WP Content Machine [review]
Pulls content from multiple sources and monetizes it.NEG:
Some content sources make little senseToday I’m doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called WP Content Machine I guess its pretty easy to figure out what WP Content Machine does. Its a WordPress plugin that is designed to automatically generate content on your site for you. While this has a lot of appeal to people I do want […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called WP Content Machine
I guess its pretty easy to figure out what WP Content Machine does. Its a WordPress plugin that is designed to automatically generate content on your site for you. While this has a lot of appeal to people I do want to be totally upfront right from the beginning and say that the best content you will ever get or can ever have for your site is custom, one off, content that you personally create. If your going to have one main blog or site that is the focus of your business than you do not want to be using auto-generated content. For example, I have one main blog that is the focus of my business and I don’t use it. However if you intent to have multiple blogs, a network, likely in niche sites, with the intent of making a small amount of money from each one that then adds up to a larger income then automated content might not only be a convenience, it might be a necessity (your going to have a very hard time hand writing custom content to 10,20 or even 50 websites after all)
Ok that being said, and with me now feeling I have given an obligatory ‘honesty’ disclaimer lets jump into WP Content Machine.
Now WP Content Machine is not by any means a unique concept. There are probably a hundred trillion plugins and tools designed to get free content to your website. Ok there might not be that many but there are for sure a lot. I personally have likely tested nearly a dozen of them and I even wrote one myself. However one thing that sets WP Content Machine apart from the other plugins I have seen is evident right away and can be seen in the screenshot below. Its the number of different places that you can pull content from.
I have seen plugins that build Amazon stores, Ebay stores, WalMart stores (all of these have affiliate programs). I have seen plugins that pull content from Ezine, from YouTube and from Facebook. But I have never seen a plugin that has all of these source options in one place.
Now some of these source options make sense. YouTube makes sense because people like videos. Ezine makes sense because Google likes text content. Amazon, Walmart and other shopping sites make sense for monetization. However I’m not sure sure your going to get any awesome content or any content that will rank from sites like Flicker, Twitter, or Instagram. Sure you will get some images, and perhaps a line or two of text, but nothing like you will get from the other options. For this reason I’m going to say that the most useful choices are going to be YouTube, Ezine, and all of the stores with affiliate networks. A good tactic would be to build a number of sites, each centered around a specific niche that have a mix of these content types.
In order to create new post you simply begin a new campaign.
You can then select where you want to pull content from for that campaign. You enter your keywords, the number of posts, and optionally you can select from a number of additional options such as if you want to download any graphics or hot link to them. If you want to spin the post content. If you want to have the post display in a custom format and many more. There are simply to many different options to list here and quite frankly most of them are not really going to matter to the average user so they can just be left on default. The one that will be important to most users though is if you want to spin the content or not.
Another thing that you are going to want to pay attention to is the ‘auto post interval’ option on the upper right hand site.
WP Content machine can find hundreds or even thousands of pieces of content to automatically post to your blog. However it does not need to do it all at once. By setting your ‘auto post interval’ you can have the content be drip fed automatically to your blog so it looks like posts are being made more naturally and organic. In order for this functionality to work you will need to set up a CRON job on your site. The plugin makes it as easy as possible by giving you the command to enter in your CRON job. However to set it up some knowledge of cPanel (or Plesk or whatever your hosting uses) will be required.
You can create as many campaigns as you like and have each campaign drip feeding automatic content to your site at different times. While it is possible to have content of different subjects post to a single site I think the best use of this plugin will be for niche sites. What I would suggest people do is select one niche for your site, set up a couple of different campaigns each pulling content from different sources and then have that content drip feed to your site two or three times a week. This way your site is consistently being updated with different content types and it will look the most ‘natural’.
Another thing I would suggest is that you have multiple sites in different niches. Niche sites are all about the ‘low hanging fruit’. They for sure do work. In fact while I was testing a demo site for potential affiliates I came across an auto-post on it that pulled content from Amazon for shoes and got side tracked because I ended up clicking the affiliate link and browsed around Amazon looking at some that where available (I was actually shoe shopping the other day and could not find a pair I liked at my local store). While I ended up going back to testing without making a purchase this example does show how niche sites can work. However they are not ‘main stream’ sites. So you wont get rich from a single one. The key to niche sites is to have a lot of them that each brings in a little money each month.
So what do I think of WP Content Machine over all? Well as I said: auto posted content is nothing new. However I really like that this plugin pulls content from so many sources, optionally spins it, and then drip feeds it to your site. I also really like the fact that it comes with an unlimited site license on the front end, something that is key for niche sites. If your looking to put in the time and effort to build a authority site (like this blog) then WP Content Machine is not going to be very useful. However if your looking to build a network of niche sites that each generate a small amount of passive income (which can add up to a decent amount) then WP Content Machine is going to be just what you need, and because it is so comprehensive it is likely to be the last tool of its kind you will ever need to buy.
No Longer For Sale
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett, you have certainly carved a spot for yourself in the pantheon of honorable IM mentors. Guess you’ve heard by now that you’ve got a gaffe in your analysis – “So what do I think of WP Commission Machine over all?…” Still time to edit that out.
Otherwise, good to be able to count on someone giving the straight goods in a chaotic marketplace where most reviewers are ethically compromised and have no problems with that.
PS – Sure wish someone could edit the utterances of IM gurus. Your writing shows care and some flair, though I still spotted, below this box: Prove your human. Oh well, no one’s perfect, eh?
Ha! Thats what happens when you test all night and write your review at 1am .. your brain turns to mush! .. Thanks for pointing that out.. I fixed it 🙂
Hi Brett!
Thank you for the great review as always!
But i guess u gotten the name of the product in your review paragraphs wrong towards the end. You meant to type WP CONTENT MACHINE am i right? But you keyed in WP COMMISSION MACHINE.. Just fyi. In case some readers got confused.
Cheers! :-))
Woops! To many products for me to keep track of .. thanks for catching that!
Thanks for the review Brett.
I’m still not 100% sure what content I could expect using this. Lets say I want to make a site
about drones. I could see it maybe pulling in links to buy them from ebay, amazon, etc….. and maybe videos from youtube, but what about posts or pages from other sources? Does it auto populate from google or wordpress? Just wondering / hoping it would auto populate from good sources. As always – thanks again for the review.
The sources it pulls content from are listed in the review. There is even a screenshot from the plugin that shows them.
Nice review, Brett.
Could you please comment on the readability of the content that is pulled? I don’t expect honors English output, but are the articles good enough (with spinning) to be used on just about any niche site?
I am more concerned about gibberish and sentences that are out of context.
Sure can, and your right its not exactly going to win a Pulitzer but it is decent enough content that can be read.
I just found out the hard way, only
Ezine Articles
are included. The others are $37 up sell. : (
I was not aware of that. Thanks for pointing it out. Still under $60 to not have to write content to an unlimited number of sites ever again is a pretty good investment 🙂
For the bonus of Traffic Buddy, can i give it away as a lead magnet?
I just asked Ankur on Skype this is his exact reply:
“yeah as long as they rebrand it they can do whatever they want.”
Thank you Brett…As usual: Awesome review.
Reasonably priced, and the unlimited sites with the FE is great too.
Cron job settings on my site & knowledge of cpanel.!
As a newbie with no knowledge of the above how difficult will it be to be alble to use the drip-feeding mechanism.
Wanda- your client.
Honestly these are fairly basic skills. If your going to run a serous online business you should invest the time to have at least a working knowledge of these things.
Hi Wanda….Cron jobs are REALLY easy to do…they just sound hard! (LOL!) There are TONS of Google videos on the topic….. it’s like a two minute or less task.
I am not buying this product,so I don’t know for sure, but Ankur may even have a step by step “how to” tutorial for it in his product. He did in an earlier product that I did buy…..
Have fun!
Your reviews will be more enjoyable to read if you stop using the word ‘your’ inappropriately and use the correct English construct: you’re (short for: You Are).
For example, your sentence: If your going to have one main blog…… SHOULD actually read: If you’re going to have one main blog…..
Use *you’re* instead of *your* wherever you mean: *You Are*.
If you don’t like the way I write than please feel free not to read my reviews. If you have nothing better to do than be a grammar Nazi then please get a life. I’m not here to be grammatically correct and frankly I don’t care to be. I’m here to help people make money online. If your here for any reason other than to learn how to do that then you are in the wrong place. If you find the information I give any less valid or useful because of my incorrect English construct: then your far to superficial and frankly that’s your problem not mine.
I can’t stop smiling here what a response to an abslute time waster….I am going to print this and have it framed and put it up on my office wall and look at it every day. Talk about a guy missing the point …just concintrate on making money will you.
Brett love what you do keep doing it because from searching the net continstly you appear to be the only one doing the hard honest reviews.
P.S. Excuse my spelling mistakes (I jusy like to annoy some people)
LOL… these people are just annoying… they’re all over the internet.
Your products get the job done and so do your comments and reviews. None of us are ever batting a thousands. The jerk obviously understood what you meant or he wouldn’t have went right to it. By the way Brett, I have bought a number of your products going way back and still use them. Guess what? I don’t remember if you were grammatically correct on all of those but it got the job done… because I bought them!!! 😉
Hi Brett…. thanks for the review.
As you said, autoblogging is nothing new, but it constantly resurfaces and I for one am partial to autoblogging ….just because of what you can do with it.
One key feature almost all autobloggers do not have is posting at a random interval. If you set it to post at every 60 seconds, or every 10 hours it does just that. Consequently leaving a big footprint.
If you buy this and plan to load your tier 1 blog with a bunch of autoposts at a fixed interval google will pick it up and chances are you will get smacked.
You can use it for tier 2 and tier 3 blogs. These are sites that you really don’t care if they get deidexed or whacked otherwise by google.
You might also be able to get a way with using it to post on your tier 1 blog by doing 1 or 2 posts a week ….just something to keep some activity on a blog you might not have time to work on. I might try something like this on a couple of blogs I have.
I’m sure I will pick up a copy…. can’t help grabbing tools like this just to see if I can make it work.
As Brett says, probably won’t make you a bunch of money…. not like the old days of autoblogging but if used smartly you could get some good link juice to your tier 1 sites and you might also be able to keep an old musty blog a little fresher by loading up a years worth of posts and drip one or two posts out a week.
Hope you don’t mind my commenting Brett….if you think its out of line, hit the ole “delete” key 🙂
Take care
Why would I mind you commenting 🙂
It sounds like a good product, but I already have WP Automatic plugin from Code Canyon and I’m not sure that this adds any new meaningful source of content beyond what I have with WP Automatic. Any thoughts?
Im sorry but I have never heard of WP Automatic. However if you have a tool that you are happy with then you probably dont need another one.
Hi David ,
WP Automatic will require a new licence for each install .This is normal for Code Canyon plugins.
If you only have one blog this won’t matter but if you have many it will add up.
Very good point well worth taking into consideration.
Good review, Brett!
I clicked the button to go to the Vendor’s page, and instantly was greeted by Todd Gross’s voice. I shut down, and exited the page. So sick of hearing his drone.
Thats like saying I did not buy the {enter any physical product here} because I did not like the font they used on the box label.
I normally love these kind of products but the only drawback for me is that it’s a plugin and that you have to set up a cron job. WordPress sites can easily get cluttered up with different plugins and sometimes can cause conflicts with other plugins and your website (at least my experience). I have a couple posters that are web based posters to blogs ( article builder & trending traffic) and both of these can spin and monetize as well without the clutter of another plugin. In addition, I like the option of being able to post to blogger blogs as well as wordpress blogs since they are owned by google and it can help with rankings. I almost purchased this but these were the things holding me back.
Your right, you should always use the miminum number of plugins. Only the ones you really need. This blog has a total of 7 plugins on it only, and I wrote 5 of them 🙂
Hi Brett,
Just purchased WP content machine through your link. I can’t access your bonus Traffic buddy. It’s not in my JVZoo library. Please let me know how to proceed.
Kind regards,
If you bought though my link it should be in JVZoo ..you might not have bought from my link.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for another awesome review. My question is a little bit general, I might say…
Is it ‘allowed’ to take content from other sites and use it in your niche websites? Are you gonna
have a problem by doing this? I always wanted to ask this (and with your Jack Jacker plugin)
and I think you are the perfect guy to give me an honest answer…Thank you very much in
I dont give legal advise 🙂 But Ezine is open source, Amazon / YouTube etc provide this data via their API (I hardly think they would provide it if they did not want people to use it)
Okay, picked up a copy of WP Content Machine when I read your email that you were giving away lifetime agency access to your SqueezeMatic product. I’ve purchased some of your products in the past but this is the first one I’ve gotten with your agency access included. I’ll have to check out the Traffic Buddy bonus later though. The discount code for $7 is even better than the $5 discount code advertised on the vendor’s sales page, which brought the price down to only $20 for the unlimited sites version, which is a no brainer eh?
I have some cloud based software that automatically populates my social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) with fresh content and prefer to manually write my own content for my main website and/or blog however, I’ve been doing some niche site building and I think this will be ideal for that task. Thanks Brett for over delivering in value yet again 🙂
Brett once again thanks for the great review an your bonus’s! I purchased the product from your link as I value your opinion and honesty that you always give. Been a long time customer of yours and will be for a long time to come! Ray
I like the software, and I am using it.
Maybe a pitty that it also publishes articles from 2011 for example.
I would prefer that it automatically posts articles from this year for example.
If it is not possible to post many articles per day (and why would you want to do that? once a day might be more than enough) than that is okay.
But nobody wants to read an article about something from 5 years ago.
Depending on the niche people for sure might want to read an article from 5 years ago.
Last winter I read a book from 165 years ago 🙂
After reading this review, (which is more like a tutorial) plus reading all the comments before leaving this response, I now have an understanding of what this product really is. I have decided to take the “LASTCHANCE” coupon offer before it expires.
This time, I know I bought more than just a great ‘bonus’… hehe 🙂
Thanks again Brett.
There appears to be an issue with the “reduce number of words” function……I believe an “updated” version of plugin is imminent!
Hi Brett
I am kinda baffled. Is this not an auto-blogging plugin that you guys are promoting? I thought that auto-blogging was rubbished years ago after google panned all of them? So what’s different this time? Almost every “Guru” and every forum even stopped discussions on them. Such great plugins as WP Robot and others literally died, while curation became the new autoblogging. So for the life of me, what has changed that all you top guys are pushing this plugin? No disrespect, but this really beats me Brett.
Autoblogging did not die, FYI ‘curation” is essentially (at its core) the exact same thing, just a new buzz word 🙂
Purchased this plugin and had nothing but [problems with it. The support system is one of the worse out there too. They kept trying to tell me they were “working on a new plugin to address the simple fact that it did not pull articles as they stated. In fact, it didn’t pull any. After five tries at getting it fixed and my asking for a refund, they simply ignored me. So, now they can deal with pay-pal and the dispute system. Avoid this scam and save yourself the trouble of a useless plugin.
The one thing I cant review is support, because they will always answer me quickly, since they know I’m going to write a review about my experience. When I tested this I had no issues though. But I was testing on a ‘fresh’ WordPress site, if you have other plugins etc you could be experiencing a conflict with one of them. I will shoot Ankur a message and let him know that you asked for a refund and did not get a answer yet though.
hey Dave, we have already released an update and emailed customers about it. You can download the updated plugin from the members area and if that still has issues on your site, I will go ahead and process your refund.
Dave, it could be your web host. I’ve had the ezinearticles pulling problem as well on the main site I wanted to use this plugin. For me, support has been very responsive (the agent’s name is Victory) but we were going round and round. Finally, I installed it on other websites on two different hosting accounts and the ezinearticles module worked fine in both cases. So, it appears to be a hosting problem.
One imperfect workaround you might try is to use a feed from ezinearticles in the feed module: http://ezinearticles.com/rss/.
Ankur, I never received an email with a new version of the plugin. Was that new version only for Pro customers?
Also, thank you Brett for all you do.
Hi Brett..Love your stuff..This seems to be NO Longer available..do you have something that you know works better or when this will open back up? I wanted your bonus’s packs as well…your Stuff ROCKS! Thanks
Hmm yea seems they are not allowing affiliates to promote this anymore. That kind of sucks 🙁
I put it on a couple of my sites. It pulls in content fine but the conflict happens when you go to view the site so I’m turning it on to pull in content and off once the content is up. The ads don’t display when the plugin is turned off so I replaced them inside the content.
The page is gone and looks like support has gone as well. I’d hesitate to buy anything from the seller again.