eCom Premier Academy [review]
I honestly believe that anyone who really tries can make money with this.NEG:
Very fewToday Im doing a review of a new training that has been getting a lot of attention : eCom Premier Academy First off I want to apologize for this review coming in late. I got access to eCom Premier Academy a few days ago and almost did not get to review it. Not because it […]
Today Im doing a review of a new training that has been getting a lot of attention : eCom Premier Academy
First off I want to apologize for this review coming in late. I got access to eCom Premier Academy a few days ago and almost did not get to review it. Not because it was bad, not because I did not like it, but quite the opposite. As always when I review a training I personally go over it myself. While I’m going over it I normally take notes on things I liked or did not like and then when I complete the course (which might take more than one day) I write my review. However eCom Premier was different. After I completed the course I didn’t start writing my review. Why? Because I was excited about what the course thought me, and I started taking action on the training and doing it myself. In fact I got so into taking action that I almost forgot to write the review.
First let me explain what eCom Premier is. Its a very intensive training course that explains step by step how to find quality low cost products to sell with a Shopify store, and then use Facebook, SEO, Pinterest and other sources to get low cost, yet interested traffic to your store. In essence it teaches you how to build a web store selling physical products.
I have been interested in building a web store personally for quite a while. Even though I have done very well selling software there are a lot of advantages to having a web store. First of all its just good to have diversification. Having more than one income source is always a good thing because it gives you security. Second of all, and most importantly is scale.
You see I personally write and support all of the software I sell. So regardless of how great my products are or how well sell they I am always limited by the fact that I am just one person. I can only write software so fast and I can only type so much code in a day. So the only way for me to ‘scale up’ would be for me to find other, highly skilled software developers to hire. The problem is finding highly skilled software developers is easier said than done. This need to find professional talent will be a hindrance in growing my online business as far as selling software goes.
Its even the same for product reviews. I make no secret that when I approve a product, if someone clicks my approved link and buys the product I reviewed, I earn a commission. But not everything I review gets approved and even though I do earn money from the ones I do like I am still only one person, I cant review all the products, so once again I cant ‘scale up’.
However with a web store scaling is not a problem. Your not making a product, your buying a product at a low price and selling it for a higher price. This makes scaling super easy. You not limited because your a retailer not a manufacturer. With a store, selling physical products I can be as big (or as small) as I want. There is no inherent limitation because unlike selling software that I write or doing reviews I’m not selling my time. Really that’s what I’m doing when I do product reviews or create a software. I’m still just selling my time. I’m selling the time it took to review a product or I’m selling the the time it took to write and support a software. With a store I’m not selling time, I’m buying something for $1 and selling it for $3. Also since packaging, shipping etc is not exactly skilled labor I can easily outsource the actual ‘work’.
Though I have been interested in a web store for a long time there have been a few ‘barriers’ that really made me nervous about starting one. One of the biggest was: where do I get low cost products from? eCom Premier explains everything, it and made it super easy for me to find really great products that I can get for a price that is shockingly low. In fact after following the training and searching for only a few minutes I found this:
A pretty Sterling Silver (plated) Turquoise necklace for $1.25 each with free shipping included. Also something that is very cool is that I can buy as many or as little as I want. I can buy them one at a time and drop ship if I like, or I can buy in bulk and do the shipping myself (and get a slightly lower price even)
Now following the training on sending traffic with Facebook, and based on my own Facebook ad experience I know that I can expect to get targeted traffic to a Shopify store for about 10-15 cents a click. Lets go with worst case scenario and assume 15 cents a click. Also I can assume that my store will convert at around 2.5% conservatively. This means that for every 100 visitors I will get 2.5 sales.
So if I sell this for $15, with free shipping, I can figure out my expected return from this item easy. 200 clicks would cost about $30 from that I would get an expected 5 sales at $15 a sale, bringing in $75. The 5 necklaces cost me $6.25 to buy and ship (they come with free shipping) so that means I’m making a profit of $75-$30-$6.25=$38.75 from my 200 clicks, and this is being conservative with the numbers, if my store converts higher or my ad clicks are a bit lower I can earn even more. Also keep in mind, that I can order these one at a time and they can be shipped for me for free. So I don’t need to invest money in inventory if I don’t want to.
Now $38 is not a ton of money. But you have to remember that’s assuming I only send 200 clicks with ads. But really why would I limit myself to only 200 clicks? If I’m making profit and I want more, all I need to do is buy more ads. Why stop with 200 people? Why not 500, or 1000, or 2500 people going to my store? With over a billion users Facebook has all the traffic I could ever want. So long as I’m making a ROI there really is no limit. Also this is just one product that I quickly found, what if I had 2 products in my store, or 3, or 5? What if people who buy one of them are offered a ‘special’ (OTO) on one of my other products? The return can be much much more. Best of all, as I said, none of the inherent limits exist like when I do reviews or sell my own software that I write.
So you might have guessed by now, yes I am personally excited about this idea. Also yes, after a lot of procrastination I personally am going to finally do it myself. After going through the entire eCom premier training and actually starting to take action I can see that this is an actual way to build a real online business, and most importantly for me, one that you can easily scale up and grow. If your interested in build a real business that does not require technical skills like coding, writing software etc, if your actually serous, committed, and ready to take action then do yourself a favor. Click the link below and check out eCom Premier Academy.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Paid $250.00 for it a couple months ago, never could make a dime…Guess I’m too stupid to put it all together. Hope you have better luck than I did.
I dont believe anyone is to stupid for this. Though you will get out what you put in. If you want I would be glad to check out your store, shoot me a link.
When I got my review access I was also given access to the mastermind Facebook group, I see a lot of people , real people saying they are making money with this. But you have to treat it like a business. This is not a push button get rich thing, its about building a real business.
Why is the advertised returns policy stated as 30 days but on the buy page is stated as 10 days?
Which is correct?
Good catch! I just spoke to Devin on Facebook. It was a mistake in the JVZoo product settings. He has corrected it. The checkout page now reflects the proper 30 day no questions asked guarantee. When I asked him to explain the guarantee here was his reply:
“It’s a 30/60 guarantee 30 days no questions asked If you don’t make money within 60 days and prove you tried We refund you + $100 to cover your first hundred ad spend”
Thats a pretty good guarantee in my opinion, 30 days no questions, and then it extends to 60 days if you try but dont make money.
Thank you for the speedy reply, great guarantee so I’m off to buy.
Thanks again, Paul
Hi Brett,
Is this works from oversea/out of united state?
For oversea sellers ,we do keep the stocks?
Are there any monthly fees for ecom premier academy? And how the buyer pays @pay pal /credit card?
Thanks n rgds
It does not matter where you are located.
You can choose, you can keep your own stock, you can drop ship, and you can actually use their fulfillment center (the eCom team built their own fulfillment center) which they give you free access to as well if you like. All three of these things are taught, its up to you.
No there are no monthly fees for eCom.
Thanks for the review, Brett. I have bought, or not bought, several products based on your reviews. As much as I wanted to get on board with this, I cannot because of the refusal of this guy to honor his refund policy on two previous products that were absolutely worthless from day one. He went as far as posting a public apology for the failure of one, but still did not refund my investment. Hopefully someone else will come up with similar training that will afford me the opportunity to enter this market confidently.Thanks again. Always appreciate your blunt and honest reviews.
Devin did not honer a refund .. that’s something I would not expect. Are you sure it was one of Devin’s products and not something he was partnering with? Sometimes people get confused when two marketers team up on a launch. Keep in mind when this happens the product can only be sold under one of their name, so only one of them can issue a refund.
Something to keep in mind .. if you ever buy something through me, and have a valid reason for a refund that is within the stated policy, but the vendor does not honer it, you be sure to let me know and I will make sure you get it. I can be quite ..err.. assertive .. with these vendors when I need to, and I’m not shy about telling them how it is. 🙂
I totally agree with Anthony and Ed as I had the similar experience with the vendor. The vendor claimed there were no relaunch this product again in the future. So I stupid bought them all.
In their webinar, they promoted other product that was very expensive.
Those earning reports are screen shots, not trust-able!
WE always trust Brett’s earning reports that is showing real time from his account.
I really dont think that should be a factor at all, either something is a good investment or it is not. That really should be the only consideration when making a purchase decision (in my opinion).
Hi Brett,
For your experiment of doing the store, do you mind sharing your actual results and the cost analysis of it? e.g. how much is actually needed to create a store and to run it? Also, can you demo your store for our quick preview?
Thx n regards!
Im still building it .. as I said Im taking action on the training. Once I get some sales etc I will for sure share my results.
Nice review. Thank you! And more importantly, where can I get that necklace for $1.25 for my daughter for Christmas!! 🙂
You can get it from me for $15 soon 🙂
thank you for the review Brett, I was wondering what was this all about…
Great Review Brett, i was in the same Shoes like you. But now i will take action on my own store. Keep up your great work!!
Greetings, Daniel
Hi Brett, After reading your review I tried several times to purchase this product through your link last night before the timer ran out. The transaction would not process though my paypal account though I know I had more than enough funds to cover the purchase with my associated bank account. I’m wondering if there is any way you can help me gain access to this training product at the introductory price or who I can contact to see if they will honour my attempt to purchase. Thank you for your honest feedback on so many products. Christina
Im sorry there is really nothing I can do about the launch period ending as its not my product its someone elses that I was reviewing.
Dear Brett
‘Instant eCom profits’ was given practically the same rating as this by you, Brett.
Which out of the two would you recommend starting with using and does the ownership of one make it unnecessary to own both.
A. 🙂
eCom Premier Academy is better honestly, but its no longer for sale and when it did it cost a bunch more. eCom profits is a good training course though so dont get me wrong.
Thanks Brett. Greatly appreciated. A.