Logo Studio [review]
Not manyNEG:
Just a buggy, basic, paint programToday I’m doing a review of the Logo Studio I got a little behind on my work so today I will be doing primarily a video review of the Logo Studio. Watch the video below for a full demo and review, below the video is a summery of my thoughts and findings: Summery: The Logo […]
Today I’m doing a review of the Logo Studio
I got a little behind on my work so today I will be doing primarily a video review of the Logo Studio. Watch the video below for a full demo and review, below the video is a summery of my thoughts and findings:
Summery: The Logo Studio is being released my marketers that I know and respect, and while I wanted to like this software the simple fact is that its just not a quality product. In my initial testing I pointed out several bugs to the vendors, however in their attempt to quickly fix them before they launched they introduced new bugs into the software.
Besides the fact that the Logo Studio is buggy it also suffers from a poorly done interface that is clunky to use. The system just has an over all cheap feel to it and is not what I would expect in a modern, professional quality product.
Logo Studio does come with a lot of pre-made logo templates, however in my opinion they are very basic, low quality and are not something I would use on any of my sites or software. This of course is just my opinion though. Others might actually like the templates.
This software does lack advanced editing functionality. It does not come with any kind of clip art or image library, There is no real effects that you an add to the elements. Really when you take away all of the hype what you have is just a very basic, buggy, poorly designed paint program and very little more than that.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
You are right on spot – I saw this and it is nothing but some marketers trying to make a quick buck for the Holidays.
Very sad product – to go along with a lot of the other crap being pushed during this season.
Brett, thanks so much for an honest review, which is short and simple. Although you work with people in the community; your subscribers buy based on your suggestions and we appreciate your honesty. In the long run it pays off.
Do not change, Please!!!!!
Hi Brett,
I have been less than impressed with all the logo programs that are out there. So far I have tried like 4, and many others just looking at them I passed on.
This one was one of the latter, even without your review. Thanks for confirming my thoughts on this one (and for saving others from disappointment)…
Hi Brett, I use the Logo Creator Software, very hard to beat and when coupled with add on’s its superb
Logo Creator was one of the first products I have ever reviewed. I personally bought that one myself:
Yep. I use that too. Great product. They need to release more add-on packages though. Bit sick of all the animated smiling Bob’s on sale 🙂
I use Logo Creator myself and not just for logos but ads as well, great product.
I am pretty darn good with Photoshop, but the Logo Creator is very good…. especially when you are using the built in stuff, since PS doesn’t have any of that.
The add-ons are great as well
Thanks for the heads up and getting a bit fed up with the churn out of some of this stuff. There are a few prolific marketers who promote these products without checking quality control and push it out whether good or bad. Todd Gross should do more to check what he is promoting for his own reputation ( used to love some of his earlier promos) and he is not the only one.
Thanks Brett. I got the same impression and then they want $19.95 per month for 20 more low grade logos. To me they don’t look worth 5c let alone $1 each.
I must admit though I did buy the front end however …but not for the product itself. I bought it for the three white label bonuses one of the many IM marketers promoting the product was giving away. If they are by the same developers of course that produced Logo Studio, then I run a real risk of equally buggy products which will not be supported.
In the past Radu has chose to offer me refunds rather than going to any great efforts to make the product work for me. Which was fine(and appreciated), but it doesn’t instil much confidence in future products with his name on it.
Wishing you well.
It’s amazing how all these promoter are going around promoting this program to their list. Without even trying the software out first. I quest it all about the money, that’s sad I see a lot of returns on this program.
Well I want to make money to. But I want to do it by helping people. Its a unique concept in this business .. but one that I hope will catch on 🙂
And I Thank You for it. I look to your reviews before I purchase although I know you can’t review everything but I check in case you have and basically go with your advice. Thanks!
Appreciate the review. I briefly looked at the sale page and was not that impressed by the quality of the logos/templates.
I have the Logo Creator software by Laughing Bird Software which is probably someone better, but not perfect. I am hoping that one day someone will come out with an easy to use logo creator that has great logos. Only then will I buy.
Hello Brett, (I’m profit canvas owner) thanks for the review, you are a real money saver, when i saw the video I got the feeling it sucked, I am so glad you are here looking out for us, Its a relief that someone with your expertise and industry knowledge is here giving us honest feedback…I hope someday I can repay you the favor..
Hi Brett,
I wished, it would be a good product. I wanted to like it too.
But thank you for your honest review! I made to much mistakes during the last month and bought software I never used because of the bugs.
Good to be on your list!
I find myself using The Logo Creator for most of my graphic projects, truly is one of the best graphics software for marketers.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for a very full-on review of Logo Studio. And by the way, after watching your review, I absolutely love your Desktop image!!
What I personally don’t like about this product, is that they are using the name Logo Studio, the same as another product by Summitsoft. There is also other Logo Design software with similar names.
Why could they not call it something more appropriate. Like First Logo design software or Beginners Logo Design, that would at least get potential purchasers an idea of how basic it is.
I can only imagine just how many Support Tickets they are going to get, not to mention the refunds that will be asked for. Do you know how much they are asking for it?
Keep up the great reviews 🙂 We really appreciate your hard work.
I think the price is $22.95 or something like that, I cant be sure.
Believe it or not Brett, Logo Studio ranks #1 today at JV Zoo bestsellers with the salespage voiced by sound alike Todd Gross and some testimonies to the ease of of use of interface and how “wow” looking the logos are;)
I am just crinching when the video is showing and saying how awesome looking those logos are when you can really see even without graphic background they are “ugly logos’ you can get for free (I have hundreds of them).
Will not be surprise on a high refund rate once the buyers have taken it for a test.
Unfortunately many marketers dont even test the things that they promote. As you can see, I am not one of those kinds of marketers.
Some of us test…. hence why you didn’t see me promoting this one 🙂
85 percent of the im products promoted online are bad. Most of them are just rehashed garbage or they offer some flashy component that may look cool but have very little application. And usually, if it’s a one time purchase, support won’t be there in the long run. If it helps me solve a real problem then I’ll pick it up. However, most of these programs I could write from my own limited book reading about programming. Good review.
Already passed on this one even though it hit my inbox half a dozen times this morning but thanks for confirming my thoughts
Hello Brett,
Thank you for the review; no reason to buy. By the way does this program deliver logos in vector format or is it all PNG and JPG? If it is no vector format resizing will be a problem.
Thank You Brett,
This is a very honest review and has saved me $22.93 as I was going to buy it just to see what it was about.
Again Thank You and keep up with the great reviews as I do buy through your Approved links as you know.
I had to come here and see if you did a review for Logo Creator since it’s a Radu product. You saved me some $$ and decided not to buy since software was sub-par. Thank you for your honest review 🙂
I meant to say Logo Studio, not Creator.
Thanks Brett as always u’re spot on !
Thanks again…You saved me! 🙂
Thanks Brett, I too have the Logo Creator. I have been into IM World (1990’s), since the inception too. I see why so many of the Top marketers/Product creators have moved on. Bunch of repeats of the same thing over and over, not enough substance!!! You can only beat a Dead Horse so many times! Nobody can make any money if we keep being bombarded with everybody trying to out-do someone else product, that’s just a copy and not a Significant/Serious Improvement; no matter how Affordable/Expensive!!!! Just so the creator is forced to stop maintaining the product, then we’re stuck like Chuck!!
Thanks Brett! I use The Logo Creator, and Youzign, Pixlr and sometimes Photoshop. This looked good on the surface so I was thinking about grabbing it for my toolbox. But….NOT NOW. I don’t need some piece of crap that would drive me nuts. I’ve had Logo Creator by Laughingbird Software for years. Excellent product. Youzign is great too, although it hasn’t been around as long. The people behind it are A-1. I was a Beta tester and they jump on and fix things if there’s an issue.
Anyhow, thanks again for your review!
Wow thanks again Brett!
I was curious about this software but you have shown me what it actually is: really lame and broken. Once again you have saved me money and time 🙂
You really have a huge advantage because you are actually a programmer and can therefore speak from a place of knowledge and experience.
Top man!
Cheers and have a GREAT weekend!
Thanks one more time for your objective impartial review!
Thank you Brett for the review…I know what you mean, it must be really hard for you to criticise a colleague’s product, but I’m sure they will understand, you have an audience who trust you and act on your advice, it would be wrong not to point out the negative elements of the product…
and thank you for the link in the comments regarding your review of “the-logo-creator”, I haven’t seen that before….I will probably get it, I will have to watch your review video firdt. The vendor is also offering a 10$ coupon on the sales page, I’m tempted….It’s always good to have a tool like that…
I did not do a review video on that one Kami .. thats how long ago I reviewed it. It was one of the first reviews I ever did.. I actually did not even get review access to it, I bought it myself .. I liked it, and still have it in fact.
You’re the only one Brett who didn’t either promote this piece of junk or just choose not to promote it. You are like the voice of reason in the IM tech/software desert LOL 😉
I actually LOVE these types of products… Because if you’re like me, you have 20-30 emails per day from IM marketers. It CLEARLY shows you who is genuine and who is just after your money. Everytime this happens I unsubscribe from all the promoters lists.
Sorting the wheat from the charf.
Jeez Brett you must be hated by most of the players in the IM world… How dare you speak the truth!!!
You are a champion… We need someone like you in the Government.
Merry Xmas to you mate.
Hi Brett. I appreciate your review. I am an affiliate marketer as well and I was really surprised by the quality of this product when I tested it out. Even though I hadn’t come across a product worthy of reviewing for around 4 days at the time (which is a long time for me) I couldn’t bring myself to review it. But I was also disappointed because its creator usually puts out good products, so I don’t know what happened here. Either way, I would lose all respect for anyone that tries to say anything different about Logo Studio because it’s total undeniable crap.
While I hesitate to tell anyone how to run their business just some friendly advise: If you know something is bad, and you dont review it because you know its bad, then you are not a reviewer, your a pitch man. A real reviewer does not filter out the bad things.
I get what you’re saying and I understand why my comment might have given you that impression, but that’s not what I do, so even though my purpose in leaving my initial comment was to give you props, I feel like I’ve been put in a position where I have to defend my business, so I will respond to this.
You know as well as anyone that it takes a lot of time to genuinely review a product (something that I also do for a living to support my family). I know I’m in the minority of affiliate marketers that put in the extra effort to do it the right way and I know that most guys with review sites are content to copy & paste a JV page and call it a review, but I would never imply that I’m the “only one” doing it the right way at the expense of others that make an effort to do their homework, observe the good & bad, and then write about it.
I’ll be the first to admit that I made a lot of mistakes when I started reviewing products in late 2014, but I’ve learned and adapted, and now my process consists of:testing the product itself in advance of its launch, taking notes, recording a demo and/or review, and then finally publishing my written review. When it’s all said and done, this takes a LOT of time.
This is also exactly why NOBODY has time to review every product and all of us – including yourself – have to pick and choose to some extent. For example, if you review Logo Studio, that means you won’t be reviewing the other products that came out that day (i.e. The Super Product by Alex Jeffreys and Perfect Affliate Storm) and there are undoubtedly people looking for information on those products as well.
That said, even if I hadn’t published a written review in 4 days, you’d better believe I’m still putting in 8+ hrs of work every day working on products that will launch in the coming weeks. We have to be smart and careful about how our time is being invested in this business especially if we’re relatively new and earning just enough to get by.
On that note, the truth is that reviewing a product like Logo Studio would have actually been a better strategy for my business than reviewing the next decent product, and you know this! Heck, I’d be doing myself a favor if I posted an honest review on Logo Studio because the truth is that reviewing bad products can actually be a LOT more profitable as it builds trust in the long term. You know this as well as anyone in the business.
But personally, I don’t like writing a review about a product that I can’t find anything good to say about for the same reason I don’t like to review products that I can’t find anything bad to say about! It just feels unnatural and I would rather review legitimate products that more people would strongly consider purchasing and point out the pros and cons for those as well. The general consensus on Logo Studio was ALREADY that it sucks! I didn’t need to beat that to death when that has already been established.
At the end of the day, I know that I put in a lot of research and work every time I write a review, and I know that I make sure to list out the Pros and Cons for each product I review, and I know that I don’t say “EVERYONE” should go out and buy this product in my reviews.
I’m also not going to criticize any affiliate marketer for the products they choose to review because we all have to make decisions with limited time and to me the products you choose to review is not as important as how you review them.
Brett, I admire what you do. I look up to you as a fellow affiliate marketer and I believe you are the standard for product reviewers which is why I came here to show you my appreciation and give you props. But I resent for someone to imply that I’m being a “pitch guy” when I know that’s not what I’m doing when I spend hours on each product and make an effort to approach my reviews from every angle (good and bad). So it bothers me and even hurts to be labeled as though I’m in the same group of affiliate marketers that spend 5 minutes to publish a review when I’ve been constantly going out of my way to make sure I’m not that guy.
Brett, I look at all of your reviews – even if their not about something I need or want. They’re entertaining and informative.
Thanks Brett… I still prefer the LaughingBird Logo Creator
They do some great work !
I do to! In fact I just used it to make a logo for a WordPress plugin Im writing 🙂
Hey Brett
You’re review confirmed my thoughts on this prog. Oh, by the way a polygonal line tool lets you create non straight lines at angles. A triangle for example or a square. Not to be mistaken with a freeform line tool which allows you to draw any line, like a circle or squiggly line.
Thanks .. I actually Googled it after I did the review because I couldn’t stand not knowing what that was .. lol
— Thanks Brett, great review