Video Ads Formula [review]
Teaches how to use Facebook ads the correct wayNEG:
Please take action if you buy it (not really a negative)Several people have asked me to do a review of the new Video Ads Formula training by Mario Brown: So this evening I hit him up on Skype and asked him for review access to the training course. The front end training is made up of 6 different modules, in total there are 23 videos […]
Several people have asked me to do a review of the new Video Ads Formula training by Mario Brown:
So this evening I hit him up on Skype and asked him for review access to the training course.
The front end training is made up of 6 different modules, in total there are 23 videos that run from between 4 and 15 minutes long. There are also 2 additional ‘case study’ modules that I did not have access to which I believe are a part of the OTO / Upsell. In addition to the main training there is an additional bonus module that everyone gets access to.
This bonus module has additional lessons by some of the original ‘big boys’ in internet marketing such as Frank Kern and Mike Filsaime and others. These are recordings of presentations that where made in a live event. (I personally really enjoyed the one with Mike Filsaime in it)
Ok so what about the main training itself? Well the videos are done by Mario himself. They are screen cast type videos (with him in the corner via webcam). The videos are well done and high quality. They cover step by step the things you need to do to run and build low cost leads (your list) with Facebook video ads. They also cover things such as retargeting and other Facebook ad essentials.
Now you might be asking yourself. Why should I care about Facebook video ads? Well there is one really important reason why. Simply put: They work. I personally spend a good bit of money on Facebook ads and there is really only two ways that I know of to get the really low cost clicks from them. The first is retargeting, which is great if you have a retargeting list. The second is running video ads. This training covers both of these things.
In fact let me show you some of my ad results. First I want to show you a result from an ad that I ran which was not a video and was not directed to my retargeting list:
So without using retargeting and without using a video, I ran an ad and got some pretty horrible results. Over 5000 people viewed my ad and I only got 8 clicks. I paid $1.25 per click, which is going to be hard to earn a return from, and because of the bad results I canceled the ad after the initial $10 budget. Frankly that was $10 wasted.
Now I want to show you another ad. This one again did not use my retargeting list. It was just a general ad, but this time I used a video instead of just a graphic.
The difference is nothing short of spectacular. My engagement was through the roof. Over 100X better then when I did not run a video ad. Also once again I want to note that this second campaign did not use my retargting list. So the results where not because of retargeting they where because I was doing a video ad the correct way.
Now to be totally transparent the second ad was counting ‘video views’ and not everyone who viewed the video actually clicked my link. About 35% of the people who viewed the video actually clicked the link in the ad. But if we do some simple math we can see that 1481X.35=518 , meaning I got 518 clicks for my $30 ad spend, or just under 6 cents per click. That’s a heck of a lot better than the $1.25 I spend without using a video ad.
A lot of people get low cost clicks using retargeting and that is great if you happen to have a retargeting list. However if you don’t you are out of luck, However by using video ads on Facebook you can get similar results without needing a retargeting list. In fact you can actually build a retargeting list from your video ad.
So many people think that Facebook ads do not work. But nothing can be further from the truth. If you use Facebook ads the correct way they can be a gold mine. The trick though is knowing how to use them the correct way. Video Ads Formula is a well made, step by step training that explains how to use Facebook ads, specifically Facebook video ads the correct way. Because of this I’m going to say, if your looking to take advantage of the huge opportunity of Facebook ads or if your currently running ads but are having trouble getting great results from them, Video Ads Formula is going to be a investment worth considering.
The one thing I will URGE you to do though is, if you pick this up, please go over the videos and take action. I get a lot of traffic and leads from Facebook. It really can be a great resource if you use it the correct way. So if you get this, please do yourself a favor and take action, not next week, not when you have time, remember those old Nike commercials “Just Do It!” well that’s what I want you to remember if you decide to invest in Video Ads Formula, Just do it! The best training in the world means nothing if you don’t put what you learn into practice, and if you are not utilizing Facebook ads, you really are just hurting yourself.
** If you decide to pick this up, use coupon code “Becks” at checkout to get $5 off.
Why no bonuses? I know what your thinking here. Everyone is giving 50 million PLR bonuses Brett, where are yours, you cheep-o. Well sorry guys Im not giving any on this one for two reasons. 1) This already comes with a very cool bonus module that I highly suggest you watch and 2) As I said if you pick this up you need to keep your focus and go over the training. What good is some PLR WordPress plugin going to do you if you still can’t get low cost traffic to your site? I want people who get this to learn how to use ads the correct way, not get distracted by shiny things that will probably just clutter their hard drive. Trust me I’m not being cheap. I’m trying to help you 🙂
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Agreed! Thanks for doing this even though you are more than busy.
This confirms what I was thinking. I had already purchased this directly through Mario’s links but if I hadn’t, would have been happy to buy through your link.
Thanks and happy Sunday!
The important thing is that you got a good, valuable training 🙂
Thanks for your honest reviews. I have been following this site since I got to know about it recently. Please keep up your “straight to the facts” stuff.
Really appreciate it…..even though it took you off some time to be with your kids.
For everyone that happens to read this comment I strongly advise you to bookmark this site and before thinking of buying anything that is recently launched, check here 1st. It may just save you some $$$ and not only that —- save you previous time from going through some “crappy” products.
Hi Brett — thanks for taking the time to do the review!
I’m assuming, if we learn how to do this, there’s nothing stopping us from doing it for clients, etc. I mean, no “developer license” required, right? It’s just knowledge + skill set, yes?
— TW
Ha .. yea thats a cool thing about training, once you learn it, its yours. You can use it anyway you want. Heck you can even make your own training on it then.
Curious at why you rated the price as 3 starts. the $27 price tag seemed very reasonable to me.
It is a ‘reasonable’ price. Not an awesome price.
Hi Brett,
You are right !
I hate bonuses as they are “distractants”.
I have not make enough progress because I always wasted ton of time to entertain the bonuses.
eg. I bought a US$17 product and spent US$145 (RM450 then) and 2 weeks to download the “stupid” stuff.
By then I lost and don’t know what I did and what I bought.
I was fully distracted many times.
Thank you.
(your supporter)
Excellent review Brett, thanks so much man! 🙂
Hi Brett, Thanks again for the great review. You hit me for a six. I am one of those who buy a product and don’t focus on that product. Thanks again. I’m focused.
Thanks Brett for taking the time to do this one. Your right it doesn’t matter if you don’t take action! Now go have fun with your kids!
Hey Brett, great and honest review as usual.
Please can i use video ads formula with your product
Timeline Optins?
You can, thought the steps will be slightly different (since Mario does not have my software and is not teaching specifically how to use it)
I went to Mario’s sales page, covering every single aspect of his course modules.
One thing I noticed is that he said what brings those awesome sales results is because of his *webinars*.
Does that mean his course is centered around this concept? I don’t know.
On the different modules he offers, I don’t see any that he mentions how to create facebook video ads for the offline world (dentists, quiros, lawyers, etc).
Being a consultant to health related offline businesses, I see it won’t be easy for me to make the doctors place video ads to invite people to webinars (as Mario recommends) either because they’re extremely busy or they’re camera-shy.
On the other hand, even if they wanted, learning how to operate gotowebinars or google hangouts and all the complexities that come with it, it’s not easy. That’s the reason I didn’t go for it.
If you have any ideas or I’m wrong (because I don’t access to the course yet) let me know.
Mario is talking about his experience, in the IM niche, because he is in the IM niche. However what he teaches in this training is how to use ads the correct way to get traffic. How you use that traffic will be up to you and will depend on your particular business model.
I’m not seeing a $27 price when I click your link, but a $41 price. Am I missing something?
The price goes up throughout the launch. Tonight at Midnight it will go up again. $36 ($41 – $5) is still a fair price for this though, I wasted hundreds of dollars on Facebook ads when I first started trying to figure out how to do them correctly. This will save you the pain I went through.
Thank you for another great review. Over the years, with training products, i always wanted to rebrand them and make the into my own info, products. Who or what source could i use?
Thank you for all you do for us in the IM Space.
You really cant ‘rebrand them’ .. but what you can do is learn the training, then make your own training product based of what you learn. This is how teaching works .. think about it .. some kid goes to school, learns something, gets a degree, and then becomes a teacher who gets paid by teaching the same stuff to someone else. So if your looking to get into training and creating training products, just take what you learn and make your own training course based off of it.
Thank you, for always answering our questions!!!!!!
Hi Brett, would this product (or training to be more precise) complement Social Traffic Alchemy? In other words, would it be a worthwhile addition Social Traffic Alchemy if I already have it?
Thanks again,
Yes it would, it would compliment that training very well.
Hi Brett,
I always look forward to reading your honest reviews:-)
I have not bought yet.
Since Video Ads have the ability to generate retargeting lists, are there instances where utilizing Timeline Optins could be advantageous over Video Ads or where Video Ads are not applicable?
I’m sincerely looking for a distinction so I could maximally utilize these two valuable tools.
Lucia, your asking about one of my products on a review for a training product that has nothing to do with one of my own products. The two are not really related.
Hi Brett,
Thank you Brett for the time you take to study and review these
products for us. I purchased this because I come to learn from
you and trust your judgement. I don’t have a list but thought
it best to get this since not owning it would be worse outcome.
Anyway, I do my best to build a list and see how it goes.
Sick and tired of reading and not doing. All that has begun
to change now that I am on your team.
Thanks Again from a Profit Canvas owner as well!
Hi Brett,
Please I will like to know is it okay to use video from socivids for facebook ads?
Price went up to 97 dollar. To bad, wanted to buy.
Was looking through my email today and saw an Internet Marketer(not going to mention his name) also giving a review (actually it was an interview) of this same program and I quickly deleted it (and now thinking of unsubscribing from his list) because he wasn’t giving a review of the course(he never has) but just likely going to interview the owner. There’s a big difference between a review and an interview and I hope he realizes that soon…. but when I saw ur email I got interested and wanted to hear what you thought of the program through ur experience with it… you’re doing good work man… and if I ever want to do a review of a program/course am doing it your way and would would most likely buy from you than from people that do interviews instead of a review.