Arbitrage Underdog 5.0
Time tested and proven systemNEG:
You will actually have to put in some effortToday I’m taking a look at Arbitrage Underdog 5.0 Lets be honest shall we: when it comes to making money online, tactics change as much as the weather. This that worked a year ago no longer work, new things pop up, and both training and software get outdated. Sometimes things vanish because the […]
Today I’m taking a look at Arbitrage Underdog 5.0
Lets be honest shall we: when it comes to making money online, tactics change as much as the weather. This that worked a year ago no longer work, new things pop up, and both training and software get outdated. Sometimes things vanish because the vendor abandons them, sometimes the rapidly changing landscape of the online world just makes thing obsolete.
Today I’m taking a look at a tactic and a software that makes integrating that tactic much easier that have both stood the test of time. Arbitrage Underdog is a system that has been proven, updated, and used with success for years. In fact I first reviewed it back in 2014, it was actually one of the first products I have ever reviewed.
In case you don’t know what arbitrage is (I did not at first) its actually something that happens all the time in all kinds of business’s. Basically its getting a client, then outsourcing the work to a third party. When I freelanced as a software developer before I started my online business people would use me for this actually. Web firms would hire me to do the work that they where hired to do. They outsourced to me. The difference between what they pay me and what they charge their client is their profit. That is arbitrage in a nutshell and its an extremely common thing in both online and offline business.
Arbitrage Underdog is a software that lets you quickly find clients, then also find people to do the work for you instead of you having to do it. The front end version allows you to search the 50 US states on Craigslist for jobs, and the search Fiverr for people to do the fulfillment. The OTO upgrade allows you to find jobs outside of the 50 US states, searches much faster, and also integrates with several freelance sites so you can find more jobs and find more workers.
After testing this thing I have one word to explain how I feel, ‘excited’. Honestly I never realized how many gigs there where on CraigsList. Not only that but I could not believe the huge pricing differences between what company’s are willing to pay and what can be had on Fiverr.com.
For example the very first test I did was a search for ‘logo’. I stopped the search after it found 125 business’s advertising that they want a logo created. This was about 1/5th of the way through the search. The price range that business’s wanted to pay was between $50 and $200 for the logo. At the same time this software found hundreds of high ranked providers on Fiverr wanting to make logos at a cost of $5 to $10 (some want you to buy an extra gig for multiple mockups). Many of these providers even offered unlimited revisions. So now all I have to do is contact the people on CraigsList, get the job, and then outsource it to the guys on Fiverr and I have a profit of up to $190.
Just think about the power of this. I mean even if you have to contact two or three people on CraigsList to get the job who cares, the profit margin is so huge that your still making some serous cash for the minimal time your putting into this. If you spend a lousy 2 hours doing this whole process and making $190 profit that’s $85 an hour pay. No one in their right mind is going to scoff at $85 an hour for work you can do from home whenever you feel like it.
That actually leads to the other thing I realized about this software. You can do it as much or as little as you want. It can be a full time business. It can be a side job. It can be just a once in a while ‘I need some extra cash this month’ sort of thing. Because there is nothing to set up, no prep work to do, you are in total control over how you want to use it. You litterly are in business whenever you open up the software.
The price difference between what people are willing to pay for work to be done on CraigsList and what people charge on Fiverr is huge also there are hundreds of people looking for work in dozens of different subjects (which can be delivered digitally). Basically the market here is very large with a lot of income potential.
The software works very well and automates 90% of the work you would need to do. The training is top shelf and easy to follow and even includes instructions on how to ‘close the deal’ with the CraigsList buyers.
Finally given that there is no prep work or setup required, that your ‘open for business’ anytime you load up the software its totally flexible making it ideal for everyone from the stay at home mom looking to make some extra ‘mad money’ to the entrepreneur type looking to create a full time income.
Arbitrage Underdog is not a new system. It is a proven system. It has been used by a lot of people with great results. It has constantly been updated and improved. Now I will say this: If you already have this software you probably do not need to buy it again. However if you have not yet invested in it, and if your willing to put in a bit of effort, this can be a great opportunity for either a side income or even a full time income.
BONUS: I liked Arbitrage Underdog so much that I actually created an ‘advanced training’ and a ‘proposal generator’ script for it. It has been added right inside of the members area. Now I’m not going to pretend that this is a special bonus because since I allowed the vendor to put it in the members area everyone will get it. However if you decide you want to invest in Arbitrage Underdog I would appreciate you buying through the link of the person who went the extra mile to help everyone be successful as opposed to the guy who just wants to dazzle you with a bunch of PLR bonuses that will just sit on your computer and not actually help you. Thanks 🙂
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hi Brett! I bought AU way back when it first came out. It’s one of the best software purchases I’ve ever made! And I’m very happy that Tom E and his team have continued to update it.
Actually, AU is how I was introduced to you. Your training was included in the member’s area. Thank you for your excellent training for AU!
For anyone who’s curious, let me say that yes, I have made money with AU. I made about $300 in the first month of using it. It does work. I would have made a lot more if I was more consistent with it. I haven’t used it in a while, but now I’m thinking I need to get back to doing arbitrage. It’s relatively easy money.
Im glad you liked the bonus training I made for it 🙂
Nice software which I have used before…
Please tell me more about the “Proposal generator” What exactly does it do?
Hmm I wonder what a ‘proposal generator’ would do?
Hey Brett, I ain’t bought it yet because I’m broke and homeless… I log on at the library… However, I am going to make this happen… Let me tell you, all of you searches out their, this is as simple as it gets,.. Work it all day, every day… it can’t help but work… I will find a way, to buy this and work it.. Believe it or Don’t… I Believe,,, True story Steven Lusby
Steven, please take my advise. If your in that situation save your money and see if you can find a job.
Guess you only accept positive suck up comments eh Brett?
No I deleted your comment after I approved it because in my response I told you exactly how idiotic and thoughtless it was to insinuate that a few thousand people (many who unfortunately wont even take action) are going to ‘saturate’ the entire country of free lance jobs (or the entire world). Also how I thought it was asinine that you where complaining that this was an ‘old’ product, as if its somehow a bad thing to continue to update and support a system. But then I deleted both your comment and mine because I felt I might have been a bit harsh. In short I was trying to be nice to you. However you seem to be in general the kind of person that is negative and who probably gets off on bitching and complaining about things without even attempting to put in the tiniest bit of thought first so I decided to answer you this time and leave it up.
So to sum up. Your origional comment was so thoughtless it was borderline idiotic (in multiple ways). I responded pointing that out. Felt bad, deleted both comments, however now that you decided to post another bitching comment I decided to just tell you how silly (I could use a different word but I’m being nice to you) you actually are. Have a nice day 🙂
what else besides logos and book covers would this be good for?
Logos, EBook Covers, Basic site installation (WordPress), Copywriting, Proof reading / editing, general graphics work (ads, banners etc) .. pretty much any job that can be delivered digitally.
Brett…Your proposal software and training is such a nice compliment to Arbitrage Underdog! I purchased this in 2013 and decided to revisit the training. Even though I only have access to the 2013 training and that membership site (along with your proposal generator and training), it’s nice to know that Tom allowed past customers to upgrade to the 5.0 version free of charge. I wasn’t expecting that but it was nice to get the upgrade. 🙂
Yea Tom is one of the good guys 🙂 Glad you liked the extras I added to it.
Hey Brett,
I was trying to get more info on the Arbitrage Software on found this article on the warrior forum:
{ What EXACTLY is the difference between arbitrage underdog and arbitrage underdog reloaded and the new arbitrage underdog “evergreen”? }
This question was not answered in the forum and I also found out that the cost also varies Evergreen cost about 42.99 $ and Arbitrage Underdog 5.0 cost 25.03$
Please help me make a decision
Ashraf Ali
They are essentially the same thing, just with slight updates. Keep in mind this is a proven system that has been sold and updated for almost 4 years now!
please i need the link to the upgrade of the basic.I need to buy from your link.Somebody helped me to get the basic one elsewhere.Please it is very urgent.
You should be buying from the original person, not me.
Hello Brett,
The idea of this software is very interesting. Before making a purchase decision, I need to know from your experience how a customer – the person who posted the Craigslist ad – will accept my offer if I am not the Supplier on Fiverr.
Usually Customers and Suppliers are requested to deal within Fiverr to have more protection in case the deliverable is not provided on-time, without the expected quality, and in general to deal with any kind of potential problems on both ends.
I cannot see how the customer will feel confidence in dealing with me if I am not the artist and outside of Fiverr.
Thank you in advance for your help in clarifying this.
If you hire someone on Fiverr they are working for you. Its no different than if you owned a design firm and had employees. Your client would not deal with your employee would they? Probably not, they would deal with you.
Ya know, your reviews most always range between 4 and 5 stars. Would be nice to see some 1’s – because most IM info products are really rehashed road apples, and a lot of over-hyped softwares that are web based stop working after the guarantee period is over. YOU LACK BALLS my friend. I’m thinking of starting a review site featuring real customer reviews, yeah, I know, they may be biased on the negative end due to lack of experience, but may be more objective in a real sense.
There are dozens of reviews on this site that have 1’s , 2’s , 3’s .. if you put in some tiny bit of effort to actually search around. The truth is I dont lack balls, you just lack the intelligence to actually think before you speak. Here are just a few of my reviews with low ratings:
.. there are dozens and dozens more for you to read if only you where actually motivated to know what your talking about before you speak.
Side note: most stuff is not ‘rehashed’ the truth is that you see a lot of the same training etc over and over because THATS WHAT WORKS .. but of course a cynical asshat who speaks without any actual intelligent thought first cant realize that 🙂
Good luck with your site by the way, and here is some advise from a well respected person in this space: Try harder to know what your talking about before speaking, or else you will only make your self look foolish 🙂
I thought the way it worked was that legitimate marketers reviewed products they approved of and felt comfortable recommending.
Why should any of us waste time on 1 or 2-star products?
Umm perhaps you did not notice that the 1-2 start products I review have a big stamp at the end of the review that says “REJECTED” ?
I dont know what exactly need to do when some advertiser on craiglist accept my offer.How can I handle transaction. Is there any step by step video or tutorial about this?I mean where to send a money, what provide to sellesr on fivver,hwo to protect myself a s a middle man – watermarked products etc..
And my second question is.Do I need an address in the USA in order to post offers on craiglist. I live in Europe is it problematic due to my dufferent time zone?
Thank you
The tutorials, and my advanced tutorials, which are in the members area talks about this.
Dear Mr. Rutecky:
I hope to minimize any cynical asshattery. (I laughed when I read that comment response.)
If I am not mistaken, an earlier version of this product won WSO of the Year.
Maybe it deserves WSO of the Epoch since anything that doesn’t go extinct in the IM space after 4 years is pretty impressive.
Something I always wondered about is Portfolio….i.e.: I imagine many customers would like to see some example work before pulling the trigger.
Is this issue addressed, or is it simply not an issue and my imagination is getting the better of me?
Thank for your attention to this inquiry.
I cover that in my advanced training. I originally gave an advanced training as a bonus to this a few years ago, but then agreed to let it be in the members area so everyone can have it.
Great!! Thanks very much.
Bought AU and am happy