5rr Enigma [review]

Posted December 17, 2015 by in






Total Score

3.5/ 5

Creator: Huw Hughes
Type: Video / PDF training


Solid training from a guy who I believe genuinely wants to help people


Training videos have generic names (module 1, module 2 etc)

Today I’m doing a review of the new 5rr Enigma training.   Review Summery: First off I want to admit, I have a bit of a soft spot for sites like Fiverr and training products that teach how to make money with them. The reason being that I got my own start, and made my […]

by Brett Rutecky
Full Article

Today I’m doing a review of the new 5rr Enigma training.


Review Summery:

First off I want to admit, I have a bit of a soft spot for sites like Fiverr and training products that teach how to make money with them. The reason being that I got my own start, and made my very first bit of money online as a freelance software developer. Sites like Fiverr are basically freelance sites. A gig is nearly synonymous with a freelance job. The major difference is that when I was freelancing I had to actively try to find jobs, where as on Fiverr buyers look for you. Also unlike the freelance sites I worked on which where mostly based around coding and other technical jobs, on Fiverr you can sell almost any kind of service.

The training in 5rr Enigma is given in two different formats. There is the downloadable PDF version for those who like to read and there is the a video training for people who prefer that format.


The video training is broken up into 10 modules, though honestly each module is really only one video so it could be thought of as just 10 steps with each video covering one of the steps. The videos are clear, easy to follow and not long winded. They are everything I like to see in training videos. The one thing I did not particularly care for is that they have the generic “Module 1”, “Module 2”. This is something I never really cared for. Modules and videos should have relevant names that describe the content of the training they teach. This way if you need to revisit training or need to look back at something specific its much more easy to find the video that covers the specific topic you want to go back to.

What I really like about this training is that its down to earth, its not super hype and its not some get rich scheme. I have seen Huw’s results I know for sure he makes money on Fiverr. But he does not make outrageous claims. Hes not saying you will get rich over night with 5rr Enigma, hes not saying your going to become an instant push button millionaire. Instead he’s being very realistic and simply saying, this is how I make extra cash on 5rr and this is how you can as well. Personally I find the lack of hype appealing.

While I don’t think anyone is going to get rich with Fiverr I do believe it’s a viable way to make your first bit of money online or to make some extra cash each month. Because I know for sure the vendor does this himself and  because 5rr Enigma is a solid, down to earth training with actionable content, I’m going to say its a worth considering investment for someone looking for a proven way to get started.








Sorry, my exclusive software bonus has hit its maximum giveaway limit and is no longer available. However the good news is that 5rr Enigma is still a great course and worth the purchase price if you want to learn to make money online with Fiverr.

A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Hi Brett,

    Does the course cover what services to offer or how to get set up?

    I always get stuck when the instructions are vague (“find a service everyone needs…”)


    Hello Brett,

    Thanks so much for promoting this product. I have purchased, read the PDF and watched the videos. Nothing could be clearer and non confusing. What a great deal this course is. To the point, no fluff, clear direction and great ideas I had never heard before on how to get started. Like you say in the interview the key is take action. So I have already gotten started and have my account set up and will put up my first gig.

    Finally, I know I will make some money online while delivering a quality service that people will find helpful and useful. Greatly appreciate you recommending this.



    The checkout button on the downsell of the main product is not working


    I bought and send a email to ruteckyb@yahoo.com BUT error returned as not delivery!!

    Which is your real email??


    Brett,I`ve tried to purchase through your link but when I go to the checkout page it freezes and I can`t complete the process.

    Nate Boyd

    Thanks Brett! I am sure the program will be great to learn, but I really wanted to get your bonus because they are always great and usually worth more then the training!


    Really how long would it take a 12th grader to set this up & place on fiverr?


      This is a loaded question that is not possible to give an intelligent answer to. Why? Because we don’t know the the ’12th grader’ is. Is he average intelligence, is he smarter than most, is he an idiot? Does he have a computer? Is he illiterate? Is he blind? See what I mean.. the question is pointless so no answer can be given.

      The real question you want an answer to is how long will it take YOU to set up a place on Fiverr, that answer is something only you can give as it largely depends on your motivation to take action.


    Seeing this bonus, I can think of at least two questions I’d love answers to:

    1. Can we use ScarcityTime for clients? and

    2. Can we upload our own button, background graphic, etc.?

    Thanks so much!

    William Smith

    Man this really hurts right now because I was given access to that product as a bonus through another offer about 2 or 3 weeks ago! Crap! This would have been to have.


    Hi Brett,

    I’m a web developer and programmer so I don’t know if the type of gigs he teaches in this course will be worth it. I have looked through the sales page, but it doesn’t mention anything on the type of gigs the course covers?

    It just mentions that you don’t need any special skills to make money using what’s covered in this course. I’m kind of on the fence here!


    Hi Brett,

    Thanks for your great reviews.
    I just bought the product through your link. I must admit, I am a Level Two seller on Fiverr BUT I was more interested to your BONUS Scarcity Time Beta Tester. I will send you my invoice to your email.

    I just would like to add something: while I was in the procedure of purchasing 5rr Enigma, I noticed that the seller added 5 UP-SELLS. Each up-sell opens in a new window! Well, I have nothing against up-sells, but the seller even remembered me of Gsniper – and that was annoying. I think, up-sells up to 3 offers would be ok!

    Thanks again and have a great Christmas Holiday and great 2016!



      There where 3 upsells, but they put a downsell to each one as well. I agree, thats to much, Huw is new to IM though having been doing 5rr regularly to make money online. So I think we can give him a one time pass. And I will let him know (in a nice way) that he had to many offers in his funnel.


    Hi Brett
    Great software
    I am not really into fiver as a vendor – but do use it for outsource –
    One question that I could not find an answer to regarding your scarcity timer –

    Does it work on an external website you do not own ? Like the Jacker Plugin


    Roy Harper

    This is not a product I would have taken a second glance at if Brett had not reviewed it. When I took a good look, I see the value in the product. No, I didn’t go for any of the OTO’a, but I believe as does Brett the front end purchase has to provide value. Having never even heard of the vendor, I want to see if his product lives up to my expectations after reading and viewing Brett’s review.

    Great job Brett on the interview-style review. As someone who regularly watches the Mike From Maine Show, and likes it, I’ve got to say if you’ll continue doing interview reviews I’m likely to watch your reviews rather than the Mike From Maine Show. No offense intended to Mike at all, it’s just I really appreciate your candor when you review a product and have come to respect your abilities as a software developer.


    I just bought this product and it seems like a good investment. I am going to start working with it today. Thanks for your review it makes me feel better about my purchase.

    Philip Freeland

    I think I will book mark your site so I can return and read about some of the other sites I get.
    This 5rr I have used several times and this course really interest me but being on SS why I have to be careful on spending money I don’t have, I knew there would be upsells but my question is can I earn enough from the first course to buy the next 5?


      If $17 is an amount that you have to worry about spending then I would suggest you rethink your desire to work online or start an online business. You might try getting a part time job to save up some cash before you consider working online.

      You for sure can make money on Fiverr, but you need to put in effort. Its a lot easier to commit yourself to working online if you have a bit of security first.


    Well thank you Brett for this review. What I do not like about the WF is the fact that there is always an upsell. Why can’t they just put out a price that gets one to buy the whole package. It’s very annoying when you get a package and at the end there’s something else you need to buy.


      Thats like saying why do car dealers have different ‘trim’ models? The answer is the same, because some people dont need or cant afford the higher trim. There is nothing wrong with OTO’s, the problem is your thinking that you ‘need’ to buy it. You dont need to buy an OTO, you can choose to or choose not to, but you for sure are not required (at least not on anything I approve). Also not sure what the Warrior Forum has to do with anything.

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