NexusGPT Review
Honestly, I really struggled to find anyNEG:
I really dont see how this is going to help peopleToday I am doing a review of a new software called NexusGPT So what exactly is NexusGPT? Its a cloud based software that provides 2 major functions. First is the ability to create online business cards, the second is the ability to put virtual Chat GPT text assistants on these cards. Im going talk […]
Today I am doing a review of a new software called NexusGPT
So what exactly is NexusGPT? Its a cloud based software that provides 2 major functions. First is the ability to create online business cards, the second is the ability to put virtual Chat GPT text assistants on these cards. Im going talk about each of these features individually and point out the things I like about them and the things I do not (unfortunately there is more of the former in each case). However before I do, I want to point out one important thing: While there is a link to a support desk to request help, I did not find any video tutorials in the system at all. There was no instructions and because of that I may have found the system harder to use than someone more familiar with it. This however might be a moot point though as people who purchase this system will likely be unfamiliar with it and as such I would expect them to have a similar experience as myself. Ok with that being said, lets jump into it.
First the online business cards:
First let me explain what an online business card, at least in the context of NexusGPT. Its a single page website with very little text as well as some buttons, links to social media, a bit of contact info, and perhaps (depending on the template used) a small about me section.
When creating your online business card with NexusGPT you start my selecting from quite a few premade templates. In my test account, which is not an upgraded account, there where 40 templates to chose from. Each of these templates are designed for a specific business type. They are well designed and look good on a mobile device, which is what they are clearly made for.
I say they are clearly made for a mobile devise because they look absolutely terrible on a desktop / laptop computer. How big of a deal this is will be something each individual will have to decide, however it should be noted that a 2022 study I read stated that around 90% of web traffic is now on a mobile device, so personally I do not find the systems lack of desktop functionality to be a huge issue. One thing I did notice about the desktop view that I really liked though is that it has a built in accessibility menu so persons with disabilities can adjust to make the page easier for them to use. It also has a built in translate functionality powered by Google Translate. Both of these where nice to see and helped offset the fact that these pages look poor on a desktop machine.
Once you select your template, you can then edit it by changing the colors, text, graphics and logo. In my testing I found the editor robust but a bit clunky to use. Its not bad, but it may be something that takes a bit of experience and time to get the hang of for some people. Of course as I said, there are not tutorials built into the system, so my experience might have been a bit hindered by the fact that there was no guidance to get me started. Despite this, after playing around with the system for a bit I got the hang of it. Note: I did find a space to click to view tutorial videos, however the videos seemed to be for a different software.
How about the functionality of these online business cards? There are several 3rd party integration options for features like collecting emails, phone numbers, etc which is great but I think there is a bit of a bigger issue. The fact that these pages are super unlikely to rank in Google. With their single page, lack of meta tags, and little content it is unlikely that you will get any free traffic from the search engines to these pages.
The information provided to potential affiliates does mention that this has NFC functionality built into it. For those who do not know, NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Its the protocol allows things like contactless payments to work. There is also a very short graphical explainer video provided to potential affiliates that shows a person tapping a physical business card to a phone. Honestly though beyond that I really do not know how the NFC functionality is suppose to work and unfortunately as I said there are no tutorials (that I could find) built into the software to clear up any confusion that I have. I will say that I have a ‘gut feeling’ that the NFC functionality is more of a gimmick than a feature though, hopefully I am wrong on that (though I do not think so).
Ok now lets talk about the virtual assistant feature:
NexusGPT allows you to add what it calls a virtual assistant to your online business cards. This virtual assistant is basically a chat bot where you type in questions and get an answer from it. This functionality is powered by Chat GPT which I suspect is where the name NexusGPT comes from.
One thing I liked about this functionality is that you do not need to enter a ChatGPT API key into the system to make this work. This means that the vendor of NexusGPT is going to be covering all the API costs for you. Very cool. Unfortunately though this is probably the only thing I liked about the virtual assistant feature.
The first real issue I had with this is that you have to upgrade your account to add your own custom logo to the virtual assistant. When I questioned the vendor about this on skype, I was told “GPT Assistant Customization is one of the main feature so we keep this in OTO1 – Change GPT Assistant Image/Name/Colour theme” to me this is just lame. Upgrades and OTO’s are fine, more functionality costs more to develop and as such its not unfair to ask the customer to pay more for it, however basic customization is a basic functionality and in fact in the vendors own words it is a ‘main feature’. To be, having this as part of an OTO is just deliberately hobbling the front end product in order to require them to pay more to get functionality that should have been included. Not too awesome.
Setting that aside there is something even more important that makes me not like the virtual assistant feature. Its the fact that it makes no sense at all. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that is really changing the world and that can do some amazing things however there is one glaring issue that makes attempting to use it as virtual assistant to people interested in your business pointless. That is the fact that it likely knows nothing about your business. Remember, people coming to your online business card, regardless of how they get there (or should I say if they do) are going to be there because they are interested in your business. They are not going to ask the virtual assistant to write a email, or to write a book outline, or a blog post or any of the other things that ChatGPT is good at. They are going to be asking about your business, something ChatGPT will likely know nothing about. You can see in my screenshot, created a virtual assistant and asked it about a refund period, it basically said in a very nice way that it has no idea. When I asked it similar questions such as “What do you have for sale” or “What services do you provide” or “What hours are you open” I got similar answers.
Overall NexusGPT seems to be a product that is designed to get potential buyers excited by using tech hype without providing much actual value in my opinion. One test I always try to use when I review a product is to ask myself “would I buy this”. For NexusGPT the answer is a definite, resounding, no. While I personally like the vendor, I just do not see the value.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.