Download Express [review]
Easy way to secure digital products your sellingNEG:
No autoresponder integrationToday Im doing a review of a WordPress plugin called Download Express I became interested in Download Express for two main reasons. First because I know for sure that selling a digital product is something that everyone who wants to make money online should be doing. Second because I know that many people are not […]
Today Im doing a review of a WordPress plugin called Download Express
I became interested in Download Express for two main reasons. First because I know for sure that selling a digital product is something that everyone who wants to make money online should be doing. Second because I know that many people are not software developers like I am and because of this they need a reliable, yet secure way to deliver their digital product to their customers.
With the Digital Express WordPress plugin anyone can make secure pages on a WordPress site, that require people to enter their email address to access.
The plugin integrates with Thrive Cart, JVZoo, and Warrior Plus, confirms that the email entered is a email that was used for a purchase and only allows access once a confirmed purchase is verified.
Once the site visitors purchase has been confirmed they are then allowed access to the WordPress page that the plugin protects. On that page you can have download links to a digital product, instructions, tutorial videos, or anything else that you are selling.
In my example above I have only a download link since I used Download Express as a way to deliver my WordPress plugin. However I could have also added videos I wanted or anything else. You back end page is basically a secure WordPress page so building it is as easy as creating a page / post on WordPress and it has the same flexibility. With this plugin you can not only create a secure section to deliver your digital product downloads you an also create ‘mini’ membership / tutorial pages that verifies that the site visitor is actually a paying customer before allowing them access.
The plugin is well made and easy to use. It only takes a minute to set up and if you need them there are tutorials built right into it. I had no trouble with it at all creating my first secure page.In order to create my secure page I simply filled out a few settings such as my page title, product ID, and customization options (look and feel of the log in page).
After that (for JVZoo which is the platform I use) you simply take the IPN URL that they provide and add it to your product settings under JVZoo IPN URL.
You can also manually add a customer to allow access if you want. This is great for if you want to give access away as a bonus, or if you want to give JV access to potential affiliates.
The only thing I think could have been improved is they could have put in autoresponder integration. This way when people enter their email to get access they could be automatically added to your autoresponder. For many people this wont be a problem, since they will have some other kind of integration via JVZoo but I think that this still would have been a nice feature for them to add.
Because I know that selling a digital product be it training or software is the number one thing people should be doing, and because I know that many people care not developers and cant create secure pages without some assistance, I feel that Download Express is a worth considering investment for anyone looking to make money online selling any kind if digitally delivered training or software. Its fast, easy, user friendly, and a great option for people who don’t have the programming ability to create their own secure membership areas.
BONUS: As my special bonus you will get my Comment Magic WordPress plugin, WITH white label rights. This way you you will have your very first digital product as well. Comment Magic is a plugin I created to build my email list from people who comment on my blog. You get it 100% free and can sell it as your own or even rebrand it. I have added this plugin to JVZoo so you can get instant access to it after picking up Download Express through my link.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
You’re awesome, Brett! Thank you for your honesty and your willingness to back up your words with action!
This certainly does look interesting — and useful. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
This is a lovely little plugin. Solves the problem for simple protected downloads of which I will have many, so I bought this through your offer here. He has a couple of lovely unrelated offers after purchasing too so that’s very nice.
I’m assuming I could still create a funnel if I wanted by adding the download link within that funnel, or just sending them to a new funnel afterwards. As you mentioned I still want to be able to gather their email so I’ll have to make sure that is done before anyone comes to their download link.
And finally, the sweet Comment Magic plugin is the icing on the Brett Rutecky cake 😀
Thank you as always 😉
What I would do is have a new access page for each product in the funnel.
Ah right yes! That makes perfect sense 😉
Thanks so much!
Based on your rep. I will be installing on my site (work in progress).
Thanks Brett.
Does it work as a secure download delivery system for free ebooks and reports etc, without going through JV Zoo IPN ?
Or is this an adon for JV Zoo and other platforms?
Well without a JVZoo, W+ or other integration how can the system confirm a purchase?
It works with free products listed through W+. JVzoo doesn’t have that feature. So if you want to use it to deliver free products, set them up through W+.
Thank you Brett for taking the time to review my plugin. I truly appreciate it. The reason I came to you is because people value your opinion and I know you are always tough on stuff. Glad our plugin passed the test 🙂
Thanks for the review Brett and Thanks a million for the Freebie. It looks to me like there is much more value in your Freebies than there is in a lot of the Junk being sold on the Internet at unbelievable prices.
Great stuff!
Well I dont think Download Express is junk, its a decent little plugin being sold at a fair price. But yea there is a lot of things out that that IS junk unfortunately.
That is so true Victor! They are selling so much carbage on the Net for incredible Prices. Bretts self developed Plugins provide much more Value than many many bigger priced Products!
Brilliant product!
…and the OTO’s were all really good as well.
Mark Hess is a great product creator.
Thanks so much Brett
I see this works using JVZIPN… I know it can be used as a vendor on JVZoo, but now that Affiliates have access to JVZIPN, can we use it to offer downloads to people who purchase using our affiliate links?
Yes and Im actually working on a software specifically for that, so affiliates can build their list from the buyers of their affiliate promos. It well be released in about a month, Ill be taking beta testers in about 2 weeks.
WOW! Mark’s got a great site too Brett.
Just like you, he’s got some kick-butt free stuff too.
Damn Brett, it makes it hard not to get these offers when it
has you AND another good developer’s plugins that ROCK…
Thanks man, have a great one bro.
what are the OTO’s ?
Honestly I don’t know. I rarely review OTO’s because I believe the purchase decision should be based on the merit of what you are offered, not what you may or may not be offered later.
On one level, I agree – but I like products that come with white label/PLR, and it is nice to know if those are eventual options. I did see a very similar product on JVZoo recently, that does have PLR/white label option, so it becomes a consideration. 🙂
I dont believe this has that.
Thank you so much Brett !!!!
Nope, there’s no white label/PLR option….
OTO 1 – Two of Andrew Hunter’s plugins packaged together: Affiliate Surge and Sonic Reply. Normally if you purchase both of these it will cost you $114. You can get them both for $27.
OTO2 – Chad Eljisr’s Ecover Authority with developer rights. To gain access to this software with developer rights it would normally cost you $127. You can gain access for $47
OTO3 – My TubePlayr plugin with developer rights for $17
Thanks for the info Mark!
thank you Brett for the review. I bought products from Mark before, I find him to be very trustworthy and has/promote some great products.
Unfortunately, I have a similar product under a different name. otherwise, I would have jumped on this offer without any second thoughts.
All the best Brett and thanks again for the review
Would this be a good way to sell Jack Jacker Gold, or is it better to sell it using jvzoo?
Your confused. This is not a selling tool this is a delivery tool. You can deliver JJ with this yes.