bad idea, you have the keep in mind that these groups have cross members (members in multiple groups) thats just going to make you look like a spammer.


    Hello Brett…

    Thank you for providing this extra training, I am certain that we all appreciate you doing so!

    I must confess that being a TOTAL Newbie, I found the training videos in the main members area, although EASY to follow and understand within themselves, I found them to simply not give ME personally, enough DETAILED information to make me feel comfortable in my ability to really use the “Video Auto Click” software properly!

    By the ‘training videos’ I am of course referring to these:

    Basic usage: Watch first.
    How to get a YouTube video code.
    My agency area overview.
    How to create a buy button.
    Get Facebook retargeting pixel code.

    To be quite honest Brett, I got the impression that we really NEED to upgrade to the “Agency membership Level” in order to really USE the Video Auto Click system at all.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but being that ‘total Newbie’…I would appreciate your advice on this issue!

    Regards: DAVID (Melbourne, Australia).

    Antonio Fernández

    Hello Breet,

    Thanks for the tutorial and sharing information for all to use the software correctly …

    I imagine that other colleagues have also gained upgrade Agency …. Will you share with us a short video to learn how to use it?

    Thank You

    Antonio Fernandez


    Hey Brett,

    Love the software and what a piece of cake to use, I like how easy it is and simple right off the shelf to use.. To many softwares out there that take days to figure out, I had vids posted with in 5 minutes after purchase, VAC rocks… Already paid for itself x3…thanks for a great product..

    Saundra Jackson

    Brett, Is the agency package no longer available. I some how sleep that. I always buy that if I can. Strange. Christmas has that effect on me. Back to work.


    I know you just released timeline optins, but I heard on the webinar launch today 2/9/2015 of social engage that the promoter chad nicely had never seen a video placed inside facebook newsfeed/timeline before social engage and I was thinking he must not have ever heard of or seen video auto click. Your cost is far more reasonable and gets the job done just the same.


      Chad must not be very up with the times when it comes to Social Media marketing then, because Ill be totally honest, there have been others, even before VideoAutoClick and TimelineOptions .. though I do feel mine are better (and yes I know thats a bit of a bias statement) 🙂

        Michael Rytter

        Chad Nicely is Todd Gross’s brother from another mother.. 🙂 And that’s all I’m sayin’ !:)

    Zakariyya M Spain

    Hi Brett,
    Zakariyya here, and I must say that this training video is the best I have watched and learned from. I don’t know maybe because I am recovering from a severe illness, but the simplicity and factual process of going about this whole IM strategy have never ever sank in for me until now that I watched this video. I have some of your products but I wanted to use them for offline purposes. Thanks for untangling this web of uncertainty for me. I don’t know about anyone else, but for me this is great. THANKS AGAIN.



    I’ve installed the plugin, but cannot run because it is clashing with IMSC Syndication Rockstar, a plugin from Sean RCW


    Hi Brett, this plugin ia atill avaiable? Still works? Where can I get?

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