Hey everyone: Today Im taking a look at FB Lander by Austin E Anthony.
The concept behind this WordPress plugin is that it allows you to make landing pages for your Facebook ads that have several different offers on it. The idea is to capitalize on each Facebook ad click by presenting the clicker with a couple of different (but related) offers at once. This way they are more likely to make a purchase and thus get you a commission.

The very first use that pops into mind for a plug in like this is Teesping and this does indeed seem to be what this is designed for. But as most of you know I personally dont advocate Teespring on Facebook. Its my personal opinion that its an overdone thing. Fortunately however this WordPress plug in can be used for other types of offers besides Teespring. For example in the graphic above its is being used for CPA offers. Another viable use would be for book sales, where you could make landing pages that group books together by the same author. These are just a couple of examples. Really you could use it for anything you want to sell (even Teespring if you insist)
One thing I always look for in a WordPress plug in is that it has in admin area help. I was glad to see that FB Lander does indeed have this. There is a link in the header of every page on it that takes you to a PDF guide on how to use the plug in as well as a link to contact support.

When adding a product to the landing page the plug in shows you a preview of what it will look like. This is a live preview that updates on the fly as you enter the product details. Its a very cool feature that I was pleased to see. One thing I didnt like about this though is that the only way to add the product graphic is the enter a link URL to it. This is fine if the graphic you want to add is hosted somewhere else but personally I think that there should have been a custom graphic upload option as well. Especially since WordPress has a built in uploader and graphics library.

Perhaps one of the best features of this plug in is that it allows you to add a re-targeting pixel to your landing pages. This way you can run additional ads to people who visit it but dont purchase right away. As most of my readers know re-targeting is a proven way to increase over all conversions and is something I am a strong proponent of. This alone is a very cool feature that will for sure increase your conversions regardless of the type of product are selling.
With this is that you can create as many landing pages on your site as you like. Also each landing page you have can be about a different niche. This allows you to run multiple campaigns and have multiple streams of income. It also allows you to check which niche works best and focus your ads on just those that get you the highest ROI.
At $37 this plug in is a little costly however it definitely will increase the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaigns and will get you more sales. Given this fact the $37 cost is probably justified since its a one time price that gets you an increase in income over and over.
Over all I feel that this plugin is a viable option for anyone who wants to sell niche products through Facebook advertising. It is basically a affiliate web store with built in scarcity and re-targeting ability. Because of Facebooks low cost per click ads, which are highly targeted, you can send traffic to the landing pages without spending much money. Because the landing pages have multiple products on them and built in re-targeting you can be sure you are getting the highest conversion possible.
I can see a business overlay something like this:
1) Purchase a low cost domain name and put WordPress on it (what the domain name is has little relevance).
2) Create multiple landing pages, in different niches, each with a few related high commission products on it.
3) Use Facebook ads to send targeted traffic to each of your landing pages
4) Evaluate the ROI for each landing page and adjust your ads to put more of your budget in to the landing pages / niches that bring you the highest return.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 over and over.
If done well I believe 100% that there is money to be made with this that can be had with only a hour or two of work a day (most of which will be spent in the initial setup and then in checking your ad performance)
Click the link below to learn more about FB Lander:
IMPORTANT: I got my readers a $10 OFF early bird discounted price! From 9AM – 11AM on 6-2-2014 you can get $10 off of FB Lander. I showed Austin a preview of my review and he noticed I said I wished the price was $10 less. He agreed to give it for this limited time early bird offer. Thank you Austin!

A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
About the Author
Brett Rutecky
Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.
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Hey Brett!
What else is needed to make retargeting work together with the plugin? And is there training on retargeting? Also I would like to know how much traffic can the plugin take (talking about CPA) or is this depending on the server? THX
You can get your re-targeting pixel / code from Facebook. If you need help with that then please feel free to contact me. Im always glad to be of assistance. As for traffic that is going to depend on your own server. Keep in mind though that this is not 10 years ago. These days, even a low cost shared plan can handle thousands of hits.