Bay Profits Academy [review]
Solid training on a proven conceptNEG:
Ebay has a small listing feeToday I’m doing a review of a new e-com training called Bay Profits Academy There have been plenty of people making a lot of money with e-com (selling physical products), and there have been plenty of training products to teach e-com. I understand why. E-com has a certain appeal that selling digital products does […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new e-com training called Bay Profits Academy
There have been plenty of people making a lot of money with e-com (selling physical products), and there have been plenty of training products to teach e-com. I understand why. E-com has a certain appeal that selling digital products does not. With physical products there are no updates, there is no tech support, you don’t have to build a list or create squeeze pages, and often, if you use a drop shipper you don’t even need to have the product your selling before you sell it. Also for many people selling a physical product just seems more ‘real’ and frankly you can have a wider customer base.
But so far just about every e-com training I have ever seen always focuses on one common theme. Starting your own store. Be it a Shopify store, or a self hosted store, they always focus around starting one of your own. While starting your own store is all well and good it does come with one major problem. Traffic. Online the old ‘if you build it they will come’ for sure does not apply. So if you build a store of your own your left with that big question: Where do I get traffic? Because without it I’m dead in the water.
Well you could spend a bunch of time hoping for SEO and organic traffic (that honestly will likely never come). You can spend a bunch of money trying to master paid ads and hope to get an ROI. Or you can take the short cut. The sensible approach. An approach that is so obvouse that I’m surprised that no one every taught this in the first place. What is it? Don’t build your own store. Sell your product somewhere that is already getting a ton of traffic, that is full of buyers looking to spend money. This makes perfect sense when you think about it. It’s the same reason physical stores open up in a busy shopping mall as opposed to some out of town location, because it just makes a lot more sense (and is a lot easier) to sell where the customers already are them it is to try to funnel customers from somewhere else to where you are.
As you might have guessed Bay Profits Academy is about selling physical products on Ebay. Now I’m not talking about selling the unused things in your garage. It teaches you how to sell physical products from mass suppliers such as Alibaba and others. In short it teaches you how to start a real e-com business with real suppliers, selling new products, in a place where there is a ton of customers looking to spend money.
I actually did a little bit of Ebay selling a long time ago, way before I got into the IM business, or even into coding. In fact I guess technically the money I made on Ebay would be the first money I actually made online. What I did was buy unopened, no longer needed cans of baby formula for 30% of the retail value, then sell it on Ebay for 65% of its retail value. But the problem I had was that I did not have a regular enough supply of product to sell. Also I was buying the product before I sold it so I needed to invest money up front. However Bay Profits Academy teaches you how to find reliable and virtually unlimited sources of merchandise to sell and even how to get started without needing to invest in inventory up front.
The training is broken up into 6 main modules, with each module having multiple training videos in them. The videos are short, to the point, easy to follow and not full of fluff that wastes your time or gets your bored to tears. While I liked the training and thought it was good I did need to know that the creator of the training was actually doing what he was teaching so I asked him to link me to his Ebay account so I can actually see that he is a top seller.
But then I realized that anyone can link to an Ebay profile and that is no proof that he is actually the owner of that account. So I asked him to log into the account live for me. Which he did. And now I feel comfortable that the vendor is actually well qualified to teach people how to sell physical products on Ebay.
So what do I think of Bay Profits Academy? Well I know a couple of things. First I know that a lot of people make money online selling physical products. Second I know that a lot of people try to make money online with physical products but fail because of traffic issues. Third I know that Ebay has a lot of buyers (as in millions and millions) ready to spend money. Finally I know that people for sure can make money buying from a source and selling on Ebay (since I actually did it myself though on a very limited scale).
While selling digital products is my personal favorite thing to do. If your looking for a way to make money online that does not require all the tedious things such as setting up squeeze pages, building a list, doing reviews or interviews, doing support and updates, and product creation, then Bay Profits Academy just might be exactly what your looking for.
Bonus: The vendors are generously providing the following bonuses for anyone who grabs Bay Profits Academy though my link.
Click here to get Bay Profits Academy and all the bonuses. These will be delivered by the vendor and are right inside the members area.
I also negotiated a special bonus for my readers and subscribers only: The VideoJack software and all of the OTO’s!
I have added the access instructions to JVZoo so you can get instant access to this special additional bonus as soon as you purchase. Click here to get Bay Profits and all the bonuses including VideoJack with ALL the OTO’s!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hello Brett, if i buy it from you i will get vidiojack all funnel?
Yes as I said.
Looks tempting. If we already have Video Takeover, do we really need VidioJack? Just checking. Thanks for all that you do for us!
You might not, thats something you need to decide honestly. Also truth be told I did not test VideoJack, I normally dont test bonuses.
Brett could you please respond to the 7 times I have contacted you thru,
contact me and numerous emails to admin@brettrutecky.com.
Thank you Bob
I think somehow they seem to have fallen into the black hole.
No I cant because there is no email address “admin@brettrutecky.com” .. there is a contact form right here on my blog and if your a customer there is a support email in everyone of my products. Neither of which is that email address. So honestly it does not matter if you email that address 700 times, Im still not going to answer, since it does not exist 🙂
You say you also used the ‘Contact Me’ form as well that is on this blog. Well if you have, and if you entered a correct response email address I 100% guarantee that you got a reply. Since that gives an auto reply at the very least.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for the honest reviews. I would like to know approximatively how much is the minimum budget to launch the BPA business. It would be useless to buy a course you cannot invest in as most of ecoms require a lot of budget for the fulfillment. In the salesletter they say Salman went from zero to near to million and later that one needs just a “small budget” without telling the truth like others. So please, since you have talked to Salman, what is the minimum required to start BPA? Thanks a lot for your usual honest answer.
You need a small budget because of Ebay listing fees. Obviously the larger the budget the more listings you can do initially, but I would expect $30 or so is a good place to start if you choose your products / listing wisely. Which is pretty darn low to start a business when you consider the cost of starting a brick and mortar business 🙂
I just sent you another contact me form.
“This is a test, I get no automated response from this contact me form. I have had this email for over 10 years, nothing in junk inbox ”
I know my is email good, I think you have a problem on your sending side, from the contact me page. I get all of your
Promo emails, no problem straight to my inbox.
I did locate your correct email from several prior purchases and sent my
request to it.
Thanks Bob
Yes I got that email, and I ignored it, because it was spam. Sending someone an email that says “this is a test” is pointless, rude, and a waste of both of our time. You not only did that once. You did it multiple times today. How would you like it if I sent emails that said “this is a test” 3-4 times a day? I respect you enough not to do retarded things like that. Please give me the same respect.
I sent you that email, as that is exactly what I sent you in your Contact Me form, from this Blog page of yours.
You are not getting the messages I continue to send you regarding a Bonus plugin you promised for the purchase of 1-Click Video Site Builder PRO Version,
1-Click Video Site Builder Plugin,
1-Click Video – Developers Unlimited.That test email I sent was to see if I would get a automated response as You said I would. I have never received an auto response from all 8 times I have used your contact me form from: http://brettrutecky.com/
I am not trying to take up your time and only show you that something is wrong with your contact me form. In addition I only sent that test thru your contact me form for the above explained reason, and 1 copy to your email address to try to let you know you have a problem on your side.
Did you receive my other email with all the purchase info, for the bonus plugin? Should I just refund the purchases to jvzoo and repurchase else where, as it is now on the market again
Thanks Bob
So you messaged me 8 times over the last couple of days, as well as 4 times today with a email that says “test” then wonder why my system is flagging you as spam. Refunding your purchase will disqualify you for the bonus. I guarantee you the auto reply email is going out, though I cant guarantee you that your email client is accepting it or putting it in your inbox. My proper support email address is: support@oursupportdesk.zendesk.com, please be respectful though and dont spam me 4 times a day with ‘test’ emails as its likely the support desk will mark you as a spammer automatically if you do that.
Hey Brett,
Just a couple of concerns.
1. Where do you get the product?… I realize you can’t say exactly where here, but is it easy to get… Like I know you can buy it over sea’s, but I also know that takes weeks to get it shipped to your client, not crazy about that idea IF that’s where it comes from.
2. Traffic…how do you get it, again I know you cant say here…I just want to know if its expensive and or difficult to get?
not asking to reveal whats in the product just curious if these 2 things are pretty simple, inexpensive and reliable.
thank you
I don’t mind answering since both of your questions are answered in the review itself.
1) As I said in the review, from sites like Alibaba
2) As I said in the review, the point of selling on Ebay is that you don’t need to get traffic.
If you did not read the review I suggest you take a moment to do so. I want to make sure you are informed about what this is and only buy after having all the information.
yeah I had to re-read it, must have went over it to quick the other day, I thought there would be more to the traffic part of it, besides just listing and hoping that the client buys your product over the other 50 other listings for the same item…
Then its just a price war at that point….you must believe its worth every penny if your approving it though. thanks for the info…
“other 50 other listings for the same item” .. well you might actually have to put a little bit of thought into what you list for sure. Sounds to me like your going to be negative no matter what though.
Brett, are your bonuses for the front end or do I need to get the oto?
Just the FE for my bonuses.
Incredible bonuses. Thank you for everything Brett.
Dear Brett:
Can you tell me what the OTOs are?
No I dont review OTO’s, there is no need to. Either the offer is a good value or it is not. Thats the only consideration.
For the record: I bought all 3 products in the funnel. Went through all of them. An excellent idea and the actual products look quite good. However, I refunded all of them because the vendor is a completely unprofessional 17-year-old jerk. No customer service (even after 8 days), refuses to answer questions on his FB page, his accent is so thick that I couldn’t understand most of his voiceovers on his lesson videos (no excuse for that and he refuses to either fix it or issue pdfs). Several other people besides me complained on his FB page about these issues. If he can’t handle his product launch, for pete’s sake, hire a VA already. No vendor has the right to accuse me (a responsible and professional customer) of being ‘negative’ when all I did was offer reasonably polite and honest feedback. Sometimes customers are the problem, as Brett often says. Sometimes, it’s the vendors. Too bad, because the product idea is excellent. The vendor, not so much.
One thing I cant review is the people. They will always be nice to me because they know if they are not I will write about it. Sorry you had a poor experience. Just a FYI though, the person you where speaking to was likely not Declan it was probably his partner during this launch.
Up to now, Brett had a perfect recommendation record with me, lol. JOKE. Seriously, this isn’t at all Brett’s fault. Good product, stupid vendor.
How can we make sure we can deal with Declan if we go ahead and purchase;and what are the ongoing costs?
Is the training basic enough for a senior person who has never purchased or sold anything on eBay before?
I do not believe that Declan does support. The training is fine for anyone, but no training is a ‘magic bullet’, you have to put in effort.